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I met Jimmy twice last week in London

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My son took the first picture of me and my husband at 5:30 am on July 25th while we were waiting for our car to take us to Heathrow. (Yes, my husband is doing The Robot.)

The second picture is also of Jimmy's house and was taken the same morning from our apartment block driveway. It is called Park Close and is where Ilchester Place hits Melbury Road, about one block north of Kensington High Street.



Edited by Kimbersays
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And wait . . . . . . . did I read correctly, he was going to call a cab and some other customer drove him where he needed to go??????? That just blows my mind!

You read correctly. When I asked Kyle about the experience a few days later he didn't mention that part but that's understandable, he was quite taken aback by the entire encounter. I do remember that night well though, the entire town was buzzing with Plant and Patty sightings.

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Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to either post or send me a PM. It feels great to be welcomed by (most of) you and I appreciate your kind words.

I can't do much about he who seems to have a bizarrely intense need to prove me wrong in front of people I don't know but everyone else has been warm, friendly and beyond welcoming.

Thank you again.

I LOVE those pictures of Robert and Patty, by the way. Very, very cool.

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I just want to say that it makes my heart jump, whether true or not, evidence or lack thereof, that Jimmy Page is out there loving being loved by fans. The story is totally consistent with the person we have all heard Jimmy Page to be. Im pretty sure I read or heard a sound bite somewhere where he has said "God bless". And it's also totally consistent of him to be flirty with a lovely lady...and if Mudslinger is correct, which we will never know...who cares? At this point all of us Led Zep fans are living in our fantasy worlds for the most part anyway. So I say "Thanks, Kimber for adding to my fantasy du jour. I really hope you see Robert and he is as lovely and kind as we have all heard that he is to fans also."

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I would say that is what is much more questionable. Last time that young girdfriend story was posted here, Sam removed it.

I am sorry you are treated this way, Kimbersays. It was kind of you to share your story.

Questionable? I have never been in the habit of posting anything here which I believe to be a lie. Contact the couple who post their blog. They have no reason to lie. The reason it was removed from here was more likely to be due to it being true.

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Maybe Sam removed the post because it was an invasion of Jimmy Page's privacy and possibly the "young girlfriend"?

I realize, it's a big internet with lots of information. I just do not understand why someone must be compelled to tell the whole world Jimmy Pages's personal affairs? How much is it going to affect any of our lives to know that Page isn't celibate? It's like I briefly noted in another thread: Even though these people are 'celebrities' we should at least give them the courtesy to draw the line of privacy to allow them to be human like the rest of us.

Especially so in this arena, as many claim to love these people.

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I would imagine it was removed for that very reason. As for people sharing their encounters with the various members of Led Zeppelin, I really don't see the harm in that as long as nothing is revealed that would put them in harm's way. Some people are ok with sharing those type of stories and in Kimber's case I think it was done with the utmost respect to Jimmy Page. On the other hand I've seen people share similar stories (not just here) where it was handled completely differently. I think all of us as music fans have probably had encounters with some of our favorite musicians (well known and otherwise) over the years. Some people have no problem posting about those encounters in public forums such as this while others aren't comfortable doing so (as it often is perceived as bragging even when the poster doesn't mean it that way) but have no problem sharing those type of experiences with each other in person.

I think Kimber probably felt compelled to post those photos after the unsolicited attack on her by Mudslider. I never for a second thought she was being disingenuous or bragging. However, the way in which Mudslider attacked her, as well as her character, was completely out of line and totally uncalled for, which is something I believe we all agreed on.

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I think Kimber probably felt compelled to post those photos after the unsolicited attack on her by Mudslider. I never for a second thought she was being disingenuous or bragging. However, the way in which Mudslider attacked her, as well as her character, was completely out of line and totally uncalled for, which is something I believe we all agreed on.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough... I wasn't questioning Kimbersays motives or morals. I was more or less talking about the tonsil hockey post and others like it.

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I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough... I wasn't questioning Kimbersays motives or morals. I was more or less talking about the tonsil hockey post and others like it.

I didn't think you were. I was just speaking in general terms regarding Mudslider's attack on her, it wasn't aimed at anyone specifically. As for the "tonsil hockey" post. I appear to have been fortunate enough to have missed that.

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I just sent this to DavidZoso so I will cut and paste my story here...(with a few minor edits):

For about nine days, my husband, son and I stayed in a flat about a hundred yards from his London house in Holland Park. After we booked the flat, I realized he lived there but assumed that he would be out of town since it was right before the Olympics (we came home last Wednesday night) so I didn't expect to see him.

Anyway, my husband and son wanted to see the new Batman movie the day it opened and I wanted to check out Selfridge's, so we split up on the way home from visiting Abbey Road.

I was walking out of Holland Park and down Melbury Road toward our flat when I saw Jimmy walking straight towards me holding grocery bags. He was walking with a woman (I would have no way of knowing who she was). I started smiling at him when I figured out it was him and realized that he was smiling back. He had a very friendly and open energy. I turned left to go into my flat and looked over my shoulder to confirm that it was him and he was looking over his shoulder smiling back at me. Fabulous! I figured that would be it but to be honest, that was enough for me.

The second encounter was a few days later on Kensington High Street. I was walking home alone from lunch with a friend when I saw him about to cross the street with a friend. I turned around and called his name a few times. He didn't seem to hear me so I put my hand on his back and said, "Jimmy!". (Did I break protocol? My friends all laughed when I mentioned putting my hand on his back.) He turned around and said, "Oh, hi there!" like he was expecting me. I introduced myself, told him that I was leaving town and wanted to let him know that when I told my ten year old son that I had seen him a few days before, he was thrilled. Jimmy said, "Really?! Is that right?" so we talked about my son for a minute. He introduced me to his friend (Bruce) and then I told Jimmy I was a big fan and he got very animated and said "awwwww!!!" and gave me a big hug. He then put his hands on my shoulders and told me to take that hug and pass it along to my son. I told him I would and thanked him again and said goodbye. He said, "Be good, goodbye and god bless."

Isn't that so great? He was terrific and so, so friendly.

This is fantastic! I am so glad you got to meet him and he was so nice to you. And thank you for sharing this with us all!

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I just sent this to DavidZoso so I will cut and paste my story here...(with a few minor edits):

For about nine days, my husband, son and I stayed in a flat about a hundred yards from his London house in Holland Park. After we booked the flat, I realized he lived there but assumed that he would be out of town since it was right before the Olympics (we came home last Wednesday night) so I didn't expect to see him.

Anyway, my husband and son wanted to see the new Batman movie the day it opened and I wanted to check out Selfridge's, so we split up on the way home from visiting Abbey Road.

I was walking out of Holland Park and down Melbury Road toward our flat when I saw Jimmy walking straight towards me holding grocery bags. He was walking with a woman (I would have no way of knowing who she was). I started smiling at him when I figured out it was him and realized that he was smiling back. He had a very friendly and open energy. I turned left to go into my flat and looked over my shoulder to confirm that it was him and he was looking over his shoulder smiling back at me. Fabulous! I figured that would be it but to be honest, that was enough for me.

The second encounter was a few days later on Kensington High Street. I was walking home alone from lunch with a friend when I saw him about to cross the street with a friend. I turned around and called his name a few times. He didn't seem to hear me so I put my hand on his back and said, "Jimmy!". (Did I break protocol? My friends all laughed when I mentioned putting my hand on his back.) He turned around and said, "Oh, hi there!" like he was expecting me. I introduced myself, told him that I was leaving town and wanted to let him know that when I told my ten year old son that I had seen him a few days before, he was thrilled. Jimmy said, "Really?! Is that right?" so we talked about my son for a minute. He introduced me to his friend (Bruce) and then I told Jimmy I was a big fan and he got very animated and said "awwwww!!!" and gave me a big hug. He then put his hands on my shoulders and told me to take that hug and pass it along to my son. I told him I would and thanked him again and said goodbye. He said, "Be good, goodbye and god bless."

Isn't that so great? He was terrific and so, so friendly.

Hi Kimbersays.

You are right about Jimmy's house, Tower House, In Mulberry Road, I spent a lot of time there, as my sister was Jimmy's housekeeper there from the early 1970's until the mid 1980's, she had the flat above the garage, we also used to visit him at Plumpton Place, he was always a genuinely gracious man and always gave me the time to sit and speak with him, he gave me a lot of good advise in regard of music. He is a very fine person indeed.

Loved your story.


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Hi Kimbersays.

You are right about Jimmy's house, Tower House, In Mulberry Road, I spent a lot of time there, as my sister was Jimmy's housekeeper there from the early 1970's until the mid 1980's, she had the flat above the garage, we also used to visit him at Plumpton Place, he was always a genuinely gracious man and always gave me the time to sit and speak with him, he gave me a lot of good advise in regard of music. He is a very fine person indeed.

Loved your story.


Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this!

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Hi Kimbersays.

You are right about Jimmy's house, Tower House, In Mulberry Road, I spent a lot of time there, as my sister was Jimmy's housekeeper there from the early 1970's until the mid 1980's, she had the flat above the garage, we also used to visit him at Plumpton Place, he was always a genuinely gracious man and always gave me the time to sit and speak with him, he gave me a lot of good advise in regard of music. He is a very fine person indeed.

Loved your story.


OMG! Seriously? That is cool beyond cool!

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Been away a few days, so I am just getting caught up here. Kimbersays, welcome and great story. ZISH as well.

Most of us here play nice in the sandbox, but there will always be a few who don't. Strider was correct about some of us who can't talk about encounters with famous people of any kind. We are not allowed to ask for an autograph, take a photo or approach them unless it is business related. If I am on my personal time I can take a photo, whatever, but I cannot discuss anything about a famous person who has, or is staying at the hotel I am working at, or worked at in the past.

Again, welcome and thanks for sharing such a great story :peace:

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Been away a few days, so I am just getting caught up here. Kimbersays, welcome and great story. ZISH as well.

Most of us here play nice in the sandbox, but there will always be a few who don't. Strider was correct about some of us who can't talk about encounters with famous people of any kind. We are not allowed to ask for an autograph, take a photo or approach them unless it is business related. If I am on my personal time I can take a photo, whatever, but I cannot discuss anything about a famous person who has, or is staying at the hotel I am working at, or worked at in the past.

Again, welcome and thanks for sharing such a great story :peace:

Yup - client confidentiality is part of many jobs :)

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Isn't that so great? He was terrific and so, so friendly.

Thanks for posting this fun wee encounter TIMES TWO. You lucky gal. As we say in Ireland, fair play to ya. And you kept your honour intact by your chivralous behaviour. LOVED the pix you posted outside the house. You guys seem like fun folk.

I will add that I've met some of my musical idols over the years, and those times that were entirely accidental, like meeting on the street, were far more fun and enjoyable than any post-gig social contrivedness. And also, in all my years of living in Dublin I've only seen Bono ONCE in the streets. Some people might think that's a blessing... or a curse. :P

Edited by Triplet Kick
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I just sent this to DavidZoso so I will cut and paste my story here...(with a few minor edits):

For about nine days, my husband, son and I stayed in a flat about a hundred yards from his London house in Holland Park. After we booked the flat, I realized he lived there but assumed that he would be out of town since it was right before the Olympics (we came home last Wednesday night) so I didn't expect to see him.

Anyway, my husband and son wanted to see the new Batman movie the day it opened and I wanted to check out Selfridge's, so we split up on the way home from visiting Abbey Road.

I was walking out of Holland Park and down Melbury Road toward our flat when I saw Jimmy walking straight towards me holding grocery bags. He was walking with a woman (I would have no way of knowing who she was). I started smiling at him when I figured out it was him and realized that he was smiling back. He had a very friendly and open energy. I turned left to go into my flat and looked over my shoulder to confirm that it was him and he was looking over his shoulder smiling back at me. Fabulous! I figured that would be it but to be honest, that was enough for me.

The second encounter was a few days later on Kensington High Street. I was walking home alone from lunch with a friend when I saw him about to cross the street with a friend. I turned around and called his name a few times. He didn't seem to hear me so I put my hand on his back and said, "Jimmy!". (Did I break protocol? My friends all laughed when I mentioned putting my hand on his back.) He turned around and said, "Oh, hi there!" like he was expecting me. I introduced myself, told him that I was leaving town and wanted to let him know that when I told my ten year old son that I had seen him a few days before, he was thrilled. Jimmy said, "Really?! Is that right?" so we talked about my son for a minute. He introduced me to his friend (Bruce) and then I told Jimmy I was a big fan and he got very animated and said "awwwww!!!" and gave me a big hug. He then put his hands on my shoulders and told me to take that hug and pass it along to my son. I told him I would and thanked him again and said goodbye. He said, "Be good, goodbye and god bless."

Isn't that so great? He was terrific and so, so friendly.

Hi Kimbersays and big congratulations on your luck in meeting Jimmy Page twice!

My wife and I are going to be doing some vacationing in the not too distant future and London sounds like a nice treat. I would be interested in booking the house or apartment or as they say over there the flat that you and your husband stayed in. It has to be quite nice since it's near Jimmy Page and Michael Winner's homes. I read that the King said that Winner's bedroom was the best in all of England--that's saying something! Could you please post here or message me the contact information so that I can look into booking there?

Thank you kindly and congratulations once again!


Edited by Daniel
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  • 2 months later...

I just want to say that it makes my heart jump, whether true or not, evidence or lack thereof, that Jimmy Page is out there loving being loved by fans. The story is totally consistent with the person we have all heard Jimmy Page to be. Im pretty sure I read or heard a sound bite somewhere where he has said "God bless". And it's also totally consistent of him to be flirty with a lovely lady...and if Mudslinger is correct, which we will never know...who cares? At this point all of us Led Zep fans are living in our fantasy worlds for the most part anyway. So I say "Thanks, Kimber for adding to my fantasy du jour. I really hope you see Robert and he is as lovely and kind as we have all heard that he is to fans also."

Hi Nat431.

You are right about the 'God Bless', as it was me that Jimmy signed on one of my autographs.

All that 'Kimbersays' has written, is true and those who doubt her should be ashamed, I can't understand why some people bother signing up to this sight just to find fault in peoples posts.

All the best


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Fantastic story - why can I never meet people in London - I bloody live here! Haha.

Saying that, I have seen John Paul Jones once - we were going to the Jools Holland Show and he was to be performing on it with Seasick Steve. We were just crossing the road to join the queue to get in, and I spied Seasick Steve walking down from the multi-storey car-park, and JPJ was with him. I tried to get across the road quickly enough to say hello, but the traffic is mental there and the lights weren't in our favour :(. They were awesome that night, and JPJ's bass was just - well, theres no words to describe how awesome it was haha.

With regards to cool places to check out music in London - theres the obvious places like the 100 club and Ronnie Scott's, but one of my favourites is a tiny Blues bar in Soho. It's called Ain't Nothin' But. It's genuinely tiny, but it's a really cool place, decent local (ish) bands, and every so often some famous names turn up to have a jam (examples include Seasick Steve, and Amy Winehouse when she was with us). I highly recommend it - particularly for those who want to do something a bit different to the usual London Eye tourist routine.


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