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The Next Jimmy Page Studio Album

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 Does anybody have any new news for 2016 and Jimmy? Is he going on tour? Does he have new music? Is he going to bury Robbie Williams in his backyard? No but seriously. .I saw him with Jason in 1988 on the Outrider tour and I would love to see him again :-)

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Jimmy Page says that he will definitely be back on stage in 2016 – and that his new music will be “totally different” to anything he recorded with Led Zeppelin.

He tells Classic Rock: “It’s taken a long time to get to this point, but I want to do it properly. And there will be surprises – that’s what I’ve done all the way through my career, really.”



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Jimmy Page says that he will definitely be back on stage in 2016 – and that his new music will be “totally different” to anything he recorded with Led Zeppelin.

He tells Classic Rock: “It’s taken a long time to get to this point, but I want to do it properly. And there will be surprises – that’s what I’ve done all the way through my career, really.”



Oh boy. Whoopee..... .... ... .. .

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what surprises has page come up with in his career post Zeppelin? coverdale & page and the firm were all predictable and formulaic safe options. other than occasional roy harper and death wish everything has either been bog standard or nothing at all

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Thanks for posting :)

I cringe reading these interviews, but I want to believe in this man. Have a positive attitude
that he is on the path to doing exactly what says he's going to do...... but *sigh* oh boy this
is one tall order.

With social media and interviews, blurbs coming out daily-  it's kind of reached a point
of no return now. Does he have ideas on who he would like to work with? It sounds
like he's so early in phase one that he doesn't know himself. It's hard to tell where he's at
since he's very guarded in interviews and the wall is always up.



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If Page ends up "hiding" his sound, among several other guitar players, then I can't go for it, no matter how "sweet" is.

He's got to be good enough to be the lead guitarist, or it just won't due.

I know he says it's not Zeppelin, but nevertheless, for it to be a worthy endeavor, he's go to be in the lead.

I'm expecting it to be as "skilled" as a David Gilmour concert. With his guitar soundboarded perfectly.


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If Page ends up "hiding" his sound, among several other guitar players, then I can't go for it, no matter how "sweet" is.

He's got to be good enough to be the lead guitarist, or it just won't due.

I know he says it's not Zeppelin, but nevertheless, for it to be a worthy endeavor, he's go to be in the lead.

I'm expecting it to be as "skilled" as a David Gilmour concert. With his guitar soundboarded perfectly.


I'd be happy to see him perform and record any new music, guitar-based or not.  IMO, what is most important is that he get out there and make new music again.  It doesn't have to be rock and he doesn't have to play lead guitar.  In fact, it would be interesting to see where his musical sensibility would take him if he ventured into other musical genres.  

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I'd be happy to see him perform and record any new music, guitar-based or not.  IMO, what is most important is that he get out there and make new music again.  It doesn't have to be rock and he doesn't have to play lead guitar.  In fact, it would be interesting to see where his musical sensibility would take him if he ventured into other musical genres.  

To clarify, do you not care if Page playing lead, or not, regardless whether it's guitar-based, or not?

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Jimmy Page says that he will definitely be back on stage in 2016 – and that his new music will be “totally different” to anything he recorded with Led Zeppelin.

He tells Classic Rock: “It’s taken a long time to get to this point, but I want to do it properly. And there will be surprises – that’s what I’ve done all the way through my career, really.”



I remember him saying the exact same thing in a BBC interview around six years ago. The boy that cried wolf!

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Has it become plain as day that Jimmy is stuck in first gear for whatever reason. Well at least on what has been told to us.
I don't have eyes or ears on him in the studio so I won't state it as fact. Not being seen playing live anymore contributes to
the frustation from fans. 27 years of waiting, however he was still on the stage on and off with Plant, Coverdale etc what
have you a portion of those years. There were things to tide Jimmy fans over. The last 10 years have very much felt like
he retired. After the O2 concert it slowed right down. Yet never once did he mention retiring. The opposite eh?!?

Updating your fans on where your career sits is a whole different ball game now. He goes somewhere and in comes the
media circus ready to ask him when and where we will hear Jimmy Page again. In the past anything like that would get
printed in a magazine and it would not get the immediate circulation that todays social media gives you. There's more
people out there to see that the progress is at a snails pace or rather stopped. A couple days from now another article
will surface. The same questions asked and the cycle will start all over again until the next blurb on "What's Jimmy Page
up to now?"
gets tweeted. And haha yes I'll be one of those people or fools (call it how you wish) who clicks the link and
hopes this time he's really got something in the can and ready to go.

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Has it become plain as day that Jimmy is stuck in first gear for whatever reason. Well at least on what has been told to us.
I don't have eyes or ears on him in the studio so I won't state it as fact. Not being seen playing live anymore contributes to
the frustation from fans. 27 years of waiting, however he was still on the stage on and off with Plant, Coverdale etc what
have you a portion of those years. There were things to tide Jimmy fans over. The last 10 years have very much felt like
he retired. After the O2 concert it slowed right down. Yet never once did he mention retiring. The opposite eh?!?

Updating your fans on where your career sits is a whole different ball game now. He goes somewhere and in comes the
media circus ready to ask him when and where we will hear Jimmy Page again. In the past anything like that would get
printed in a magazine and it would not get the immediate circulation that todays social media gives you. There's more
people out there to see that the progress is at a snails pace or rather stopped. A couple days from now another article
will surface. The same questions asked and the cycle will start all over again until the next blurb on "What's Jimmy Page
up to now?"
gets tweeted. And haha yes I'll be one of those people or fools (call it how you wish) who clicks the link and
hopes this time he's really got something in the can and ready to go.

:lol: Me too. Great post.

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To clarify, do you not care if Page playing lead, or not, regardless whether it's guitar-based, or not?

No, I don't care.  I don't know what's going on with Page but, my hunch is that if he could still play lead guitar to the standard he set while in Led Zeppelin, he wouldn't have stopped performing after his Black Crows gig ended.   However, Page was always more than a great guitarist; he is a visionary who produced some of the best rock music tracks of all time.  If he still has his "ear" he can still make good music, even if can't play lead guitar like the Page of old.  

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I wonder if Ronnie Wood has asked Jimmy to collaborate in recent years. Page and Wood played live together in the mid 70s, he asked Jimbo to play on One hit to the body, and there always popping up at various art exhibitions together, so they have that in common as well.

Personally, I don't think the styles would mesh and Page is too experimental for Wood. But it's interesting to ponder if it's ever come up in conversation between them.


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Chiming in with my two cents, two pence for the other side of the pond members.

Bring on the eye rolls and cynics. What about a female? Besides Jackie and session
work has Jimmy worked with any post Zep? A girl playing a cello or flute in an Egyptian
orchestra I'm not counting.
Some have mentioned a female doing Zep songs and well
yeah on a few songs perhaps, lyrically that doesn't work on a number for me. So many
have sexual innuendos and connotations aka 'tapping young female ass'  Haha ;)sorry
for the bluntness gang. C'mon on now this a Zep board not a monastery. The gents in the
band have heard it all. Also that goes against his claim for new music. Call me a sentimental
softie but LZ songs with Jimmy on guitar are meant as a Jimbert thing for me. Tributes don't

Maybe a change-up and a younger musician of today would gel. Younger doesn't have
to mean a 16 year old. Somebody 30 is considered 'young' to Jimmy. I don't know who
though because what style or sound Jimmy is aiming for.?.? He's in his 70's but so damn
young at heart.

What demographic is he and a label interested in obtaining. He likely doesn't give a rats
ass a bout that. Either you're out to hear his music or not. Still advertisers claim the coveted
age demo is 18-49. Yeah I know it goes outside those brackets at times and I don't always
agree with the range, but a lot of products including music bought is measured by that example.
For those in North America the Nielson TV ratings  is prime example. Apple to oranges I know.

A year from now will the topic of this thread have an answer to it.....

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When Page toured with the Ronnie Lane benefit shows, the ARMS concerts, in 1983, the two other key participants, were Jeff beck and Eric Clapton. Due to the nature of the charity gig, the theme, from Clapton and Beck, was to perform crowd favorites. But, other than the instrumental STH, Page chose a different route, and I don't know why. I don't know why he didn't just perform STH, Heartbreaker, TSRTS, and NFBM. He chose to instead perform works from his Death Wish work. I understand that was his latest work, but, Clapton and Beck, did not use the benefit show as an opportunity to highlight their "latest" work. Jimmy's song selection was unsatisfying, compared to the setlists of Beck and Clapton.

So, I question Jimmy's ability to choose fan favorites.

I hope that Page chooses well for the 2016 shows, so I that fans can really get into it.

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Bring on the eye rolls and cynics. What about a female? 

I'd enjoy hearing him work with PJ Harvey, or Annie Clarke, depending on what musical directions he wanted to go (say blues/folk/hard rock with Harvey; modern rock/avant pop/psychedelic/progressive with Clarke).

Each is a songwriter as well. I wouldn't want Jimmy employing them only as vocalists.

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What about a female? Besides Jackie and session work has Jimmy worked with any post Zep? A girl playing a cello or flute in an Egyptian orchestra I'm not counting. Some have mentioned a female doing Zep songs and well
yeah on a few songs perhaps, lyrically that doesn't work on a number for me. So many
have sexual innuendos and connotations aka 'tapping young female ass'  Haha ;)sorry
for the bluntness gang. C'mon on now this a Zep board not a monastery. The gents in the
band have heard it all. Also that goes against his claim for new music. Call me a sentimental
softie but LZ songs with Jimmy on guitar are meant as a Jimbert thing for me. Tributes don't

I don't agree there would be any awkwardness at all for a great female vocalist to belt out something even as overt as Custard Pie! Here it comes...

Chicks can get their sexual groove on too! (I'll refrain from the "are you with me fellas?!?!?!" :sarcastic_hand:)

...ok, backing away slightly.

Its more the feeling and intensity. A girl can feel it in her way and express it just as well.

I personally think a strong female performer would be no different. One that has a blues and rock bent that is a cracking good harmonica player and has her own ideas for new songs and material that would work well in collaboration with JP? - Even better!!! That would be great to see.

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When Page toured with the Ronnie Lane benefit shows, the ARMS concerts, in 1983, the two other key participants, were Jeff beck and Eric Clapton. Due to the nature of the charity gig, the theme, from Clapton and Beck, was to perform crowd favorites. But, other than the instrumental STH, Page chose a different route, and I don't know why. I don't know why he didn't just perform STH, Heartbreaker, TSRTS, and NFBM. He chose to instead perform works from his Death Wish work. I understand that was his latest work, but, Clapton and Beck, did not use the benefit show as an opportunity to highlight their "latest" work. Jimmy's song selection was unsatisfying, compared to the setlists of Beck and Clapton.

So, I question Jimmy's ability to choose fan favorites.

I hope that Page chooses well for the 2016 shows, so I that fans can really get into it.

The ARMS tour format presented two constraints, the musicians available to work with and length of set. Neither Ray Cooper nor Kenny Jones are suitable for TSRTS or NFBM. Besides, if he had done either song you'd have a two song set (the other being STH).  

There won't be a tour in 2016, so that makes putting a set list together a moot point.

I personally think a strong female performer would be no different. One that has a blues and rock bent that is a cracking good harmonica player and has her own ideas for new songs and material that would work well in collaboration with JP? - Even better!!! That would be great to see.

She'd probably be relatively young, which would accentuate that he is not.


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She'd probably be relatively young, which would accentuate that he is not.


Hi S A J :)

He's cool with the young crowd though.
I don't think Jimmy would mind collaborating with a young female. 
He's got a good fan base with the young crowd from what I see on social media outlets online. The only thing
would be the razzing from some people with the usual Jimmy comments.  We ALL know what I mean. Still 

nothing Pagey hasn't heard before. His current gf is in her mid 20's so I think he's fine with a big age difference. 

But hey this opportunity is not even there yet to consider.

I don't agree there would be any awkwardness at all for a great female vocalist to belt out something even as overt as Custard Pie! Here it comes...

Chicks can get their sexual groove on too! (I'll refrain from the "are you with me fellas?!?!?!" :sarcastic_hand:)

...ok, backing away slightly.

Its more the feeling and intensity. A girl can feel it in her way and express it just as well.

I personally think a strong female performer would be no different. One that has a blues and rock bent that is a cracking good harmonica player and has her own ideas for new songs and material that would work well in collaboration with JP? - Even better!!! That would be great to see.

Right on! :thumbsup:

Hey if there was female singer that fit - Go for it!  A few tweaks in the lyrics is maybe all they'd need.
When Leona Lewis sang 'Whole Lotta Love' she did change a few words. Namely the word "inch"
 "back door man" etc.  But like you said it doesn't have to be all L Z songs.  New material would be
greatly welcomed. 


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