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Pet Peeves


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(Excess) Stop signs in parking lots.

People who walk without looking in parking lots etc. and assume all cars will see them and gratefully let them go on there way.

People who don't stop at the line at intersections at stop signs. (if you stopped at the line, you would have stopped before me, and then therefore had the right of way to go before me, but no, you went 5+ feet past the line, so wait.

If you ask for a "Coke" at a restaurant and the waitress asks "Is Pepsi ok?" Or vice versa. I don't give a rat's ass if it's Coke or Pepsi or even RC, just bring the damn Cola.

People who would give a damn if they asked for Coke and got a Pepsi because that's what brand the place has. Or vice versa.

People lollygagging on their cell phone talking, texting, surfiing, etc. and not paying attention, whether driving, walking, or whatever.

People who don't turn the ringers off on their cell phone when they are at a meeting etc.

People who automatically answer their cell phone when it rings when they're with others and then go rambling on the phone forever and ignore the people there with. (How many emergencies are there?, listen to their message, call them back later)

People who follow people returning to their car in busy parking lots to get their space.

People blocking a lane while waiting forever for a parking spot to open up. (Stop being so f'in lazy and park a little further and walk you moron!)

I know I'm missing a ton of things but that's enough for now.

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People who have to make noises (loud ones at that) when they yawn.

Someone who decides to pull out in the middle of traffic, and instead of speeding into the lane they need to get into, they seem to take their sweet time in the middle of the road getting over. If you're going to be stupid behind the wheel, at least have some balls while being stupid!!

Any time during a customer service job where the person you are interacting with, or trying to help, is on the phone.

The word "wifey."

People who talk with accents they don't naturally have.

(AND SO MANY MORE!!).........

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Me too.

Guilty that is


Hi Brad,

What's a "Bou Tit" then? :o

"Forget a bou tit" that is what you meant isn't it?

My Pet Peeve today is "Merde Instigateur Troll De La Femme"

Regards, Danny

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All the Grunting and Groaning for Tennis Players..:(

Yeah, that Sharapova 'chick' was doing my head in today. I actually find it quite disgusting, to be honest. And it was ever so embarrassing when my young daughter asked my wife, 'Mummy, were you playing tennis in your bedroom last night?'

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People who disrespect you when you have been nothing but kind to them. What a waste of kindness!! Goes to show you will learn something new everyday.

That's one that definitely hurts :angry: .

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Yes i agree that Sharapova chic is extreamly irritating.

Was it the forehand or the backhand that did the trick for your wife? ;):lol:

I'd have to check with Hawk-Eye - that's our pet name for our webcam - but I'm pretty sure it was the between-the-legs trick-shot B)

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I'd have to check with Hawk-Eye - that's our pet name for our webcam - but I'm pretty sure it was the between-the-legs trick-shot B)

It was the forehand...it's all over Youtube :P:lol:

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I'd have to check with Hawk-Eye - that's our pet name for our webcam - but I'm pretty sure it was the between-the-legs trick-shot B)

Nice shot Sir!!

"Game Set & Match", to you, well played...;):lol:

My peeve for today is...People who never put their shopping trolleys back, just leave them scattered around the carpark..:(

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People who think they have the right to pry, and then have the nerve to pretend they are being nothing but kind and respectful.

If that was directed at me, my statement was general. I've screwed up as much as anyone around here. No offence was intended

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