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The elitist bullshit!

I am sick and tired of people calling Obama elitist like it's a bad thing.

Hey, dumb-asses,

Obama's running for President of the United States. He thinks he can be leader of the Free World.

What is McCain's platform?

"Vote for me. I may not be that great and all, but hey! You could do worse."

I'm sorry, but I want an elitist president. I want someone who's been educated at a top school with a major that can prepare them for politics in some way (like law), and gotten, at the very least, high Bs in all their classes.

Why is getting good grades in college and getting degrees a bad thing in America now? I would think we'd all strive to be elitist.

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The elitist bullshit!

I am sick and tired of people calling Obama elitist like it's a bad thing.

Hey, dumb-asses,

Obama's running for President of the United States. He thinks he can be leader of the Free World.

What is McCain's platform?

"Vote for me. I may not be that great and all, but hey! You could do worse."

I'm sorry, but I want an elitist president. I want someone who's been educated at a top school with a major that can prepare them for politics in some way (like law), and gotten, at the very least, high Bs in all their classes.

Why is getting good grades in college and getting degrees a bad thing in America now? I would think we'd all strive to be elitist.

Do me a favor. Next time you turn on the TV, flip to a NASCAR race if it's on or if there is no race on, reflect on the type of people who get drunk in the infield at a NASCAR race.

The majority of Americans want a President just like those people. They don't want someone who can't "relate" to them. Our President should reflect the best of America, not just the average. And frankly, the majority of this country is average. Look at our standing in the world when it comes to education. Our test scores are fucking atrocious compared to other countries. It's shameful.

Now, to answer your question.....why is getting good grades in college a bad thing? I don't think it is, at least not with the people I associate with. I was raised by two people who didn't go to college because those options were not available to them. My mom had to go to work to help support her family after H.S. because her brother was in Vietnam. My father just didn't have the grades because he slacked off in school, even though he is really smart. He just got a case of Senioritis and it bit him in the ass. So for my sister and I, college wasn't an option. It was a requirement. I graduated with honors and I hope my sister does to. So it boggles my mind too.

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Do me a favor. Next time you turn on the TV, flip to a NASCAR race if it's on or if there is no race on, reflect on the type of people who get drunk in the infield at a NASCAR race.

The majority of Americans want a President just like those people. They don't want someone who can't "relate" to them. Our President should reflect the best of America, not just the average. And frankly, the majority of this country is average. Look at our standing in the world when it comes to education. Our test scores are fucking atrocious compared to other countries. It's shameful.

Now, to answer your question.....why is getting good grades in college a bad thing? I don't think it is, at least not with the people I associate with. I was raised by two people who didn't go to college because those options were not available to them. My mom had to go to work to help support her family after H.S. because her brother was in Vietnam. My father just didn't have the grades because he slacked off in school, even though he is really smart. He just got a case of Senioritis and it bit him in the ass. So for my sister and I, college wasn't an option. It was a requirement. I graduated with honors and I hope my sister does to. So it boggles my mind too.

Excellent! good for you :thumbsup:

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Racists at the polling place. I meant to vote yesterday but left my voter registration card at home, so I went back and voted today. But while I was in line, there were campaign workers from McCain and Obama out there passing out cards and asking people to vote for certain judges and what not, and they were behind the marked line so they were fine. However this woman behind me (in a very poor attempt to hide her comment, might I add) said to the person she was in line with "if they think I'll vote for the n----r, they're crazy."

So I picked up my cell phone and called a friend of mine to chat for a while and pass the time. She asked me if I was bored just standing there and I said "yeah, it's freezing and I'm stuck in front of some racist twit." We chatted a few more minutes and when I hung up, I turned around and gave her that "you fucked up" smile and she didn't say another word for the next two hours.

What was even worse, the person who was standing immediately behind her was black. After I voted I noticed him standing outside, he was an elderly man and he thanked me for saying something about that woman. Apparently she had been making some off-color remarks around him before I had gotten there.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Sometimes I want to take a bike chain to them.

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Do me a favor. Next time you turn on the TV, flip to a NASCAR race if it's on or if there is no race on, reflect on the type of people who get drunk in the infield at a NASCAR race.

Or just go down to the local university frat house and see what all the educated college kids do on the weekend.

Edited by shnflacwav
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How about people who are older than "young kids" who think our opinions should be invalidated because we haven't been around as long? That's pretty fucking annoying too. Just because you're older doesn't mean you are automatically right and everyone else is automatically wrong.

It's so pathologically dismissive.

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How about people who are older than "young kids" who think our opinions should be invalidated because we haven't been around as long? That's pretty fucking annoying too. Just because you're older doesn't mean you are automatically right and everyone else is automatically wrong.

It's so pathologically dismissive.

What's worse is young kids who DON'T READ what an older person says. No one said your opinion should be invalidated. What was said was:

Lately it's been self-righteous young kids who insist that their knowledge of politics and how the world should be is superior to everyone elses.

There's a difference. When you are older, moved out of mommy's house, had a few more life experiences under your belt; you'll understand the perspective.

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How about people who are older than "young kids" who think our opinions should be invalidated because we haven't been around as long? That's pretty fucking annoying too. Just because you're older doesn't mean you are automatically right and everyone else is automatically wrong.

It's so pathologically dismissive.

Amen sister

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Another annoying thing. People who read without absorbing the whole message. :rolleyes:

I never said that young people's opinions don't count. What I said was that I don't appreciate young kids with a "superiority complex". They haven't been out in the real world long enough to earn that.

Hell, I still don't know everything, and I freely admit it. But I get so tired of certain people acting condescending and self-righteous towards everyone else when they are no better.

Fuck that shit. <_<

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Mccain twisting around this whole joe the plumber image. I've seen the cable news shows breaking down the two tax plans over and over, saw the whole question/response w/the plumber and obama. Obama couldnt have answered the question and explain it more clearly. Still wondering how mccain is now spearheading this one point of view after what is going on in the economy.

top down vs. bottom up economy, when giants on wall street have fallen and banks potentially owning a huge amount of houses in several years. Not to mention yesterday, -greenspan warning that there will be more and more loss of jobs.

I just don't understand how one could be concerned about top down, or trickle down economy after what has just gone on at the top.

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Mccain twisting around this whole joe the plumber image. I've seen the cable news shows breaking down the two tax plans over and over, saw the whole question/response w/the plumber and obama. Obama couldnt have answered the question and explain it more clearly. Still wondering how mccain is now spearheading this one point of view after what is going on in the economy.

top down vs. bottom up economy, when giants on wall street have fallen and banks potentially owning a huge amount of houses in several years. Not to mention yesterday, -greenspan warning that there will be more and more loss of jobs.

I just don't understand how one could be concerned about top down, or trickle down economy after what has just gone on at the top.

What makes you think McCain is interested in anything but himself? Just saying....top down is the only way the republicans know. As long as they make the most money and are able to hide it away in their little solid gold bundles overseas, TO THEM whatever comes next is of no concern as long as it can make them money. Ask yourself who took the money and ran? Ask yourself who printed up the fucking Monopoly money? Ask yourself who the fuck thought you could just print it up like a counterfeiter, then dump the results on the taxpayers and blame in on the economy?

Only one person knows how to steal better than a lawyer or a banker.

Still guessing, a politician.

Look at the little trees that surround your house which you trim on occasion. That is if you still have a home to live in.

Greed is not good if it involves theft. I hope all of them who have stolen from us are locked up with OJ Simpson. Perhaps they can be juiced too. Oh yeah it's only theft, not murder.

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I hate TV shows/films/plays that are set in the first half of the 20th century, but the actors talk like their normal 21st century selves. I couldn't figure out what was going on at first, but something kept un-suspending my disbelief in lots of period pieces. Finally I figured out that it was the way they were talking! I guess the American accent has changed or something...not in a huge way, but people just sounded a little snappier back then. It's not so bad with the male actors, but actresses, oy. You can take the "likes" and the "oh my gods!" out of the Valley Girl accent, but that lilt or whatever you want to call it that makes women sound unnecessarily ditzy is still there! And it bugs!

Now, I just saw the play The Women last night (which kept the '30s setting, unlike the movie remake), and THEY did the right accent, so why can't a big-time TV show like Mad Men get a couple of voice coaches? The show's great, and so is the acting, except for that one little thing! And like I said, the men aren't so bad, but all the secretaries in the office sound like modern-day high school girls or something!

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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Chat rooms where you can't get a fucking word in edgewise.I know I'm not the fastest typist in the whole fuckin' world,and I do wish that I'd stuck with that class in high school,but goddamn,sometimes I feel like I'm in the company of a bunch of coke addicts.

No shit ! I know exactly how you feel. :D

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