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What Questions Would You Have Asked At The Press Conferences?


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I WOULD take this opportunity to ask robert plant what he thinks about a highly possible previous life, arcangelo corelli...

...since there are thrilling, twinlike similiarities. not only the face and big red hair, but also as mighty rearrangers...

plant as co-creator of heavy metal (led zeppelin's first record = world's first heavy metal record).

corelli is called the father of the heavy medium concerto grosso (big concert), he added a string orchestra to the trio sonata, which doubled the sound and created a much more intense experience for the audience.

when corelli died he was held in such reverance that he as the first and so far only musician was buried "among the gods" in the antique temple pantheon in rome. in his lifetime he was even called orpheus, a roman god, who with his song moved the rocks...

so why not come back, as kind of a son to himself, reincarnated, as a singing golden rock god, in a band that sure made the rocks move like never before and has orpheus son apollo on its logo...

THEN I would ask Jimmy about his possible previous life, closely connected to Corelli,

a life that will be revealed in a film about iconic musical reincarnation examples, released (non commercialy) 21 december this year.

am i allowed to show the address to the trailers for this film? (i was a bit surprised when my first post about this suddenly disappeared, especially since i thought zeppelin fans, had an extra interest in the occult mysteries of life...)

well here it is anyway, hoping for mercy this time:


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:rolleyes: ^ That's not a question. It's more like selling them an idea, don't you think???

Question, four parts:

"How do you feel about Led Zeppelin tribute bands? Do you find it creepy that they feel the need to go as far as to copy your identity? (i.e. hairstyle, clothing, body gestures) Are you getting paid royalties or are they solely reaping the financial benefits of years of your hard work? And finally, wouldn't you agree that it would be far more beneficial to the music community for these musicians who strive to start a tribute band to, instead, take what they've learned from Led Zeppelin, follow your path, and create some kick ass original music of their own?"

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I WOULD take this opportunity to ask robert plant what he thinks about a highly possible previous life, arcangelo corelli...

...since there are thrilling, twinlike similiarities. not only the face and big red hair, but also as mighty rearrangers...

:huh: He's never had red hair in his life.

plant as co-creator of heavy metal (led zeppelin's first record = world's first heavy metal record).

None of their albums are "Heavy Metal". I don't know how many times THEY have to state this for it to be understood.

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red was not a good description of their hair colour, it's more golden, or dark blond for both of them, MAYBE a slight reddish tone, or orange, well whatever...

"Few will argue that Led Zeppelin didn't invent heavy metal. One who will, however, is Robert Plant, the golden god who became the archetype for every metal throat"

i know of this debate knebby, we could maybe have chosen "hard rock" or something instead, but i saw so many places on the web, describing their first album as the start of heavy metal, so we chose that term to make it more understandable, if that is the most familiar term to describe it with, sorry knebby, AND robert plant...

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] but i saw so many places on the web, describing their first album as the start of heavy metal

I see you've got an agenda, but since you're already here...why not educate yourself?

so we chose that term to make it more understandable

See, there's where you went wrong. You swapped factuality for understandability. Enjoy the music. :wizard:


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I was wondering when someone would start this thread.

How about a real question.....

"Robert, if you recall...do you remember which Led Zeppelin tour gave you the biggest hard-on, and is that memory guiding you in any way towards the future?"

That's what someone should have opened with.

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I WOULD take this opportunity to ask robert plant what he thinks about a highly possible previous life, arcangelo corelli...

...since there are thrilling, twinlike similiarities. not only the face and big red hair, but also as mighty rearrangers...

plant as co-creator of heavy metal (led zeppelin's first record = world's first heavy metal record).

corelli is called the father of the heavy medium concerto grosso (big concert), he added a string orchestra to the trio sonata, which doubled the sound and created a much more intense experience for the audience.

when corelli died he was held in such reverance that he as the first and so far only musician was buried "among the gods" in the antique temple pantheon in rome. in his lifetime he was even called orpheus, a roman god, who with his song moved the rocks...

so why not come back, as kind of a son to himself, reincarnated, as a singing golden rock god, in a band that sure made the rocks move like never before and has orpheus son apollo on its logo...

THEN I would ask Jimmy about his possible previous life, closely connected to Corelli,

a life that will be revealed in a film about iconic musical reincarnation examples, released (non commercialy) 21 december this year.

am i allowed to show the address to the trailers for this film? (i was a bit surprised when my first post about this suddenly disappeared, especially since i thought zeppelin fans, had an extra interest in the occult mysteries of life...)

well here it is anyway, hoping for mercy this time:


That kinda questions would be more fitting for the annual tin foil hatters gathering.

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I see you've got an agenda, but since you're already here...why not educate yourself?

See, there's where you went wrong. You swapped factuality for understandability. Enjoy the music. :wizard:


well, i am not alone, and it doesn't matter to this heavy connection between plant and corelli. still i don't think it's totally wrong to talk about led zeppelin in terms of heavy metal, since they have had quite a big influence on the genre. and yes i do enjoy the music, thank god, or whoever created it, for music, what would life be without it...

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That kinda questions would be more fitting for the annual tin foil hatters gathering.

this is always the case for new things, if you dare to think outside the box. it's ridiculed or ignored, but if it holds it will eventually be accepted. and i do think my research will be accepted as something worth of serious interest. what i show are icons in the history of music, classical and pop/rock. and since all musicians aren't icons there aren't too many to choose from, so i find it very odd, seeing these significant similarities, between then and now... and if one can't see that, maybe, he/she is the one who should wear a funny hat...

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well, i am not alone, and it doesn't matter to this heavy connection between plant and corelli. still i don't think it's totally wrong to talk about led zeppelin in terms of heavy metal, since they have had quite a big influence on the genre. and yes i do enjoy the music, thank god, or whoever created it, for music, what would life be without it...

regarding this heavy connection, it is in fact even more intricate than just heavy versus heavy. when corelli created the heavy medium concerto grosso, he added a string orchestra to the trio sonata, and this is described as two contrasting elements, the light trio sonata (consisting of a small group of solo instruments) and the heavy string orchestra. in led zeppelin's name we also have this contrast between light and heavy and that is also what there music is about of course...

back to the question on the press conference, and i guess i'm not alone anymore wanting to ask jimmy page about his previous life... cause, on a search yesterday, i found that someone else have made the same connection, independent of me! and this is in a way not surprising cause i have always, since the start 12 years ago, thought that if i hadn't discovered the similarities between the music icons of yesterday and today, others would... another example is the connection puccini - mercury, that i discovered 12 years ago. for long i saw no one else making the same connection, BUT 2009, this appeared on the net:

"Other’s of you will have seen our gallery of look alike pictures. We started this as a bit of fun but the pictures we have been comparing have got more and more spooky as we have been comparing people recently that look a lot like someone in the recent or distant past and as that has happened the views have dropped and so have the comments as though people are afraid of what they have seen or may see.

One of those pictures is incredibly spooky as it shows a picture of the composer of the opera La Boheme, Puccini, in 1909 with the composer of that most operatic of tracks, Bohemian Rhapsody, Freddy Mercury."


AND 2011, i discovered that there was another person discovering this interesting connection. it is posted a picture comparison of the two, and a question over it "You ever notice how much Freddy Mercury looks like Puccini?" we can also see from the answer it gets that another person also has thought about the connection:

"On the eve of his birthday, I was thinking the same thing. I believe he may be reincarnated, if you believe in that....lots of parallels to their lives, Bohemian Rhapsody->La Boheme, and Freddie was fond of twenties music , which is when Puccini passed, and both were obsessed with fast cars."


since me and my team started so early, i guess no one is near us regarding collecting similarities about the musician cases, regarding puccini-mercury for example, we have 40 pages written... and this will all be shown, in due time, AND the first of this is the presentations in the trailers, another trailer is soon coming up, and then we have the big film december 21.

and i know this material is controversial no matter how much similarities is presented, you can't state for a fact, i guess, that we're talking real cases of reincarnation, but still, it could be quite convincing, and that's worth something too... like a convincing case in the court room.

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and i know this material is controversial no matter how much similarities is presented, you can't state for a fact, i guess, that we're talking real cases of reincarnation, but still, it could be quite convincing, and that's worth something too... like a convincing case in the court room.

Reincarnation is another unproven and unrealistic theory, just like all your prepositions, are presented as fact.

It is obvious you have devoted a lot of time into this but it is common knowledge that the label Heavy Metal was coined by the media, radio to be precise..

The only connection any of those people have in common is that they are musicians and some bear a very remote resemblance at best.

Light and shade is the terminology you were trying to put across not, light and heavy.

Btw it's there as in location, their as in possession and they're as in reality.

That's the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

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That's the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.



Question to LZ:

"Thank you for the presser... how likely is it that we will see an authorized account of the band's song writing process- the story behind each song if you will...?"

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this is always the case for new things, if you dare to think outside the box. it's ridiculed or ignored, but if it holds it will eventually be accepted. and i do think my research will be accepted as something worth of serious interest. what i show are icons in the history of music, classical and pop/rock. and since all musicians aren't icons there aren't too many to choose from, so i find it very odd, seeing these significant similarities, between then and now... and if one can't see that, maybe, he/she is the one who should wear a funny hat...

Just because someone looks a little bit like a deceased person does not make him a reincarnated version of that deceased person.

Your "research" is based on nothing, you have no proof that reincarnation even exists. None of the people mentioned in your "documentary" has ever claimed to be a reincarnation of any of the people you mention.

Neither did Robert ever have dark blonde or red hair.........

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None of their albums are "Heavy Metal". I don't know how many times THEY have to state this for it to be understood.

Huh? You can't argue that their songs were heavily influential in the development of the genre, and that several of them (including many of the tracks from PG and Pr. - "In My Time of Dying" and "Achilles Last Stand" spring to mind) are nothing but pure heavy metal.

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So many people reasking the reunion question took up precious Zepp time! I would literally have to study and brainstorm for hours to find the right question. Besides a childish marriage proposal, I would probably ask something about other things that would have brought them together for a reunion concert. But I would obviously make the question more specific. Like that guy they honored in 2007 must've been really special.

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