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The Homily of Jimmy Page (Blog)

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Unnecessarily nasty. I have copied below the two pieces to which I take the greatest of exception.

"...finally releasing that waste of time reunion concert DVD and live album and appearing in that rubbish documentary with The Edge and Jack White."

"...But who is Jimmy Page? A sad old man who was great once. A rotten soul, by all accounts, punch-drunk from early fame, from the insecurities and addictions that ate at his psyche and soul, that stole his heart and ended the game for him."

I for one thoroughly enjoyed the reunion concert and DVD thereof. I also enjoyed the documentary. And finally, I do not consider Jimmy Page to be 'a sad old man' or 'a rotten soul'.

The only question I have is who the f--k is Simon Sweetman? Answer - some nonentity with a blog.

EDIT:- I have just noticed that good old Simon thinks that Phil Collins' best skill was his drumming, which leads me to think that you could write what Simon knows about music on the back of a stamp, and still lick it.

Edited by kenog
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"But who is Jimmy Page? A sad old man who was great once. A rotten soul, by all accounts, punch-drunk from early fame, from the insecurities and addictions that ate at his psyche and soul, that stole his heart and ended the game for him."
But who is this blogger? A sad old writer, great not once. A bloated soul, judging by his blogging account photo, punch-drunk on pudding hoping for fame, with the insecurities and addictions, he ate from a bowl that stoked a fart and ended the game for him, without nary a start.
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Obnoxious b.s.; incredible it was published. The funny thing is he insults Page yet also praises him. I'm sorry he didn't like Celebration Day, but why would he think we care what he thinks--to me the article reads like something someone wrote while intoxicated because he needed to turn in something to his editor on deadline. I used to be a journalist and we had quotas; that's one reason why so much journalism is bad.

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"A rotten soul, by all accounts"?

Not by all accounts - not by a long chalk. Sure, there's accounts of him being unpleasant, particularly when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. There are also plenty of "accounts" that are quite the reverse.

People are entitled to their opinions, but to just write off a human being as "rotten" seems. . . rotten.

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Anybody shouldn't be allowed to give a opinion of any person without knowing them personally. This not only applies to Jimmy in this case but to everybody.

I don't even bother to enter the site just by reading your quotations.


Edited by Laura_Page
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Anybody shouldn't be allowed to give a opinion of any person without knowing them personally. This not only applies to Jimmy in this case but to everybody.

I don't even bother to enter the site just by reading your quotations.


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Pathetic. Just an attention seeking loser with a keyboard. Not worth the time of day. I strongly disagree with everything he said but it's just not worth refuting each thing. Only replying to show disdain for this blogger and unending support and love for Jimmy!

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+1 Agreed truly PATHETIC April_Lynn............"LOSER"!!!!

Pathetic. Just an attention seeking loser with a keyboard. Not worth the time of day. I strongly disagree with everything he said but it's just not worth refuting each thing. Only replying to show disdain for this blogger and unending support and love for Jimmy!

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Pathetic. Just an attention seeking loser with a keyboard. Not worth the time of day. I strongly disagree with everything he said but it's just not worth refuting each thing. Only replying to show disdain for this blogger and unending support and love for Jimmy!

Well said. :)

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I read as much as I could of his diatribe last night, I felt sad after reading it.

How a person can criticize another's creative output is beyond me.

How can a person call another person a rotten soul based on some personal slight felt for potential music unplayed???? Wow, really?

Mr. Sweetman needs to learn appreciation for what is reality.

Jimmy Page was more creative in his 12 years with Zeppelin than most are in several lifetimes.

Zeppelin's music, I dare say because of Jimmy Page's production skills has stood the test of time, (40+ years!!!!!) better than most any music produced!

In 5 days we won't recall this blogger's name.

That is enough for me.


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If you want to know how bogus this guy and his periodical, "Stuff" is: I tried to post a comment and it didn't get past the moderator. My comment wasn't obscene, profane, libelous, threatening or spam, so there's no way it shouldn't have gone through. Apparently they only post comments that praise the writer. This isn't journalism; this is garbage. My opinion of New Zealand has been diminished.

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People, you need to stop being 10-year-old fanboys. Page has been on the serious wane since 1980. This is obvious even to me, a die-hard Jimmy Page fan.

The blogger is flat-out wrong on some things, but he's obviously right on this statement: "And his half-arsed solo career - fuelled by sporadic guest-work/collaborations - is actually appalling when you consider it."

Pathetic. Just an attention seeking loser with a keyboard. Not worth the time of day. I strongly disagree with everything he said but it's just not worth refuting each thing. Only replying to show disdain for this blogger and unending support and love for Jimmy!

Or maybe you're too big of a Page fanboy to admit the truth?

Edited by Geezer
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People, you need to stop being 10-year-old fanboys. Page has been on the serious wane since 1980. This is obvious even to me, a die-hard Jimmy Page fan.

The blogger is flat-out wrong on some things, but he's obviously right on this statement: "And his half-arsed solo career - fuelled by sporadic guest-work/collaborations - is actually appalling when you consider it."

Or maybe you're too big of a Page fanboy to admit the truth?

This is the Led Zeppelin fansite. People here, at least 90 percent, do not want to read about how someone dislikes Jimmy Page. I could theorize about why someone would post such remarks, but let me just say the theories would not reflect well on the people who post these remarks.

I also do not believe that someone who is a "die-hard Jimmy Page fan" would at the same time think his solo work, which is mostly the work he has been doing for more than 30 years, is "appalling." Those two statements would contradict each other. It isn't possible for someone to be a "die-hard" fan of someone while hating their work. Jimmy Page is the same person he was when he was in Led Zeppelin; of course the music isn't the same, but I do not believe for one second that someone who loved Page's work in Zeppelin would somehow hate his solo work. He did not mutate into another being when he left Led Zeppelin. He didn't even change his style of playing much, or the genres in which he works.

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I also do not believe that someone who is a "die-hard Jimmy Page fan" would at the same time think his solo work, which is mostly the work he has been doing for more than 30 years, is "appalling."

Page hasn't released an original work in 15 years. Do you seriously think Page has been an active musician for over 30 years?

Those two statements would contradict each other. It isn't possible for someone to be a "die-hard" fan of someone while hating their work.

I never said I hated Page's post-Zep work. I merely said that his post-Zep work is rather disappointing and not even close to his work in Zeppelin. If you take into account the fact that Page was the leading songwriter, guitarist and producer of Led Zeppelin, then you'll understand why many people think Jimmy's solo work is "appalling". Sure, there are some highlights but nothing spectacular. And I'm not referring to the overall music, I'm only referring to guitar-work and production. I know enough about rock music and guitar to be making such (obvious) statements.

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The beauty of the Internet is that it allows anyone and everyone to express their opinions. I happen to not agree with the guy but it doesn't bother me since I am not swayed by some guy's negative diatribe about a man he has never met. Some people just like to bitch...

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