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Having to get all dressed up. Tonight is homecoming and I have to get ready but I have no idea how long it will take or in what order to anything.

Do make-up and hair last. That way you don't have to worry about putting your dress on and messing up the face and the do. Having gone to enough formal functions in my lifetime, I've learned that the hard way.

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What no more TV!

I guess you'll just have to find other things to do with your time now.

Wink-wink, nudge-nudge --- say no more!

Dave bought a 22" Samsung Monitor with TV capabilities. But I think I need a card for the TV because they told me I just need the digital converter, but there's no where to plug it into the digital converter!

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Dave bought a 22" Samsung Monitor with TV capabilities. But I think I need a card for the TV because they told me I just need the digital converter, but there's no where to plug it into the digital converter!

You might need a tv tuner which when installed allows you to watch tv on your computer. Great resolution, and you can record directly onto your HD. Plus you can capture still images, too. It's cool to have a little tv in the corner while working away.

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^that's what I think I need. I figured I needed a card or something. They said that all I needed was the regular TV converter boxes with this monitor and the cord that was included. I need something else, LOL. There's no where to plug the DVi cord into the computer or a digital converter box.

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Meh. I went to Best Buy today and was completely irritated because of a few things.

1. The item we wanted to buy had NO PRICE ANYWHERE.

2. The sales people were all huddling in a corner talking--NOT helping customers on a busy Saturday (it rained all dang day, therefore there were a TON of people in the store).

3. We had to LOOK UP the price on our own.

Needless to say, we bought the same exact monitor else where and HAPPILY paid $20 more for it.

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^that's what I think I need. I figured I needed a card or something. They said that all I needed was the regular TV converter boxes with this monitor and the cord that was included. I need something else, LOL. There's no where to plug the DVi cord into the computer or a digital converter box.

I assume you're States side? Here's a link that has a bunch of them, depending on your need. I have an ATI and would recommend that brand. You need to make sure it fits your motherboard, too. Tiger Direct is great for thorough breakdowns of tech info and features, but pricey. I check them out and then usually buy it elsewhere LOL

Tiger Direct TV Tuners

Good luck :)

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Yeah, unless they have the absolute lowest price I would prefer to go to circuit city <_<

See? And I REALLY hate Circuit City. I bought a CD player and some speakers for my car in January, and they were supposed to give me a call when my 6x9s came in. MONTHS LATER, after calling about ten times, they were like, "oh. Yeah. They've been sitting here for months."

Fucktards. <_<

So tomorrow, we're going to get two new TVs, too. A 42" for the family room and a 32" for the living room. I need a TV stand that looks good for the living room now. (Dave JUST got his tax returns this week.)

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Thanks for all of the info guys.

Here's a pet peeve for you:

We also spent a boat load of $$ upgrading TVs today. We got two HDTVs. Dave got a 42" Samsung plasma for the family room; I got a 32" Sylvania LED for the living room.

Then we ended up getting a BluRay player and a DVD upconvert for me. We replaced an existing TV in the family room and I got one for the living room that didn't previously have a TV.

Not only did we blow a ton of money for the extra media players, now I need to get myself an HDTV antenna for the one upstairs (probably for the downstairs one too), but the silly sales guy said I wouldn't need one (and I mentioned that we didn't have cable).


There goes about $40 more for the silly antennas, give or take....

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I finally finished downloading season 1 of Firefly

Now I can see what I've been missing



the stupid files don't have any sound.

I'm so upset

I have more to say on this subject:

If you are going to put a movie/video whatever online so that people can download it

make sure the sound works

Edited by Spalove
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YAY!! I'm not alone...i love that show! B)

Firefly was one of the best shows I've ever seen on TV. I will never understand why it wasn't continued. One of the dumbest moves in TV-show history, IMO. To be able to see it continued after Serenity (one of my favorite movies) would be an amazing thing.

That's probably my biggest pet peeve with TV, in fact: the cancellation of Firefly.

Edited by Nathan
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Firefly was one of the best shows I've ever seen on TV. I will never understand why it wasn't continued. One of the dumbest moves in TV-show history, IMO. To be able to see it continued after Serenity (one of my favorite movies) would be an amazing thing.

That's probably my biggest pet peeve with TV, in fact: the cancellation of Firefly.

i haven't gotten to see serenity yet...is it as good as the show?

man, i liked that movie so much that i wrote a 20,000+ word story (fanfic) about it...kinda warped, i suppose (i had to add ME, lol, as Malcolms sister so that i could have Jayne as a boyfriend...i love him)

LOVE it, MISS it...

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i haven't gotten to see serenity yet...is it as good as the show?

It depends. Personally, I thought the movie was absolutely incredible and complimented the show extremely well... but you'd be a little lost if you haven't seen the show.

It answers many questions about where and how the Reavers(sp?) were created... in fact, that's basically the crux of the story. The Bad Guy is not from the show, but his bosses are. Basically, the movie is Malcolm's final act in the war that was supposed to be over.

Oh... umm... there are a couple very depressing parts of the movie... in fact, I was kinda angry at Joss for deciding to do what he did here, but then again, I understand the reasons, even if I feel he could have taken a different route. But I'll say no more there. See the movie. Then PM me...

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I will forever kick myself for not watching Firefly when it was on

how stupid was I! :angry:

If Joss Wheadon creates a show, you watch it

Well I'm not going to make that mistake ever again

All these new shows that seem interesting I'm going to watch

Heroes ( so awesome :D)

Lost (currently downloading season 1- 4)

Fringe (a bit unrealistic but it could grow into a great show)

Joss Wheadon has a new show coming out soon: Dollhouse, staring Eliza Dushku

I'm definitely going to watch

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Math. I hate it, I loathe it, I despise it, I wish whoever decided going beyond arithmetic had a painful death. My test is in three days and I've been shitting bricks about it for over a week. Not just that, I can't exactly study since I don't understand the shit I'm studying at all. I'm just reading a whole bunch of gibberish.

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Math. I hate it, I loathe it, I despise it, I wish whoever decided going beyond arithmetic had a painful death. My test is in three days and I've been shitting bricks about it for over a week. Not just that, I can't exactly study since I don't understand the shit I'm studying at all. I'm just reading a whole bunch of gibberish.

What kind of math is it?

I enjoy Algebra 2. I"m good at it. However I hate Geometry.

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