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Has the momentum slowed for you?/

slave to zep

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when i first joined, i could log on 5 times a day, and still find new topics and posts about the band.

now it seems i only find interesting topics in the ramble on section.

i think the momentum has slowed for me the last few years. after the 02 gig, i was really optimistic about the future, and possible re-forming of the remaining 3. i was so sure that jimmy, jonesy and jason were going to do something either with plant or without, but that ended up a fizzer. a huge lost opportunity imho.

any one else feeling like this lately?

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when i first joined, i could log on 5 times a day, and still find new topics and posts about the band.

now it seems i only find interesting topics in the ramble on section.

i think the momentum has slowed for me the last few years. after the 02 gig, i was really optimistic about the future, and possible re-forming of the remaining 3. i was so sure that jimmy, jonesy and jason were going to do something either with plant or without, but that ended up a fizzer. a huge lost opportunity imho.

any one else feeling like this lately?

Yep ! Not just because nothing materialized in terms of music but also because my own interest in the band has faded. That's not the forums fault , it's just that there is very little in the way of anything new to talk about. Still enjoy chatting with my friends here though. Yeah, guess it's Ramble On for me too Slave :)

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it's weird really. A few years ago the Underground Uprising site was full of new releases of shows and would be updated on a weekely basis. I traded hundreds of shows on a well know trading site. Almost every day there would be a new show released or an upgrade and i couldn't keep up to date and was buying shed loads of blank CD's and DVD's. Now it's almost redundant. The UU website is now updated every few months and there are no new shows to be had. I'm not a serial scriber to this site but it is a fun way of finding out what bands people were into in say, the 70's and what was their first gig etc. So your right the "Ramble On" section gets my vote every time. But still it's a great forum and long it may continue. Having said that the incredibly devoted Dave Lewis of Tight But Loose may disagree with you ?? :D

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It's really a shame Jimmy doesn't tour. Also, I think fans are, to be honest, are tired of Jimmy's bullshit. i.e. "I'm working on a project that's going to be out soon"

Jimmy has really done nothing but talk the last 20+ years, for such a brilliant guitarist it's sad. On the flipside, if he's happy with doing nothing, then more power to him.

Jimmy, you rock and I/we wish you would tour. C'mon man. Just do it.

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OK, admittedly I don't frequent the parts of the forum that focus on the band members' current activities.

But wasn't it Robert that was reluctant to do anything?

Between being caught up with the Allison Krause stuff, and the remarks about not wanting to do ALS because it was "too heavy", I got the impression he wasn't too hot on doing any further LZ stuff.

But yes, the O2 gig is what re-ignited my interest and what led me to join here.

I've always been an LZ fan, and always listened to the music, but it was the O2 that got me hyper-interested in all things Zeppelin again.

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The O2 show probably re-energized everyone who ever loved Zeppelin, there's no doubting that. It's tough to constantly talk about a band who technically hasn't existed for over thirty years though so I guess what you have left are memories..........and bootlegs.

I just show up here to post to whatever threads I find interesting, mostly of which I find in the Ramble and Other Bands sections.

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I wasn't really expecting anything more beyond the 02 so I can't say that the momentum has slowed for me at all. I used to listen to Zeppelin quite a bit growing up in the 70s and on into the 80s and 90s but somewhere along the line other bands and artists started to get more of my attention listening-wise. Then, sometime in the early 00s I started revisiting their music again. Strangely enough that's roughly when the archival releases (Led Zeppelin DVD and How the West Was Won) came out, which prompted me to visit this board. Considering most of the message boards and email lists I used to follow have come to a crawl (or an absolute halt) in the wake of Facebook and Twitter, it's a wonder there's still any life here at all.

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when i first joined, i could log on 5 times a day, and still find new topics and posts about the band.

now it seems i only find interesting topics in the ramble on section.

i think the momentum has slowed for me the last few years. after the 02 gig, i was really optimistic about the future, and possible re-forming of the remaining 3. i was so sure that jimmy, jonesy and jason were going to do something either with plant or without, but that ended up a fizzer. a huge lost opportunity imho.

any one else feeling like this lately?

Instead of simply logging on, why don't you share articles, or photos of the band with us in the same way that people like 'RogerBerlin' or 'SteveAJones' do?

I search out stuff to contribute here, but when a band folded over thirty years ago, most of the items I find have to be filed under 'LZ Trivia'.

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kenog, i have over the years started topics and posted links etc, but most of the time i leave that for the more educated ze fan, such as strider, steve a etc. i came on here to learn more than teach. i knew pretty much nothing before thoroughly reading these pages!

i started this topic just to see if i were alone in the way i was feeling. i know some people find things about zep to talk about still, but unless i hear that jp, jpj, rp or even jb are doing something like a new release, new band or movie/tv etc, it doesn't really interest me. i don't even read the "on this day' about jimmys diary very often, after all the mistakes that have been pointed out. i just mainly chat to others in ramble on now.

i am still a huge fan of zep and still lay the music all the time and they will always and forever be my faves.

Edited by slave to zep
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I was here long before the O2 and (God willing) I will be here long after so that hasn't changed the momentum here for me. I do enjoy Jimmy's OTD. Very much so. What has changed my participation here is this:

I wasn't really expecting anything more beyond the 02 so I can't say that the momentum has slowed for me at all. I used to listen to Zeppelin quite a bit growing up in the 70s and on into the 80s and 90s but somewhere along the line other bands and artists started to get more of my attention listening-wise. Then, sometime in the early 00s I started revisiting their music again. Strangely enough that's roughly when the archival releases (Led Zeppelin DVD and How the West Was Won) came out, which prompted me to visit this board. Considering most of the message boards and email lists I used to follow have come to a crawl (or an absolute halt) in the wake of Facebook and Twitter, it's a wonder there's still any life here at all.

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I wish I'd found this place before the O2, but I'm glad I at least found it then. I agree, things have slowed in the LZ topics. But as Jahfin said, it's amazing that there's still as much activity as there is here. Two other boards I'm on have dwindled down to around 15 active members, but we've become quite close, so it's like hanging with old friends. And while I'm not really active here, I appreciate the ramble on board and the the talk of other bands and music. I've been exposed to a lot of great stuff I never would have found on my own.

Which is a long way of saying, I'm glad I found this place and enjoy my time here!!

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Sometimes you want to talk about Zeppelin, and hear from like minds.

I will bet there is a Beethoven forum where they all head over to the Ramble On section when things get slow....Ear trumpets being replaced hearing aids, that

sort of stuff..

On LZ.com I do enjoy catching up on the news,gossip,shows, and what Jimmy was up on the 23rd of may 1974 at 5.23pm,

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oh yes, i still enjoy it here. i have a look most days. a lot of the friends that i have made here are only active on facebook now.

i still prefer it here to facebook, we can actually get into some long and thought provoking subjects here. on facebook, i guess people hold back a little, as it isn't anonymous.

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I wasn't really expecting anything more beyond the 02 so I can't say that the momentum has slowed for me at all. I used to listen to Zeppelin quite a bit growing up in the 70s and on into the 80s and 90s but somewhere along the line other bands and artists started to get more of my attention listening-wise. Then, sometime in the early 00s I started revisiting their music again. Strangely enough that's roughly when the archival releases (Led Zeppelin DVD and How the West Was Won) came out, which prompted me to visit this board. Considering most of the message boards and email lists I used to follow have come to a crawl (or an absolute halt) in the wake of Facebook and Twitter, it's a wonder there's still any life here at all.

Nail on head.

One other thing that has happened for me is that lifestuff has changed and I don't necessarily have the time to visit forums for more than just a few minutes here and there.

(One of these days I'll get around to joining Facebook, but until then...)

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Nail on head.

One other thing that has happened for me is that lifestuff has changed and I don't necessarily have the time to visit forums for more than just a few minutes here and there.

(One of these days I'll get around to joining Facebook, but until then...)

yeah, i can understand that!

i usually have a quick look early in the morning while having my cup of tea before work.

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