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Jimmy Page's photographic autobiography to be re-released October 2014


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Thanks for these photos.

Well, I figured out why the stamping: People paid big money for the limited edition, signed versions, so it wouldn't be fair to those people for Jimmy to autograph these less expensive versions.

I don't think that has anything to do with it. They are two completely different versions - a signature is the least of it.

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It's here! It's frickin' huge and weighs more than my new niece. I love it.

(Chief unexpected revelation: Andy Warhol asked Jimmy to do a screen test at The Factory. I'm assuming he never did it or considered doing it, but he doesn't say).


The book is massive. I couldn't believe the weight of the package! I've only flipped through to the LZ2 era but it's a beautiful compilation.

Unexpected revelation for me...I didn't know that Jimmy played on Shirley Bassey's theme song for Goldfinger. Too bad Zeppelin never did a Bond theme. B)

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Just to be there in the same room with this guy, he could be reciting the alphabet and it wouldn't matter, it's just amazing to be there ya know!?

I am even more envious now I've seen the photos - thanks for those. He doesn't have to spend any time in public - but he gives a lot of pleasure to a lot of people by doing so. I'd be chuffed just to be there too.

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The book is massive. I couldn't believe the weight of the package! I've only flipped through to the LZ2 era but it's a beautiful compilation.

Unexpected revelation for me...I didn't know that Jimmy played on Shirley Bassey's theme song for Goldfinger. Too bad Zeppelin never did a Bond theme. B)

Yeah, the list he gives of people he did sessions with is pretty impressive. I knew about Bassey (might be mixing it up with something else, but I think there's a video clip somewhere where he talks about it - "it was brilliant, she did one take and just sort of collapsed") but not some of the others. I may be reading too much into things, but I thought it was funny the way David Bowie's name gets sandwiched between Screaming Lord Sutch and Benny Hill. Still some bitterness there, one feels.

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I have been on the fence for a while about buying this book (I did feel quite guilty at the prospect of splurging on a book :unsure:), but after reading this thread, I think I'm going to go ahead and order it! A lot of you made excellent points on why this book is so essential for any fan of Led Zeppelin to own and I thank you guys for it! :)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Just taken delivery of the book. Crikey! thought they'd sent a whole pile of them - the size of the box - but just the one inside. And yes it is HEAVY. £40 well spent. Are there any differences with this edition from the original limited edition in terms of content? I don't think I would ever spend £250 on a book, whoever released it.

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I believe that the original price span was £495 -£750 for the deluxe and collector editions.All the people only paying £40 are having a real bargain,especially as Genesis always maintains its books are strictly limited editions.

Just taken delivery of the book. Crikey! thought they'd sent a whole pile of them - the size of the box - but just the one inside. And yes it is HEAVY. £40 well spent. Are there any differences with this edition from the original limited edition in terms of content? I don't think I would ever spend £250 on a book whoever released it

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Just taken delivery of the book. Crikey! thought they'd sent a whole pile of them - the size of the box - but just the one inside. And yes it is HEAVY. £40 well spent. Are there any differences with this edition from the original limited edition in terms of content? I don't think I would ever spend £250 on a book, whoever released it.

I believe that the original price span was £495 -£750 for the deluxe and collector editions.All the people only paying £40 are having a real bargain,especially as Genesis always maintains its books are strictly limited editions.

I believe the only difference is that this has MORE content, i.e. it's been updated to include events of the last four years (such as the Olympics). The original was more like £445; if I'd been a fan at the time, I think I actually would have gone for it. And then maybe ended up wishing I hadn't when the open edition came out.

I think Genesis have made it clear that there are no limits on the print run of the open edition, haven't they? I'd say £40 is about what you'd expect to pay for something like this; Amazon's £26 is a bargain.

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I'd love a 'Garden Tapes' type of scrutiny on the DELUXE - COLLECTOR - OPEN editions of this tome. Just to see what we are parting with our cash for.

Are there that many differences?

Very happy with my Open edition. Recommend anyone to purchase this while available. Dissapointment is not a possibility!!!

I can't believe that any Zeppelin related product is so relevant almost THIRTY FIVE YEARS after the band officially disbanded. (1980)

Long may it continue.

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Hello Friends - first time poster from Philadelphia, PA - USA.

There's no copies of this thing anywhere within 25 miles of Philly -- I didn't pre-order, but now I want it badly, and ...there's literally not a copy to be found.

Every bookstore is out of stock -- I guess -- either there weren't many copies to begin with?? OR ...they are selling extremely well.

Anyways thought I'd add my experience (as I listen to the old Destroyer bootleg from 77' -- rocking out, ha).

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Just found mine at my door a couple of minutes ago! :hurrah::toast:

Now what do I do now? Do I go out shopping or dive headfirst into this book? :huh::sos:

I can't believe how big and heavy this book is! :ohmy:

Love the smell of the book and almost smells as good as a new car! :thumbsup:

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Mine was delivered on Saturday. It is really an impressive book. My favorite picture is the one of Jimmy sitting on a rock in a stream at Bron y Aur.

I'm interested to know what everyone's favorite picture from the book is....anyone care to share?

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Mine was delivered on Saturday. It is really an impressive book. My favorite picture is the one of Jimmy sitting on a rock in a stream at Bron y Aur.

I'm interested to know what everyone's favorite picture from the book is....anyone care to share?

ha my Mom said that was her favorite too! One that stood out to me was the aerial shot of Knebworth. That was a shitload of people. I'm not great with numbers, but I think that qualifies as a shitload of people!

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Just having the opportunity tonight to give this beautiful book a proper read. It includes some pics that I've considered favorites, and I'm happy to have them in print. As always, the amount of work and love that went into this project is evident. Thank you, Jimmy!

The first and last photos are awesome, and their captions give me chills!

I love that in this photo, young Jimmy is already styling the rock star poses! :)


Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to see if Amazon will exchange my book. Pages are separating in the Olympic section, and there is something strange in the lower left side of the back cover :(



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Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to see if Amazon will exchange my book. Pages are separating in the Olympic section, and there is something strange in the lower left side of the back cover


I don't wish to be a contrarian but I can't help but admit I have been underwhelmed by the quality of this edition and overall, by the selection of photos, almost none of which were new to me. Perhaps, it is the curse of the internet but I'm glad the price I paid was reasonable. The photo quality is disappointing to me and the frequent inclusion of contact sheets, irritating.

The original Genesis edition appeared to be worth the price but this edition...

Having said that, I still find the choice of cover photo - that illustrates struggle and melancholy - intriguing and revealing.

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Just having the opportunity tonight to give this beautiful book a proper read. It includes some pics that I've considered favorites, and I'm happy to have them in print. As always, the amount of work and love that went into this project is evident. Thank you, Jimmy!

The first and last photos are awesome, and their captions give me chills!

I love that in this photo, young Jimmy is already styling the rock star poses! :)


Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to see if Amazon will exchange my book. Pages are separating in the Olympic section, and there is something strange in the lower left side of the back cover :(



:ohmy: Yeesh, that's a pretty bad wham-o on the back cover! Sorry you got a faulty copy D! :( Surely these problems arose during shipping, maybe you should just get a refund and go get it at a bookstore? Kinda wish I did that, the corners on my back cover were pretty banged up.


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