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Registered as well...I would also like a cd version but if I win one of these deluxe version I promise I'll buy a record player.

I bought a record player that converts vinyl to CD. Get one of those.

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I registered just for the deluxe version and looking really forward to this. I still have my bootleg version I got back in the 80's. I do have a turntable, but would also like to have a version I can put on my pc. Will have to figure out how to rip vinyl to mp3 or get one of those players that DAS above mentioned. Does anyone know if the same unit (turntable) converts vinyl to cd or do you have to have other accessories? Not familiar with these.

Also, any idea how many of the Standard editions are being made available?

Edited by SuperDave
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I registered as well and looking forward to this. I still have my bootleg version I got back in the 80's. I do have a turntable, but would also like to have a version I can put on my pc. Will have to figure out how to rip vinyl to mp3 or get one of those players that DAS above mentioned. Does anyone know if the same unit (turntable) converts vinyl to cd or do you have to have other accessories? Not familiar with these.

I used a Philips CDR 570 to record vinyl/ tapes directly onto a cd.

The unit broke some years ago, but did do quite well.

Only negative things are that you record the cd in realtime and that it only swallows Philips cd's.

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Mine is a Sony PS-LX300USB. It comes with a free Sound Forge Audio Studio 9 system for your computer and a wire to hook it up into your computer. It's actually kinda easy to do even for a technological failure like myself. I bought it at Best Buy. They were charging $130 and I told the guy working there I didn't wanted to pay that much. He said he wanted to "price match" it, whatever that means. He left and came back a few minutes later and said he'd sell it for $100 dollars. I saw one just like it like a week or two later at a hippie store for $40 but it was used and didn't have the converting program or hook up wire. I hook it up to my regular stereo for speakers. It has the colored wires on the back like the Nintedos used to have (still have?) to plug into your TV except they plug into radios just the same.

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If you have a record player, and a pre amp, or just a stereo receiver, plug the amp's outputs into one of these,


and then into your comp's sound card input, or mic in (the red/pink one ;) ). Record with Audacity and enjoy. :stereo:

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The artwork for this album looks - predictably - awesome ! It's obviously based on this image by the 19th century French engraver and illustrator Gustave Dore - one of his many illustrations for Milton's Paradise Lost . He also illustrated poetry by Coleridge, Byron and Dante, among others. Not to mention the Bible ..

Aside from the compelling reasons to buy vinyl discussed above, the scope for wonderful artwork offers another dimension for artistic expression. As we've seen from JP many times before.


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I'm excited about this. I've been waiting forever (or like 4 or 5 months). Registered for both the deluxe and signed versions.

...Registered and waiting very much from Legendary Musician....

While waiting, here is The Late Pt. Chaturlal - accompanied R. Shankar on Stage...early 60's (highly likely, The Late Maestro was on Stage when Jimmy Page went to R. Shankar concert in his very early days...)

Or U. Allah Rakha with P.R. Shankar......

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I don't care how much better it sounds, vinyl is a pain in the ass. Who the fuck wants to buy a record player or have to go to a friend's house to listen to a record? Not me Mr. Page.

Lol, you shouldn't try to shove a 12'' record up the ass in the first place, Wolfman.

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In all honesty LR is a bunch of halloween banter therimin style propelled by smack. Why release this unless his aim is to remind people he's all mysterious all knowing illuminati like? I am interested to see if he's added some guitar work to it to make it more appealing, otherwise its a bunch of negative gibberish and for the price he's charging a complete waste of money. Jimmy, you have officially lost me with this one!

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I wouldn't buy the signed or special edition purely because at this moment I haven't got the money for this editions.

The fact that it is released on vinyl shows class...........you won't get some shady download just 15 minutes after someone buys it.

I do indeed hope this record sounds better than the Dietler version (and knowing Jimmy's perfectionism, I bet it will). As far as the price: the 20 pounds for the normal edition isn't idiotically priced, most bootlegs of the material were more expensive. Always loved this music, especially after smoking some dope and drinking some absinthe......................scary music rules!

Edited by reswati
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In all honesty LR is a bunch of halloween banter therimin style propelled by smack. Why release this unless his aim is to remind people he's all mysterious all knowing illuminati like? I am interested to see if he's added some guitar work to it to make it more appealing, otherwise its a bunch of negative gibberish and for the price he's charging a complete waste of money. Jimmy, you have officially lost me with this one!

I don't think £20-£30 is too much for a new record....

Edited by april_lynn
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Agreed. I've never gone to someone's house to listen to a CD!

To me, it's not an audiophile thing. It's the whole package; the liner notes, the artwork, having to actually get up to flip over the album. With friends hanging out listening to music, it also adds to the experience. Yes, listening to music can also be a very individual, solitary activity but it's also a unique experience to be shared with friends. And yes, you can also do that with mp3's or CD's but listening to vinyl has a completely different allure that those other formats don't seem to have. At least that's been my experience.

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