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Benazir Bhutto is dead.


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Well, Pakistan just blew any chance of hosting a Led Zeppelin concert.

Who cares about a concert? An important figure died, do you think the people will be asking for concerts?

Edited by Bonham
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Wait, wait, wait.......you mean to tell me you think cracking some VERY lame joke about LZ not playing Pakistan now is actually appropriate? This is a thread about the death of Benazir Bhutto, not about Led Zeppelin. For fuck's sake. A woman is dead, the country is headed toward the path to civil war, we have board members in this particular part of the world, and rather than be worried about them and their safety, you're cracking jokes? How erudite.

Edited by Electrophile
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But it wasn't posted as a joke, just a blunt observation. No possibility of Led Zeppelin ever performing in Pakistan is a direct consequence of her senseless death. I've been to that part of the world and all I can say is crying won't help you, worrying won't do you no good.

Really? Well, the Rolling Stones won't be playing there either. Does anyone care about that? No. Led Zeppelin were never going to play Pakistan whether she died or not. It is not a direct consequence of anything. A direct consequence of her death would be civil war. That's a tad more topical and a lot more relevant.

BTW, if you're going to quote Zeppelin, at least get the line right.

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My 26 year old cousin, Asan, cannot go to work at all now, for a while.

He was about to go to work, until he found out that five of the cars in his job's parking lot have been burned to pieces.

Asan and his mother are safe however in their home. Asan is worried about his fiancee though.

Deep Black, my prayers are with you and your family.

Honestly, I have felt nauseous and unsettled about this tragedy all day - to the point where I've found it hard to focus.

My husband and I have spent quite a bit of time in India, including Kashmir, and just last week we had lunch with a man who has traveled extensively and spent several months in Pakistan (near the border of Kashmir by the Indus River) so we had quite a bit to talk about. At one point, he told us "nicest people I've ever encountered during my travels - generous and helpful to a fault."


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Deep Black, my prayers are with you and your family.

Honestly, I have felt nauseous and unsettled about this tragedy all day - to the point where I've found it hard to focus.

My husband and I have spent quite a bit of time in India, including Kashmir, and just last week we had lunch with a man who has traveled extensively and spent several months in Pakistan (near the border of Kashmir by the Indus River) so we had quite a bit to talk about. At one point, he told us "nicest people I've ever encountered during my travels - generous and helpful to a fault."


It's always the wackaloons who destroy things for the sensible folk. That's who I feel bad for here; those who are peaceful, those who are not violent and who do not take things to such ridiculous extremes to prove a point. They are always the ones who end up suffering the most when it's all said and done.

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Led Zeppelin's members were never going to play in Croatia either, until they did. People on the main floor holding up signs like "I never thought I'd live to see this day!"

Considering the political climate in that part of the world, I think the idea of trying to stage a rock concert there was the last thing anyone was thinking about. What they need is peace, safety, security....not Led Zeppelin.

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I just saw the best commercial today.[public service announcement]

It was a bunch of Pakistani children and they were speaking in their native language, Urdu.

They were speaking of how they're exposed to too much violence in their country. They hate seeing all these killings and bombings. One Pakistani kid gave up violent games because he already sees too much of it outside his house.

It ended up with some three year old saying

Bas karlo bas[enough with it, enough]

Here it is

Pakistani Children Plea for Peace

I'll translate it line by line, coming up

The first two are hard,


the evil uncle always plants the bomb

How many people did the uncle hurt, he didn't even say sorry

When a bomb blast happens, then people die as well. And when they don't return home, how worried are their parents?

Why does it happen? And when cars go by, why do the bombers attack them?

We want to finally watch a TV show that doesn't show the dead bodies

I gave up fighting with my siblings. Yet the big people are still fighting

Now, the devil will be very happy, and God will be very angry

And the schools are closing down. If I don't study, then how will I be a successful adult?

It's as if no one loves us. That's why they keep bombing.

Enough with it, enough[4 times]

Forget the fighting and take praise in God

I saw this commercial today too. It brought a tears to my eyes. I wish, hope, and pray that one day soon Pakistan (and the world for that matter) can be a country where those children and all children can live without fear. I woke up this morning and my father had the TV on really loud and the first thing I heard was she was dead. I honestly thought it was a bad dream until I went to see the TV for myself. My dad has been on the computer all day watching the news so I haven't had a chance to come onto the board today. I'm Pakistani too, I didn't know there were other Pakistanis here. I feel so badly for her family, especially her young children. May God help them all.

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It's always the wackaloons who destroy things for the sensible folk. That's who I feel bad for here; those who are peaceful, those who are not violent and who do not take things to such ridiculous extremes to prove a point. They are always the ones who end up suffering the most when it's all said and done.

That's what makes it all the more tragic. I don't think we've seen the worst of the violence that will result from this assassination and, unfortunately, good, innocent people will suffer.

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This is yet another example of Tall Poppy Syndrome. Stick your neck out too far, try to help one person too many, and someone will come along and cut you down. How many times has this happened in our own country with our own leaders and political figures? JFK, RFK, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King.....the list goes on and on.

That's what makes it all the more tragic. I don't think we've seen the worst of the violence that will result from this assassination and, unfortunately, good, innocent people will suffer.

They always do. For the suicide bombers, the road to glory is paved with the blood of innocent bystanders. They won't stop until there's no one left.

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