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Jimmy dating again.

slave to zep

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I work in the media and I think there is a possiblity that this is a result of a tip off to photographers by themselves. He mentioned her in one of his recent 'On This Day' features. It's likely that they are trying to kickstart her 'acting career' which to this date has been pretty lacklustre - she has not had acting work in a long time. She also has a pile of poetry books that she wants to sell. As far as we are aware, she was never at an adult acting school, but made do with junior school classes. London is packed with better looking, properly trained actresses. If you try to imagine her without the benefit of that red hair (which is stunning), her face isn't that great.

The usual routine with these wealthy old men is to give the girl the use of a credit card - we see that all the time in London. In the Daily Mail photographs, he looks old, or even older than his age, as he does not have the benefit of studio lighting. In the photo where they are crossing the road, it looks like a carer helping one of their patients.

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Meanwhile, aside from the lovely and welcome compliments :

1. I can't speak for Darlas y but certainly hope that even at 70 I'm still interested in any of you men of any age who still have it : for heaven's sake we all may find and probably will that at 71 our lives are palling and in so many ways but let's not, any of us, go gentle into that good night ( plus 70 is probably the new 50 or will be soon !

2. IF 50 were 25 .. that seems to be a big, mathematics-defying-to-the-point-of-having-no-relevance kind of IF. WHAT is the point you're making here?

3. Excuse me... NANDO'S ?? Love is blind but not bland, and loves that piri-piri sauce.

Let's assume she's playing a long game and is hoping for something better for her own birthday!

1. Generally speaking, elderly man/young women couples are more common than elderly woman/young man couples. Even (most) cougars eventually put away their boy toys and move on to something more permanent.

2. The point I'm making is if she and Jimmy's eldest son were both 50 them being the same age would probably go unmentioned. But since they're young some people seem to assume Jimmy eldest and Jimmy's girlfriend lack the maturity to get over it. Oftentimes this is not the case at all. One of my favorite scenes in the Jagger documentary is Lizzie (Mick's daughter) teasing Jagger about his dating of girls younger than her. They both enjoyed a hearty laugh over it.

3. It seems to me they both preferred a casual, relaxing evening together out of the limelight and close to home. You know how it is when have to make reservations, dress up and go half-way across town to get there.

One more thing, this nonsense about having "nothing to talk about". Now, I can't speak for every man but I reached the point in life where I've pretty much already said all there is I have to say a long time ago. To have lunch or dinner with a woman (regardless of age) who enjoys doing most of the talking and loves to be listened to is a dream date for both IMHO.

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You maybe right. The age difference combined with his celebrity guaranteed that their relationship would raise eyebrows and provoke gossip. Both maybe counting on this for their own reasons. IMO, Page can be surprisingly inept when it comes to PR matters.

I work in the media and I think there is a possiblity that this is a result of a tip off to photographers by themselves. He mentioned her in one of his recent 'On This Day' features...

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I work in the media and I think there is a possiblity that this is a result of a tip off to photographers by themselves. He mentioned her in one of his recent 'On This Day' features. It's likely that they are trying to kickstart her 'acting career' which to this date has been pretty lacklustre - she has not had acting work in a long time. She also has a pile of poetry books that she wants to sell. As far as we are aware, she was never at an adult acting school, but made do with junior school classes. London is packed with better looking, properly trained actresses. If you try to imagine her without the benefit of that red hair (which is stunning), her face isn't that great.

The usual routine with these wealthy old men is to give the girl the use of a credit card - we see that all the time in London. In the Daily Mail photographs, he looks old, or even older than his age, as he does not have the benefit of studio lighting. In the photo where they are crossing the road, it looks like a carer helping one of their patients.

All well and good but c'mon, if visibility and association for the sake of money and publicity is the motivation here for either don't you think she would have featured more prominently on his book tour? I'll bet she's mature for her age and probably figured out early on that most guys her own age are a bunch of wankers. When the menu is that limited - wealthy elderly gentleman or a destitute man child - choose wisely because time waits for no one.

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IMO, Page can be surprisingly inept when it comes to PR matters.

Jimmy Page is a freaking wizard when it comes to Public Relations. The guy has played a paltry total of 20 concert-length UK gigs over the past 25 years and yet he still can't walk down the street without being accosted by paparazzi.

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Yes, I see where you are coming from on this, but the media tour for the book and remasters went on for a good long time last year. From the information which has been coming in, he was also involved with a belly dancer throughout 2014, so I would say he would not be able to take Ms Sabet on a media launch if he was seeing both ladies. Jimmy was also giving name checks to Du Bellows, presumably to help them and their manager, Peter Makowski. Obviously, Jimmy doesn't need more money or fame, but he may be amenable to helping others.

All well and good but c'mon, if visibility and association for the sake of money and publicity is the motivation here for either don't you think she would have featured more prominently on his book tour? I'll bet she's mature for her age and probably figured out early on that most guys her own age are a bunch of wankers. When the menu is that limited - wealthy elderly gentleman or a destitute man child - choose wisely because time waits for no one.

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All well and good but c'mon, if visibility and association for the sake of money and publicity is the motivation here for either don't you think she would have featured more prominently on his book tour? I'll bet she's mature for her age and probably figured out early on that most guys her own age are a bunch of wankers. When the menu is that limited - wealthy elderly gentleman or a destitute man child - choose wisely because time waits for no one.

Ha! I think most older men would like to believe that a young woman would choose the wealthy elderly gentleman but my observation has been that most young women (even intelligent, savvy ones) will choose the destitute man child and hope that he grows up.

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Even (most) cougars eventually put away their boy toys and move on to something more permanent.


To have lunch or dinner with a woman (regardless of age) who enjoys doing most of the talking and loves to be listened to is a dream date for both IMHO.

Steve...first you quote Wooderson, and then this?

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I find it incredibly difficult to believe that on a Led-Zeppelin board, people are slamming Jimmy for who he is dating. Although I, as a male, totally love women, this reminds me of the big arguments about gay marriage. Who is anyone to tell another who they can - or can't - fall in love with???

Jimmy has always been with younger women, this is known. But if you click that one link and see the photos of them prior to his birthday, they're walking down the sidewalk, he and she are both laughing and look - to me - like they're having a great time together.

It's his personal life... why can't people understand that???

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Ha! I think most older men would like to believe that a young woman would choose the wealthy elderly gentleman but my observation has been that most young women (even intelligent, savvy ones) will choose the destitute man child and hope that he grows up.

Agreed, many young women do cling to the hope of "changing" their destitute man child (or that he'll "grow up") and five to fifteen years of x-box and ESPN addiction later finally accept it ain't going to happen, embrace their disillusionment and turn into cougars.

Steve...first you quote Wooderson, and then this?

I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man.

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I don't care who Jimmy is dating or who is dating Jimmy...but I am amused by the delusional ideas other people might have about these "relationships." She's trying to boost her career, and maybe she's tutoring him on writing poetry. They are not going to get married and live happily ever after because Jimmy will be deceased before she is 50. I'd like to believe that all this has been discussed and agreed to between them; that would make it a healthy...agreement. A "relationship"? I have a relationship with my dry cleaner. I have had opportunities to date younger men and maybe I could have lied about my age and had cosmetic surgery but would never do such a thing because I would feel guilty about wasting someone's time. Even when I was 40 i would never have dated someone in his 20s because it would not have been fair to him. Youth doesn't last forever. If this woman were my daughter I would tell her that it's ok to date Jimmy for six months but after that it would be a waste of her time because out there there might be a man her age who might want to be with her for the rest of her life.

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I work in the media and I think there is a possiblity that this is a result of a tip off to photographers by themselves. He mentioned her in one of his recent 'On This Day' features. It's likely that they are trying to kickstart her 'acting career' which to this date has been pretty lacklustre - she has not had acting work in a long time. She also has a pile of poetry books that she wants to sell. As far as we are aware, she was never at an adult acting school, but made do with junior school classes. London is packed with better looking, properly trained actresses. If you try to imagine her without the benefit of that red hair (which is stunning), her face isn't that great.

The usual routine with these wealthy old men is to give the girl the use of a credit card - we see that all the time in London.

I think you may have a point here, quernstone. Though whether boosting her career would be the motive for tipping off the photographers, who knows ? If, as the Sun was told, they really are almost inseparable then perhaps she'll soon be in no need of a successful career! The publicity could just as easily suit Jimmy himself at the beginning of a year in which he says he'll have a higher musical profile. Or it could be he intentionally wants to go more public about the relationship.

And who anyway is the "source" who commented on the relationship? The Sun and Mail are both capable of making up those sort of quotes, but if Jimmy's PR, or another journalist contact, tipped off the photographers, could the same person not also supply a handy quote to help substantiate the story ?

I'm less convinced by your suggestion that he's given her a credit card. A Nando's lifestyle won't break the bank, and her taste in clothing seems to be satisfied with a simple all-black wardrobe to match her boyfriend's. Also, unless he is very much smitten, he's known to be financially cautious and in the past has been quoted talking bitterly about alimony...

Which is a reminder that at least until recently, his guitar was his mistress and his wife. Let's hope at least that, however happy he may be in this relationship, his young girlfriend hasn't entirely supplanted the guitar !

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Sounds like a gathering of a bunch of jealous groupies in here. Old ones too.

EXCUSE ME ??? I think you need to elucidate here. And most of the preceding posts do elucidate, are thoughtful and well expressed observations, and have more of a place here than that snide little line of yours.

And please leave SAJ alone ! ;)

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I am married to a younger man. Not a ridiculous age gap but enough that when we started dating almost 20 years ago we had to have the "do you want a child" convo early on. If the age difference is less than 20 years the novelty & strangness wears off after about 6 months. Beyond that I think communication becomes an issue if its younger woman/older man or younger man/older woman.

This "relationship" is beneficial for both their careers and public image. And looks like they are having fun with it to boot. But this is a pattern that Mr. Page has maintained his entire life. No one need be surprised by it.

The rag said they were home by 6pm. I'm sure Nandos was not his birthday dinner. You can bet a very elaborate affair was held in a very quite mansion somewhere.

Edited by Morgan Rudolph
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