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4 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:


Indeed I am from the UK. So whilst I really don't care who you vote in, over hear it is becoming a soap opera of the highest calibre. Many people here can't actually believe that the choice's on offer are, a doddery old man who doesn't know what day it is, or a dangerous Orange Whip who's possible first thing to do in office is to pardon himself. If You really can't believe how your Country is becoming a laughing stock, then I seriously think you should get out more.

You're all wrong about Trump. all the accusations against him are false. period. His political opponents have devised it all because he is going to kill their agenda and they can't have that. That's why none of it has worked yet.  As for Jan 6th. You cannot have an insurrection without the military to back you up. Without the military there is no way you can hold power because the police will simply come in and arrest you. The jan 6th committee was a sham because they wouldn't allow any republicans to be included except of two who were obviously in the tank for the left.  He hasn't even been charged with insurrection let alone convicted of any crime at all.   

In all cases against Trump they have done everything possible to keep him from presenting his side, if that shit was happening to you I doubt you'd find it fair. Imagine saying you have what you believe is evidence of wrongdoing and the judge says I don't care or imagine you're being tried for fraud and every witness the left brings against you says you've done nothing wrong and were all happy with the business you did with them and the judge says I don't care you're guilty anyway. In that case the judge said Trump was guilty before the case even started.  Or they change the laws so a nutjob who fantasizes about rape comes out of the woodwork to say you raped her 30 years ago but really cannot remember when or where it happened and you aren't allowed to present evidence that destroys her credibility. I don't think you'd find that fair either. If you're letting the lefty news orgs to sway your opinions maybe it's you who needs to get out more.

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47 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

You're all wrong about Trump. all the accusations against him are false. period. His political opponents have devised it all because he is going to kill their agenda and they can't have that. That's why none of it has worked yet.  As for Jan 6th. You cannot have an insurrection without the military to back you up. Without the military there is no way you can hold power because the police will simply come in and arrest you. The jan 6th committee was a sham because they wouldn't allow any republicans to be included except of two who were obviously in the tank for the left.  He hasn't even been charged with insurrection let alone convicted of any crime at all.   

In all cases against Trump they have done everything possible to keep him from presenting his side, if that shit was happening to you I doubt you'd find it fair. Imagine saying you have what you believe is evidence of wrongdoing and the judge says I don't care or imagine you're being tried for fraud and every witness the left brings against you says you've done nothing wrong and were all happy with the business you did with them and the judge says I don't care you're guilty anyway. In that case the judge said Trump was guilty before the case even started.  Or they change the laws so a nutjob who fantasizes about rape comes out of the woodwork to say you raped her 30 years ago but really cannot remember when or where it happened and you aren't allowed to present evidence that destroys her credibility. I don't think you'd find that fair either. If you're letting the lefty news orgs to sway your opinions maybe it's you who needs to get out more.

It's not the point I was making, if you cared to read it. I will quote myself:

" Many people here can't actually believe that the choice's on offer are, a doddery old man who doesn't know what day it is, or a dangerous Orange Whip who's possible first thing to do in office is to pardon himself. If You really can't believe how your Country is becoming a laughing stock, then I seriously think you should get out more".

As I say I don't give a Monkey's who you elect. However, what does worry me is that if Trump gets re elected, does he (and the electorate) honestly believe he'll sort out Russia/Ukraine conflict in a day, put the North Korean Despot in his place, fix the disgraceful actions of that Israeli murderer, have a word with Iran to stop funding the Houthis, whilst building a fuck off wall to keep the Mexicans out?  Oh, on the subject of "The Wall", didn't OW have 4 years to build that the last time he was elected or was he busy sexually molesting some old Porn Star who, quite frankly, should have been flattered by the attentions of a wig wearing, arrogant blob? 

As usual many Americans only want what's best for themselves whilst saying a big FUCK OFF to the rest of the world. I mean, come on man, who really thinks that Baseball's World  Series actually contains anyone else apart from teams from the good olde USA?


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17 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

It's not the point I was making, if you cared to read it. I will quote myself:

" Many people here can't actually believe that the choice's on offer are, a doddery old man who doesn't know what day it is, or a dangerous Orange Whip who's possible first thing to do in office is to pardon himself. If You really can't believe how your Country is becoming a laughing stock, then I seriously think you should get out more".

As I say I don't give a Monkey's who you elect. However, what does worry me is that if Trump gets re elected, does he (and the electorate) honestly believe he'll sort out Russia/Ukraine conflict in a day, put the North Korean Despot in his place, fix the disgraceful actions of that Israeli murderer, have a word with Iran to stop funding the Houthis, whilst building a fuck off wall to keep the Mexicans out?  Oh, on the subject of "The Wall", didn't OW have 4 years to build that the last time he was elected or was he busy sexually molesting some old Porn Star who, quite frankly, should have been flattered by the attentions of a wig wearing, arrogant blob? 

As usual many Americans only want what's best for themselves whilst saying a big FUCK OFF to the rest of the world. I mean, come on man, who really thinks that Baseball's World  Series actually contains anyone else apart from teams from the good olde USA?


I can see that you've already been swayed by the lefts bullshit.  He took a picture with that bitch and then she used it against him to gain money. He paid her off because it was the easiest thing to do. Famous people go through that shit all the time. If you bothered to look at the results of all that she owes him money and her lawyer is in jail And If you had bothered to read my original post to you, you would see that he did indeed do all those things in his first term and if anyone can do it again he can.  If you listen to what the left says then you will think orange man bad but if you look at the actual results of his first term unclouded by the lefts mischaracterizations then you'll see he did just fine.  If you knew anything about the world then you'd know that most other countries want the exact same thing, what's best for them. Oh and don't listen to the climate nuts they are scamming the world so they can make money and if you think they will ever change the way they live I have abridge to show you..

 About the world series, we all know it has nothing to do with the rest of the world. It's just a name man, just a name. Kinda like how Cricket has nothing to do with bugs.

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49 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

 He took a picture with that bitch and then she used it against him to gain money. He paid her off because it was the easiest thing to do.

What he actually meant by doing this was "shut the fuck up (bitch) and here's some dosh" This is the rub with Capitalists, they think they can just waft a wodge of cash around and everything will be fine. No it isn't Trump. Who the fuck do you actually think you are? Are you better than me? You? Joe Public? You just happen to be a very (monetary) wealthy individual who thinks money is the answer to all life's questions. You treat people like shit and you stoop to the lowest of the low, YOU CHEAT AT GOLF - how fucking low is that!!!

One thing we do agree on my right wing friend. Cricket has nothing to do with insects.

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2 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

What he actually meant by doing this was "shut the fuck up (bitch) and here's some dosh" This is the rub with Capitalists, they think they can just waft a wodge of cash around and everything will be fine. No it isn't Trump. Who the fuck do you actually think you are? Are you better than me? You? Joe Public? You just happen to be a very (monetary) wealthy individual who thinks money is the answer to all life's questions. You treat people like shit and you stoop to the lowest of the low, YOU CHEAT AT GOLF - how fucking low is that!!!

One thing we do agree on my right wing friend. Cricket has nothing to do with insects.

I can see that the left has you firmly under their wing.   Have a Nice Day


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After watching her constant denials on just about everything relating to Trump on umpteen YouTube videos (of officially sanctioned debates), at the US Senate, it is abundantly clear Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fuckwit.

She has called for and endorses a secession that would divide the blue and red states and even went to the extreme in calling out for a civil war.

China, Iran, North Korea and Russia to name a few would love that to happen and would no doubt take advantage of the situation if it came to pass. The NRA and gun manufacturers would embrace the "opportunity" to sell more guns.

Greene touched and rubbed the cock on a life size cutout of Trump that was telecast on TV.

Lauren Boebert is not any better after she was seen fondling the genitals of her companion and vaping along with other inappropriate behaviour at a live theatre production, once again caught on video.

In short, they are both wankers.

You could throw Sarah Palin into the mix of idiots as well.

I think Trump is on a hiding to nothing and will probably be found guilty of all charges and ultimately go to prison and ruled not eligible to run for the Presidency.

His greatest achievement whilst in office was to provide tax cuts for billionaires (being one of them himself), millionaires and corporations. Some of his supporters aren't the sharpest tools in the shed either, Trump asked them to help fund his legal fees and they actually donated their hard earned when he could and should've paid them.

Btw, I couldn't care less for any political parties anywhere in the world.

Politicians are self-first, Party second and the country a distant last.

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typical european anti american comment . us becoming a laughing stock I read . it is not that long ago that here in the uk the choice before us was a doddery old communist versus an incompetent conservative . look around europe and it is no better . yet those that decry the us are the first to cry out when the us does not come to the aid of europe . the us is the largest supplier of aid to the ukraine .  why should us come to the rescue of europe / nato if european countries - germany france italy spain etc etc - will not meet agreed military expenditure of 2% of gdp . if us is becoming a laughing stock what does that say about the uk . makes me puke slagging off another country , when our own backyard is just as bad if not worse . 

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42 minutes ago, john morrison said:

typical european anti american comment . us becoming a laughing stock I read . it is not that long ago that here in the uk the choice before us was a doddery old communist versus an incompetent conservative . look around europe and it is no better . yet those that decry the us are the first to cry out when the us does not come to the aid of europe . the us is the largest supplier of aid to the ukraine .  why should us come to the rescue of europe / nato if european countries - germany france italy spain etc etc - will not meet agreed military expenditure of 2% of gdp . if us is becoming a laughing stock what does that say about the uk . makes me puke slagging off another country , when our own backyard is just as bad if not worse . 

👍On MLK day here locally, the black spokesperson finally admitted that the blacks had to clean up their own backyard. I was shocked to hear it but am also a realist and know they will do no such thing as long as the democrats have them on a leash. That and all those democrat votes flooding our border. One commentator said that if all those illegals were to vote conservative that the democrats would build a wall to the moon. 😆

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follow up on special prosecutor's report on Biden and because he has mental issues we see no reason to prosecute him even though he willfully took possession of classified docs, broke law, etc.... 2 things going on here

1- this is the way democrats remove his ass 

2- if he isn't charged because of his mental issues than it stands to reason if and when congress lays out a litany of corruption involving  the Biden crime family and foreign countries  giving and paying millions in bribes to do harm to our country well then the answer or result will be the same, Biden has to many mental issues to pursue and jail so no charges will be filed and just thought of a third

3- least likely but what if Biden and  doj hand picked special prosecutor  made up the whole sweet old man with memory and mental issues bull shit or Biden himself was crazy like a fox with his selective forgetful memory  all in an effort to  make criminal charges go away? personally believe #3 not possible because he is  nuts and losing it daily but   what if? these democrats are smart, stick together on everything and have proven time and time again will stop at nothing all the while pulling out all the stops on an all out blitz on Trump

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12 hours ago, john morrison said:

typical european anti american comment . us becoming a laughing stock I read . it is not that long ago that here in the uk the choice before us was a doddery old communist versus an incompetent conservative . look around europe and it is no better . yet those that decry the us are the first to cry out when the us does not come to the aid of europe . the us is the largest supplier of aid to the ukraine .  why should us come to the rescue of europe / nato if european countries - germany france italy spain etc etc - will not meet agreed military expenditure of 2% of gdp . if us is becoming a laughing stock what does that say about the uk . makes me puke slagging off another country , when our own backyard is just as bad if not worse . 

Oh deary me. Did you not attend school? When an English (native) speaker comes on here, it just goes to show how bad our education system is when they have no idea about Grammar. 

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On 2/9/2024 at 11:50 PM, chillumpuffer said:

Indeed I am from the UK. So whilst I really don't care who you vote in, over hear it is becoming a soap opera of the highest calibre. Many people here can't actually believe that the choice's on offer are, a doddery old man who doesn't know what day it is, or a dangerous Orange Whip who's possible first thing to do in office is to pardon himself. If You really can't believe how your Country is becoming a laughing stock, then I seriously think you should get out more.

Well, as long as we're hurling insults in here (LOL) may I say the UK is in position to laugh at anyone?


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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

Well, as long as we're hurling insults in here (LOL) may I say the UK is in position to laugh at anyone?


The agenda for the destruction of Europe is working well. Right now in London and Paris whites are practically an ethnic minority.

This is a video from Paris a couple of days ago when Ivory Coast won the Africa Cup. It is also worth mentioning that they IMPOSE SHARIA law on all citizens.


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7 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Oh deary me. Did you not attend school? When an English (native) speaker comes on here, it just goes to show how bad our education system is when they have no idea about Grammar. 

Wutchu talkin’ ‘bout, Willis? 😄

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1 hour ago, Rodrigo said:

The agenda for the destruction of Europe is working well. Right now in London and Paris whites are practically an ethnic minority.

This is a video from Paris a couple of days ago when Ivory Coast won the Africa Cup. It is also worth mentioning that they IMPOSE SHARIA law on all citizens.


You sure that’s Paris? 😄

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9 hours ago, Rodrigo said:

The agenda for the destruction of Europe is working well. Right now in London and Paris whites are practically an ethnic minority.

This is a video from Paris a couple of days ago when Ivory Coast won the Africa Cup. It is also worth mentioning that they IMPOSE SHARIA law on all citizens.

At 37%, whites are already a minority in London. Unsure about Paris, but I do know the suburbs of Paris were already nearly 25% Muslim ten years ago. The demographic trends for Europe are horrifying to anyone with any respect and appreciation for Western civilization.

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3 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

At 37%, whites are already a minority in London. Unsure about Paris, but I do know the suburbs of Paris were already nearly 25% Muslim ten years ago. The demographic trends for Europe are horrifying to anyone with any respect and appreciation for Western civilization.

They all want whiskey and porn whilst kneeling to Mecca. 

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