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Musicians That Act Like Arseholes

Charles J. White

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Kanye West decides to focus his attention on 2 folks in wheel chairs and demands that they "stand up" or else he is not finishing the gig the audience gets in on it and starts yelling "stand up":


So much for the sensitive artist...


Edited by Charles J. White
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Barack Obama said it best: "Jackass".

(That the President of the United States ends up commenting on stuff like a monumentally self-absorbed musician being an arse at an awards ceremony is perhaps a mildly dispiriting reflection upon the age we live in... but le mot juste.)

Edited by scylla
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Wow, that Kanye West is a real piece of work.

I guess a lot of musos are precious. Many are great people though. I remember hearing Tori Amos stop halfway through a song and tell someone to turn their f***n phone off and stop talking on it.

I don't think she's an arsehole though.

When I saw Clapton in the 90's he turned his back to the crowd for more than half the show. A lot of people said he was a complete and utter arsehole for doing that.

I thought about it and concluded that there must have been a reason for that and also he still put on an absolutely awesome musical experience.

Unless it's obvious like the Kanye West sittuations, I try not to judge too much.

Maybe Kanye West has severve mental problems and weeps afterwards in private for behaving like an arsehole? Who knows?

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Also forgot to add that the entertainer / performer must struggle with the ego. Some more than others obviously.

If they can balance it and ground themselves at the right time then they can maybe not come accross as arseholes.

It must be an art within itself though as the ego in any great performer is present whilst flying or soaring during a performance.

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...and then - not always but far more often than not - delivered one of the best rock performances the audience ever witnessed.


Actually no it was not, it was a good performance but it was not worth having the audience wait an extra 3 hours for. I would never go back, in fact, he could put out the biggest fucking album on the planet, and I would not tune into it because of how he treated the audience that night. It seems to be 'his thing' giving the middle finger to his audience who paid damn good money for the privilege of sitting around for 3 hours waiting for it start... Unprofessional asshole is what he is.

Edited by Charles J. White
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Actually no it was not, it was a good performance but it was not worth having the audience wait an extra 3 hours for. I would never go back, in fact, he could put out the biggest fucking album on the planet, and I would not tune into it because of how he treated the audience that night. It seems to be 'his thing' giving the middle finger to his audience who paid damn good money for the privilege of sitting around for 3 hours waiting for it start... Unprofessional asshole is what he is.

Those who know Axl are able to understand and accept his behavior better. He's gotten much better about being on time for shows but he's very much against doing a show until he feels he's ready to do it. It's not a middle finger to others so much as it is "to thine own self be true". This also carries over into his personal life as well. There have been birthday parties for him in the past that he has failed to show for. When pressed for an explanation he'll hope you can understand he just didn't feel like celebrating his birthday that day, or he felt more comfortable celebrating it on his own. He's truly an unconventional person and I think his "Halloween Tree" epitomized that:

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