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I could have sworn I started this topic a few weeks ago...maybe it was a bit more narrow; I think I called it "they don't make things like they used to." I ranted about electronics and other consumer items that arrive DEFECTIVE. I may have solved this problem, however--I've decided I will now buy only USED  and REFURBISHED items.

What else has deteriorated? People. Where do I see this? My psychotherapy practice. Most of my younger patients have Narcissistic Personality Disorder or traits. They want recognition, but they don't want to work for it, or they expect recognition for talents they just don't have. They are terrified of failure. If something bad happens, it derails them for the entire day or maybe even the week.  I know that this is not the typical population, this is the clinical population, but even so...the patients I was seeing just 8 or 9 years ago and my few older patients don't have these problems. Somehow a pronounced lack of realism has infected "Generation Y." They have incredibly poor judgment. They advertise their mental illnesses on the internet, not thinking that this might prevent them from getting a job in the future. They obtain useless graduate degrees in fields that have no practical value whatsoever, and end up with student loans and no job. I could go on.

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I agree about the search function.... it is useless. You can type in the EXACT name of a thread, to try and bring it up, and "no matches found".... and then after an hour of going through pages and pages, there it is.....



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The difference is, today, instead of accepting these people as unique individuals and performers, they would be being interviewed about whether or not they were "transgender." Today everybody has to have a label...that is one of the most deteriorated aspects of our current culture.

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With regard to the general perception that the youth of today, are arrogant, self-absorbed and have a pretty deep sense of entitlement, I am 27 years old and firmly believe that this sort of labeling and generalization, is rather unfair. There are a bunch of 20-somethings (like myself and my friends at University, for instance!) who are not obsessed with selfies, who do not believe that the whole world is ours for the taking, who believe in having a close relationship with family, etc. Bare in mind that my friends and I, had specific career goals and reasons for pursuing our specific college majors and firmly believed that college does not equal fun and games! I for one, believe that college is a time of reflection and growth. It is a critical time 'to find oneself'. My college major (at the Bachelor's and Master's degree level) is Economics and a career in Econometric and Statistical Modelling (for business purposes), has always been a passion of mine, from the age of 15 (when I developed a deep interest in Econometrics and Statistical Analysis, back in the 10th grade)! 

People talk about 'kids today' and how 'out of control', they may seem. Now, I have a question, in response to that. How about the perception of youth (by 'older' people) during the so-called 'glory days', namely the 60's, 70's and 80's (for instance)?! For example, my granddad was far from thrilled when my dad, during his college days (who by the way, was born in 1954 and was a young adult in the 70's), decided to grow his hair (almost up to his waist) and smoke pot! My granddad termed it as 'disrespectful' and referred to him as a 'vagrant' and 'mongrel' (even though, he (months before graduating from college) had secured his dream job as a Junior Marine Engineer, with a prestigious shipping company)! :blink: Also, my great aunt, referred to my mom's choice to wear bell bottoms and decision to go on dates with my dad (mind you, they were engaged to be married, at the time), as 'vulgar'! Very unfair and crude choices of words and labeling here, IMHO! :angry:

My point is, every generation has its faults. None of us are perfect. Far from it. My generation unfortunately, has folks like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus and Justin Beaver (who (even now!) seems to serve as the ultimate 'youth heart-throb'), much to the utter disgust of the older generation, who perceives youth to have behavioural traits in sync with these 'public figures'. I do not for a second, blame the older generation for thinking this way, but at the same time, there are focused and well-adjusted teens and young adults out there. Just give them a chance and don't paint all teens and 20-somethings with the same brush, pretty please? ;) 

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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^Couldn't have said it better myself, except the movie sucked too. 


Anyways Preetha, there are a few enjoyable new cartoons. Regular Show is a good one, at least the earlier seasons were, although I fear it has been going down the same road as Spongebob lately. Teen Titans Go! is a fun one too.

I am all for discovering noteworthy modern animated shows, Morgan! I'm not too much of an 'old soul'! :lol: Thanks for the recommendations! :friends: In my previous rant :P, I forgot to mention that shows like 'South Park', are my guilty pleasures! :lol: 

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Men just aren't men any more. Of course there are exceptions, but a lot of guys are far too feminine looking for me. even the ones who aren't gay, LOOK like they are.

Must be an Australian thing.. B)

I know it's been mentioned, but prime time TV was much better as a kid.. and there were only 3 major networks.


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Wait, what? How can anyone not know who Bugs Bunny is?

That's the sad truth, mate! :( I was also, truly stunned to know that apparently (according to the following report), 34% of Americans (aged 13 and above) don't know who Bugs Bunny is! The scenario is even worse for poor old Daffy Duck (with 44% of Americans, aged 13 and older being unable to recognize him!) :o 





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I haven't watched Modern Family but yeah, the sitcoms I've seen are awful. Although I did forget about Kimmy Schmidt; that's pretty funny, but of course, Tina Fey! :)

I still haven't found anything to top The West Wing either re: dramas. That's still at the top of my list!

Have you watched 'Veep' and 'The New Adventures of Old Christine'? I have always been a fan of Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Wanda Sykes and it slipped my mind to mention those shows! :) 

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With regard to the general perception that the youth of today, are arrogant, self-absorbed and have a pretty deep sense of entitlement, I am 27 years old and firmly believe that this sort of labeling and generalization, is rather unfair. There are a bunch of 20-somethings (like myself and my friends at University, for instance!) who are not obsessed with selfies, who do not believe that the whole world is ours for the taking, who believe in having a close relationship with family, etc. Bare in mind that my friends and I, had specific career goals and reasons for pursuing our specific college majors and firmly believed that college does not equal fun and games! I for one, believe that college is a time of reflection and growth. It is a critical time 'to find oneself'. My college major (at the Bachelor's and Master's degree level) is Economics and a career in Econometric and Statistical Modelling (for business purposes), has always been a passion of mine, from the age of 15 (when I developed a deep interest in Econometrics and Statistical Analysis, back in the 10th grade)! 

People talk about 'kids today' and how 'out of control', they may seem. Now, I have a question, in response to that. How about the perception of youth (by 'older' people) during the so-called 'glory days', namely the 60's, 70's and 80's (for instance)?! For example, my granddad was far from thrilled when my dad, during his college days (who by the way, was born in 1954 and was a young adult in the 70's), decided to grow his hair (almost up to his waist) and smoke pot! My granddad termed it as 'disrespectful' and referred to him as a 'vagrant' and 'mongrel' (even though, he (months before graduating from college) had secured his dream job as a Junior Marine Engineer, with a prestigious shipping company)! :blink: Also, my great aunt, referred to my mom's choice to wear bell bottoms and decision to go on dates with my dad (mind you, they were engaged to be married, at the time), as 'vulgar'! Very unfair and crude choices of words and labeling here, IMHO! :angry:

My point is, every generation has its faults. None of us are perfect. Far from it. My generation unfortunately, has folks like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus and Justin Beaver (who (even now!) seems to serve as the ultimate 'youth heart-throb'), much to the utter disgust of the older generation, who perceives youth to have behavioural traits in sync with these 'public figures'. I do not for a second, blame the older generation for thinking this way, but at the same time, there are focused and well-adjusted teens and young adults out there. Just give them a chance and don't paint all teens and 20-somethings with the same brush, pretty please? ;) 

It's much easier for some to think in generalizations, Kiwi.  After all, everything IS how it's demonstrated on tv right?!?

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Man's man here!!!I appreciate that and Aussie chick probably has a better sense of this than modern American woman.

Today "men" are more and more just big pussies in my opinion. Young men today sit around in their skinny girls jeans sharing their "feelings" on MyFace with their smarty---ass phones instead of being men. 

The other day I was watching the film Woodstock and noticing how much more physically fit we were back then too.  Even hippies looked like they could kick someone's ass if they wanted to.  Today I see some pudgy bearded hipster fuck trying to wear his girls jeans and I just feel like punching him in the face and making fun of him and making him cry just for his own good.  Today they would call that being a "bully"; in my day it was called the rights of passage and if somebody didn't punch you in the face one in awhile you would probably grow up to be a big sissy puss namby pampy pantywaist anyway.


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Man's man here!!!I appreciate that and Aussie chick probably has a better sense of this than modern American woman.

Today "men" are more and more just big pussies in my opinion. Young men today sit around in their skinny girls jeans sharing their "feelings" on MyFace with their smarty---ass phones instead of being men. 

The other day I was watching the film Woodstock and noticing how much more physically fit we were back then too.  Even hippies looked like they could kick someone's ass if they wanted to.  Today I see some pudgy bearded hipster fuck trying to wear his girls jeans and I just feel like punching him in the face and making fun of him and making him cry just for his own good.  Today they would call that being a "bully"; in my day it was called the rights of passage and if somebody didn't punch you in the face one in awhile you would probably grow up to be a big sissy puss namby pampy pantywaist anyway.

^Says the guy who checks out men's physiques when he watches Woodstock. 


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Man's man here!!!I appreciate that and Aussie chick probably has a better sense of this than modern American woman.

Today "men" are more and more just big pussies in my opinion. Young men today sit around in their skinny girls jeans sharing their "feelings" on MyFace with their smarty---ass phones instead of being men. 

The other day I was watching the film Woodstock and noticing how much more physically fit we were back then too.  Even hippies looked like they could kick someone's ass if they wanted to.  Today I see some pudgy bearded hipster fuck trying to wear his girls jeans and I just feel like punching him in the face and making fun of him and making him cry just for his own good.  Today they would call that being a "bully"; in my day it was called the rights of passage and if somebody didn't punch you in the face one in awhile you would probably grow up to be a big sissy puss namby pampy pantywaist anyway.

That's funny 'cause it seems like you spend a considerable amount of time expressing your feelings right here in this very forum. Desperately needing to be heard and understood. Like an insecure little girl. My guess is the anger you feel when checking out the way young guys jeans fit has something to do with repression. 

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Man's man here!!!I appreciate that and Aussie chick probably has a better sense of this than modern American woman.

Today "men" are more and more just big pussies in my opinion. Young men today sit around in their skinny girls jeans sharing their "feelings" on MyFace with their smarty---ass phones instead of being men. 

The other day I was watching the film Woodstock and noticing how much more physically fit we were back then too.  Even hippies looked like they could kick someone's ass if they wanted to.  Today I see some pudgy bearded hipster fuck trying to wear his girls jeans and I just feel like punching him in the face and making fun of him and making him cry just for his own good.  Today they would call that being a "bully"; in my day it was called the rights of passage and if somebody didn't punch you in the face one in awhile you would probably grow up to be a big sissy puss namby pampy pantywaist anyway.

This is satire, right? Sometimes it's hard to tell on the internet.

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Personally, I don't think that 'Modern Family' is very funny. My girlfriend likes it and I just tolerate it when it's on. The humor to me is just flat and not a belly laugh to be found. Another one we tried to watch but got tired of real quick is 'How To Get Away With Murder.' How the hell do these writers come up with so much convoluted crap? Actually, I think they should have titled the show: 'How To Get Away With Gay Sex On Prime Time TV.'

A line from the show: 'He did things to my ass that made my eyes water.' <_<

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That's funny 'cause it seems like you spend a considerable amount of time expressing your feelings right here in this very forum. Desperately needing to be heard and understood. Like an insecure little girl. My guess is the anger you feel when checking out the way young guys jeans fit has something to do with repression. 


Edited by Walter
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I know that cars are better today, because the ignition systems are great and dont even have to be touched. I will never forget how my 68 nova pinged once ledded gas went away. I added stuff to the gas, retarded the timing, tried 93 and 89 octane....the new gas. Actually i found a happy medium with the 89 octane and continually changing the timing by bits and gapping the points. Today you dont even have to worry, the ignition systems  go for a hundred thousand miles.

To add to kiwis statements above...i think todays kids are great! They are very smart and running on all these roads already going with societal development, which makes them even smarter and better. Even though they dont all have as great taste in music as kiwi. I feel good about the future just from reading her post. 

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That's funny 'cause it seems like you spend a considerable amount of time expressing your feelings right here in this very forum. Desperately needing to be heard and understood. Like an insecure little girl. My guess is the anger you feel when checking out the way young guys jeans fit has something to do with repression. 


This is satire, right? Sometimes it's hard to tell on the internet.


Sure hope so. ;)

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I know that cars are better today, because the ignition systems are great and dont even have to be touched. I will never forget how my 68 nova pinged once ledded gas went away. I added stuff to the gas, retarded the timing, tried 93 and 89 octane....the new gas. Actually i found a happy medium with the 89 octane and continually changing the timing by bits and gapping the points. Today you dont even have to worry, the ignition systems  go for a hundred thousand miles.

To add to kiwis statements above...i think todays kids are great! They are very smart and running on all these roads already going with societal development, which makes them even smarter and better. Even though they dont all have as great taste in music as kiwi. I feel good about the future just from reading her post. 

Automobiles and electronics are better these days. Audio equipment. Computers. Anything with an electrical current for the most part.

Kiwi right too, my 22 yr old daughter is more mature now than I was at her age by far. Smarter too. She likes Led Zeppelin too, but not as much as I do so there is that.

PS: LIVIN walked 10 miles in snow just to post on this forum back in the day.

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Automobiles and electronics are better these days. Audio equipment. Computers. Anything with an electrical current for the most part.

I'm afraid I disagree, Robert. I still pine for my '72 Plymouth Valiant. It had a V6, roomy seats, and it looked great. Unless you can afford a luxury model, what you get today is a car that has no acceleration, looks silly, and the way you handle it is dominated by electronics. A lot of people don't realize that if you drive your car into a lake (happens more often than people think) and you have power windows that are closed (all cars today) you will die because the way to get out of a car that is submerged is through the window and once the car is submerged, the power windows won't open. Opening the door will just make it sink faster. As for computers--I am considering sending my Dell laptop from 2007 to be refurbished because the replacement I bought in 2011 is GARBAGE. There has been a serious decline in the quality of products over just the last 3-4 years. I think the slave laborers in China are just tired.

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