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Air Raid Siren over the O2

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What's up with the Air Raid Siren on the reunion site? http://www.ledzeppelin.com/reunion

That's got to bring back memories of the Great Wars and the terrible bombings of London - no?

The fact that the shadow of Zeppelin comes over the O2 and all is eerily quiet makes it more ominous.

Any thoughts to clarify this issue?

Edited by nirvana
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What's up with the Air Raid Siren on the reunion site? http://www.ledzeppelin.com/reunion

That's got to bring back memories of the Great Wars and the terrible bombings of London - no?

The fact that the shadow of Zeppelin comes over the O2 and all is eerily quiet makes it more ominous.

Any thoughts to clarify this issue?

The air raid siren is to remind people of Black Sabbath's unbelievably heavy self titled track. Are you are one of our octogenarian Zep fans? Edited by rokarolla
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What's up with the Air Raid Siren on the reunion site? http://www.ledzeppelin.com/reunion

That's got to bring back memories of the Great Wars and the terrible bombings of London - no?

The fact that the shadow of Zeppelin comes over the O2 and all is eerily quiet makes it more ominous.

Any thoughts to clarify this issue?

The germans used airships to bomb the UK during the WW1, so no doubt that's what they were alluding to. I wouldn't have thought too many people accessing the Led Zeppelin site have any memories of either war!

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The germans used airships to bomb the UK during the WW1, so no doubt that's what they were alluding to. I wouldn't have thought too many people accessing the Led Zeppelin site have any memories of either war!

My auntie and uncle were there during the bombings and the air raid sirens used to bring fear to all the locals. Even when nothing happened everyone still had to go to shelter.

Zep has a funny way to announce things -like this concert...

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Talk about over-thinking the situation.

Ahhh, there's my girl! It was just a matter of time before you critized someone on this board!

I MAY be over-thinking something but for sure you're sooo predictable!

Again, I have a history major and Zep is one band that is truly intelligent and has always used historical references in their music! As a fan of the band you should know Robert's love of history (Celtic, Norse, Arabic, African, etc.). Jimmy is well versed in English war-time antics of the Germans being that he was born during the hell of the bombings from the planes to the V1 and V2 Rockets sent to the English coast. I'm sure those times were hard on all the members families and even as babes they heard stories of death and destruction. The fact that Jimmy and the boys used the Air Raid siren to announce the O2 visit was just a curiosity to me. That's all.

Over-thinking - probably. If it bothers you so, move on...there is plenty of room in this forum for both the thinking Zep heads and the "oh - Robert is sooo cute!" Fans like yourself.

Funny, I kinda like you though, despite your crits!

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:beer: The 1980 'Tour Over Europe' was depicted by a WWII image (you know the one) - and it was the last tour of course.

It could be said therefore that a WWII siren is symbolic of bridging a 27 year gap.

hhhmmm - quite possible! And wasn't their last full concert in Berlin, Germany before Bonzo died?

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Ahhh, there's my girl! It was just a matter of time before you critized someone on this board!

I MAY be over-thinking something but for sure you're sooo predictable!

Again, I have a history major and Zep is one band that is truly intelligent and has always used historical references in their music! As a fan of the band you should know Robert's love of history (Celtic, Norse, Arabic, African, etc.). Jimmy is well versed in English war-time antics of the Germans being that he was born during the hell of the bombings from the planes to the V1 and V2 Rockets sent to the English coast. I'm sure those times were hard on all the members families and even as babes they heard stories of death and destruction. The fact that Jimmy and the boys used the Air Raid siren to announce the O2 visit was just a curiosity to me. That's all.

Over-thinking - probably. If it bothers you so, move on...there is plenty of room in this forum for both the thinking Zep heads and the "oh - Robert is sooo cute!" Fans like yourself.

Funny, I kinda like you though, despite your crits!

I think Elizabeth may have been referring to my joking but erroneous linkage of the air raid siren to the Black Sabbath title track. Baby boomer rockers like Zep, Sabbath, and most obviously Pink Floyd were clearly affected by WW II.

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I think Elizabeth may have been referring to my joking but erroneous linkage of the air raid siren to the Black Sabbath title track. Baby boomer rockers like Zep, Sabbath, and most obviously Pink Floyd were clearly affected by WW II.

Maybe Eliz was reffering to you, however I stand by my words to her. She is way too quick to criticize folks on the board. SHe seems really nice but has a sharp tongue when she disagrees with someones thoughts.

Anyway, your error was just that - a minor misque. I knew of what you were saying and you are absolutely right in stating that the War had great influence over the British bands - how could it not!

Roger Waters is a fine example of how those times affected future artists and their work.

Jimmy has been a vocal proponent of the German work ethic despite being a Brit. He's correct of course, but logically it doesn't sit well with folks due to of all things - history!

Some people here have lived a sheltered life and have no idea how our favorite artists have been influenced by historical events. And they (the artists) actually care to learn and not repeat the same mistakes of their past. Zep members are some of the most intelligent, forward thinking, individuals in any form of music. Why do fans have a hard time with that?

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What's up with the Air Raid Siren on the reunion site? http://www.ledzeppelin.com/reunion

That's got to bring back memories of the Great Wars and the terrible bombings of London - no?

The fact that the shadow of Zeppelin comes over the O2 and all is eerily quiet makes it more ominous.

Any thoughts to clarify this issue?

My question about your analysis, which is maybe what others have found difficult to understand is what are you asking? You have identified the image, the sound and the history behind it ...

what is your question?

If you are suggesting that it is somehow wrong to appropriate this history for the concert then I disagree. The british have a history of keeping events in perspective (if that is the right term) and understand that this appropriation is done in an irreverent spirit.

I could be wrong, in which case what is your question?

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My question about your analysis, which is maybe what others have found difficult to understand is what are you asking? You have identified the image, the sound and the history behind it ...

what is your question?

If you are suggesting that it is somehow wrong to appropriate this history for the concert then I disagree. The british have a history of keeping events in perspective (if that is the right term) and understand that this appropriation is done in an irreverent spirit.

I could be wrong, in which case what is your question?

I guess I have no "question" in general, just asking folks who know the deal (WWI and WWII Raids over London and cities of Britain etc.) what they thought of Zep using an Air Raid siren and the plane from the WWII era, as well as the Zep shadow (however obvious) over the o2 to announce their tribute concert - that's all. Knowing some older relatives and friends here in the states that actually were around for those bombings - the sirens are still vivid memories. With all the intros Zep could have had - why this?

No problem with it, but I can't shout up about it knowing what it may mean to so many others in Britain - yourself incl. if you're a Brit.

Edited by nirvana
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there is plenty of room in this forum for both the thinking Zep heads and the "oh - Robert is sooo cute!" Fans like yourself.

Bullcrap. You don't know what kind of Led Zeppelin am I, nor do you know why I became a fan in the first place. Insinuating that I'm some kind of groupie who has no knowledge of the band or the music, is insulting.

Edited by Electrophile
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I guess I have no "question" in general, just asking folks who know the deal (WWI and WWII Raids over London and cities of Britain etc.) what they thought of Zep using an Air Raid siren and the plane from the WWII era, as well as the Zep shadow (however obvious) over the o2 to announce their tribute concert - that's all. Knowing some older relatives and friends here in the states that actually were around for those bombings - the sirens are still vivid memories. With all the intros Zep could have had - why this?

No problem with it, but I can't shout up about it knowing what it may mean to so many others in Britain - yourself incl. if you're a Brit.

For some of our friends it may bring back memories of their own actual experiences. Not everyone who stayed the night in the underground shelters in London is with us today; perhaps they've all moved on, but I don't know.

World War II was a war fought between the Allies and the Axis Powers. It was called a "World War" because many countries all over the world fought or were involved in this war. Of all the wars ever fought, World War II involved the most countries and killed the most people. About 72 million people died, making it the worst human disaster of all time. It lasted six years in Europe, from 1939 to 1945, but technically started in 1937 in Asia.


Petula Clark (born November 15, 1932 in Surrey, England) is a British singer, actress, and composer. She began her career as a child and was popular in Britain during World War II.


Petula Clark was born in Epsom, Surrey. Her father, Leslie Clark, coined her first name, jokingly alleging it was a combination of the names of two former girlfriends, Pet and Ulla. Clark became a star of radio and film before reaching her early teens. As a child, she sang in the church choir; her first public performances were in a department store in suburban London, where she sang with an orchestra in the entrance hall for sweets and a gold wristwatch. In October 1942, she made her radio debut while attending a BBC broadcast with her father, hoping to send a message to an uncle stationed overseas. During an air raid, the producer requested that someone perform to settle the jittery audience, and Clark volunteered a rendition of "Mighty Lak a Rose" to an enthusiastic response in the theater. She then repeated her performance for the broadcast audience, launching a series of some 500 appearances in programs designed to entertain the troops. In addition to her radio work, Clark frequently toured the UK with fellow child performer Julie Andrews. She became known as "Britain's Shirley Temple" and was considered a mascot by both the RAF and the United States Army, whose troops plastered her photos on their tanks for good luck as they battled at El Alamein.

In 1944 at the age of 11 while performing at London's Royal Albert Hall, Clark was discovered by film director Maurice Elvey, who cast her as an orphaned waif in his weepy war drama Medal for the General.


Edited by eternal light
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Some of us may have known people who did.

Exactly! I never said I was around, but I know people who were. And, although the Wars are long past, many who experienced those days can still recall where they were, what they had to do, and who they lost during those frightful days.

The British people showed incredible bravery and heart during those times. Needless to say, no one was unaffected - and the families of Jimmy, Robert, JPJ, and Bonzo were no different. To be youths just after WWII with all the rebuilding and heartache MUST have affected their musical and artistic directions in some way. The O2 Intro is just one example. Remember Jimmy in the German SS outfit and the outrage that brought on?

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Bullcrap. You don't know what kind of Led Zeppelin am I, nor do you know why I became a fan in the first place. Insinuating that I'm some kind of groupie who has no knowledge of the band or the music, is insulting.

Well, why for the love of God, do you keep critisizing my "opinions" and/or musings on the deeper end of Zep and not add anything but "tell me!" or "bullshit", or "fuck the what"...what am I supposed to think! I'm trying to go beyond the normal Zep chat and see what some others think out there - yourself incl. If you don't want to go there - fine! I don't care really.

I apologize for the "Robert is cute " thing but I wanted a reaction and you did fine!

I still like you though, you remind me of someone I knew in the Past...

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