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Led Zeppelin and Religion: A fan's perspective


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I wasn't trying to read any deep meaning into anything I simply wanted to know how people felt about these songs since Atheists usually get offended at this type of thing. Likewise Christians usually have problems with the mention of other gods in song.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, i am reswati and I write backward musick.

Next song hides the sublimal message "eat lots of fried rice balls" in Dutch.

Bon appetite.

Res, that sounds a tad bit like the intro (Human) to a Celtic Frost album I have (Morbid tales) -with less moaning/evil cries-chants...Come to think, you kinda look like Tom Gabriel Fischer - aka Tom Warrior.


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I am sure each member of the band has their own belief. My guess is that they are believers. Not atheists. Too much in their music to come up with any other conslusion. Of course people change over time. So I do not know if they are practicing or even label themselves to a certain faith. But I am pretty sure they are Christian.

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Plant singing about "Jesus" or "Lord" or any other religious imagery was mainly because he was copying the lyrics and mannerisms of Delta Bluesmen who inserted similar exclamations into their music. He was just copying them, so no need to look any deeper than that. No different than him singing about Vikings in "Immigrant Song" after he visited Iceland, or singing about all of that fairy and wizard nonsense after he read Lord of the Rings or the Faerie Queene.

What gets me is when people take any of it so seriously and start trying to find the "meaning" in what he was singing about. The dude was in his early 20s when he wrote that stuff and was too busy being in a band and partying his ass off, high as a kite. Any "deep thoughts" that Plant conveyed beyond his natural gift for lyrics was usually just something copied or imitated anyway.

What proof do you have of any of this stuff you typed?

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Res, that sounds a tad bit like the intro (Human) to a Celtic Frost album I have (Morbid tales) -with less moaning/evil cries-chants...Come to think, you kinda look like Tom Gabriel Fischer - aka Tom Warrior.


(PS, I must admit that I have some of their work as well. Fav. ones: To Mega Therion and Monotheist).

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Satanist, Anton LaVey was shown doing this in a video, which Jimmy has repeated during concerts with his bow:

"Turning counter-clockwise, the priest points with the sword to each cardinal point of the compass and calls forth the respective Princes of Hell: Satan from the south, Lucifer from the east, Belial from the north, and Leviathan from the west." (Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, pg.

I have seen Jimmy with his bow, but still I never saw him summon any prince of hell while he was doing the bowing section. Neither did any prince of hell appear, so he must be a shitty wizard or something like that, or you have a very immense imagination.

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In terms of personal religious convictions they're private lives are kept pretty private so it's hard to tell. I posted in another thread, "Did Robert Plant Have A Religious Conversion?", a video where Plant calls himself one of the Children Of The Sun. Whether or not he was kidding (possibly relating to Going To California) or he literally meant the religious group Children Of The Sun I don't know. Jimmy Page, it is well known, has an occult interest and is a possibly a member or believer in some type of occultism but again I don't know. John Bonham liked to drink a lot and many religions don't approve of that. John Paul Jones I don't know about but I have heard rumors he has Christian beliefs, but they are only rumors. I don't think it can be said for certain what any of them did/do believe because they have not felt the need to come out and tell us so I will respect their decision to not tell and not try to ascribe any beliefs to them. I can say that none of them seem to be very devout Christians if they are, except possibly JPJ and those are only rumors. But again, I know none of this with certainty.

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  • 2 years later...

What I really have here is a question for two types of people I'm sure are on the board. The devoutly religious and the devoutly non-religious. This is not a question for people who don't care either way. And here it is:

To the non-religious: How do you feel about the religious content in Led Zeppelin's songs? Does it bother you to listen to songs like In My Time Of Dying and Nobody's Fault But Mine (as well as various things in medleys such as John Paul Jones playing Amazing Grace) or do you just not listen to these songs?

To the religious: How do you feel about the pagan content in Led Zeppelin's songs? Does it bother you to listen to songs like Immigrant Song and Achilles Last Stand or do you just not listen to these songs?

Hi firstly I'm definitely in the non religious camp. Now I've never found either In My Time of Dying or Nobody's Fault But Mine particularly religious. NFBM might mention the devil and soul but they comes across as more metaphors for the protagonists problems and respectability. I'd certainly doubt it was recorded with much spirituality in mind. IMTOD whilst originally an old gospel tune is now a swampy dirty blues where "my Jesus" transforms into "Georgina" and Robert repeatedly asks Gabriel if he can blow his horn. It's not really the sort of hymn you hear in Sunday service is it?

As for the pagan references Immigrant Song's reference to the Norse gods and Valhalla is simply in keeping with the song's theme of marauding Vikings and I'm sure not meant to represent the bands personal beliefs. Achilles Last Stand isn't very pagan at all. The lyric describes Jimmy and Roberts trip through morocco ( the mighty arms of atlas refer to the atlas mountains) and the title is an in joke around the fact that Robert had a broken ankle at the time it was recorded and was in a wheelchair.

As far as religion in popular music goes I don't like being preached to, it really made me cringe when I was younger,but then so did sickly strings, power ballads, menus that tell you more than you need to know, stuff I'd done in the past etc etc. But though I'm not a believer I do think there is some truly beautiful spiritual music and I'm as comfortable listening to it as anybody.

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I am sure each member of the band has their own belief. My guess is that they are believers. Not atheists. Too much in their music to come up with any other conslusion. Of course people change over time. So I do not know if they are practicing or even label themselves to a certain faith. But I am pretty sure they are Christian.

I highly doubt this.

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In terms of personal religious convictions they're private lives are kept pretty private so it's hard to tell. I posted in another thread, "Did Robert Plant Have A Religious Conversion?", a video where Plant calls himself one of the Children Of The Sun. Whether or not he was kidding (possibly relating to Going To California) or he literally meant the religious group Children Of The Sun I don't know. Jimmy Page, it is well known, has an occult interest and is a possibly a member or believer in some type of occultism but again I don't know. John Bonham liked to drink a lot and many religions don't approve of that. John Paul Jones I don't know about but I have heard rumors he has Christian beliefs, but they are only rumors. I don't think it can be said for certain what any of them did/do believe because they have not felt the need to come out and tell us so I will respect their decision to not tell and not try to ascribe any beliefs to them. I can say that none of them seem to be very devout Christians if they are, except possibly JPJ and those are only rumors. But again, I know none of this with certainty.

I have no idea what John Paul Jones' religious beliefs (if any) are, nor do I care. However, I've noticed that many Zep fans assume that since he was the most low key member of the band, he is also the most conventional. Maybe he is; maybe he isn't. He's been able to fly under the radar for the most part and has revealed very little about his personal life or beliefs. John Paul Jones, the musician, is a well-known public figure. John Baldwin, the man, is an enigma to me. IMO, JPJ is even more enigmatic than Jimmy Page and that's saying a lot.

Edited by Disco Duck
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I suspect that like the majority of their fellow countrymen, they were raised as belivers, but have grown into adults that politely don't follow it.

I don't think the church has quite the influence over here that it does in other countries. A lot of people only go to church for weddings, funerals and bizarrely christenings.

Personally the only religious influence I've ever had is from school where we said the Lord's Prayer and Grace. Outside of school I've never been to anybody's home where they've said grace before a meal and nor have I thought anything of it. I don't think it's so much we were raised as believers, more that many of us (not all) are brought up with the minimal Christian indoctrination, and left to make up our own minds of which many again choose to lead a non religious life.

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I don't think the church has quite the influence over here that it does in other countries. A lot of people only go to church for weddings, funerals and bizarrely christenings.

Personally the only religious influence I've ever had is from school where we said the Lord's Prayer and Grace. Outside of school I've never been to anybody's home where they've said grace before a meal and nor have I thought anything of it. I don't think it's so much we were raised as believers, more that many of us (not all) are brought up with the minimal Christian indoctrination, and left to make up our own minds of which many again choose to lead a non religious life.

I was brought up very similar to this babysquid and have been left to make up my own mind which is the way I beleive IMO it should be.

I also beleive one can beleive in God or God's without being religious whatesoever.

Each to their own though!

Never imagined Zepp being into religion in any way shape or form but I could be wrong? Maybe J.P with his interest in the ocult but wether he treated or treats that as a religion only he knows I guess?

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I don't think the church has quite the influence over here that it does in other countries. A lot of people only go to church for weddings, funerals and bizarrely christenings.

Personally the only religious influence I've ever had is from school where we said the Lord's Prayer and Grace. Outside of school I've never been to anybody's home where they've said grace before a meal and nor have I thought anything of it. I don't think it's so much we were raised as believers, more that many of us (not all) are brought up with the minimal Christian indoctrination, and left to make up our own minds of which many again choose to lead a non religious life.

I think your description is more accurate than my "raised" comment. I, too, went through the whole school system of the morning assembly where there was religious hymn singing and prayers. There was also religious education lessons. I seem to recall you could be excused from these in school, and a few kids did, but there was an almost leper-like walk-of-shame that these kids seemed to go through. I just went along with it, taking the easy way out. I have no doubt that the UK has made a much bigger move towards losing its religion over the years, than say, America. I still think, however, that even in the UK, if people are directly asked about their religious beliefs, they will give you a "I believe" response, just to play it safe.

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I'm southern baptist, both my parent's sides of the family are devout christians, and so am i, but led zeppelin has so much more meaning in their songs than religeous and pagan reference, it's something that's real, and whether you believe in God or not, their lyrics will always reach your heart

wow that was beautiful... I didn't expect that.

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Oh dear, not another topic about Led Zeppelin having been a satanic band.........................

My guess is that the bandmembers were brought up with religion when they were just kids, growing into adulthood they very likely made the choice not to keep following it......

(Just like so many people, who eventually stop going to church every sunday...)

As for all of those stories about them being satanists, that is such nonsense.....

We all know about Jimmy and his interest in the teachings of Aleister Crowley. Just because someone has pagan beliefs or has an interest in those mattes, does that mean someone is evil?

So no, Jimmy's (possibly) pagan beliefs and interest in occult matters, do not make him evil or a satanist. Just because someone walks a different spiritual path than Christanity, doesn't mean this person worships the devil.

Sames goes for Robert and his interest in Celtic mythology (an interest I share with him by the way).

Somehow it just rubs me the wrong way, when I read about Led Zeppelin having sold their souls to the devil and that being the reason why the band had all those hard times (the Plant-family car crash, Roberts son passing away and Bonzo passing away). I can't believe there are so many people who actually take all those devil-worship stories seriously......



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Oh dear, not another topic about Led Zeppelin having been a satanic band.........................

My guess is that the bandmembers were brought up with religion when they were just kids, growing into adulthood they very likely made the choice not to keep following it......

(Just like so many people, who eventually stop going to church every sunday...)

As for all of those stories about them being satanists, that is such nonsense.....

We all know about Jimmy and his interest in the teachings of Aleister Crowley. Just because someone has pagan beliefs or has an interest in those mattes, does that mean someone is evil?

So no, Jimmy's (possibly) pagan beliefs and interest in occult matters, do not make him evil or a satanist. Just because someone walks a different spiritual path than Christanity, doesn't mean this person worships the devil.

Sames goes for Robert and his interest in Celtic mythology (an interest I share with him by the way).

Somehow it just rubs me the wrong way, when I read about Led Zeppelin having sold their souls to the devil and that being the reason why the band had all those hard times (the Plant-family car crash, Roberts son passing away and Bonzo passing away). I can't believe there are so many people who actually take all those devil-worship stories seriously......



Well put, Maaike.

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Oh dear, not another topic about Led Zeppelin having been a satanic band.........................

My guess is that the bandmembers were brought up with religion when they were just kids, growing into adulthood they very likely made the choice not to keep following it......

(Just like so many people, who eventually stop going to church every sunday...)

As for all of those stories about them being satanists, that is such nonsense.....

We all know about Jimmy and his interest in the teachings of Aleister Crowley. Just because someone has pagan beliefs or has an interest in those mattes, does that mean someone is evil?

So no, Jimmy's (possibly) pagan beliefs and interest in occult matters, do not make him evil or a satanist. Just because someone walks a different spiritual path than Christanity, doesn't mean this person worships the devil.

Sames goes for Robert and his interest in Celtic mythology (an interest I share with him by the way).

Somehow it just rubs me the wrong way, when I read about Led Zeppelin having sold their souls to the devil and that being the reason why the band had all those hard times (the Plant-family car crash, Roberts son passing away and Bonzo passing away). I can't believe there are so many people who actually take all those devil-worship stories seriously......



I agree with you.

I know you probably weren't referring to me regarding crowley, J.P and the band.

Just wanted you yo know by me mentioning that has nothing to do with me believing it as evil or even religious.

Thats what I was meaning to say anyway. :)

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