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The Van Halen (2007 Edition) Thread

Dance the Crunge

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Yeah fucking right. Some fat asshole lumbering around the stage like an elephant? Oh yeah, really great... :rolleyes:

Grow up.

I'm a guy, so I don't give two shits what the man looks like. Hagar is superior because he was an actual musician whereas Roth was a glorified showman. Other than the fact that you think hes fat, what exactly is your issue with the guy? (I'd just give you the benefit of the doubt because you're a 15 year old girl, but I'm not usually one to be stereotypical...)

If you honestly prefer to listen to DLR sing or play guitar, I think you need a new set of ears.

And if you ain't a big fan of 'em, and only a fan of that asswipe, what the fuck are you doing in this thread?

Oh no, I love Van Halen.

Just not a big fan of either EVH or his brother.

Edited by andrew
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A new set of ears? :huh:

Roth fitted with the band way more than Hagar. Roth had the energy and charisma that Van Halen needed. Without him,they're.. okay, maybe not nothing, Eddie is anawesome guitarista nd all that, but if you ain't got Roth there, then it ain't a show.

Hagar? Well, like I said, he doesn't look the part, and he doesn't act the part. Nor, does he sopund the part. Roth's voice fitted completely with what they were doing. They had to change everything for Hagar, and it wasn't the same. I mean come on, can you imagine Led Zeppelin wthout Robert Plant?

Edited by Ilovejimmypage92
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Hagar? Well, like I said, he doesn't look the part, and he doesn't act the part. Nor, does he sopund the part.

When they chose Hagar it was never their intention for him to become a DLR clone so none of what you're saying makes any sense. That said, I prefer the David Lee Roth years myself. I also like some of what they did with Hagar. Unfortunately with Hagar in the lineup they also got much closer to a commercial rock sound that came too close to that of Journey for my liking on more than one occasion.

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When they chose Hagar it was never their intention for him to become a DLR clone so none of what you're saying makes any sense. That said, I prefer the David Lee Roth years myself. I also like some of what they did with Hagar. Unfortunately with Hagar in the lineup they also got much closer to a commercial rock sound that came too close to that of Journey for my liking on more than one occasion.

That's what I was meaning. They changed everything, and it didn't fit.

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Yeah, but hat doesn't matter. What matters is who fitted them best and the answer is Roth.

Even though I'm more a fan of the Roth years than the Hagar years I think it does matter. As for who "fitted" (sic) them best, that is a matter of opinion. I think both are great frontmen but Dave's image is the one most fans associate them with since that's where the roots of Van Halen lie, in the Dave years. Prior to bringing Hagar into the fold they were already beginning to alter their sound to fit commercial radio, thus the introduction of keyboards into their sound and their biggest success yet with Jump. By naming Hagar as their new lead singer they only continued to follow this direction by making keyboards a more prominent fixture of their sound and by penning more songs with "love" in the title. Without Hagar they may have very well slipped into obscurity. Instead, with the streamlining of their sound, they enjoyed the biggest success they had enjoyed so far in their careers. The real travesty right now is that Edward Van Halen won't put his childishness aside long enough to allow Michael Anthony back into the band.

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Even though I'm more a fan of the Roth years than the Hagar years I think it does matter. As for who "fitted" (sic) them best, that is a matter of opinion. I think both are great frontmen but Dave's image is the one most fans associate them with since that's where the roots of Van Halen lie, in the Dave years. Prior to bringing Hagar into the fold they were already beginning to alter their sound to fit commercial radio, thus the introduction of keyboards into their sound and their biggest success yet with Jump. By naming Hagar as their new lead singer they only continued to follow this direction by making keyboards a more prominent fixture of their sound and by penning more songs with "love" in the title. Without Hagar they may have very well slipped into obscurity. Instead, with the streamlining of their sound, they enjoyed the biggest success they had enjoyed so far in their careers. The real travesty right now is that Edward Van Halen won't put his childishness aside long enough to allow Michael Anthony back into the band.

Thank you. I agree with this 100% (particularly the last comment. Wolfgang played bass for what? 3 months before Eddie decided to take him on tour as their bassist? Hagar and Michael Anthony supposedly sound great together though, though I haven't heard them myself.)

I understand those who prefer DLR, he brought an attitude to Van Halen, however the band needed Hagar for the direction they were heading in. I think most Van Halen fans can agree with that. Hagar himself is a talented musician and by adding him the band could go in a mainstream direction without compromising musicality. In my opinion, that is far more important than DLR "looking the part" better than Sammy Hagar (who had quite some presence and charisma himself).

Edited by andrew
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Prior to Sammy, Patty Smyth of Scandal was under consideration for the lead singer slot in Van Halen. I can't help but wonder what direction they would have gone in with a female singer out front.

As for Sammy, I don't think he was ever considered to be some sort of David Lee Roth type person onstage or was expected to somehow follow in Dave's footsteps as an over the top frontman in the same way Dave was. If anything, I gathered they (Ed and Alex particularly) had had enough of Dave's antics and fully expected to reign in that aspect of Van Halen by hiring someone like Hagar who had a history of being a dynamic frontman both in his solo career and with Montrose. If they were looking for "David Lee Roth, Jr." they went with the wrong guy. As for the Hagar era of Van Halen not compromising musically, I have to disagree there as they most certainly did and on nearly all fronts. With Hagar out front they gave in to the formulaic radio sound of the time and became known more for their ballads than their rockers, something which could never be said of DLR-era Van Halen.

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I got another newsletter.....and there may be more dates added in 08....ohhhhhh



I'll tell ya, from what I've heard of this tour, they've gotta make this a world tour,

it's that good.



Sammy wouldn't fit into Dave era songs any more than Dave would fit into Sammy era songs.. we'll leave Gary Cherrone out of this for the moment....

They really seem like two different bands.

But, as she rather short lived Dave Uber-Halen rock/metal group proved, Eddie had the vision to see where music was heading. Unfortunately it was heading in a rather boring direction.

I liked that EVH was diversifying and playing keys.

At the time I was just learning guitar, but had already played piano for a year, so it was inspiring to me. I think this just shows that each person's perspective and experiences define how they see a situation.

A lot of people said it sucked that EVH was playing keys and VH used synths.

To them, yes, it sucked. You can't really argue with that.

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I found this 232 page hardback tome at Barnes & Noble today.... went over to the quiet section, away from the fucking coffee making machines, grabbed a comfortable chair with arms (fabric, not a wooden stool!!), and spent the next hour looking at the Neil Zlozower book page by page.

This is a very well done visual documantary of the band 1978-1984.

Yes, some of the pictures of DLR are Gay. Even some of Eddie and the boys are gay, but very few.

I love the B&W shot from the Iwo Jima shoot.

There were comments by famous people about the first time they heard VH. Where were you when JF Kennedy was shot, kind of thing...Only, it was, what were you doing the first time you heard VH ? ? For some, it was the recording, and for others, it was live, at a club, or at a concert.

None of this horseshit, hard to read, typing over pictures and photos, that magazines can't seem to do without !! An easily readable documentary.


In all of the 232 pages, there were six words that I did not see, even once: :P

Sammy Hagar

Valerie Bertinelli

Gary Cherone

Just lots of great pictures of the band, together and individually, and from various video and promotional shoots as well.

No T&A here (well, maybe one shot if you look real close...).

This is not an expose. This is, a very well done hardcover book, on slick paper. The fact that they had this printed in China, and got such great relsults is heartwarming. Usually you'd see prinintg work of this quality coming from elsewhere.

CHECK IT OUT ! ! ! :cheer:

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[transferred post from 'last concert you attended' thread. ;) ]

Last night's concert was great! :cheer: The band fully delivered! :thumbsup:

They all looked genuinely happy; they were enthusiastic, they were fit,.. and they fucking rocked!

Eddie was his masterful self; Alex was as powerful as ever; and Wolfgang totally won me over.. the not-so-little shit of a 16 year old jammed! It was really nice seeing him play with his dad in this great band! Hell, I remember when he was born.. so seeing him up there with his dad and uncle.. and Dave.. was really cool. And Diamond Dave.. :D .. what can ya say?! Diamond Dave was Diamond Dave! He was awesome. His schtick was classic DD, but it was totally in keeping with the current persona of the band.. and his age.. and in no way did he seem over-the-top clownish. He was a great showman, and I couldn't help but be really happy for him, seeing him basking in his realm.. the arena concert.. again. Sure, his kicks weren't as high as they used to be, but he still impressed with his martial arts moves, his strutting, and his voice was great. He even pulled up a few of his classic crowd pleasing lines, like.. "Look..at..all..the..people..here..to-nigghht!". If you've ever seen VH before, you know what I mean. :)

The set list (which you've all seen by now) was start-to-finish kickass! There wasn't a single lull in the entire show.

I was even pleasantly surprised at how fresh the songs that were ridiculously overplayed back in the 80's sounded tonight.. songs that were so overplayed if I heard em one more time back then I woulda puked.. songs like Panama and Jump. But tonight hearing them was as wonderful as seeing an old friend for the first time in a looong time! It was awesome.

GREAT SHOW! :thumbsup:

I had a really good time!


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Grow up.

I'm a guy, so I don't give two shits what the man looks like. Hagar is superior because he was an actual musician whereas Roth was a glorified showman. Other than the fact that you think hes fat, what exactly is your issue with the guy? (I'd just give you the benefit of the doubt because you're a 15 year old girl, but I'm not usually one to be stereotypical...)

If you honestly prefer to listen to DLR sing or play guitar, I think you need a new set of ears.

Oh no, I love Van Halen.

Just not a big fan of either EVH or his brother.

I'll tell you what Hagar added to the band. A big fucking Vagina.

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[transferred post from 'last concert you attended' thread. ;) ]

Last night's concert was great! :cheer: The band fully delivered! :thumbsup:

They all looked genuinely happy; they were enthusiastic, they were fit,.. and they fucking rocked!

Eddie was his masterful self; Alex was as powerful as ever; and Wolfgang totally won me over.. the not-so-little shit of a 16 year old jammed! It was really nice seeing him play with his dad in this great band! Hell, I remember when he was born.. so seeing him up there with his dad and uncle.. and Dave.. was really cool. And Diamond Dave.. :D .. what can ya say?! Diamond Dave was Diamond Dave! He was awesome. His schtick was classic DD, but it was totally in keeping with the current persona of the band.. and his age.. and in no way did he seem over-the-top clownish. He was a great showman, and I couldn't help but be really happy for him, seeing him basking in his realm.. the arena concert.. again. Sure, his kicks weren't as high as they used to be, but he still impressed with his martial arts moves, his strutting, and his voice was great. He even pulled up a few of his classic crowd pleasing lines, like.. "Look..at..all..the..people..here..to-nigghht!". If you've ever seen VH before, you know what I mean. :)

The set list (which you've all seen by now) was start-to-finish kickass! There wasn't a single lull in the entire show.

I was even pleasantly surprised at how fresh the songs that were ridiculously overplayed back in the 80's sounded tonight.. songs that were so overplayed if I heard em one more time back then I woulda puked.. songs like Panama and Jump. But tonight hearing them was as wonderful as seeing an old friend for the first time in a looong time! It was awesome.

GREAT SHOW! :thumbsup:

I had a really good time!


Sounds awesome! I'm glad he's still saying all that stuff! Did he forget the words??? :wub:

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[transferred post from 'last concert you attended' thread. ;) ]

Last night's concert was great! :cheer: The band fully delivered! :thumbsup:

They all looked genuinely happy; they were enthusiastic, they were fit,.. and they fucking rocked!

Eddie was his masterful self; Alex was as powerful as ever; and Wolfgang totally won me over.. the not-so-little shit of a 16 year old jammed!

I was even pleasantly surprised at how fresh the songs that were ridiculously overplayed back in the 80's sounded tonight.. songs that were so overplayed if I heard em one more time back then I woulda puked.. songs like Panama and Jump. But tonight hearing them was as wonderful as seeing an old friend for the first time in a looong time! It was awesome.

GREAT SHOW! :thumbsup:

I had a really good time!


So Hermit....it's promising to read such a good report. They're coming to Dallas in Jan., so we'll have to see about going... After seeing how well the "son" performed.... do you have real hope that Jason Bonham will be able to fill in for John B. if the concert goes well enough for them to actually record and tour again ? ? ?

Edited by The Rover
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I hope VH come to the UK next year. Saw them way back in the early eighties with DLR on the Women and Children First Tour at The Rainbow, London. Without Roth I then lost interest. Now there back playing stuff off the first six albums - This is a must see gig for me.

I was thinking though that if they don't come over to the UK, we get to see Zep and you get to see VH there in the US - I know where I'd rather be :rolleyes:

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I hope VH come to the UK next year. Saw them way back in the early eighties with DLR on the Women and Children First Tour at The Rainbow, London. Without Roth I then lost interest. Now there back playing stuff off the first six albums - This is a must see gig for me.

I was thinking though that if they don't come over to the UK, we get to see Zep and you get to see VH there in the US - I know where I'd rather be :rolleyes:

Me too...in the US <_<

But, it doesn't matter, because I can't see either :rolleyes:

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I hope VH come to the UK next year. Saw them way back in the early eighties with DLR on the Women and Children First Tour at The Rainbow, London. Without Roth I then lost interest. Now there back playing stuff off the first six albums - This is a must see gig for me.

I was thinking though that if they don't come over to the UK, we get to see Zep and you get to see VH there in the US - I know where I'd rather be :rolleyes:

I love Van halen and Eddie is one of my favourite guitar players but to quote someone on the old forum who might be on here !! " Van halen are not in the same F*cking ball park as Led Zep"

So I know where I would like to be ! :rolleyes: ! but in saying that...come Ed get ya band over here next year !!

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So Hermit....it's promising to read such a good report. They're coming to Dallas in Jan., so we'll have to see about going... After seeing how well the "son" performed.... do you have real hope that Jason Bonham will be able to fill in for John B. if the concert goes well enough for them to actually record and tour again ? ? ?

Well we all know that no one can ever replace Bonzo,.. but I'm certain that its gonna warm peoples' hearts seeing Bonzo's son up there on drums in his stead. Having seen Wolfgang Van Halen play with his dad and uncle, I'm sure that however much Jason pales in comparison to his dad (as would most any drummer), the sentimental value of his being in the band will more than make up for it. I'm guessing the good vibe generated by having a Bonham on drums will dissolve most peoples' need to critically evaluate Jason's skill as a drummer in comparison to his dad.

Like Wolfgang Van Halen, Jason Bonham has good musician genes, right? :D

So yeah,.. I have real hope that Jason will do just fine. B)


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I saw VH way back on October 7 in Toronto. Absolutely mind-blowing. They sounded great, energy was high, it was a great time. Highlites for me were the opening/You Really Got Me, Everybody Wants Some, Dance The Night Away, Eddie's Solo, Unchained, Mean Street, hell it was all good. The only downside was the big hole it left in my wallet...ouch. It was worth it though.

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