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Things that scared you as a kid


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^ There is a nearby SUNY Stonybrook, which evidentally has two monkees that are caged and used for research. A court case is currently going on to declare all monkees as persons, with the right not to be caged or experimented on without consent - in order to free them. Obviously, this is not just about two monkees, and the ramifications of the decision would escalate into absurdity. You might not want to keep antagonizing them, just in case they are all released...

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  • 4 months later...

I've been watching a load of old Public Information Films and there was a few that scared the pants off me as a kid


"The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water"



Play Safe PIF



This one "Apaches" was a bit before my time but totally horrific to watch even today.


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The thought of aggressive African bees scares me.  Being in strange territory, I actually asked the question twice on my recent trip to New Mexico.  Snakes, tarantulas, and gila monsters are one thing.  Pissing off a nest of flying killers when you're out on a trail seemed like a good way to ruin a vacation.  It's not like there's a lot of ponds to jump in out there. 

Got in a nasty car wreck when I was 27.  Had 9 surgeries over 3 years, including some saline balloons installed in my head.  Without getting to graphic, I was basically flicked like an ant.  Having experienced that and surviving, I don't EVER want to go thru that again.  I watch people driving down the highway at 80 mph...on people's bumpers....driving half on the shoulder, and I think to myself, if you only had a clue the destiny you're fucking with, and how quickly your life could change in a real bad way.  Every time I see a see a billboard on I-94 that says, "850 people  died on Michigan roads this year".....I cringe.  Slow down people....your life may depend on it !

Not kid examples, but I don't follow direction well. 

Edited by Bong-Man
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The things that were supposed to scare you like Teachers, Policemen, Parents etc, they weren't scary at all really they just made you think they were, it was just a discipline thing, a means to an end.

Edited by JTM
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Clowns didn't scare me, just freaked me out.  Mimes also freaked me out.

Movies about paranormal activity scared me a lot!  After watching them, I would sit up at night thinking I was hearing things.  Ouija Boards also scared me - even though I knew they weren't real.

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I must confess res, that butterflies really scare me! :wacko: My mom used to actually collect them as a child and paint their wings! I can't even imagine doing something like that! :lol: 

Amazing, you are the only other person I know with that same phobia (yeah, and Nicole Kidman, but I never chatted with her or whatsoever).

Cool to be not the only one.

Painting butterflies sounds quite cruel btw.

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  • 1 month later...
27 minutes ago, Virginia said:

This would give me nightmares; right up there with clowns!


Yikes. On that same note, I always found the idea of a fairy who wanted my loose teeth a bit odd, even as a kid. :lol:



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  • 8 months later...

when i was a kid there was a murder in a house down the street from us and the person who did it was this man who worked at at the neighborhood car wash.  after that when my mother would take the car to the carwash I would freak out because I thought the car wash men would find our address in the glove box so I would make my mom take all the paperwork out of the glove box.  

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