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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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7 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Sure you have, you think exactly what the left wants you to think about Trump. Whether you like it or not when he gets re-elected and sets this country straight you can go cry in your cornflakes.

Lay off you radical asshole. You know nothing about me ..my conservative and liberal views. I'm well rounded, you sound completely one dimensional. Go laugh in your Captain Crunch !!!!

Edited by Josemanno
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1 hour ago, Josemanno said:

Lay off you radical asshole. You know nothing about me ..my conservative and liberal views. I'm well rounded, you sound completely one dimensional. Go laugh in your Captain Crunch !!!!

  says the parrot

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On 1/27/2024 at 1:44 PM, Strider said:

The pro-Palestinian rallies are alarming. Fortunately, I haven't seen too many where I live. I still think it is just a very loud and vocal minority. The majority of citizens and people in government still back Israel. 

Also, when I talk to many of the Middle Eastern immigrants that I come across in my daily travels in shops and restaurants and businesses, most of them express that the very reason many of them came to America was to escape such tribal feudal bullshit. And many of these people trying to come into America now are also trying to escape extreme poverty and violence in their countries.

Now, is the influx too large? Are there some bad apples in the bunch? Your answer probably depends on your perspective. I think most reasonable people would say yes. But the idea that these people are being let in just so they can vote Democrat might make an amusing talking point on some right ring podcast or talk show but it is kind of far-fetched when you look at the what happens with a lot of immigrants.

A sizeable percentage of immigrants, both legal and illegal, tend to become conservative, at least on the issue of immigration, once they have settled in the United States. Because they realize more and more illegals flooding the border steals a bigger piece of their American Pie dream. I have heard from many Mexicans, Hispanics, Latinos switching their votes from Democrat to Republican because of this very issue.

Take another look at the people coming into the country. Whether they are coming from the Muslim countries in the Middle East or the heavily Catholic countries to our south, I would wager a high percentage of them are devoutly religious in some manner. The right likes to portray the Democratic Party as anti-religion, so why would anyone think that these religious people would just automatically vote Democrat?

Plus, the idea that there are large numbers of illegals voting doesn't hold water anyway. Most illegals would be afraid of being nabbed by INS if they went to vote.

The whole beauty of the United States was that people could come here, escaping whatever persecution or horrors of their home country, and through hard work and perseverance, assimilate into the American Dream. They might bring some of their old ways and beliefs with them, but by and large, they sublimated into the American way of life. Many Immigrant communities by the third or fourth generations became wholly American. That's why you see so many minorities and immigrants at ballgames. And they certainly do not want the U.S. to become more like the countries they escaped from.

I happen to believe that is what most of the people coming here want...a chance at a normal life. To work, have a family, etc. So, no, I do not think we are in danger of being co-opted or as you put it, "unionized" by some foreign country, whether it's the Middle East or the Far East or Russia.

I think this country is a little bit stronger than its critics, both on the right and the left, give it credit for.



very well put and thought out, agree with many of your points just want closed borders and legal applicants to come in and get processed and hopefully live the american dream, hell when  my family came from Italy they went to NY, had to be sponsored and fill out every year who lived at residence and what was each persons job, boy 115 years later that has transformed to let anyone in, no background checks etc... its a mess, heck were a land of opportunity and laws, come legally, pledge your allegiance to our beautiful country and  we as a nation will welcome every single one regardless of religion, skin color, etc.... It begs the question why are  the gov't. fighting for open borders and fighting with texas from stopping them to stop or slow the illegal crossings?

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On 1/25/2024 at 8:31 PM, luvlz2 said:

I guess anything can happen, he has a lot of young voters on his side which is good for him. He did not do so well as hoped in the New Hampshire primary and I think that is not good for him, I think he has lost too many supporters.

Haley’s numbers were inflated with 😘

dem voters (25%)

china backers (10%)

indies (2%)

gop (swamp, uniparty) (8%)

* She really had 7-9% vs his 50+% in NH

Haley is only “in” as spoiler in case globalists can find a way to stop Trump.

He becomes stronger, the more they go after him. He gets free press everyday. 


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4 hours ago, custard pie man said:

very well put and thought out, agree with many of your points just want closed borders and legal applicants to come in and get processed and hopefully live the american dream, hell when  my family came from Italy they went to NY, had to be sponsored and fill out every year who lived at residence and what was each persons job, boy 115 years later that has transformed to let anyone in, no background checks etc... its a mess, heck were a land of opportunity and laws, come legally, pledge your allegiance to our beautiful country and  we as a nation will welcome every single one regardless of religion, skin color, etc.... It begs the question why are  the gov't. fighting for open borders and fighting with texas from stopping them to stop or slow the illegal crossings?

Yes. It's the biggest problem I have with the Democrats. How they have allowed illegal immigration become an albatross around their neck. The mainstream moderate Democrats should have never allowed the far left fringe to push this issue and ignore the laws already in place. They should have held firm and said immigrants have to accept and follow the laws and enter this country legally. Previous generations had to wait. Nobody gets to cut the line. You come in illegally....back you go.

The majority of blue-collar middle America is "law and order". Once you lose them it's hard to get them back.

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On 1/28/2024 at 3:55 AM, Josemanno said:

Lay off you radical asshole. You know nothing about me ..my conservative and liberal views. I'm well rounded, you sound completely one dimensional. Go laugh in your Captain Crunch !!!!


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On 1/27/2024 at 11:58 AM, SteveAJones said:

You think the gays, kooks, weirdos and illegals are being persecuted? Wow.

I guess it depends on where you live and how you define kooks and weirdos. Certainly not so much where I live.

I was speaking more hypothetically. But you knew that.

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On a different note.....Both my thumbs are crooked. My left thumb turns outward and my right thumb turns inward. My Mother's thumbs were both crooked and they both turned outwards. Didn't bother her bowling though, as she was in a bunch of leagues and averaged 160. She used to take me bowling as a kid to Park Bowl on Haight Street and they had small balls for kids then. 😄

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I want,

Secure border = Radical

Low crime = Radical

Low Energy costs = Radical

Energy Independence = Radical

Great Economy = Radical

More Of My Own Money In My Pocket = Radical

Support the Police = Radical

End No Bail For Criminals = Radical

Stop Letting Criminals Out Of Jail For Woke Reasons = Radical

Strong Military = Radical

Strong Foreign Policy = Radical

End Woke Bullshit = Radical

Smaller Government = Radical

Less Government in my Personal Business = Radical

Stop Allowing Protesting Mobs To Get Away With Destroying Everything In Their Paths = Radical

Stop Government From Trampling My Rights = Radical

End Funding For The War in Ukraine = Radical

Support For Israel = Radical

Put People On The SCOTUS Who Aren't Afraid To Define Men And Women For What They Are = Radical

End Men Using Trans Rights To Destroy Womens Sports = Radical

Stop Defining MAGA As Racist Phobic And Fascist! = Way Radical

If all that makes me a Radical then I am proud to be Radical.







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6 hours ago, Strider said:

Yes. It's the biggest problem I have with the Democrats. How they have allowed illegal immigration become an albatross around their neck. The mainstream moderate Democrats should have never allowed the far left fringe to push this issue and ignore the laws already in place. They should have held firm and said immigrants have to accept and follow the laws and enter this country legally. Previous generations had to wait. Nobody gets to cut the line. You come in illegally....back you go.

The majority of blue-collar middle America is "law and order". Once you lose them it's hard to get them back.


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9 hours ago, Strider said:

I guess it depends on where you live and how you define kooks and weirdos. Certainly not so much where I live.

I was speaking more hypothetically. But you knew that.

There is only one group being relentlessly persecuted in modern America: straight white Christian males.  

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7 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

I want,

Secure border = Radical

Low crime = Radical

Low Energy costs = Radical

Energy Independence = Radical

Great Economy = Radical

More Of My Own Money In My Pocket = Radical

Support the Police = Radical

End No Bail For Criminals = Radical

Stop Letting Criminals Out Of Jail For Woke Reasons = Radical

Strong Military = Radical

Strong Foreign Policy = Radical

End Woke Bullshit = Radical

Smaller Government = Radical

Less Government in my Personal Business = Radical

Stop Allowing Protesting Mobs To Get Away With Destroying Everything In Their Paths = Radical

Stop Government From Trampling My Rights = Radical

End Funding For The War in Ukraine = Radical

Support For Israel = Radical

Put People On The SCOTUS Who Aren't Afraid To Define Men And Women For What They Are = Radical

End Men Using Trans Rights To Destroy Womens Sports = Radical

Stop Defining MAGA As Racist Phobic And Fascist! = Way Radical

If all that makes me a Radical then I am proud to be Radical.






It's not so much that all those observations are 'radical' its your demeanor toward a dickheaded radical that touts such. I personally agree with several of your observations. But YOU are the sycophant in your hero worship of an individual....not just a philosophy....People support, give a blank cheque (cartre blanc) to a reeling screwball.....whom so many , even within his own party, have realized and left the nut !!!

And hey, I've said I have views that vary from 'one side to the other's as a thinking man....not a blind follower. I think Biden and Harris are off their rocker too. Our political landscape has gone off the scales since 2016. No time has ever been like this...the complete lack of decency across the political board.                             Hellin a hand basket are too kind of words to describe it. People dead and buried have been rolling over left and right over the insanity of the last nearly 8 years. MAGA....back when Germans Irish, Italians, Scotsmen and more were trampled upon by our largely British descended population ? Let's go for it...  Thumper would been one of the great trampled. We've all been persecuted thru time..,Now tell me when was America 'great', when the country sang Kumbaya together ...when was that ? Any idea ? It's never excisted





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17 hours ago, redrum said:

On a different note.....Both my thumbs are crooked. My left thumb turns outward and my right thumb turns inward. My Mother's thumbs were both crooked and they both turned outwards. Didn't bother her bowling though, as she was in a bunch of leagues and averaged 160. She used to take me bowling as a kid to Park Bowl on Haight Street and they had small balls for kids then. 😄


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My new toy. Yamaha PSR EW310 keyboard. I’m no piano player,  but the sounds and instruments this thing has is amazing. $250 at Sweetwater. Yamaha makes some of the best instruments and motorcycles. 




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I guess the Vince McMahon "sex scandal" broke a few days ago & the old bastard finally resigned from the WWE. I can already tell by the few captions that have popped up on my Youtube recommendations that this is one story, where the less I know, the better for my own sanity....  :wacko:

Edited by paul carruthers
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10 hours ago, redrum said:

My new toy. Yamaha PSR EW310 keyboard. I’m no piano player,  but the sounds and instruments this thing has is amazing. $250 at Sweetwater. Yamaha makes some of the best instruments and motorcycles. 




That's MAD bro, I have the E353, they are heaps of fun. Even noodling with zero skills or training like I do is a LOT of fun. :thumbsup:



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On 1/29/2024 at 11:09 PM, SteveAJones said:

There is only one group being relentlessly persecuted in modern America: straight white Christian males.  


Sing with me Steve!

  1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus going on before.
    Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle see His banners go!
    • Refrain:
      Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
      With the cross of Jesus going on before.
  2. At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
    On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
    Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
    Brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
  3. Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
    Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
    We are not divided, all one body we,
    One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.
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17 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:


Sing with me Steve!

  1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus going on before.
    Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle see His banners go!
    • Refrain:
      Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
      With the cross of Jesus going on before.
  2. At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
    On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
    Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
    Brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
  3. Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
    Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
    We are not divided, all one body we,
    One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

It's not only in the USA that they are under attack. They're being increasingly persecuted around the world. In Africa, the Middle East, they're being massacred. Israel attacked Catholic churches in Gaza admitting that there were only women, children and priests. In Europe due to the planned mass immigration by the world elite also, in fact, there're videos in Spain where people are not even allowed to pray in public, they're taken to jail. Of course, all this is covered up by the media.


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1 hour ago, Rodrigo said:

It's not only in the USA that they are under attack. They're being increasingly persecuted around the world. In Africa, the Middle East, they're being massacred. Israel attacked Catholic churches in Gaza admitting that there were only women, children and priests. In Europe due to the planned mass immigration by the world elite also, in fact, there're videos in Spain where people are not even allowed to pray in public, they're taken to jail. Of course, all this is covered up by the media.


Why is it I never hear anyone bring up the subject of State-sponsored religions as it relates to the current conflict in the Middle East?  Why is the concept of 'freedom of religion' and its counterpart 'freedom from religion' such a difficult concept for some Americans to understand? One would think that the inherent causes of the long-term conflicts in the Middle East would make every American pause and reflect on what makes this country's form of government unique compared to most others. You're under attack? I haven't seen many Catholic or Evangelical churches have to stand in front of a local zoning board trying to justify their existence and right to build. I haven't seen any legislation pass asking your church to pay its fair share of taxes. I do see a Catholic church that uses its tax-free financial resources to assist and encourage immigration from our Southern border, yet I don't hear a word of scrutiny concerning their efforts. I see a bunch of Evangelicals hell-bent on bringing 'invisible sky people' into public schools so they can sell their agenda. The only thing I see is a society that's changed and evolved further towards individual freedoms, as opposed to conforming to what was once a majority that shunned anyone who had the nerve to exercise their freedom and not play along. The World Elite and mass migration?  Lol.  They couldn't get together to decide whether the toilet paper roll goes over or under.        

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1 hour ago, Bong-Man said:

Why is it I never hear anyone bring up the subject of State-sponsored religions as it relates to the current conflict in the Middle East?  Why is the concept of 'freedom of religion' and its counterpart 'freedom from religion' such a difficult concept for some Americans to understand? One would think that the inherent causes of the long-term conflicts in the Middle East would make every American pause and reflect on what makes this country's form of government unique compared to most others. You're under attack? I haven't seen many Catholic or Evangelical churches have to stand in front of a local zoning board trying to justify their existence and right to build. I haven't seen any legislation pass asking your church to pay its fair share of taxes. I do see a Catholic church that uses its tax-free financial resources to assist and encourage immigration from our Southern border, yet I don't hear a word of scrutiny concerning their efforts. I see a bunch of Evangelicals hell-bent on bringing 'invisible sky people' into public schools so they can sell their agenda. The only thing I see is a society that's changed and evolved further towards individual freedoms, as opposed to conforming to what was once a majority that shunned anyone who had the nerve to exercise their freedom and not play along. The World Elite and mass migration?  Lol.  They couldn't get together to decide whether the toilet paper roll goes over or under.        

During these last years they have destroyed many Catholic churches or Christian symbols and of course they're still trying to destroy, for example, the "Valle de los Caídos" (Spain). The persecution is not only limited to massacre Christians, but also to "teach" not to say "Merry Christmas", but, "Happy Holidays", not to name Mary, The Cross, or Jesus "so as not to offend other religions", where in Spain for example, their base culture is Catholic. Nor is it allowed to pray in public. All this and more promoted by governments.

The Catholic church that Israel attacked is exactly in Gaza and helps all people mainly because of the war conflict. Israel attacked admitting that they knew that in the church there were only women and children, no one from Hamas.

Why shouldn't the church have the right to build? In fact, here in Argentina the Catholic church recently stopped being financed by the State, which gave each one no more than seven dollars. But why did the State give them seven dollars through the tax of the citizens? Because for example here in Argentina in past centuries the Masons took those properties from the church (donated by Christians and families) to be appropriated by the State. In fact, all those buildings are in the richest areas of Buenos Aires, allowing the church to keep all those properties and not receive a single crumb of taxes, and so it happens all over the world.

Finally, are public schools indoctrinating in Christianity? Are you serious? I can't believe it! Schools and universities are precisely Marxist nests and in recent times they've been (and still are) in charge of indoctrinating children from an early age with their disgusting anti-scientific and pedophile gender ideology, for example, when those sick "drag queens" go almost naked to kindergartens.


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