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Well we started with one and then branched into another. What? You wanted a thread to stay on topic? ahahaha! Actually, if there's any place where that's most acceptable, it's probably here (I feel another pet peeve coming on...it's coming to me...hang on...something about totally random swerves off topic in some threads... :) )

And tangerine, that's another reason to go healthy - a $5 latte and a muffin and all of a sudden you could have had a decent lunch for that money.

:D Well coffee does make me have to pee alot!

And aim isn't really the issue it's nozzle trouble :slapface:

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Contact lenses are perfectly safe if you use them cautiously. In general, you shouldn't sleep with

I use Acuvue lenses mostly in my practice. The original Acuvue lens did not fit well and may be the ones that you have had problems with, Mandy. The newer Acuvue Oasys lens is comprable to your Day and Night lens as it can be worn overnight. It now comes in two curvatures to better fit more patients. It does pick up oily deposits so you have to be careful with eye makeup as it smears the lens and can't be cleaned off very well.

Hope this info helps everyone! Glad to answer the questions. :)

Thanks BUCK'EYE' DOC (and Dzldoc) for the contacts info--makes me feel less paranoid! :D These ^^ are the kind of contacts I've been wearing, and this answers a question for me, sorta--I don't have problems with eye makeup itself so much as removing it--it smears the lenses so much I have to take them out and clean them then put them back in! But I do take them out at night, and so far apart from that they've been fine.

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Well we started with one and then branched into another. What? You wanted a thread to stay on topic? ahahaha! Actually, if there's any place where that's most acceptable, it's probably here (I feel another pet peeve coming on...it's coming to me...hang on...something about totally random swerves off topic in some threads...:) )

And tangerine, that's another reason to go healthy - a $5 latte and a muffin and all of a sudden you could have had a decent lunch for that money.

Nice to see you Patrycja! I have cut down on coffee. I usually only drink it before work (3 days a week) but went cold turkey a couple weeks ago and after a week i had this awful eyelid twitching. So i looked it up and find out it can be from fatigue (which i have had the better part of 4 years now, same age as my child :) ) and from caffiene. So i thought well maybe in my case it's from withdrawing the caffiene! So i got a cup of coffee and my eyelid stopped twitching (true story)! But Dunkin Donuts coffee, medium costs $1.75, that's my favorite. Extra cream, no sugar.

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Bwahahaha! No, I can't squirt out a drop when squatting. It's just these washrooms, used by both sexes (sorry fellas, but aim is important), were just over the top. Some of them even look neat, but the wizz is all over the place. These past two weeks have been brutal at the locations I've gone to. Friggin' pee spelling contests or something ... and that's when the stench is borderline bearable ...

Speaking of pee spelling contests...it was a great winter for that this year in Vancover. Actually, one of the better seasons that I can remember :lol:

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Nice to see you Patrycja! I have cut down on coffee. I usually only drink it before work (3 days a week) but went cold turkey a couple weeks ago and after a week i had this awful eyelid twitching. So i looked it up and find out it can be from fatigue (which i have had the better part of 4 years now, same age as my child :) ) and from caffiene. So i thought well maybe in my case it's from withdrawing the caffiene! So i got a cup of coffee and my eyelid stopped twitching (true story)! But Dunkin Donuts coffee, medium costs $1.75, that's my favorite. Extra cream, no sugar.

:wave: you too, Tangerine! My eye twitches, too, either when I haven't had enough or too much coffee. I find that I crave it far more in the winter; it's just too heavy in the summer, and like you said, that's better because it's cheaper (I had en expensive maple latte habit). Our version of DD (though we have it here too) is Tim Horton's, and they make nice fresh brews, but everybody swears by their favourite place. I used to work at Second Cup in high school and when I moved on I couldn't stand the smell of coffee - didn't have one for a looong while. Then I went to uni - and my distaste got pushed aside by my need to stay awake lol Beware the habits that at first help ... :D

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:D Well coffee does make me have to pee alot!

And aim isn't really the issue it's nozzle trouble :slapface:

Speaking of pee spelling contests...it was a great winter for that this year in Vancover. Actually, one of the better seasons that I can remember :lol:

Oh you guys are too funny! Dzldoc, thanks for clarifying lol

Ally, when they say not to eat the yellow snow, it's generally understood that's from animals... quite a risk you're taking for some fun!!!

ok, good night all, sweet dreams, P

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:wave: you too, Tangerine! My eye twitches, too, either when I haven't had enough or too much coffee. I find that I crave it far more in the winter; it's just too heavy in the summer, and like you said, that's better because it's cheaper (I had en expensive maple latte habit). Our version of DD (though we have it here too) is Tim Horton's, and they make nice fresh brews, but everybody swears by their favourite place. I used to work at Second Cup in high school and when I moved on I couldn't stand the smell of coffee - didn't have one for a looong while. Then I went to uni - and my distaste got pushed aside by my need to stay awake lol Beware the habits that at first help ... :D

I agree everyone has their preference with coffee. When a co-worker asks who wants DD on night shift going into the 5am time, they have to make a list. And the list is very specific, lol. All the coffee lids are marked, too, so nobody gets the wrong one! I can drink it any time of year. I recall back in the mid 90's my exhusband and i were waiting to buy concert tickets the morning of the sale. It was summertime and 90 degrees at 8am. The DD was next door and i enjoyed that coffee just as much as i would in 30 degrees! It helped me wake up i guess.

Glad to know the eyelid twitch wasn't just a freak thing happening to me, only! Lesson learned :)

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I wear contacts everyday and I don't plan on switching back to glasses anytime soon. I don't like glasses.I hate seeing the rim and not being able to see out to the sides. I have some really nice frames, they are copper coloured. they are rectangular and the arms are v shaped. I also have them in purple. I just don't find frames comfortable, never did.

Same here. I would have thought that if contacts were so dangerous, medical professionals wouldn't prescribe them so widely, but what do I know.

Lol. I remember vividly how an elderly eye doctor once yelled at me, with his face red, about the potential dangers of contact lenses some years ago. He was right though, as I have a bit dry eyes and contacts don't do them any good. I guess when they are used properly and in moderation, contacts suit most users just fine, but for some of us they are an unnecessary health risk.

I'm going to have to say that I've asked my eye doctor more than once how my eyes looked when I go in. He's never said ANYTHING about the condition of my eyes because of contact use.

I've never had any issues with problem caused by contacts, just those stupid Accuvues drive me crazy, (oh, and I am allergic to most cleaners, so I have to use saline solution, not all the complicated solutions).

I also LOVE how I can see better when wearing contacts. I don't wear them when my eyes are irritated, and I take them out at least 6 out of 7 nights when I go to bed, even though I have the kind you can sleep in.

My best friend HAS had a few issues with contacts. Her eye doctor has flipped out on her because of how poorly she was taking care of her eyes, (she was wearing regular contacts to bed, not cleaning them, working in a job where she used spray adhesive all of the time, etc.). She was told to only wear her glasses for about three months, then come back and the optometrist would see if her eyes were better. After she started taking care of her eyes in the proper manner, the issues did go away.


And Buck"eye"---I wore Accuvues about four years ago and once before. I just don't like them! At all! The doctors said they had Accuvue and another brand in. We'll see. I don't go until next week.

Thanks for telling me about farsightedness. I've read/heard that before, but I didn't remember it. I'm still going to do the Lasik thing when I can afford it because I'm sure my RX is now at least -5, (my contacts are -4.75 and I'm due for a checkup), and I'm 28. Though I know that my eyes will get worse over time still, I'm thinking that it would be worth the $6-$10K to get them fixed and start around 20/20 again. I'd LOVE it if I could see the way to the bathroom at night. ;)

I have also heard a story about a girl I know, (directly from her) who had to have her contacts lasered off because she didn't take them out. Is that something that could have to be done if you were that careless about taking care of them? The story said it was months since she'd taken them out.

Edited by manderlyh
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Just be careful. I've talked with Buckeye Doc a couple times across other means. Unfortunately Jefferson is out of the question so I will complete my education elsewhere. But thank you for the advice.

Just take care of your eyes...

I'm off on extended leave.

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Smart asses who don't know when to keep their mouths shut always gets me. If you don't understand something either ask the poster what it's about, or figure it's probably none of your bees wax to start with.

Good morning Led Heads.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Smart asses who don't know when to keep their mouths shut always gets me. If you don't understand something either ask the poster what it's about, or figure it's probably none of your bees wax to start with.

i don't get it...

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Just when people assume things really. I usually ask people what their talking about if I don't understand something instead of hurling trite little quips at people.

You know what I mean, trouble makers.

It wasn't about you chuckles. And this is the peeve thread. I had one huge fat momma open her mouth recently and it cost me a ton of time and moolah. I figure that's a good example.

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I've read more than my fair share lately...mainly there's a lot of gibberish going around in purple... :rolleyes:

:yesnod: :yesnod:

Now that you say that, it makes sense. I was thinking Mandy was talking about recent posts or something.

It's not just from when purple flooded the boards....

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