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Page, Plant, & Jones Press Conference: Friday, September 21


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I didnt get a good vibe between JPJ and Plant


I think we were watching different things.

The space between the chairs was determined by the length of the table.

The Kennedy honours thing is not as big a deal outside of the USA, truly.

And I thought the Rory Gallagher question was completely out of place.

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I didnt get a good vibe between JPJ and Plant IMO

I thought the same thing when I saw the pictures Sam posted earlier today. Robert and Jimmy seemed very close together and JPJ distant. I didn't want to read anything into it at the time, your post just brought it back to mind.

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(I didnt get a good vibe between JPJ and Plant IMO), but who knows.

I agree. That's the first thing I noticed. It wasn't really a BAD vibe, but it was noticeable that they were sort of distant, from the body language and some facial expressions.

It was refreshing to see an interview with them (all 3 members) after 100 years.

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Wow - I guess this is another theory that will become a big debate around here but IMO it's just another example of what I said earlier - the first line of thought around here always seems to be negative and looking for a problem. I'm personally just thrilled by the whole thing.

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I thought the same thing when I saw the pictures Sam posted earlier today. Robert and Jimmy seemed very close together and JPJ distant. I didn't want to read anything into it at the time, your post just brought it back to mind.

Yeah, I dont want to seem like Im trying to read to much into it. It just seemed like Plant had a few "face falls" especially when JPJ said he zoned out after one of Plants long replys. Could be nothing.

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I just watched this and to see them together...just absolutely fantastic! I did not get the vibe of anything negative. I thought it was as always, Robert more outspoken, and JPJ always more quiet. Jimmy commenting on the technical side of things. I agree, the question was tasteless regarding Rory Gallagher.

All I can say is how great it was to see all three of them together and the only thing that could have made it better was if Jason would have been there.

I'll probably watch it several more times after work today :-)

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Interesting press conference. The guys look good and they seem happy. Cant wait to see the show and get the DVD/CD.

I dont see any more one offs though (I didnt get a good vibe between JPJ and Plant IMO), but who knows.

As far as Jason Bonhams MIA I think Plant said (When disscussing JB) "I dont know where he is".

I don't get any 'bad vibe' at all. :blink: I don't know what you people are talking about.

As for Jason, he does have a tour to get ready for, so maybe he's busy rehearsing?


I'm updating this Imgur album with all the photos of the press conference I can find

After looking at Sam and Cookie's photos, I do have one question: When did Jimmy get taller than Robert? Robert has always been the tallest of the band. Now it looks like he's shrunk. Must be the angle.

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I agree. That's the first thing I noticed. It wasn't really a BAD vibe, but it was noticeable that they were sort of distant, from the body language and some facial expressions.

It was refreshing to see an interview with them (all 3 members) after 100 years.

Yeah it was really cool to see them up there together. It happens way less then I would like, but thats the way it is.

As far as my comment about JPJ and Plant before I make anyone upset its just an observation, Im not trying to start an uproar here. And I'll admit I could be totally wrong. I simply thought I saw some "uncomfortable" facial and body expressions. I also mentioned earlier that I thought its odd Jason Bonham was absent, Thats all. But I'm not in the inner working of these guys and I dont know the why's, who's or how's.

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I loved the next to last question from the french reporter and the reactions he elicited from all of them. Check out JPJ's eyebrows when the reporter asks if the bass or keyboards have been "fixed". Or when Robert answers "We're not going to tell you that" and Jimmy follows with an insulted look saying "Yeah really" and comes around with a smile.

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I loved the next to last question from the french reporter and the reactions he elicited from all of them. Check out JPJ's eyebrows when the reporter asks if the bass or keyboards have been "fixed". Or when Robert answers "We're not going to tell you that" and Jimmy follows with an insulted look saying "Yeah really" and comes around with a smile.

Yeah that was fab :)

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"As for Jason, he does have a tour to get ready for, so maybe he's busy rehearsing?"

Possible. But in my mind I see Jason dropping anything he's doing at the moment to make an appearance at this press conference that dealt with one of the biggest moments of his life. But as I said thats how I think about it only, maybe theres something else going on. Though I havent read or heard about it yet.

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Yeah it was really cool to see them up there together. It happens way less then I would like, but thats the way it is.

As far as my comment about JPJ and Plant before I make anyone upset its just an observation, Im not trying to start an uproar here. And I'll admit I could be totally wrong. I simply thought I saw some "uncomfortable" facial and body expressions. I also mentioned earlier that I thought its odd Jason Bonham was absent, Thats all. But I'm not in the inner working of these guys and I dont know the why's, who's or how's.

Zeppelin were never comfortable with press conferences.I don't see that's changed. It would have created even more discussions if JPJ and RP were separated by Jimmy.

Edited by ledded1
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ACTUALLY when Jones made his quip about "5 years is five minutes in Led Zeppelin time" (fantastic response) him and Plant shared a smile and a laugh...so therefore I will assume, since everyone likes to assume, that JPJ and Robert are actually going on tour as Jones and Plant, doing some amazing bluegrass covers.

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Zeppelin were never comfortable with press conferences.I don't see that's changed. It would have created even more discussions if JPJ and RP were separated by Jimmy.

That could be it. Besides a few awkward (IMO) moments they seemed to be pretty cool with the whole thing.

I'm happy they did it and even MUCH MORE happy we're getting a new DVD/CD of the O2!!! Thats what matters most IMO

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Well yes, they should, and the journalists were all briefed to that effect.

Led Zeppelin don't do press conferences every week - this was for a specific thing, and it just made the Irish journalist sound obsessed. I thought Jimmy handled it well.

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Jimmy looked so bored towards the end.... he kept looking at his watch and playing with his dentures!

There's definitely a 'not entirely comfortable' dynamic between JPJ and RP - RP would look at JP often when he was speaking, but rarely at JPJ, and they were giving each other quite a bit of space. All that said, they all seem genuinely proud of the finished film, and I for one cannot wait to see it!

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Well... That's the main point here. That journalist used his chance because he won't have it again most likely. Definitely much better than those "how did you feel that night"-type questions.

But Taro, the main point is the press conference was for the DVD launch. The journalists were TOLD that their questions should be about the DVD - even Jimmy made a point of bringing that into focus. If they had all decided to take that chance to get their dream questions from the history of Led Zeppelin/their favourite guitarists out, the guys would most probably have halted the whole thing.

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