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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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So, what happened to the other thread? And I see someone has been banned last night too....any correlation?

I have no idea what lead the State's Attorney to set the charge at 2nd degree murder, but there has to be some evidence to support it - you would think - or her reputation would be on the line. Then again, things are never as clear as they seem.....

Welcome "new member" ^ you were a busy boy last night, on your first night here! ;)

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My point was that they overcharged in that Casey Anthony case. By charging with murder (1 or 2) you leave out the possibility that it was not intentional. I think most of the jurors wanted to believe that Casey neglected her child and then something happened, and then she tried to cover it up. It's a big leap to say that Zimmerman premeditated this killing. I think he was doing something he shouldn't have and it went wrong. That is manslaughter.

The murder 2 charge does not I believe mean that Zimmerman cannot also be charged with manslughter since both offences would cover the same ground with intent being the only difference. The Casey Antony case was very different given that the case for murder and neglect would obviously be vastly different meaning both could not be brought at once.

For a murder charge to stick it does not need to be prooven that Zimmerman intented to kill, merely that he intended to cause serious harm or went into the situation in a reckless manner likely to lead to it.

Just going from the phone evidense we already have I'd say theres a case to answer, we seem to hear that Zimmerman is personally aggrieved at suspect robbers "getting away with it" and ignores police advice not to follow Martin.

Edited by greenman
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So, what happened to the other thread? And I see someone has been banned last night too....any correlation?

In a sense thank goodness it's gone. I felt dirty going into that seedy den of inequity & I'm glad the ramblings of that Colonol Kurtz like character have been put to an end.

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What happened there? I missed it. Did the Mad Hatter finally push the self-destruct button?

It appears so....but there is another torch bearer to take his place.

Never seen that before, have we? ;)

Greenman, I believe you are correct in your assessment of the situation and charges.

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I certainly hope you are not comparing that person to me just because I have a different opinion than you on this Trayvon Martin case? Because that would make you look silly.

How would you know what my opinion of the case is, seeing that you have been here less than 48 hours and the thread that was used as a basis for discussion has been removed?

Unless, of course, you are not new here....if that's the case then step up and say so.

I could care less if your opinion differs from mine, it's called "free speech" as long as it's not offensive to the mods and the members here.



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In a sense thank goodness it's gone. I felt dirty going into that seedy den of inequity & I'm glad the ramblings of that Colonol Kurtz like character have been put to an end.

I happen to see the post/quote that got Harruti (or however you say his name) banned. I thought it was low and tasteless. Much like BlabberRons comments on that thread, but with far more obvious racial slurs. I can't say he didn't deserve it. It was just a matter of time before it happened to someone there. Well, the true colors came out in the end- I actually felt a little embarrassed because I partially agreed with him on some statements, but the comment that resulted in his departure, is where we differ.

Edited by Rock Historian
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I happen to see the post/quote that got Harruti (or however you say his name) banned. I thought it was low and tasteless. Much like BlabberRons comments on that thread, but with far more obvious racial slurs. I can't say he didn't deserve it. It was just a matter of time before it happened to someone there. Well, the true colors came out in the end- I actually felt a little embarrassed because I partially agreed with him on some statements, but the comment that resulted in his departure, is where we differ.

That's the thing, none of us have to agree but I respect those who are looking at it from Zimmerman's angle but not those who are doing it to justify their own self serving agenda(s) or justifying their own racism. You're definately not in the latter but one gets extremist nuts on either side of it. My own outrage is gone because much like Martin's parents I just wanted Zimmerman to be brought into a court of law as I felt he has accountability for Martin's death & now he is awaiting trial with all the various information still being gathered eventually will determine what Zimmerman's accountability is if any... and that's it. No need for extremists to predict a post apocalyptic world of race riots due to this case as that loon & a few others were doing or the other deflections ie the media, Sharpton, skinheads, Obama, etc. I say for everyone to just stick with the legal case as it follows & not the circus or potential circus that may or may not go along with it as that's what shit stirrer's do.

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Justice: fairness or reasonableness, especially in the way people are treated or decisions are made. The legal system, or the act of applying or upholding the law. Validity in law.

The justice for Trayvon Martin is that his death at the hands of Zimmerman is now being explored legally in a court of law. If Zimmerman is found either guilty or innocent based on the evidence then justice will also find it's way to Zimmerman as to Martin as well.

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Justice: fairness or reasonableness, especially in the way people are treated or decisions are made. The legal system, or the act of applying or upholding the law. Validity in law.

The justice for Trayvon Martin is that his death at the hands of Zimmerman is now being explored legally in a court of law. If Zimmerman is found either guilty or innocent based on the evidence then justice will also find it's way to Zimmerman as to Martin as well.

The 'majority' seem to all be screaming for Martin and hoping Zimmerman gets sent to 'Old Sparky'

You think the Black Panthers will accept an acquittal? Doubt it.

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Sigh. I could give a sh!t. I said it many times on the deleted thread & I've said it here once already but here it goes again: stick to the case & only the case as anything else is deflection. I'm only concerned about the how's & why's of Martin's death by Zimmerman & what his accountability in Martin's death is/was. I'm not concerned with what a segment of people potentially might or might not do once the verdict is in as I don't live my life in fear by choice. Anyone who doesn't stick to the case & wants to push this Mad Max apocalyptic outcome of events is deflecting the real issue, that being the case itself, & trying to instill fear into people in hopes of furthering their own hate based agenda. Stick to the case & not potential fears as it's cowardly.

Edited by kaiser
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The 'majority' seem to all be screaming for Martin and hoping Zimmerman gets sent to 'Old Sparky'

You think the Black Panthers will accept an acquittal? Doubt it.

I'd guess there will be some negative reaction if Zimmerman is aquitted but I think people are overstating things believe that this will be part 2 of the LA riots.

The quality of the evidense we have is really the issue...

Rodney King - Evidense cleary shows police brutality so the public expectation is for a conviction.

Martin/Zimmerman - One man clearly shoots and kills another after seeming to initiate a confrontation, the public expectation is that he'll stand trial.

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the public expectation is that he'll stand trial.

Perhaps the public in general.

But I believe the expectation in the black community specifically is that he'll be convicted, and anything else will not be justice.

And I don't think the black community will sit idly by should Zimmerman somehow be acquitted.

All the usual suspects who have already inserted themselves into this case will again screech into every mic the media puts in front of them, turning it back into a racial issue.

I certainly hope things don't go that way, but I'm a realist.

There are way more precedents that lead me to believe that than there are to believe otherwise.

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