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Jimmy Page & Chris Cornell To Collaborate In 2015


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13 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

YOU are a loser and an asshole regardless of what you listen to. :P Come on man, I'm just doing my show. You shouldn't take it so personal.

Some of Young's work arguably fits the grunge genre, and some of it is closer to folk or country rock. I can stand Neil Young in small does. Two or three songs tops, which is two or three more than I can stand of Cornell. To each their own.

Well I don't know you at all so I would have no idea if this is your schtick or not.

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I bought soundgarden, nirvana, alice in chains records....because i didnt like the hyper vocals and non groove, mechanical songs of hair metal. Also bought iron maiden, metallica and megadeth on vinyl a few years earlier....along with the early plant and the firm records in the bargain bin, after having all zep on vinyl.  To me the led zeppelin vibe, connects more with grunge, than heavy metal and certainly least with hair metal. 

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Well a lot of this is silly. Grunge may be may maligned just like hair metal because grunge was one of the last music trends

artificially hyped and overexposed by the record companies before the internet really hurt the music industry powerwise.

Just like other music trends, industry people flocked to Seattle and the Northwest and signed almost any grunge group,

hoping for a massive payout. So just like any trend spearheaded by the music industry, many weak bands were signed,

same with hair metal in LA. I understand the angle that grunge was more depressing than other rock styles, but the better

bands were singing about their life experience, and sometimes life sucks, and artists do their best work trying to convey

their true feelings. As far as sound, Zep themselves had some grungey stuff, although obviously not with the downbeat lyrics.

Happy go lucky people probably had trouble understanding the grunge pathos, but may have liked the actual music anyway.

Alice in Chains was like this, a lot of groovin' despite the negativity. I liked grunge overall, but the world and the music out there now seems like grunge happend 100 yrs ago, almost a mirage.

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7 hours ago, Mithril46 said:

seems like grunge happend 100 yrs ago, almost a mirage.

tertiary products such as reunions, reissues, come-backs and TMZ hype type news stories are not a large ROI initiatives for "grunge" because the audience that was paying for the "grunge" product in the 90s were doing so with other peoples money.  Label execs see this is a flat pool and limit their exposure by not trying to fish in a market that does not have the funds to feed the greed of the execs. That's just the way it is.   Execs kept "leaking" info on Cobain for years to prop up waning sales and then the accountants finally told them to stop it because the effort was bleeding them out, spend the money on 13 year old girls that pay with mom's credit card not a washed out market.

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^ Since your so butt hurt over some people not being able to see what 'you' see in Badlands, maybe you should start a Badlands appreciation thread in the "Other Bands" section of the forum? You could title it 'Badbands', a place where folks can commiserate and extol on the virtues of the likes of Cinderella, Slaughter, Stryper, Ratt, Dokken...etc, without any pushback from those who disagree.

Just a suggestion.

Edited by blindwillie127
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3 hours ago, Dallas Knebs said:

tertiary products such as reunions, reissues, come-backs and TMZ hype type news stories are not a large ROI initiatives for "grunge" because the audience that was paying for the "grunge" product in the 90s were doing so with other peoples money.  Label execs see this is a flat pool and limit their exposure by not trying to fish in a market that does not have the funds to feed the greed of the execs. That's just the way it is.   Execs kept "leaking" info on Cobain for years to prop up waning sales and then the accountants finally told them to stop it because the effort was bleeding them out, spend the money on 13 year old girls that pay with mom's credit card not a washed out market.

That is just a nasty comment with no basis in fact. All of my friends in the 90's were hard working people who paid for their own entertainment, it was not "gifted" to them by some invisible Uncle Sugar. If you cannot cite sources for such an absurd and borish comment then your comment is simply a trolls rant.

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On 5/31/2017 at 2:42 PM, Strider said:

Errr...no. Billy Nosferatu Corgan is the biggest whiner in rock and roll.



I'm not going to defend Billy over his personality or mental attitude.  In all respect, Robert can be a bit of a snob or ass, but that should not take away his talent status.   Everyone has flaws.  Supposedly as the story goes there is only 1 perfect person who walked the face of this earth.

Edited by SymphonyX
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4 hours ago, IpMan said:

If you cannot cite sources for such an absurd and borish comment then your comment is simply a trolls rant.

I cite myself as the source.  In the 90s the largest market purchase value segment is 13yr old girls and that includes grunge. That figure is based on value, not units.

You misspelt boorish. And trolls should have an apostrophe between the l and the s.  The apostrophe is the key above the /? key just left of the enter key.

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57 minutes ago, Dallas Knebs said:

I cite myself as the source.  In the 90s the largest market purchase value segment is 13yr old girls and that includes grunge. That figure is based on value, not units.

You misspelt boorish. And trolls should have an apostrophe between the l and the s.  The apostrophe is the key above the /? key just left of the enter key.

It's clear you've put a lot of time and thought into what makes a 13 year old girl tick. And that you have a anti-grunge agenda which if it made any sense at all still wouldn't matter. A lot of people enjoyed it then and a lot of people still enjoy it now. No boardroom bean-counter bullshit is gonna change that.

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34 minutes ago, Badgeholder Still said:

put a lot of time and thought into what makes a 13 year old girl tick.

zero.  Just got paid a lot of money by people who did- and still do. Wish the marketing data was different, it is not.

Cornell was a fantastic man, maybe died of suicide. Those who were his friends, felt like he was the best at being a friend to them. Felt like he found himself musically with his best work being "You Know My Name." RIP.

1:30 below


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Things getting pretty strange. I just have to say as before grunge was a obvious money machine for record companies for

a bit, but certainly there were talented artists. Not sure if young kids today who like the 90's grunge realize how much

push record companies back then had. Record companies were pretty savaged by the internet, so nowadays the big

companies tend to want potential superstars, not small or medium grossing artists. I was into Badlands when they came out,

and they were never "hair metal", thought they were pretty good, but at least where I was not all that popular for whatever

reasons. A lot of 70's influence, but done pretty well. Nowadays YouTube and heavy touring are the main means of success

for musicians. Coming out with new releases(new material) no longer a set thing. And forget about record company promotion

except for huge acts. What a different world from 90'-91', promoting grunge bands, some unproven.

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On 11/16/2014 at 3:49 PM, JTM said:

Most sought after session guitarists in the world? Don't you mean most sought after session guitarist in London.

I have to agree with the "Lost Puppy" comment because It does not matter who he plays with Jimmy Page as Jimmy Page is not a much of a draw. He wouldn't be playing anything bigger than medium sized theatres. A week at somewhere like Ronnie Scotts maybe. JP is only a top draw playing with Led Zeppelin and that is never going to happen. No promoter would risk booking arenas for a solo Page tour , one or two half arenas maybe, max 5000 audience but that would about be pushing it. Besides it won't happen anyway.

That is correct. JP could not sell out a 5000 seat hall today.  Hell, even the coverdale and Page was cancelled dut to poor ticket sales.  How embarressing that must have been to Page.  

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19 hours ago, Dallas Knebs said:

I cite myself as the source.  In the 90s the largest market purchase value segment is 13yr old girls and that includes grunge. That figure is based on value, not units.

You misspelt boorish. And trolls should have an apostrophe between the l and the s.  The apostrophe is the key above the /? key just left of the enter key.

If the best you can do in response it point out my spelling and punctuation mistakes, it just proves the source is lacking, or in this case, non-existent.

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11 hours ago, Box of Jimmy's said:

That is correct. JP could not sell out a 5000 seat hall today.  Hell, even the coverdale and Page was cancelled dut to poor ticket sales.  How embarressing that must have been to Page.  

I don't buy it. I don't think he was embarrassed about Coverdale Page at all.

I know it's a long shot, but if Jimmy Page announced a tour, it would do quite well.. especially if word got out.. After all, as so many here love to point out, he's been away from playing in public for so long.. The demand, excitement and curiosity would be there..

Besides, even if that were true, that he couldn't sell out a 5000+ seat venue, there is nothing wrong with a theater tour of 2000-3000 seaters. Certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. Theaters and smaller venues are better for concerts than hockey arenas anyways. The acoustics, atmosphere and view are all much better.  Would Jimmy consider that beneath him? Maybe.. Maybe not. But, he could do very well on a smaller scale tour.

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47 minutes ago, the chase said:

I don't buy it. I don't think he was embarrassed about Coverdale Page at all.

I know it's a long shot, but if Jimmy Page announced a tour, it would do quite well.. especially if word got out.. After all, as so many here love to point out, he's been away from playing in public for so long.. The demand, excitement and curiosity would be there..

Besides, even if that were true, that he couldn't sell out a 5000+ seat venue, there is nothing wrong with a theater tour of 2000-3000 seaters. Certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. Theaters and smaller venues are better for concerts than hockey arenas anyways. The acoustics, atmosphere and view are all much better.  Would Jimmy consider that beneath him? Maybe.. Maybe not. But, he could do very well on a smaller scale tour.

Well put t.c.

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3 hours ago, the chase said:

I don't buy it. I don't think he was embarrassed about Coverdale Page at all.

I know it's a long shot, but if Jimmy Page announced a tour, it would do quite well.. especially if word got out.. After all, as so many here love to point out, he's been away from playing in public for so long.. The demand, excitement and curiosity would be there..

Besides, even if that were true, that he couldn't sell out a 5000+ seat venue, there is nothing wrong with a theater tour of 2000-3000 seaters. Certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. Theaters and smaller venues are better for concerts than hockey arenas anyways. The acoustics, atmosphere and view are all much better.  Would Jimmy consider that beneath him? Maybe.. Maybe not. But, he could do very well on a smaller scale tour.

Disagree strongly.  that's ok.  Its 2017 and we all know hes been done for a long time now.


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1990 Robert Plant was playing Arenas.  Alannah Myles opened up and never heard of her and pretty sure 99.9% of the people who attended cared less about her music.  

1993 Robert was playing large Theaters, not sure who Robert was playing with.

The industry completely turned it's back on several lots of rock bands.   Right before 1993 Alice In Chains was opening for bands like Pantera and Slayer and then the house of cards flipped and AIC was the new Arena champs while the previous headliners got downgraded to smaller clubs and large theaters.   Kinda funny how the house of cards have now flipped on Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin in very recent time.

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