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My pet peeve: when I have to entirely clean my kitchen each time I use it. I swear, even when no one else is around, I can turn that freakin' kitchen into something no one wants to eat in--in a flash. ugh.

Well, if you stopped all the kinky stuff with various fruits and veggies on the counter...

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I am getting totally pissed at people at the beach who use the beach as a fucking ashtray....Cuz it's so friggin hard to put the butts in something and carry them to the trash cans that are there for TRASH,when I smoked I put them where they belong. :angry: These people need some cigarettes put out on their foreheads :angry:

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I am getting totally pissed at people at the beach who use the beach as a fucking ashtray....Cuz it's so friggin hard to put the butts in something and carry them to the trash cans that are there for TRASH,when I smoked I put them where they belong. :angry: These people need some cigarettes put out on their foreheads :angry:

Hey, you need a lude, lol. Seriously, smoking is gross, so people who do it should make sure they are as respectful of the environment and the people around them as possible, imho. The beach should be kept immaculate by all humans lounging on it.

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Hey, you need a lude, lol. Seriously, smoking is gross, so people who do it should make sure they are as respectful of the environment and the people around them as possible, imho. The beach should be kept immaculate by all humans lounging on it.

Alright,alright,I'm cool B) Just venting a bit ;)

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I was joking. I agree with you totally. btw...my best friend in my teens used rorer714 and lemon714 as her nicknames, lol. I was tangerine.

I know!!!I just used rorers and lemmons < noticed I said used not abused.They were too dangerous for abuse (Karen Anne Quinlan) :( Talk about a chill pill B) Notice Jimmys shirt in my avatar.I think you can still get those shirts!

Still,bitches at the beach with their butts all over is killing me.(just trying not to threadweave too much) :)

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I know!!!I just used rorers and lemmons < noticed I said used not abused.They were too dangerous for abuse (Karen Anne Quinlan) :( Talk about a chill pill B) Notice Jimmys shirt in my avatar.I think you can still get those shirts!

Still,bitches at the beach with their butts all over is killing me.(just trying not to threadweave too much) :)

Haven't they made smoking on many beaches illegal? Well i agree people should pick up their butts. It's disgusting to litter them all over.

I never took a qualude, but my friend sold them in High School one year, lol. I liked the Black Beauties and Christmas Trees she sold. Wow, people on ludes were very chilled out!!!

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Haven't they made smoking on many beaches illegal? Well i agree people should pick up their butts. It's disgusting to litter them all over.

I never took a qualude, but my friend sold them in High School one year, lol. I liked the Black Beauties and Christmas Trees she sold. Wow, people on ludes were very chilled out!!!

I live in North Carolina,the tobacco capital :rolleyes: They barely ban smoking in restaurants here.It's slowly coming around though :thumbsup: I imagine I could go to the town hall and see what I could do,hey there's a start!

I just went to the beach last night with the wife with some wine and we stayed til sunset.I can't believe the disrespect people show this awesome land.

Yeah, those things were equally fun too.Enjoyed that ride :yay:

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Huh?! That's 'unatural' sex? One time I was really, really sick in the hospital and the Dr.s were all wringing their hands trying to figure out why I was dying....and not responding to any antibiotics and my personal physician came to me to ask me a ton of questions....was it possible I was being poisoned? (Hmmm, I didn't THINK so but...wierder shit has happened!) and did I have 'unatural' sex? From under my IV's, forced oxygen, catheter tubes and morphine I started cracking up!! I asked him...."Um...could you define unatual sex please?!" Ahahahah! Animals...unatural! (to muah anyway...but...to each his own!) Get specific!!

BTW...they never did figure out what it was...I was in ICU for 2 weeks and in general for an additional week....FREAKY! Made me appreciate the little things in life... :D

:o Holy cow.

Ooops. Sorry, couldn't help it. :rolleyes:

Seriously, that's frightening, but funny too. Glad you got through it.

I can imagine them in the doctor's lounge... "You ask her." "No! You do it!" "Absolutely will not. Let's get a nurse to do it." " <_< " "Ok, then, draw straws, shall we?" "Ah man, what if she says yes?" "Ask her if the animal is available for testing..."


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Thanks for the info, Boinnie. That's fascinating.

The fact that spats are the result of asexual reproduction certainly seems to explain why, when they grow up, they tend to just sit there and not approach oysters of the opposite sex. I guess they prefer to just sit there and wait, and when the time is right they.. well.. self-release.

I feel for the little spats. I wonder how they ever manage to forge a sense of their own individual identity when they're clumped together in a nondescript mass of little spats?

I guess they really do have a hard time growing up, huh? Poor little things. :(

Oh fuck me, I'm going to get fired, I can't stop laughing. Thank you Bonnie, Hermit and Medhb...

Hurray for bisexual bivalve orgies and psychic psychologists! :beer:

(Pet peeve - being five days behind the boards...)

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I do recall spats likes to be on the bottom. :o

I like to be on the bottom because it's more comfortable. It's not comfortable being on top. And i get turned on more when they are on top. :P

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I like to be on the bottom because it's more comfortable. It's not comfortable being on top. And i get turned on more when they are on top. :P

Can you remember that far back???

Well done, but don't those blow up dolls cause you some allergic reactions where you don't want one???

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Here's a small annoyance:

My job has a dress code--like I have to wear company-issued shirts. Well, when I stepped down from management, since I'd been in the position for about five years, I had about ten shirts. This meant that I didn't have to make sure that I 100% did laundry every other day. When I stepped down to checker, I had three checker shirts. This was even good, but a friend of mine and I traded shirts--she took my position as management and I took a position as a checker, so she got my manager shirts, I got her checker shirts.

NOW, they changed the dress code. Now I have one shirt. I will get a second tomorrow, but now I only have two shirts. For working a 40-hour work week. :rolleyes:

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Here's a small annoyance:

My job has a dress code--like I have to wear company-issued shirts. Well, when I stepped down from management, since I'd been in the position for about five years, I had about ten shirts. This meant that I didn't have to make sure that I 100% did laundry every other day. When I stepped down to checker, I had three checker shirts. This was even good, but a friend of mine and I traded shirts--she took my position as management and I took a position as a checker, so she got my manager shirts, I got her checker shirts.

NOW, they changed the dress code. Now I have one shirt. I will get a second tomorrow, but now I only have two shirts. For working a 40-hour work week. :rolleyes:

Good thing it's cool out in your neck of the woods... :whistling:

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^right...I am a klutz, remember? My work shits usually get trashed in one day--therefore, I have to wash them.

BTW, when I was folding up my old work shirts, I have 7 of the regular employee work shirts! SEVEN!

That means I'm down 5!

Did I ever say that I hate, hate, hate laundry? (Which I'm doing now...)

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^right...I am a klutz, remember? My work shits usually get trashed in one day--therefore, I have to wash them.

BTW, when I was folding up my old work shirts, I have 7 of the regular employee work shirts! SEVEN!

That means I'm down 5!

Did I ever say that I hate, hate, hate laundry? (Which I'm doing now...)

I'm not saying that! :D

Be careful though, you know where the washing machine is....

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