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well there isn't much to hear of happiness here in GF house whole as the news of my father -in -law as still holding on to life the doctors are saying its within the next few days, so I`m stay strong for Mrs GF she is really feeling helpless so I`m being her rock... are well I`ve been having a listen to music to aid me through all the madness... well oh well lets go to the highest point of having the strength to carry on but there are always others having a worst time than you...

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I1ve been told that my wife was called up to the hospital at 10am, she is still there now waiting for her brother to get back there so she can come home to eat and refuel and than go back, she is an absolutely amazing, I`m unsure when she will be able to for filling her any happiness to keep her going. but I`ve been there to aid her every step of the way...

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Charles J. you only let the inner child out to play lol... well there is sadness within my life today as my wife`s father passed away today...

Condolences to your wife and your good self, sad times. Best wishes.

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I`ve always thought that the musicians create music for themselves and other like minded people, so about caring maybe or not I`m unsure as to which is any ones guess. I`ll stay on the fence with my vote... I`ve been listening to Gov`t Mule there live album Holy Haunted House Disc 2 is the live versions of the Zeppelin album HOTH, totally amazing rock music. well they have a new live album due soon called Dark Side Of The Mule, yes its the Floyd covers show cool... I`ll be pre-order yes for GF...

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Charles J. you only let the inner child out to play lol... well there is sadness within my life today as my wife`s father passed away today...

My thoughts GF are of sadness but also positivety. If he has been ill, it will be a relief for all concerned and now turn it to a celebration of a life.

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maybe I`ll just been into the seal of state of upper if, buts or maybes, which I`ve been putting the left foot in the mouth with the right. its the sunshine its all honey and light with the rose tinted rose glasses ON, life isn't like that most of the time...

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maybe I`ll just been into the seal of state of upper if, buts or maybes, which I`ve been putting the left foot in the mouth with the right. its the sunshine its all honey and light with the rose tinted rose glasses ON, life isn't like that most of the time...

Don't let the loss get to you, use the rose coloured glasses to to keep you shielded from the pain and keep on smiling. They need you

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I`ve been able to help a little as the two sisters and brother won`t to do it all. its there way of coping... isn't the meaning of life to live life to the fullest, as I`ve never know any other way to live life... just sitting here headphones on listening to Ravi and World music its amazing to me how without understanding the lyrics the music seem to be more up lifting or is that just me... I`ve been planning the birthday day for few days well a week, sadly its on hold as on the day of my birthday its my Father - In - Laws funeral... well we`ve gotten the out look of been to the state of upper natural highest state out of bodies, it was last night again the headphones on soft lighting, lie on the bed and becoming one within the music wow wee it was a wonderous free less fore-filling time... well myself isn't in the right frame of mind for what`s been going on with my own two brothers/sister so I`ll be putting that right today long phone calls to each one... its so instant the music biz with the putting out the lower grade music from the realities television shows and the minefield of computer generated shit! why oh why is it when new bands start out they are unable to promote there output in the same way as the utter crap, take if you will the band CORBOT I`d only found them on youtube.com by typing the wrong keys but thank fuck I did, there are loads more which slip through the radar it just totally mind humming to see bands go under because of the lack of promoting... bring back the early years of the music BIZ when musicians counted... we`ve the ode to the music of life that`s to say I`ve just thought I`d start a street team to do flyposting for the CORBOT here in my local area I`ll email the bands website to see if its possible to do.... well you`ve all been here to the aid of me more than I`d possible Imaged would happen so for the heart MANY THANK YOU TO YOU ALL... shouldn't the timeline been able to shift so we`d all be on the same timezone... I`ve been getting up around the 5am time the last few days but getting out of bed around the 6/7am time don't really now why as I haven't been under the stress as I`ve keep a grip on myself with ever reading, music or a movie to take time out of reality are well it will put its self right maybe, the other highlight of the overall view isn't the tear`s but the JOY of LIFE... so times to myself I`ve found the titles of some of my collection as a meaning within the overall view of my day, which is pretty cool, like now the titles that spring to mind are The Wall/House Of The Holy/ Get My Mojo Working you see what I mean cool... as long as its not title like South Of Heaven or any other Slayer album LOL... a great song which keeps popping in my head well one of a few is Love Is All You Need, which is very true indeed we sure do... I`ve been hoping for some brighter light in the mornings as I`d prefer the light than night as I`d be able to go for a long relaxing walk around a local country park land... I`ve also broken my ipod it fell out of my pocket and BANG!... so whenever I walking now no music BO Who... right isn't there anything you've ever been out of control of but you've wish you where, I`ve been thinking more than most days about my own Father he passed away in `75 which isn't unusable I`m in out of the loop now and than... gibberish boys off again... a sometimes its worth the time out to reconnect to realty when, where you've left or seeking an answer or two... oh bloody hell fire I`ve also broken the cell phone too! on the same day too! so its off to buy new phone later crap... still like Monty Python song says " ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHTSIDE OF LIFE " that`s right... lets see whatever the day will be bring a long with it...

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well I`ve been and finished the housework Mrs GF, gone out with a few friends she needs it so I`m now playing vinyl its Iron Maiden wow heavy metal. still need to go look at new cell phone maybe I`ll go later than again maybe tomorrow... wow I`d forgotten how cool this Maiden album is, "Piece Of Mind " even the gatefold sleeve art work of band mascot Eddie The Head in padded cell cool oh I`d say yes... add the poke fun at the bible belt Quote and its magical... WOOOOOOOOOOW I`m totally having a blast ... well we`ve gotten the time to having a little fun

in the middle of the waiting which will do the both of us some real good up lifting to smile at the stars, or waving at aeroplanes or which watching the clouds floating around seeing the objects are not to bad you think that are there within the clouds... section the gibberish Geekfreak at it again well bollocks its me being me, well what`s the day been like so far not to bad. the television programmes are the usual crap. which isn't anything new, well I`ve gotten the happiness with listening to music... shouldn't like the vinyl to end today but aah its possible will .

its so far in the day its forsaken the best of all I`ve gotten to pull off the sane man and not the weak one sometime I`d wish its a nightmare but no. are well there`s always the forum, friends, my BRO`s... than I`ve gotten to plan the best Christmas that Mrs GF as ever had as its her happiest holiday event... since blowning the dust of the vinyl some of the picture bag sleeves have so funnies names for the fans like Earthdogs, Rivet Heads or Hell Rats. there are more but I`d be typing all night LOL... the tea party album now ooh The L.O.C... welcome to the hippie, tie-dye, peace, loving geekfreak...

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well you`ve been to the deepest parts of lifecycles when your in the painful, downward, lonely place just look up to the skies fellow the clouds home... its never was going to be all a bed of roses anyway was it, I`ve always said " there are lightened and darkest part within your life time " so pick yourself up dust yourself down and carry on, its the only way forward anyway... I`ve planned to seek out the newer bands I`ve just researched on google.com then went to youtube.com to watch/listen to them the few I`ve an interest in I`ve filed away, others where drop off the radar quickly there not my cup of tea! not worth the £££££ to buy. the filed ones have possible names are Sons Of Hippies, Elephant Stones, Endless Boogie, Wooden Ships and Hmm bollocks the names not in the little grey cells! LOL. I`ll possible remember later when I`m offline. the stereo headphones needs a longer cable as the moving round of the room means they will not reach the chair bollocks, I`m not moving all that again LOL even without the headphones I`ll stand or sit on the floor... its the big wait for Mrs GF to come home so we can choice which meal we`ll be having or dinning out? fingers crossed not to much longer belly feels empty LOL... its sadly getting colder here but its the season for it anyway so shut up, I`ve been gibberish today a lot why I`ve never been able to figure it out its possible its a safety button when the chips are down but not out, as anyone else having the trippy, sweetleaf doom listening madness with the cosmic spaced out bands Corbot no then why not your missing out on some amazing rocked out tunes, another one fav is DOWN there latest album is totally WOW WEE!!!!... wow isn't to the point okish its me geekfreak boy bye bye see you later...

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well its Sunday don't no if where doing much today or may we are, I`m sitting alone listening to Ravi Shankar now, a little time ago it was corbot debut album boy that album totally rocks. well I`ve been unable to seek out any happiness to aid Mrs GF, I`ll just keep plugging a way, isn't the way to follow ones own enlightened path better than being a sheep following another as I haven't ever been a follower as anyone that's talked or now`s me as a friend would say, as I`m to much of a deep thinker do not follow just for the fun of it even peace marches I`ve got to now all the facts first. in my small world that go`s for my music too! I`ve never been one for grabbing the latest crazy`s ooh NO that's a sure fire way of filling the racks we maybe a great big pile of CRAP.... shouldn't maybe be trying to hard to seek out some peace for the mind of my as its to full of loads of thoughts now lol as its times like that I`ve wished for a storage boxes to shovel them in, I`ve been passing time by music and reading but the problem is I`ve not really doing much reading as I`ve been sort of daydreaming which its go to aid anyone reading a novel is it...

but a that's not all I`ve been trying to do god dam how do women enjoy shopping its a total minefield to go through shopping cart`s which don't work, I was almost pulling out my hair for god seek then you get to women stood in the isle talking which you've gotten get to aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! not for me, its the Mrs GF say 1/1.5hrs to shop me I`d like it SAS stle in and out fast...

bollocks to stop a chat crap... that's why when I do to normally I`m switched off ipod on and away I go... I`ve been looking at new cell phones as my is broken the salesman may well have been talking gibberish as I didn't have a clue what the hell he was talking about , so I walked away sit in starbucks with Mrs GF had the COFFEE and read the booklets he`d given me, talk about looking like a NERD yes I`d like to have a smart phone but please mister salesman don't bomb me with info... its another job to do in a long list of to do, I`ve been asked if I think the music biz is dead as the lack of music being put out and bands not doing gigs, IMHO its the lack of monies being given to promote bands when touring and an album released as there are now many musicians doing the website pre-order payment up front, there are even website to aid the bands to tour with a fanbase payment club you now if pay ex amount you get this or that gone are the days of bands doing huge tours as of a lack of monies, I`ve even been to gigs of well now musicians who`s shows where just a few hmm lights and musicians that was that... the best low key gig was in a local bar an none electric set by FISH bloody wonderful...

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I`m sitting alone listening to Ravi Shankar now,

I'll tell you what is weird, last night, after the Santa Clause Parade in Halifax, we stopped by a fellow I know who owns a wonderful Indian restaurant. The owner knows I'm a music junkie. So he says to me, 'come over here C, I want you to hear something', he proceeds to put on Ravi Shankar's brother who also played great music (who died he tells me) and he also puts on Ravi Shankar's daughter who is also a great Sitar player. After maybe 10 minutes of that, I return to my table. And sort of forgot about it, but weird that you were in a Shankar mood and that happened to me when I was getting something to eat. The Shankar music energy must be flowing across the Atlantic during the last 24 hours.

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