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What Is Your Biggest Regret In Life

Charles J. White

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Definitely regret not taking up my father's offer, at age 14, to fully fund/finance all training/equipment necessary to become a custom airbrush artist.

At the time (~1974), I was reading up on airbrush techniques and new automotive paints and finishes, and even sent away for some samples and information.

He knew how talented of an artist I was, and made the offer in total earnest.

But at 14, I was typically lackadaisical towards most everything, especially anything my parents encouraged.

Had I begun at that point, by the time I turned 18 I would have had the skill and experience to make a whole lot of money, as custom-airbrushed scenes on vans, motorcycles and whatnot were hugely popular.

Very disappointing.

Second would be viewing the Daniel Pearl decapitation video.

At the time, it was all over the news, and I remember hearing a radio host saying something to the effect of, "everyone needs to see this, to understand what it is we're facing."

So I watched the full video, and to this day I regret it.

There is nothing more horrible than witnessing someone losing their life, especially when it's intentional.

As the saying goes, "that which has been seen cannot be unseen."

And it couldn't be truer.

There are some things that I just don't want to see.

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