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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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A clearly shaken NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said, "This is a heartbreaking moment. This will confirm for many that the only problem with the New South is it occupies the same time and space as the old South."

He referenced another killing of a black youth that many have compared to the Trayvon Martin slaying, the 1955 killing of 14-year-old Emmett Till, who was killed in Mississippi for allegedly flirting with a white woman. "Trayvon Martin's case has focused a generation the same way that the Emmett Till case focused a generation 60 years ago. I had hoped that this time we would get a verdict that fit the gravity of the case."

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who led thousands of protesters in Sanford seeking a prosecution of Trayvon's killer, called the verdict "a sad day in the country" and "a slap in the face to those that believe in justice in this country."

"I think this is an atrocity," Sharpton said. "It is probably one of the worst situations that I have seen."


@ NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous: seven children murdered in Chicago this weekend...any profound focus comments on that?

@ Al Sharpton: I think your grandstanding in the Tawana Brawley rape case is a thousand times worse than this. Remember that one, Al?


I agree with everything you just said.

Some of the so-called media that want to report the news, also seems to "distort" the news. They only want to stir up and provide "controversy" that is, in effect, very harmful and dangerous to the Great United States of America.

I once read that al sharpton, back in the 1970's in New York City, was involved in very high-level sales of Cocaine and made money from such deals. If this is true, then sharpton was very involved in illegal activity. I seem to recall that this was brought up when he tried to run for President.

My Point is that sharpton is a Racist himself and says and does everything he can do to make it seem otherwise. I think he hates the "white man" and tries to make it seem like racism is only one-sided.

From what I saw on the news earlier tonight, he says that he still has an agenda and wants to continue the "persecution" of George Zimmerman, from a civil case or a Federal case to "re-try" the already proven "not-guilty" George Zimmerman.

Aside from all that, I really am glad that there was not a full-blown riot or anarchy on either side (regardless of the Verdict). I Love My Country and would hate to see it come down to WORSE crimes and Terror all because of one jury's verdict.


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Trayvon Martin died because George Zimmerman made a faulty assumption. He assumed that Trayvon was an intruder who was up to no good. That assumption kicked off the chain of events that led to Trayvon's death. But he wasn't as intruder; he was an invited guest. He was minding his own business; walking home from the store with his Skittles and soft drink when Zimmerman first spotted him. But none of this mattered to the jury. That's just wrong.

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Trayvon Martin died because George Zimmerman made a faulty assumption. He assumed that Trayvon was an intruder who was up to no good. That assumption kicked off the chain of events that led to Trayvon's death. But he wasn't as intruder; he was an invited guest. He was minding his own business; walking home from the store with his Skittles and soft drink when Zimmerman first spotted him. But none of this mattered to the jury. That's just wrong.

did you seriously think there would be a different outcome ?


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Much like when the race card is played so much that true cases of racism go ignored, so the irony of a case that truly had no grounds for prosecution should occur in a town with a history of ignoring prosecutable offenses.

There are no winners in a case like this, the rest of Zimmerman's life has little hope for any sense of normalcy, and the Martins feel cheated, as well.

Thank you, agenda-driven media, for setting up such a huge disappointment all around.

Again the real issue here isn't so much the verdict but that Zimmerman was originally not going to face trial before the media outcry, I think you likely had very real racism at play there.

Both sides seem to be ignoring this, the left is transferred it onto the verdict and the right is looking at the verdict as a way of justifying the original situation.

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Again the real issue here isn't so much the verdict but that Zimmerman was originally not going to face trial before the media outcry, I think you likely had very real racism at play there.

Zimmerman wasn't going to court because the local police department already determined there was insufficient evidence to charge him with a crime. The outcome of this Obama administration/mainstream media-driven trial - a NOT GUILTY verdict - validates the local police department's due diligence.

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Zimmerman wasn't going to court because the local police department already determined there was insufficient evidence to charge him with a crime. The outcome of this Obama administration/mainstream media-driven trial - a NOT GUILTY verdict - validates the local police department's due diligence.

A not guility verdict does not mean that there was a lack of evidence(which counts as much agaist Zimmerman as for him considering the main evidence is a dead man killed by him) to bring someone to trial.

If Zimmerman has suffered unjust hurt I think its as a result of this poor initial decision by the police, without this he would not have had to face the media spotlight.

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A not guilty verdict does not mean that there was a lack of evidence(which counts as much against Zimmerman as for him considering the main evidence is a dead man killed by him) to bring someone to trial.

The point of contention was never that a man was killed, it was if a crime was committed. There was insufficient evidence to convict him of a crime.

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There's not a lot left to be said here now that Steve A Jones has made his comments.

He has, as he often does, hit the nail on the head.

Not filing charges against Zimmerman wasn't racism, it was the same lack of evidence that eventually acquitted him.

People are reacting to this with emotion rather than logic.

The only racism was that which the media tried desperately to fuel by pursuing a chosen angle designed to foment outrage and possibly violence.

All that being said...

Zimmerman is a fucking sexual predator . i hope the fuck eats himself to death before he tries to abuse anyone else.

You are a fucking idiot.

You are the epitome of knee-jerk, reactionary liberalism.

When they're mad, they ignore all the "values" they normally supposedly support.

They fabricate accusations steeped in base stereotypes and use slurs to disparage and wish death upon those they oppose.

They drop all pretense of the concerned and caring individuals they normally purport to be and go full beserker.

It's rather amusing to observe, usually.

Other times, it's simply pathetic.

In your case, JP78, you're pretty much just pathetic all the time.

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The point of contention was never that a man was killed, it was if a crime was committed. There was insufficient evidence to convict him of a crime.

The point was whether the situation merited a trial and I think its pretty dam clear that it did, the police aren't judge and jury.

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Martin died because an unfortunate verbal altercation with Zimmerman escalated into senseless violence.

Really Steve? And you know this how? Are you psychic or have special powers the rest of us do not have. There is no proof or evidence of what happened outside of what Zimmerman claims. That is called bias and therefore is irrelevant. What we do know beyond any doubt is this: Zimmerman armed himself, Zimmerman willingly pursued an unknown person, Zimmerman showed intent by inflammatory comments made while on the phone with the police dispatcher, then nothing until a fight ensues between Zimmerman and Martin at which point Zimmerman shoots and kills Martin. Those are the only FACTS of the case, anything else at this point is conjecture.

Zimmerman was and is guilty of manslaughter under the law, there is no question of this, it is a textbook case. Also, the fact is if Marin had been a white boy Zimmerman would have been arrested on the spot and be serving 20 to life at this moment. That too is a statistical fact.

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So many people continue to misrepresent the facts and the law concerning this case. First, it was perfectly legal for GZ to follow Trayvon. Second, it was absolutely NOT legal for Trayvon to respond to being followed by attacking GZ. Third, banging someone's head against a concrete sidewalk is putting them in danger of death or grave bodily injury. Fourth, deadly force is justified if you are in immediate danger of death or grave bodily injury. Fifth, all of the evidence -- GZ's injuries, Trayvon's lack of injuries other than the gunshot, the forensic evidence, and the one reliable eyewitness -- all corroborated GZ's account that Trayvon was straddling him, punching him in the head, and banging his head against the concrete sidewalk. The jury reached the only possible verdict in this case. The state simply did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that GZ committed 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. Trayvon could have easily prevented this confrontation. He could have simply walked home. He could have called 911 instead of calling his friend.

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Really Steve? And you know this how? Are you psychic or have special powers the rest of us do not have. There is no proof or evidence of what happened outside of what Zimmerman claims. That is called bias and therefore is irrelevant. What we do know beyond any doubt is this: Zimmerman armed himself, Zimmerman willingly pursued an unknown person, Zimmerman showed intent by inflammatory comments made while on the phone with the police dispatcher, then nothing until a fight ensues between Zimmerman and Martin at which point Zimmerman shoots and kills Martin. Those are the only FACTS of the case, anything else at this point is conjecture.

Zimmerman was and is guilty of manslaughter under the law, there is no question of this, it is a textbook case. Also, the fact is if Marin had been a white boy Zimmerman would have been arrested on the spot and be serving 20 to life at this moment. That too is a statistical fact.

Correction: If Martin had been a white teen Zimmerman wouldn't have assumed he was up to no good in the first place.

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The point was whether the situation merited a trial and I think its pretty dam clear that it did, the police aren't judge and jury.

Perhaps, but it would probably have been more credible if a grand jury had made that determination. Instead, the special prosecutor bowed to political pressure and decided to bring charges against GZ without a grand jury hearing. They probably feared that a grand jury likely would not have indicted based on the evidence. The lack of evidence presented by the state during the trial allowed for the not guilty verdict. So, major fail on the part of the state by not utilizing a grand jury in this situation.

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I have a lot of questions regarding this case.

I don't understand why Zimmerman didn't stay on the line with 911 and let the police handle the situation. If he felt threatened why did he confront Martin?

Racial profiling was defineltly a factor in Zimmerman's reaction to Martin. Did he not realize there were at least one black family living in the gated commumity?

And why put himself in a situation that would result in his life being in danger?

We will never know the full truth to this tragic event.

IMHO both men, and I include Martin as such since he was 17 and big enough(at 6'2") to know how to defend himself(of course being unarmed didn't help), were guilty of making bad decisions that night. Neither should have confronted the other and both should have walked away.

Comparing this to the torture and death of Emmit Till is absurd and disgraceful. Till was a 12 year old boy who talked to a white woman and because of that, he was taken from his uncle's home, tortured and brutally killed. I see very little resemblance between the two.

I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

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>I have a lot of questions regarding this case.<

I have a lot of questions for the lame media!

>I don't understand why Zimmerman didn't stay on the line with 911 and let the police handle the situation. If he felt threatened why did he confront Martin?
Racial profiling was defineltly a factor in Zimmerman's reaction to Martin. Did he not realize there were at least one black family living in the gated commumity?
And why put himself in a situation that would result in his life being in danger?<

WTF didn't police get their asses over there asap?

Zimmerman was on a community crime watch,why was that?B&A?

>IMHO both men, and I include Martin as such since he was 17 and big enough(at 6'2") to know how to defend himself(of course being unarmed didn't help), were guilty of making bad decisions that night. Neither should have confronted the other and both should have walked away.<

See above.Martin could have walked away,right?But noooooo,...careful who use mess with.

>I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of involuntary manslaughter.<


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I've read scholarly articles by respected sociologists and psychologists that discuss the impact race has on individual perceptions. Time and time again, their studies reveal that test subjects are more likely to describe black individuals as "hostile" or "threatening" even when their attire, body language and expressions are identical to the white individuals they encounter.

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