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Del Zeppnile

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most of the women i know are certifiably psycho. that's saying a lot coming from me. especially my female relatives. my mom is on to her 4th husband already. my aunt married twice in her 20s and was going to change her identity and move to another country so she wouldn't have to look at her first husband again. my gradmother on my mom's side tried to kill my grandfather with an axe because he didn't finish a chore she told him to do, she also went into her room with a hammer and nails and sealed herself off with them.my grandmother on my dad's side busted out my grandfathers teeth with her fist. my sister is a complete basket case and causes trouble for the family. my other aunt is a fucktard as well. the last girl i dated was schizophrenic, she'd come on to me then go tell her father. she done this for attention. that's part of the reason i am single. i don't need this kind of shit in my life. i'd go gay but men are pretty fucked uped too and i have enough problems already without having burning crosses in my yard and pat robertson's stupid ass fanning the flames with a bible. hopefully a girl will come along at some point that i can stand instead. don't really care either way. fuck relationships.


This'd make a great sitcom! (Like a 'My Name is Earl' type of deal).


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Lol....It's been a long time since I've been married, but I do remember a similar situation involving an emergency stop at a pit toilet. It reeked all the way from the parking lot, and as soon as i caught a whiff, I just leaned against the car waiting for the show to begin. Sure enough, she came out doubled over and gagging on the ground with a cloud of flies following her. Priceless !


Times when a woman would gladly trade the multiple orgasm thing for the ability to pee standing up from a moving bass boat... and with a beer in one hand.

JAG! You call your wife Peg! I'd kill a man that called ME Peg! Annoying or not!

Sometimes, I'm annoying just to be annoying. Like if he's ignoring or boring me... :lol:

Don't tell him. I'd never admit it... :D

Let's see...

Red hair, lots of curves, can be annoying just for the heck of it...


Open up the back of her blow dryer and dump flour in.

Good one! But I heard another one where you open up the hair dryer and reverse the fan so that it sucks instead of blows.

Yeah, sucks instead of blows.


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Two questions to Del:

1. What task or duty could possibly keep you (YOU!) away from the TV and a shitload of beer on Superbowl Sunday (this better be good!)???? What next, "Woman made me miss the Daytona 500"? Hand over your testicles!! For god's sake man!!!

2. Cold at 36 degrees? Verging on pussydome! I sleep naked on top of the covers with a fan on me at 36 degrees soldier! Windows open (curtains drawn ;) ). Just ask Angi (sorry baby :console: ).

PS, Sorry for the mental picture. :beer:

Edited by Evster2012
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Well, 'hot" women usually bring a whole lot of baggage and other games. is it really worth it?

do you want a chick that you'll be competing with other men for? Because other men are always going to try and get with a hot chick.

Do you want to play her games or have to provide her what she thinks she is entitled too?

Not all hot chicks are like this, but I think the kind of chick you are talking about it,

I would rather hook up with a woman that men would love to hook up with than a woman men never give a second look to.

Average looking women have baggage too and they play games too.

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I would rather hook up with a woman that men would love to hook up with than a woman men never give a second look to.

Why? Too afraid a hottie will see through your bullshit and leave you for one of those other guys? Why are you so pre-occupied with what other people think? Who cares if other men don't want to fuck your girlfriend.....if you do, that's all that counts. Right?

Oh wait, look who I'm talking to. Nevermind.

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Two questions to Del:

1. What task or duty could possibly keep you (YOU!) away from the TV and a shitload of beer on Superbowl Sunday (this better be good!)???? What next, "Woman made me miss the Daytona 500"? Hand over your testicles!! For god's sake man!!!

2. Cold at 36 degrees? Verging on pussydome! I sleep naked on top of the covers with a fan on me at 36 degrees soldier! Windows open (curtains drawn ;) ). Just ask Angi (sorry baby :console: ).

PS, Sorry for the mental picture. :beer:

Very good questions, but before you demand that turn in my man card I have to say that my only excuse was that I was in the garage building a new design of a perfect woman for the betterment of mankind.

here is a photo of the prototype:


But I'm still working on the arms, legs, and the ability to wash dishes and shit.


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Why? Too afraid a hottie will see through your bullshit and leave you for one of those other guys? Why are you so pre-occupied with what other people think? Who cares if other men don't want to fuck your girlfriend.....if you do, that's all that counts. Right?

Oh wait, look who I'm talking to. Nevermind.

But if other guys have no interest in your woman then there must be something wrong.

I have been around peer pressure most of my life so you become used to it.

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Ya know, maybe it's just that I AM a bit on the old side, and I come from a different generation that a lot of you. BUT....

Why the FUCK is the emphasis always put on looks? :rolleyes:

Sure, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone who is good looking. Hell, I've been in that "predicament" 1,000,000,000 times. :lol:

But sometimes the pursuit of a "hottie" just for looks' sake can be disastrous. Been there and done that when I was young and stupid. Got raked over the coals for it too.

Granted, I don't want to cringe every time I look at my wife/girlfriend, of course not. But the whole key to happiness, to ME anyway, is being with someone you love from the inside out. Someone you know you can love and TRUST, 100%. And sometimes you can have it both ways, I admit. But don't count on it. And don't be an idiot and ignore the charming girl next to you because she doesn't look like one of those fake plastic models you see on TV. Open up your MINDS, as well as your eyes. B)

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But if other guys have no interest in your woman then there must be something wrong.

I have been around peer pressure most of my life so you become used to it.

FUCK peer pressure. Be a man. B)

Not deliberately trying to sling insults at you. But peer pressure is for dumbasses. Ultimately it will come down to who you want to spend the rest of your life with, not about your buds that are eventually gonna get married and get their own lives.

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Ya know, maybe it's just that I AM a bit on the old side, and I come from a different generation that a lot of you. BUT....

Why the FUCK is the emphasis always put on looks? :rolleyes:

I can't speak for every man but I don't put most of the emphasis on looks either. I can appreciate that a woman is intelligent, has a sense of humor, a personality and all of those things.

But I also can't help but think that despite of all of those great qualities that all of us desire in a companion, that if women didn't also have one "other thing".... well, I probablly wouldn't even talk to them.



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Ya know, maybe it's just that I AM a bit on the old side, and I come from a different generation that a lot of you. BUT....

Why the FUCK is the emphasis always put on looks? :rolleyes:

Sure, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone who is good looking. Hell, I've been in that "predicament" 1,000,000,000 times. :lol:

But sometimes the pursuit of a "hottie" just for looks' sake can be disastrous. Been there and done that when I was young and stupid. Got raked over the coals for it too.

Granted, I don't want to cringe every time I look at my wife/girlfriend, of course not. But the whole key to happiness, to ME anyway, is being with someone you love from the inside out. Someone you know you can love and TRUST, 100%. And sometimes you can have it both ways, I admit. But don't count on it. And don't be an idiot and ignore the charming girl next to you because she doesn't look like one of those fake plastic models you see on TV. Open up your MINDS, as well as your eyes. B)

I am not into the fake plastic models either. I have never hooked up with a woman just for looks sake. They were nice too. I wouldn't hook up with anyone that was mean or anything. But looks came into. Because you have to be physically attracted to them.

I spent most of New Years Eve with a girl who does not look like a fake plastic model. A plain/cute girl. I can do it. I had a good time

The whole looks thing becomes ingrained in you in highschool. Because high school is all about that type of stuff. Who is cool who is not. Who is pretty, who is not. Not to mention the media constantly drilling it into your head.

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Yeah. With them. STOP FUCKING WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. Be a man and grow a backbone and be more concerned with what YOU think, not everyone else.

You sir, are a pig.

Why is there something wrong with them?

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I can't speak for every man but I don't put most of the emphasis on looks either. I can appreciate that a woman is intelligent, has a sense of humor, a personality and all of those things.

But I also can't help but think that despite of all of those great qualities that all of us desire in a companion, that if women didn't also have one "other thing".... well, I probablly wouldn't even talk to them.


Well, I have to admit I wouldn't turn her away just because she's good looking! :lol:

Everyone wants someone who is desirable to look at, to a certain degree. All I'm saying is that it's not the top priority in life. ;)

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YOU HAVE TO ASK?! You see nothing wrong with never using your own brain to make decisions?

God, you're denser than fruitcake.

Yes i have to ask. Why is there something wrong with those people if they didn't find a girl i was dating hot? It's personal taste.

I think if you are dating a girl and people think she is hot then you must be doing something right and have great taste.

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