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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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wow, a source that supports segregation .

Jared Taylor is very well educated, very smooth and writes well so he fools a lot of people who should know better. However, once you get past his polished exterior and well written sentences you realize that his vision of America does not include its non-white citizens. To be fair, Taylor himself, isn't anti-Semitic but he associates with openly anti-Semitic organizations like Stormfront. I guess he's willing to work with anyone in order to accomplish his goal of making America a whites-only nation.

Edited by Disco Duck
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Parents, like Maria Lopez, 31, of Harlem brought their children to the rally. Lopez tattooed “Skittles” at the top of her chest.

She got the word inked on herself two days after Martin was slain. Trayvon was carrying the candy when he was killed.

“It touched me a lot. I have four beautiful daughters that I worry about I don’t want them to be scared in the street, she said.

Steven Shryack, 62, held a sign: “They never stop-and-frisk old white guys like me.”

At the rally in Washington, DC, activist Dick Gregory called on people to hurt Florida by boycotting Disney — and orange juice. “They got oranges that they can’t afford to have you not buy because they will rot,” he said.



Edited by SteveAJones
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How exactly is that calling for a race riot? Talk about going to extremes, that is about as accurate as Sharknado!

Because he is choosing sides.

If the President agrees, it MUST be right!

Because instead of trying to heal the wound by addressing ALL Americans, he's pressing forward with the INJUSTICE dialog aimed at PART of the nation - DIVISION!

And, big surprise, the Narcissist-In-Chief is making it about HIM - he's gone from If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon to I could have been Trayvon.

Here's what Justice For Trayvon is truly all about.

That's the only JUSTICE many in the black community want.

If you don't believe it, you're ignoring the painfully obvious.


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The (Black) Messiah is suggesting if he is crucified the guilty will go unpunished.

??? That really jumped the shark Steve, no fact in that sentence at all, just opinion, and a very strange and biased opinion at that. Where did you get the messiah + crucifixion connection from? Ever think about writing fiction?

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Because he is choosing sides.

If the President agrees, it MUST be right!

Because instead of trying to heal the wound by addressing ALL Americans, he's pressing forward with the INJUSTICE dialog aimed at PART of the nation - DIVISION!

And, big surprise, the Narcissist-In-Chief is making it about HIM - he's gone from If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon to I could have been Trayvon.

Here's what Justice For Trayvon is truly all about.

That's the only JUSTICE many in the black community want.

If you don't believe it, you're ignoring the painfully obvious.


I would not say he is choosing sides, rather pointing out the obvious. Maybe you had different experiences than I growing up but as a white guy in Chicago, NY, San Diego, N.Carolina, and Phoenix I never experienced profiling, harassment, racism, discrimination, or abuse in any way. I had many black friends, especially in Chicago, NY, & Carolina and they were always being hassled. Always getting shit on. I remember being in college in Chicago, working at a carpet distribution warehouse when I asked the foreman why there were no black or latino's working there. He told me, "we do not hire blacks or Mexican's, they are all lazy and unreliable." This was in 1989, not 1959.

Very little has changed in the USA since than. We had the BART cop murder an innocent, unarmed black man, caught on video no less, and he is convicted on involuntary manslaughter and serves less than a year in jail. I guarantee you if that kid was white that BART cop would be in for life. The video itself is chilling to watch, it's on YouTube so take a look. This kid was not doing anything, just sitting against the wall where this same cop threw him a few minutes before. The cop gets upset at the kid trying to diffuse the situation, throws him down and executes him. How did the officer(s) react to this? Like they did not give a fucking shit, more like, fuck, who the hell is gonna clean up this mess. No CPR, no "Oh my god!!!! I just accidentally shot this guy!!!! Oh my god HELP!!!" Nope, none of that just a look of, great, another mess to clean up.

That is what Obama is talking about. I may be white but I ain't blind. I don't care if it is a BART cop or Al Sharpton, a racist is a racist. However, the big difference is when Al Sharpton talks shit it is based on frustration and hundreds of years of slavery and abuse. When a white guy does it there is no excuse because we have been ruling shit on this globe for 2,000 years!

Think about it, are ALL the other races in America wrong and only the white race is right? When the Native American's act up they are racists? When the Latino's act up they are racist? When the black's act up they are racist? But when White's act up it is because of reverse racism and not our fault? That is just wrong.

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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I would not say he is choosing sides, rather pointing out the obvious. Maybe you had different experiences than I growing up but as a white guy in Chicago, NY, San Diego, N.Carolina, and Phoenix I never experienced profiling, harassment, racism, discrimination, or abuse in any way. I had many black friends, especially in Chicago, NY, & Carolina and they were always being hassled. Always getting shit on. I remember being in college in Chicago, working at a carpet distribution warehouse when I asked the foreman why there were no black or latino's working there. He told me, "we do not hire blacks or Mexican's, they are all lazy and unreliable." This was in 1989, not 1959.

Very little has changed in the USA since than. We had the BART cop murder an innocent, unarmed black man, caught on video no less, and he is convicted on involuntary manslaughter and serves less than a year in jail. I guarantee you if that kid was white that BART cop would be in for life. The video itself is chilling to watch, it's on YouTube so take a look. This kid was not doing anything, just sitting against the wall where this same cop threw him a few minutes before. The cop gets upset at the kid trying to diffuse the situation, throws him down and executes him. How did the officer(s) react to this? Like they did not give a fucking shit, more like, fuck, who the hell is gonna clean up this mess. No CPR, no "Oh my god!!!! I just accidentally shot this guy!!!! Oh my god HELP!!!" Nope, none of that just a look of, great, another mess to clean up.

That is what Obama is talking about. I may be white but I ain't blind. I don't care if it is a BART cop or Al Sharpton, a racist is a racist. However, the big difference is when Al Sharpton talks shit it is based on frustration and hundreds of years of slavery and abuse. When a white guy does it there is no excuse because we have been ruling shit on this globe for 2,000 years!

Think about it, are ALL the other races in America wrong and only the white race is right? When the Native American's act up they are racists? When the Latino's act up they are racist? When the black's act up they are racist? But when White's act up it is because of reverse racism and not our fault? That is just wrong.

Yes he is.No word on the senseless slaughter of other blacks?WTFU!

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Yes he is.No word on the senseless slaughter of other blacks?WTFU!

Why should he? The discussion was about a single issue, that is the consistent discrimination against minorities in the US. The subject of black on black violence is another topic altogether, and one that needs to be addressed, however if you were debating a person on tax law why would you bring up social security? One has nothing to do with the other.

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