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New Mystery Soundboard?


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JPJ was a little rusty in the beginning of HB. At :24 secs in he hits a very noticeable clam, and at :40 secs in he leaves out the turnaround note. Just thought I'd throw that out there since Page gets all the attention for fuck ups. I'll bet JPJ was smiling with that "oops" look on his face along with the rest of the band grinning   from ear to ear. Audible mistakes by JPJ are so rare that I actually enjoy them immensely, reminds me that he's human.


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12 minutes ago, Bonzo_fan said:

Btw, this Dazed is 40:07; 3/27 L.A. is the 46 min one, since this Dazed has been referred to as 46 min a few times in this thread...

Whoops, sorry about that...still 35 minutes longer than I could play at that intensity.

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8 minutes ago, IpMan said:

Whoops, sorry about that...still 35 minutes longer than I could play at that intensity.

Haha no worries, yeah their endurance is always the most staggering thing to me.  Especially for Bonham in '75, doing Moby Dick and Dazed back-to-back.

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53 minutes ago, Bonzo_fan said:

Very true--I've managed to semi-mimic it, but not at the same intensity or for nearly as long, as has been mentioned above with respect to Page's playing.

Yep-me too... kind of.  Only when I'm feeling really good and really into what I'm doing.  I can get that Ludwig Speed King snapping for a few seconds... and then I try bringing in the snare/ride combos and everything goes to hell!

Can't wait to hear Bonzo pull that shit off in this soundboard release.

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Crap, just listened to the encore on the audience recording, and never noticed but... it almost sounds like during the extended Communication Breakdown solo (with Jonesy's fingers sounding tired) Jimmy switches on that uni-vibe effect he used for the 3/17/75 Seattle's Trampled Underfoot solo. I mean, thats almost as rare as the hammond organ on 6/19/77's Since I've Been Loving You.

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3 hours ago, LedElvis75 said:

Yep-me too... kind of.  Only when I'm feeling really good and really into what I'm doing.  I can get that Ludwig Speed King snapping for a few seconds... and then I try bringing in the snare/ride combos and everything goes to hell!

Can't wait to hear Bonzo pull that shit off in this soundboard release.

Funny how some days you just have "it" and others you don't, eh?  Playing more myself, and especially doing shows with my band, has given me a whole new appreciation for what these guys were able to pull off, and a greater understanding for the "off" nights--some days no matter how bad you want it to sound really great, you just don't have it.  You've just gotta hope the tapes are rolling on the nights when everyone is "on," like this Seattle show.  

The other day when I was really "on," I pulled off the stuff he does at the end of "Sick Again" at this show!  

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11 minutes ago, Dirty Work said:

Ps. Might be my favorite Black Dog on a '75 soundboard B)

Yeah, based off of the audience recording, it definitely sounds like one of, if not the best "Black Dog" of '75.  The one in Vancouver on 3/19 is pretty good too.

Pretty sure 3/27 boasts the longest version ever at just over 6:30...

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On 3/23/2017 at 5:38 PM, IpMan said:

Hey brother, I agree wholeheartedly. The ONLY part of that solo which is sloppy is the one-handed pull-offs / hammer on's which he does at the beginning. The really weird thing is he almost always had a problem doing this since he was always fiddling with the guitar, moving it around above his head at the same time. However, just seconds later he breaks into seriously difficult progressions with ease. Sometime Page's showmanship trumped his execution and I am assuming that the ambient sound of the hall would mask this, thus, he sacrificed steak for sizzle. It just cracks me up because doing the up / down neck pull off's is actually very simple to do...unless the guitar is above your head at which point a simple run becomes anotomically very difficult.

The song as a whole songs great and except for the minor flub as mentioned, the solo is good, not great but good. Considering he just played for three hours, including an exhausting 46 minute D&C and a smoking SIBLY, I am surprise he did as well as he could for a final encore. I tried playing the 10 minute run Page does post-bow solo on TSRTS soundtrack (improv of course, not note for note...no way) before he goes into a different section and the longest I could play at that intensity was six minutes. Again, not note for note, not as fast, nor as good and it was utter exhaustion. How the hell Page played so well, so fast, and so fluid for so long is a testament to his talent. Sure, he could be sloppy at times but when one considers the stamina required to pull off those crazy long solos, a wee bit of slop here and there should not only be forgivable, but expected.

This is the one element people fail to take into consideration. All those 80's era shredders out there we not playing what would be a 46 minute solo, they would solo for maybe three or four minutes max. Or the jams bands like the Dead and Phish do has two or three lead guitarist, not one. Damn, even Judas Priest has two great lead guitarists and they started out as a progressive rock band and they never attempted anything so ambitious.

Just let that sink in for a bit. Machine Gun off of Band of Gypsies is 12 minutes long and Voodoo Chile from Electric Ladyland is 15 min and Hendrix never comes close to the speed Page achieves over a 46 minute solo. Just think about that. The sheer endurance Page subjected himself to in those songs. Not saying a 46 min version of D&C is better than Machine Gun, just pointing out how exhausting and taxing it would be and thus to give a brother some leeway insofar as execution is concerned after playing for 3+ hours.

Great post man. I'd just like to point one thing out, Trey Anastasio is the only guitar player in Phish and he can solo for long periods with the best of 'em!

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6 hours ago, tom kid said:

Great post man. I'd just like to point one thing out, Trey Anastasio is the only guitar player in Phish and he can solo for long periods with the best of 'em!

Yes, Trey is an amazing player as well with great stamina.

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To the topic at hand: I haven't found myself listening to much Zeppelin at all recently, all of that listening through my teens and early 20s finally caught up to me! 

I also haven't visited this forum in a long time, good to see the old crew are still kicking around! This Soundboard I think has reinvigorated the Zeppelin fanatic in me, I cant effin' wait. To hear those versions of NQ and D&C in Soundboard will be aural pleasure of the highest order!

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On 3/19/2017 at 6:25 PM, pujols05 said:

It felt like we were due for a new SB to surface so I have been checking in regularly to catch the chatter. I'll pretty much take any soundboard, but I am partial to the '75 to and I'm stoked to get the 3-21-75 show. I have an audience of it, but except for the Millard shows don't really bother with any of them. My ears just can't handle most of them. 


Exactly.  Been there, done that, with subpar audience recordings.

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On 3/17/2017 at 6:08 PM, Dirty Work said:

Never mind. I'm an equal opportunity shit talker. Carry on. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of 3/21/75 soundboard, its a holy grail. I listened to the 3/20 last night and it still gets better with every listen. Only ones I think would be as good are 3/12, 3/24-27. 27th Jimmy never shuts up, and he knows how well he's playing. Talk to you when I hear the board and I'll give my 2 cents. 1977 LA soundboard or one of the better NYC gigs are the true holy grails though. When I hear one of the best '77 Over the Hills performances on soundboard I'm gonna have to change my pants. B)

I am going to enjoy it too.  Just about to take in the Heartbreaker release.  Don't start none, won't be none... 

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Love that Heartbreaker!  Yes it was a little sloppy at the start of the solo, but the energy of the song is great!  75 they lose steam in the encores, imo, but not here.  Looking forward to the entire show!!! 

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I honestly can't wait to hear the For What It's Worth portion in Dazed and Confused in sbd quality. Along with Old Man on the 27th, that might be my favorite so-called "ethereal interlude" of all time. It's so dark and spooky and perfectly fits with the mood of the rest of the song. So much so, it's ruined the original version of the song for me. The haunting melody fits the lyrics better, imo. 



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2 hours ago, Xolo1974 said:

Millard recordings, Copenhagen 79, Montreaux 70. These are the only ones I enjoy. Can't handle any others. 

Agreed.  There are a few others that come to mind, but not many.  We were like dogs with a new bone back then, few shows so just about anything was listenable.  Now, there are way too many good recordings/great shows to choose from in soundboard form.

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31 minutes ago, Walter said:

Agreed.  There are a few others that come to mind, but not many.  We were like dogs with a new bone back then, few shows so just about anything was listenable.  Now, there are way too many good recordings/great shows to choose from in soundboard form.

Yes, but some boards are just not as enjoyable to my ears than the audience tapes. Bonzo's Birthday comes to mind. New Orleans 73, Baton Rouge 75. All really excellent sources , rivaling Millard's fidelity IMO. 

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5 hours ago, Walter said:

Love that Heartbreaker!  Yes it was a little sloppy at the start of the solo, but the energy of the song is great!  75 they lose steam in the encores, imo, but not here.  Looking forward to the entire show!!! 

Bonzo is superb, as usual on the 3/21/75 HB.

Cover art??




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7 hours ago, porgie66 said:

Yes, but some boards are just not as enjoyable to my ears than the audience tapes. Bonzo's Birthday comes to mind. New Orleans 73, Baton Rouge 75. All really excellent sources , rivaling Millard's fidelity IMO. 

I agree there are a few instances - Dallas 73 SB being one, at least my old ass copy.

Was Bonzo's B-Day show a Millard recording?  

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38 minutes ago, Walter said:

Was Bonzo's B-Day show a Millard recording?  

Millard did not start recording shows until the following year, at least according to this article. The first Zeppelin show he taped was 3/11/75 in Long Beach. Whoever did tape Bonzo's Birthday Party did a pretty good job though (especially considering the time period and the quality of most audience tapes around this time). 

Interestingly, it seems that Zeppelin's shows at the LA Forum were almost always captured in decent to excellent sound quality by audience members. Blueberry Hill, 8/21/71. Burn Like a Candle, Bonzo's Birthday Party, 6/3/73, Millard's tapes of the LA 75 and 77 runs, the list goes on. 

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21 minutes ago, Walter said:

Interesting.  Such good quality from a different taper.  Maybe the venue had something to do with it? 

Could be. Another possibility is that since LA was their "home away from home", maybe they (and by "they" I mean Peter Grant :D) relaxed their strict guidelines about taping the shows (since the band and their entourage always seemed to have fun there). I have no idea if this is true (perhaps someone more knowledgeable has an explanation), but it's an interesting theory.

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1 hour ago, Walter said:

Interesting.  Such good quality from a different taper.  Maybe the venue had something to do with it? 

I wonder. There are three sources for May 31 1973 and two are very good and one stands out, which is the old LP source which starts during OTHAFA. As mentioned the June 3 show is excellent as well except for the damaged tape stretches and Kezar June 2 sounds excellent , especially for an outdoor recording. I wonder if it's the same taper for all those shows since the quality sounds about the same. Wish we had the complete Kezar show soundboard (where is the rest??), and May 31 too.

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