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guess where the movie quote comes from

the chase

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"Je n'aime pas les ascenseurs"

"Tu n'aimes rien"

Is it Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (Elevator to the Gallows)?

"he treats objects like women"

The Big Lebowski

"You take a look at that river out there and you think of how its going to feel with those crabs and eels swimmin out of your fucking eye balls. The contract is already done. The guys, the guns. The line pit's been dug. And from in here. One button I push."

You stumped me.

"What we've got here is...failure to communicate."

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"What we've got here is...failure to communicate."

Cool Hand Luke

When some wild eyed, eight foot tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what old ?????? always says at a time like that: "Have your paid your dues, ????" "Yes sir, the check is in the mail."

Edited by greenman
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No, it's 'Diva'.

I shall now leave this thread and all its inherent chaos & disorder to people who can handle that type of thing.

Good movie pick. Haven't seen it in ages...I'll have to rectify that soon.

And MM, I'm surprised a little chaos upsets you.

“Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos, and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair."

Edited by Strider
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Good movie pick. Haven't seen it in ages...I'll have to rectify that soon.

And MM, I'm surprised a little chaos upsets you.

"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair."

The Dark Knight

“I will not be threatened by a walking meat loaf!”

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Citizen Kane

"It was a marriage like any other marriage.'

The Lady From Shanghi

"Just tell 'em you're doin' a little tar-get practice."

The Magnificant Ambersons

"Wilber Minifer, quiet man. Town'll hardly know he's gone."


"Don't you be lazy now!"

Edited by aen27
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Does this mean we can just pick any line fom any film? It can become difficult to find specific answers, as many words are spoken in the same text in many films.

A common quote from more than one movie is fine...

"It was beauty killed the beast"

concluded both King King 1933 and King Kong 2005

But try to make your quote distinctive, not something general..

There are a million movies where someone says "Oh shit!"

Also, please remember to guess the quote from the thread above...

Otherwise this is going to get messy... messier

back on track...

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Quite right, the chase. You created a good game and gave simple enough instructions that anyone should be able to follow.

aen27, please go back and read the chase's original post, for you've lost the plot.

Now, back on track.

“I will not be threatened by a walking meat loaf!”


An American Werewolf in London

"You are, all of you, amateurs. And international affairs should never be run by gentlemen amateurs. Do you have any idea of what sort of place the world is becoming all around you? The days when you could just act out of your noble instincts, are over. Europe has become the arena of realpolitik, the politics of reality. If you like: real politics. What you need is not gentlemen politicians, but real ones. You need professionals to run your affairs, or you're headed for disaster!"

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"If I died tonight, would it have been enough? Than I'd live forever."

Doesn't ring a bell. Is it from one of the Twilight movies?

"Go to Binion. Tell him I'm for sale. Do it now"

Is it "Sex & Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal"?

"Character #1:You like Led Zeppelin?

Character #2: Yeah. Do YOU like Led Zeppelin?

#1: Oh, sure. They were a great band.

#2: I bet you've never even heard of Led Zeppelin. I bet you're just one of them grown ups who just pretends to like really cool bands just to get close to little punks like me.

#1: Well, I think we've covered just about everything...

#2: Ok, what's you're favorite Led Zeppelin song?

#1: Umm... Moby Dick, live version. Bitchin' drum solo."

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Ok, aen27, you said you understood but you're gumming up the works again by not answering the quote of the last post. KB's and the chase's quotes have been left ignored for several posts now. So again I will try to clear the slate anew so we can start fresh.

Hey Callahan! Don't look so puked out! Better luck next time fool!

Sudden Impact

Many that live deserve death.And some that die deserve life.Can you give it to them?

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Here's one I think will probably never be guessed. (Hint: It came out in 1936)

'Listen to him.....Is it alright Mr. Chisholm? Ain'tchu heared about the liberation? Go on, take your drink colored brother!'

Hmmm...redrum, the only movie I can think of from 1936 with a Mr. Chisholm in it is "Petrified Forest".

"Oh mama, I was the slut of all time!"

Butterfield 8

"A weak mind isn't strong enough to hurt itself. Stupidity has saved many a man from going mad."

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I don't know that one Strider, but in an attempt to reassert my anarchist credentials, I offer these (both from the same movie):

M: "To be frank, certain men at this party are going to offer themselves to you tonight"

F: "Really? Look, I'm afraid that, uh, 'certain men' are going to be rather disappointed"

M: "Which ones?"


M1: "Hello gorgeous. Care for a screw?"

M2: "He used to say 'fuck' "

F: "Any particular reason for the change?"

M1: "Yeah, I get more fucks when I say 'screw' "

F: "Is he always like this?"

M2: "It's just his tough exterior. Underneath, there's a sensitive vulnerable man. It's true - he once screwed a woman with a tin leg, out of sheer pity"

M1: "She was very well adjusted, except for the kneecap squeak"

Good lord man...this is what I wake up to? The idea of you watching "Don's Party" puts your post over in the Attending Concerts Alone thread in a new perspective. ;)

It's a good thing I saw a Bruce Beresford retrospective recently or that would've had me scratching my head forever.

Ok, as my above quote hasn't been answered, I'll provide another hint, another quote from the same film:

":Ah, these English! What is the good of kissing a girl if she does not feel it?"

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