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2014 FIFA World Cup


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Laser beam shines on Russian keeper.

What else will these fucked up sports "fans" stoop to, to ensure victory?

The World Cup has lost all credibility (as if it had any to begin with?).

As far as I'm concerned the beautiful game is nothing more than a shameful farce and a blight on world sport.


Yes, but not too many illegal substances abuses (reported) as opposed to other sports.
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Well you wait 4 years to play these games, and you win two and know you are moving on and you sit 6 guys? What kind of a damn sport is this? And talk about putting someone to sleep. Only golf has this beat. Two ESPN writers did me in yesterday saying the Belgium game will be high scoring. Oh year. Another 1-0 sleeper. I had my contest streak snapped on that shit. This sport needs more scoring. This is why it will NEVER be that big in the USA. Those fans out cheering were mostly transplanted Latino's and Euro's that have a long love for the sport. I like to watch the World Cup but I am getting sick of the lack of scoring and when a team is inferior in talent they put 6 or 7 men in the box and just keep playing "stall ball" as its called in basketball or the "trap" as its called in hockey. Its boring, and its not going to win any fans. I do not see the excitement in a bunch of fans jumping up and down and obviously liquored up good, when its 0-0 and they know there team has a bus outside to take them to the airport for the flight home. Due to not qualifying. Well the USA will have a brief interest and after seeing Belgium play twice, I do believe we can beat them. But that is likely the end. A team that knows how to score like the Dutch is going to be dangerous. I believe either Netherlands, France or Brazil will wind up winning it. I can see nobody else. Mexico is the one mystery team. Because they have a great goalie. If they knock off the Dutch it will likely be on penalty shots. And an unforgettable performance by that goalie of theirs. But if the Dutch win and I believe they will, I like their chances to go all the way

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To me the Netherlands vs Mexico is the best game in the first elimination round. Very tough to say what will happen with that Mexican goalie. And they mean business. I believe the Netherlands along with France and Brazil have the offense. But Mexico is tough. I am picking the Dutch but if Mexico wins this game the sky is the limit. I am also picking the USA to beat Belgium. A possible monster upset? Swiss vs Argentina

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Saurez: What can be done to this poor, unfortunate piece of filth? He won't be banned of course - he's South American. History tells us of this racist animal and unless he is banned for life, he will continue to ply his stock in trade. Hopefully he can take it to Spain next season.

Woy Hodgson. Ha. " We dominated the game". Fuck me Woy! Which game were you actually watching? If this is the future then why did he start with Lampard at 36 years of age?

I will not be watching any more of this farce. Time to enjoy the summer and look forward to evenings outside with some good company and greenary.

Hey, there's still Wimbledon for you English to enjoy! :P

So, I ask my English Forum brethren, what are the Fleet Street rags saying about this latest England World Cup shame? Is Hodgson gone? Whose heads will roll? Was this the last World Cup for the likes of Gerrard and Rooney? Rooney's only 28 so I guess he has one more left in him.

Before England's last match I posted John of Gaunt's "This blessed plot" speech from "Richard the Second"...well, only the inspirational part of his speech. As an optimist, I wanted to stay positive. But now that England managed to go winless in this year's WC, I'll now post the complete "Blessed plot" soliloquy.

Methinks I am a prophet new inspired

And thus expiring do foretell of him:

His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last,

For violent fires soon burn out themselves;

Small showers last long, but sudden storms are short;

He tires betimes that spurs too fast betimes;

With eager feeding food doth choke the feeder:

Light vanity, insatiate cormorant,

Consuming means, soon preys upon itself.

This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall,

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,

This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings,

Fear'd by their breed and famous by their birth,

Renowned for their deeds as far from home,

For Christian service and true chivalry,

As is the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry,

Of the world's ransom, blessed Mary's Son,

This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land,

Dear for her reputation through the world,

Is now leased out, I die pronouncing it,

Like to a tenement or pelting farm:

England, bound in with the triumphant sea

Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege

Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,

With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:

That England, that was wont to conquer others,

Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.

Ah, would the scandal vanish with my life,

How happy then were my ensuing death!

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I think Netherlands and Mexico is going to be an interesting game. The best game of the 8. I believe Argentina is ripe, and could be upset by the Swiss if they play well. Possible but not likely but very possible. The Netherlands must deal with the best goalie in the tourny. Yet I still think there will be goals in that game. I like the Dutch's chances. Then France and then Germany and Brazil in that order. No way can Argentina win this thing the way they played. My sleeper and team to make it deep is Colombia. I think the Netherlands beats Colombia in the final

Today's prediction

Brazil 3 Chile 2

Colombia 4 Uruguay 1

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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It's Brazil vs. Chile first up today and as Robert Plant would say, I don't know which way to go.

When in doubt, go with the home team I guess. Isn't there an Octopus in Germany that is famous for correctly predicting World Cup matches?

Columbia will trounce Portugal now that the Biting Dog has been sent off the pitch.

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I was a pretty indifferent spectator during the Brazil Vs. Chile encounter, but I still can't help but feel that Brazil deserved to win. Yes, their defense was absolute shit (look at how Chile scored the equalizer in the 1st half and you most certainly will see what I meant!). But, in spite of extremely sloppy defending, Brazil perhaps still deserved to lead 2-1. Why? Because, something else (apart from the Brazilian defense) was pretty iffy! That something, was the referee! I'm sorry but Brazil deserved a penalty kick, when the incredible Hulk (no pun intended!) was tripped up in that fashion in the penalty area, during the 34th minute! I am not so sure about that so-called "hand ball" by Hulk, though! Many seem to be of the opinion that the referee made a fair decision, in that regard. But as for me, I am not at all sure!

Anyway, for any Brazilian fan, it was certainly an "all's well, that ends well" moment! :)

But do I think they have any chances of making it to the Semi-Finals? Absolutely fuckin' not! With this kind of shitty defending, they will be trampled upon and tossed out of this world cup by the opposing team in the Quarter-Finals stage, if they don't pull up their socks soon!

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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THAT was THE most nail-biting match in this world cup, so far. Period. :wacko:

Damn!! A part of me thought that it was actually over for the Netherlands but another part of me thought that it cannot possibly be over yet! My dad who was supporting the Netherlands too, had pretty much given up and was praising that Mexican goal-keeper instead! :wacko:

Ha! Boy! Was I relieved when Sneijder scored that equalizer and suddenly, the whole outcome of the match just began to change before my eyes!! To think, he had been pretty quiet in this world cup so far and now, at this hour of need when everything looked so damn bleak for the Netherlands, he SCORES!!! Just awesome!

Hup Holland Hup!!! :yay:


Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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THAT was THE most nail-biting match in this world cup, so far. Period. :wacko:

Damn!! A part of me thought that it was actually over for the Netherlands but another part of me thought that it cannot possibly be over yet! My dad who was supporting the Netherlands too, had pretty much given up and was praising that Mexican goal-keeper instead! :wacko:

Ha! Boy! Was I relieved when Sneijder scored that equalizer and suddenly, the whole outcome of the match just began to change before my eyes!! To think, he had been pretty quiet in this world cup so far and now, at this hour of need when everything looked so damn bleak for the Netherlands, he SCORES!!! Just awesome!

Hup Holland Hup!!! :yay:


Yes it was. And I have Netherlands going all the way and beating Columbia in final on my contest. I won money on this game but I must admit, Mexico has good reason to cry foul. They should not have awarded a penalty kick in that scenario. Academy award to that Dutchman. I would not want to be a cop in Mexico City right now. I do feel bad for Mexico. The tying goal was brilliant and an example of how dangerous Netherlands are. Go Costa Rica. Up next

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Hup Holland Hup!!! Indeed, Kiwi...that was a helluva turnaround in the last five minutes or so of the match. Thankfully Netherlands vs. Mexico was the morning match so I was able to watch it before going into work yesterday. I was about the only one in the place cheering for the Orange...me and a waitress. Everyone else and definitely all the restaurant employees were going for Mexico.

Nice win by France this morning. I thought Nigeria would handle the heat of South America better than France, and also use their size advantage better. From the ashes of South Africa in 2010 France Football rises again.

Ok, at risk of ridicule, while waiting for Germany vs. Algeria to begin, I will publicly expose my World Cup incompetence by revealing my original WC brackets that I filled out before the WC began.

Group Play

Group A - Brazil, Mexico

Group B - Chile, Netherlands

Group C - Columbia, Ivory Coast

Group D - Uruguay, England (yes, chillumpuffer and plantpothead, I truly believed)

Group E - Ecuador, France

Group F - Argentina, Nigeria

Group G - Germany, Portugal

Group H - Belgium, Russia


Brazil over Columbia

Germany over Nigeria

Mexico over Uruguay

Argentina over Portugal


Germany over Brazil

Argentina over Mexico


Germany over Argentina in the rubber match...Argentina beating West Germany in 1986 in the WC Final and West Germany returning the favour in 1990.

Of course, since 5 of my original Group Play winning teams didn't make it through, and some teams finished higher or lower than I predicted, I have had to make a new, revised bracket for the Round of 16 onwards.

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