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Retrospective for anniversary?

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Since we have had "David Bowie Is", "Exhibitionism" (for the Stones), and "Their Mortal Remains" (for Pink Floyd), do we have a hope - a hope which has any hope of being realized, that is - for a career retrospective along the same lines for Led Zeppelin? It seems like next year would be ideal for such a thing. It can even go "on tour", like Exhibitionism has.

Any thoughts? Is it a vain hope or one more likely?


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The last thing we need is more photographs from Ross Halfin and Jimmy Page, thank you very much.

These kind of things don't excite me one bit.

The prospect of seeing JPJ's onions from the TSRTS in a glass cabinet is a snore-fest.


Edited by Boleskinner
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2 hours ago, Boleskinner said:

The last thing we need is more photographs from Ross Halfin and Jimmy Page, thank you very much.

These kind of things don't excite me one bit.

The prospect of seeing JPJ's onions from the TSRTS in a glass cabinet is a snore-fest.




Surely, there are more than just photographs at such things...

You may not be interested in such a exhibition, but I bet there are many who would like such a commemoration - I certainly would, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

In any case, I hope something like the three commemorations I mentioned originally can exist for LZ - I think it would be very well attended.

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5 hours ago, Boleskinner said:

The last thing we need is more photographs from Ross Halfin and Jimmy Page, thank you very much.

These kind of things don't excite me one bit.

The prospect of seeing JPJ's onions from the TSRTS in a glass cabinet is a snore-fest.

Exactly. I've already seen JPJ's onions on display at the RnRHoF. I doubt they have enough artifacts to make an exhibition viable.

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14 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

I doubt they have enough artifacts to make an exhibition viable.

Yes - that's what I was afraid of. I also get the feeling that Robert wouldn't be overly keen in participating as well.

Still, if Bowie, the Stones, and Pink Floyd can have something like this and have it work, it's just a shame that LZ couldn't have such a commemoration - they are every bit as significant as those bands in the history of rock music. It would also be a treat, especially for those who were too young to see them live, for their impact to be represented in an artistic way.

The three exhibitions I mentioned were tremendously well done and weren't just a bunch of photographs. I guess I'll have to live in hope.

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27 minutes ago, missmoneypenny said:

 ... not just a bunch of photos!

exactly and the exhibits reflect the core of both which is a commercial engine beholden to the old lot of what used to be a music industry whereby they trot out a tarted up old painted sell-out whore bag in the hopes of feeding the coffers just one more time

regardless of my valuation of various bands LZ while not a saint has been selective in allowing others to appropriate/mooch off their tit and they usually land on the side of not selling out.  A whore is a whore (not dissing or judging whores in fact quite the opposite) and LZ in my view while not above reproach commercially has taken a high road in most cases in not selling themselves out nor selling out the loyalty of their legion.

I would point out their silence and privacy- very, very little is provided directly from the band, usually crumbs passed along thru surrogate ass hats like "I know Jimmy Page... look at my diary..." Halfin.

The majority of communication from the band is in the form of its music albeit in multiple channels and releases now.  It took a few decades for the band to see the worth in providing access thru digital download and streaming.  The whores were lined up at the trough with faces cracked from smiling.

47 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

Highly unlikely. 

no doubt unless he can find some little item he can include in the ultra mega deluxe Mothership reissue... now I do cherish my tshirt from TSRTS rerun, don't get me wrong.

As I think about it, I do make time to go the the King Tut exhibits and the like when they come thru Dallas and Fort Worth so maybe I would go...

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8 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Exactly. I've already seen JPJ's onions on display at the RnRHoF. I doubt they have enough artifacts to make an exhibition viable.

Ha! I always thought they looked more like Christmas ornaments, though Plant did call them onions. Maybe not enough for a large scale exhibit although I would love to see Jimmy's guitars and Bonzo's drum equipment on display. I think a display at RRHOF of instruments, costumes and some memorabilia would be worthwhile. I'd especially love to see the Les Paul's, Double Neck,  Marshall cabs, the jazz bass, ( 5 string too) , the Becvar, Jonesey's Rhodes , the Green Sparkles and Giant Beats up close! Fuck yeah! The stuff of legends. Set it up! A lot of true Zep fans wanna see it! 

Edited by porgie66
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Just now, Dallas Knebs said:

its just stuff

stuff from an estate sale that couldn't sell so they put it on display... to charge for it

I suppose, but I'd love to see those stick marks on the cymbals. I understand, it's not for everyone but that would have some mojo for me. Seeing the battle axes up close. 

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Just now, Dallas Knebs said:

I get it.  Saw Dolly Parton's original draft of Jolene the other day, it was written on a brown paper grocery bag.  Pretty cool.

That being said, the stuff in your basement looks better than all that :wub:

Ha! That's not my basement...that's my friend's. I'm not Bonzoleum!

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2 hours ago, porgie66 said:

Ha! I always thought they looked more like Christmas ornaments, though Plant did call them onions. Maybe not enough for a large scale exhibit although I would love to see Jimmy's guitars and Bonzo's drum equipment on display. I think a display at RRHOF of instruments, costumes and some memorabilia would be worthwhile. I'd especially love to see the Les Paul's, Double Neck,  Marshall cabs, the jazz bass, ( 5 string too) , the Becvar, Jonesey's Rhodes , the Green Sparkles and Giant Beats up close! Fuck yeah! The stuff of legends. Set it up! A lot of true Zep fans wanna see it! 


See, I'd even be happy if they did, for a period of time, a special LZ-specific commemoration at the RnRHOF. They did one for U2 about 15 years ago, and it was absolutely tremendous! Frankly, I think people would come in droves for it.

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I think Jimmy showed with the companions( Jones and Plant  barely interested) he is more highly likely to get his solo album

and tour going than seriously putting the interesting artifacts to.come together for a exhibition. If medical tech moves fast 

enough surely we could count on a 100 yr celebration and absolutely a commerative tour to follow. Maybe if Jimmy was 

guarantEed a 30 date US tour of hockey arenas with all the original music gear arranged in its former glory( Ballantine symbol

on Bonzo's bass drum, Jimmy's Zoso symbol draped over his amp, etc.) and mannequinns of all members dressed in vintage

standing on stage, Jimmy just might be interested. Highly unlikely. Ha Ha Ha.

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2 hours ago, Mithril46 said:

I think Jimmy showed with the companions( Jones and Plant  barely interested) he is more highly likely to get his solo album

and tour going than seriously putting the interesting artifacts to.come together for a exhibition. If medical tech moves fast 

enough surely we could count on a 100 yr celebration and absolutely a commerative tour to follow. Maybe if Jimmy was 

guarantEed a 30 date US tour of hockey arenas with all the original music gear arranged in its former glory( Ballantine symbol

on Bonzo's bass drum, Jimmy's Zoso symbol draped over his amp, etc.) and mannequinns of all members dressed in vintage

standing on stage, Jimmy just might be interested. Highly unlikely. Ha Ha Ha.

Oh, I want the solo album and tour more than an exhibition. I just think they should have one eventually, but obviously before the last three make their trip to the 'Great Gig in the Sky'.

I like the mannequin idea - that gave me a laugh! :D


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Well, it would give Jimmy a new excuse: 'I know I said I'd be playing live again by now, but the exhibition came up and I've been curating that, so...it'll be next year now!'  :rolleyes: etc. Have to say, I'd have no more interest in seeing the dragon suit on a Burton's dummy than I did in seeing Bowie's Thin White Duke flares at the V&A - ie. zero. But I suspect that enough people would  pay to see this stuff to make it worth doing, so fair enough. Mind you, for a band that deliberately cultivated such mystique, an exhibition that revealed the nuts and bolts, day-to-day prosaics could well undermine a lot of that. Having gone to such lengths to show us the beautiful black swan gliding majestically on the moat, would Jimmy really want to show us its feet pedalling frantically beneath the surface or would he prefer to maintain the illusion? Then again, if there's a quid in it... ;)      

Edited by Brigante
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With a bit of imagination there's plenty that could go in an exhibition. It'd be about recreating a time and atmosphere - pictures of the Grande Ballroom as it was then not the sorry state it's in now. The underground clubs Zeppelin played on their early visits to the US. There are tons of pics and vintage posters that could be used, tickets, memerobilia, some of which could be loaned by collectors.


And a section devoted to bootlegs, after all they must be the most bootlegged act ever excepting Dylan. Costumes, guitars. There's more than enough for the proper exhibition that Zeppelin deserve on the anniversary.

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2 hours ago, 76229 said:

With a bit of imagination there's plenty that could go in an exhibition. It'd be about recreating a time and atmosphere - pictures of the Grande Ballroom as it was then not the sorry state it's in now. The underground clubs Zeppelin played on their early visits to the US. There are tons of pics and vintage posters that could be used, tickets, memerobilia, some of which could be loaned by collectors.


And a section devoted to bootlegs, after all they must be the most bootlegged act ever excepting Dylan. Costumes, guitars. There's more than enough for the proper exhibition that Zeppelin deserve on the anniversary.


That's what I saw in my mind when thinking about the possibility of a Led Zeppelin exhibition. Well said! :)


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An exhibition of sorts was done back in 1995 on the Page / Plant tour.  There's been several conventions of course and the Knebworth house exhibit.  The 1995 tour memorabilia truck had some of Brian Knapp's collection shown.  I've uploaded the video walkthrough which you can see by clicking on the links below:

I doubt Page would let items such as the Les Paul's and suits out of the Tower house even if heavily insured based on what happened to the Black Beauty all those years ago for an exhibit.  At least the guitar was finally returned after all these years.  I enjoy collecting and seeing what memorabilia has survived through the years.  Ever onward.


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If the Floyd could pull off a retrospective, Zeppelin could easily pull one off. What exactly does Floyd have to display? An inflatable pig? Some styrofoam bricks? Floyd were not exactly known for elaborate stage costumes like Bowie or stage set ups like the Stones yet here we are. Zeppelin could easily pull this off. Between Page's equipment & costumes, plus the other band member outfits and gear it would be no problem. Throw in the thousands of groupies' lost virginity and pics and you have quite the show.

Zep, for all its mystery, actually has quite a bit of memorabilia and artifact if you think about it. Every tour was different from the last and you sure cannot say that about other bands.

A 50 year retrospective is VERY doable.


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