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Don't quit. You'll regret that you ever did, especially when you appear to have worked as hard as you say you have. At the end of the day traffic docked the points off of your paper, surely the school can look at the fact that traffic is a means beyond your control? I quit school with less than a few months to go, and I'm still in the mentality that I'm still 'behind' - despite nearly completing a Literature degree now. And there will never be anyone more disappointed and pissed off at me for leaving school than me.

I'm not gonna quit. I wanted to at that point, but you and everyone else who responded are right. And I appreciate that.

She's right, Nathan, hang in there. Fall down eight times, get up nine. I wish you well.

Thank you.

In the grand scheme of life it ain't no big thing. Don't let stress take control of your life, it's the number one killer :dont:

I know. I'm feeling a lot better today now that I've slept.

I totally feel your pain - I, too, am a commuter student with the commute from hell (it could be worse, though...at least I don't have to drive on I-15). But you know what? It's just a fact of life. Shit happens. Not to downplay the frustration you're feeling, because that situation totally merits major feelings of frustration, but to be brutally honest, this isn't the last time you're going to fuck up no matter how hard you try, and you're not the only person to have ever fucked up. Happens all the time. It's happened to me (well, something similar). I was pissed, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it, so I just kept on truckin', doing my best like I always had, and it didn't kill me or jeopardize my college career in the end.

Yeah, you won't get as good a grade as you could have, and it's through no fault of your own, and that sucks. But is it worth quitting school and messing up your life over? No way! Your future job will not care if you got a less-than-stellar grade in one class, but they will care quite a bit if you don't have a college degree.

But seriously, it sounds like you're doing fine. As long as you're taking your time on your papers, making an effort to get there early and pay attention in class, you've got it made. There will always be certain elements of life that you can't control, but the important part is not to sabotage yourself any more than necessary, and you're already making sure of that to a sane point, so don't beat yourself up about it. This is a drop in the pond, and in the end, your GPA will reflect your responsibility. Hope that helps a little! Sorry to write you a novel here...

Thank you. I needed to read that.

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Warning, foul language ahead.

Stupid motherfuckers who can't fucking make up their fucking minds when they're in line at fucking Starbucks.

So earlier this evening I was getting my usual mocha frapp and a piece of coffee cake, when the insipid twit in front of me decides to spend an entire epoch figuring out whether she wanted hazelnut syrup or vanilla syrup in her latte. I have to pick up my sister from her sorority's initiation practice and I don't want to leave her standing around looking like an idiot. So I finally tap the woman on the shoulder and ask her if she'd step out of line to figure out what she wants so that I can order and then leave, and she says "Why, I was here first?"

Stupid goddamn twit.

After the "Why, I was here first?" line,you could have asked her if she knew which horse was going to win The Kentucky Derby. When she answered "no," is when you yell "Charley Horse," while you're kicking the shit out of her calf with the toe of your shoe. Then give her a wink and say,"Outta my way,bitch."

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I guess you have to be a regular Starbucks customer to get it right. I love the vanilla latte's with an extra shot. And the seasonal gingerbread latte's also. You have to know that tall is small, vente is large and grande is medium. I never had the Frapps but they look good. I tasted a blueberry one once that was a sample, very good. My daughter likes the choc chip frapps. My pet peeve would be, I wish I could get liquid coffee mate in my Starbucks coffee. I am hooked on coffee mate.

The frappucinos are the only thing I like at Starbucks. The coffee and mocha ones are great - fattening but great :)

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After the "Why, I was here first?" line,you could have asked her if she knew which horse was going to win The Kentucky Derby. When she answered "no," is when you yell "Charley Horse," while you're kicking the shit out of her calf with the toe of your shoe. Then give her a wink and say,"Outta my way,bitch."

After a couple more years in the south she'll learn how we roll. Southern hospitality and manners first, but we're always one smartass remark away from knockin' yo ass out :black_eye: so go get'em Liz. :D


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After a couple more years in the south she'll learn how we roll. Southern hospitality and manners first, but we're always one smartass remark away from knockin' yo ass out :black_eye: so go get'em Liz. :D

I once read an article about Southern Hospitality that said the reason we're so nice is to keep from stompin' someone's ass so you're right on the money with that one.

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After the "Why, I was here first?" line,you could have asked her if she knew which horse was going to win The Kentucky Derby. When she answered "no," is when you yell "Charley Horse," while you're kicking the shit out of her calf with the toe of your shoe. Then give her a wink and say,"Outta my way,bitch."

:lol: I love it - equal amounts snark and pain. My kind of solution. :D

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I once read an article about Southern Hospitality that said the reason we're so nice is to keep from stompin' someone's ass so you're right on the money with that one.

A lot is said between the lines with southerners; some southern gentlewomen in particular.

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The frappucinos are the only thing I like at Starbucks. The coffee and mocha ones are great - fattening but great :)

I like a coffee light frappucino (no whip) occasionally in the summer. Otherwise it's either a regular coffee, a half caff nonfat latte, or a nonfat hot chocolate. But I really don't go in there very often.

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I like a coffee light frappucino (no whip) occasionally in the summer. Otherwise it's either a regular coffee, a half caff nonfat latte, or a nonfat hot chocolate. But I really don't go in there very often.

There needs to be a separate line for the frilly drink patrons at coffeeshops. Nothing irritates me more than all that yuppiefied froo-froo speech. A this without that, skinny, no top. Just give me the biggest, strongest coffee you have. I still say LARGE, I'm not in France. Venti ? Pffffttt !!!

Would you like one of these too ? At least you're not a guy. :rolleyes:


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There needs to be a separate line for the frilly drink patrons at coffeeshops. Nothing irritates me more than all that yuppiefied froo-froo speech. A this without that, skinny, no top. Just give me the biggest, strongest coffee you have. I still say LARGE, I'm not in France. Venti ? Pffffttt !!!

Would you like one of these too ? At least you're not a guy. :rolleyes:

If it's styrofoam cup safe it ain't coffee :coffee:


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I like a coffee light frappucino (no whip) occasionally in the summer. Otherwise it's either a regular coffee, a half caff nonfat latte, or a nonfat hot chocolate. But I really don't go in there very often.

I haven't tried the light version. I don't go there either basically because I can't stand their coffee (regular). It's too expensive and really bitter, even with a mountain of sugar added :lol:

If it's styrofoam cup safe it ain't coffee :coffee:


Beignets :drool:

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I know I'm gonna piss of a few people with this next pet peeve. And for others, it's gonna be deja-vu because I know I've posted it before, but...

Pet Peeve:

People who buy regular coffee at Starbucks. This has spawned the utterly retarded and pointless McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts commercials comparing themselves to Starbucks and the hundreds of people (in this thread, as well) complaining about something that they should NOT be complaining about.


Plain Starbucks coffee is not SUPPOSED to taste good on its own because Starbucks is a coffee DRINK shop! You know... Frappuccinos, Cappuccinos, Lattes, etc, etc, etc. Did you know you could make your own cup a' joe, at home, for less then $0.25 a cup (depending on your brand), that will generally be better then a cup of coffee you get at any place that isn't your home because at home you can tailor it to your exact specifications?

I'm sick and tired of going into Starbucks and standing behind a huge line of people ordering a "small black coffee." You're in Starbucks, dumb-ass.

This is Starbucks:


This is the coffee you get at home:


See the difference?

Class dismissed.

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Guilty on occasion, Nathan. :o

Here's my Starbucks musing. When you go into Starbucks and see someone confidently order a Grande Nonfat Macchiato with 2 shots, double whip and French Vanilla syrup (for example), like they've been doing it all their lives; I wonder how in the world they settled on that particular combination when there are so many options to choose from? It's not like you would normally have that at home. :blink:

So some point, that person tried it for the first time, and was probably the indecisive one at the counter? :unsure: I've just never seen anyone order something that complicated in a tentative manner, lol.

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BTW, venti is Italian, not French.


They're both foreign, I should have just said Euron.

Starbuck's started as a regular coffeeshop in the 1970s and in the 1980s transformed into the froo-froo shop it is today. I still say they should have separate lines for just the regular coffee drinkers and the umbrella coffe drinkers. Let the fancified ones wait in the slow line since they're buying into that Euron culture.

I happen to like Starbuck's coffee and frequent it often when I'm out of town without my French/Euron press. :D

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I know I'm gonna piss of a few people with this next pet peeve. And for others, it's gonna be deja-vu because I know I've posted it before, but...

Pet Peeve:

People who buy regular coffee at Starbucks. This has spawned the utterly retarded and pointless McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts commercials comparing themselves to Starbucks and the hundreds of people (in this thread, as well) complaining about something that they should NOT be complaining about.


Plain Starbucks coffee is not SUPPOSED to taste good on its own because Starbucks is a coffee DRINK shop! You know... Frappuccinos, Cappuccinos, Lattes, etc, etc, etc. Did you know you could make your own cup a' joe, at home, for less then $0.25 a cup (depending on your brand), that will generally be better then a cup of coffee you get at any place that isn't your home because at home you can tailor it to your exact specifications?

I'm sick and tired of going into Starbucks and standing behind a huge line of people ordering a "small black coffee." You're in Starbucks, dumb-ass.

This is Starbucks:


This is the coffee you get at home:


See the difference?

Class dismissed.

I have to agree, Nathan. I very rarely go to Starbucks, but when I do, it's not just for something like a 'coffee'. It's for something different - that I can't get a home - like a Cherry Mocha Latte (yummy x 1,000,000). What's the point of wasting your money on something that you can get on the cheap at home?

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I have to agree, Nathan. I very rarely go to Starbucks, but when I do, it's not just for something like a 'coffee'. It's for something different - that I can't get a home - like a Cherry Mocha Latte (yummy x 1,000,000). What's the point of wasting your money on something that you can get on the cheap at home?

Thank you! I was starting to worry that I was the only one... :D

To me Starbucks is the place for the non-alcoholic specialty drinks that you can't easily do at home. I also don't go there often, but I have never gotten plain coffee there, and I never will. For me, it's the White Chocolate Mocha, and depending on the season I get it either as the regular cappuccino or as a frappuccino. I always love their Winter Holiday specialties, too, like... I forget the name, but it's the mint cappuccino that comes with the pieces of... I think... candy cane or those little round red and white mints... also the Pumpkin Spice, which is always a treat at Starbucks.

Now, I don't like black coffee, period. I usually end up putting in two or three creamers and lots of sugar, simply because black coffee in general is just too bitter to me (I drink it mainly for the caffeine, although I think I've grown a tolerance to that). But even with the creamers and the sugar, doing it at home is still cheaper a cup then a cup of black coffee from any place that sells it, regardless.

Quite honestly, if I had the say in it, Starbucks wouldn't sell plain coffee at all. They'd sell bags of fresh-ground or un-ground coffee beans, but they would not sell cups of plain old coffee. At a place that sells coffee drinks, they shouldn't be wasting time trying to make their just-coffee taste better. Instead, they should be using that time to come up with new flavors of coffee drinks.

And RoundRobin, I have to thank you because I thought Starbucks started in the 80's. So thanks for posting that. But they've evolved beyond your basic coffee shop since then. People need to stop bitching at them for their plain coffee and start accepting Starbucks for what it is... a non-alcohol coffee specialty shop.

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I buy the black coffee with no room for cream at Starbucks. I don't like flavored coffee nor do I like it with milk. :D

Then why are you buying it at Starbucks? That's a $4 cup of coffee when you could be making it at home for, literally, less than $0.25 a cup. It's a waste. There is no reason to go to Starbucks at all unless you're getting a specialty drink. (You is general, not you specifically, PennyLane).

And if it's because you like Starbucks coffee, then buy a bag of it. No time to make it in the morning? Then get a programmable coffee-maker and set it up the night before. Then when you get up in the morning, all you have to do is fill your mug.

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Then why are you buying it at Starbucks? That's a $4 cup of coffee when you could be making it at home for, literally, less than $0.25 a cup. It's a waste. There is no reason to go to Starbucks at all unless you're getting a specialty drink. (You is general, not you specifically, PennyLane).

And if it's because you like Starbucks coffee, then buy a bag of it. No time to make it in the morning? Then get a programmable coffee-maker and set it up the night before. Then when you get up in the morning, all you have to do is fill your mug.

I travel a lot and it is very convenient for me to stop Starbucks for coffee especially at the airports. They have better coffee then Caribou. It only costs be under $2 for black coffee for a small.

I have a programmable coffee maker but when I have to leave for the airport at 3:30 AM to catch a flight at 6:10am, no time for coffee since I am half a sleep trying to drive. Besides, they do have good and strong coffee. I always get the dark roast.

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I travel a lot and it is very convenient for me to stop Starbucks for coffee especially at the airports. They have better coffee then Caribou. It only costs be under $2 for black coffee for a small.

I have a programmable coffee maker but when I have to leave for the airport at 3:30 AM to catch a flight at 6:10am, no time for coffee since I am half a sleep trying to drive. Besides, they do have good and strong coffee. I always get the dark roast.

Convenience is really the only good argument for it, lol... That I can understand. It's the people who do it just because and then complain about the price and the taste. It's like... umm... duh.

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