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Montreal winning was quite a big surprise for me. Washington needs to do something about the defence and goalkeeping for the next season. Playing a strong regular season and then losing on the 1st or 2nd round of the play-offs just doesn't cut it. I didn't really expect Washington to get all the way to the SC finals but a spot in the conference finals would have been realistic.

Halak was amazing in the series and without him Montreal wouldn't have gotten this far. He played pretty damn well against Pittsburgh in game 2 on Sunday !

I'll be cheering for Boston now. I quite like the team they have and would like to see Tuukka Rask secure his place as the number one goalie for Boston (if he hasn't already :)). In the western conference I'd like to see Chicago and Detroit continue.

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I expect we'll see a different Chicago team tonight in game 2. I don't think a 5-1 Canuck win in game 1 of the series told us anything other than the Blackhawks were a bit flat and the Canucks were ready. One good thing for the Canucks though is that Luongo looked solid. He'll need to be if we're gonna win this series.

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Thrilled about My Habs!! Wow, Halak is some-kind-of-wonderful!!

I love play-off magic - it's all a new day, what happened last week doesn't matter. Show up and play - that's what counts

LuonGO!!!! Canucks!

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Thrilled about My Habs!! Wow, Halak is some-kind-of-wonderful!!

I love play-off magic - it's all a new day, what happened last week doesn't matter. Show up and play - that's what counts

LuonGO!!!! Canucks!

That's it in a nutshell ! I think after game 1 the Pens thought they'd figured Halak out and that the Habs would just roll over. I wonder if they learned anything ? I hope my Canucks don't learn the same lesson tonight !

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Sorry ally,

but if they won 4 straight, where would the excitment be?

next time!


True enough and that was never going to happen anyways. However, just like like last year, I thought Chicago got away with murder when it came to hitting Luongo.The elbow by Ladd and the two handed slash come to mind. We shall see what game 3 brings to the table. I'm expecting it to be a rough series from here on out.

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Hi all,

GO BRUINS!!!!! thumbsup.gif


Things are looking good for the Bruins. Philly will be tough at home but, as long as the Bruins don't let Carcillo get under their skin, I don't think the Flyers have enough to win this series.

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Oh well ally, we're both cryin' in our beer tonight.

Next time!

Yep, we sure are ! Luckily, I had to work so I missed the game completely biggrin.gif . I heard there was some controversy over one of the Hawks goals but will have to wait to see the highlites . TBH, I don't think the Canucks have enough to win this series . Chicago has a nice blend of skill and toughness in their lineup. We've got skill but lack the toughness and in the end , I think that will be the difference between the two teams.

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The last goal Chicago scored should not have counted. No way! The versus annoucers agreed with this. Luongo was not just interfered with, he was pummeled. It was like they just pushed him and the puck into the net. It was kicked in after they tackled Luongo. I cant believe the terrible officiating. Well, now you see why I bitched when the Sabres got the bad calls against Boston that gave them that series. The officiating is terrible. Who didnt know Philly would be toast. wish we would have drawn them. Shows you how big the Devils problems are if that team could walk all over them. The Devils may not make the playoffs next year. Chicago is playing like an eastern team. A dirty eastern team. Vancouver must clear out the front of the crease. They can still win this thing. they have more firepower. But if Kane gets hot then they are truly in trouble. Now they are in the must win mode. Like Detroit tonight, but we know that history says Detroit is done. Someday the Islanders of 75 and the Leafs of 42 will be joined by another team to come back fromm 3-0. It is due to happen soon. But dont think it can be done against these Sharks. And as for Philly, ha. No chance. Montreal is another team that should be home already. This hot goalie may steal another game from Pittsburgh but they are going down.

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Stick a fork in the flyer's...they are done biggrin.gif . If the canucks don't play smarter than they are they will be making a quick exit as well. just my 2 cents worth.

You are absolutely correct !!! We're allowing Chicago to get under our skin and paying the price for doing so.

Time the Canucks got back to playing their brand of hockey and playing more of it in Chicago's end of the ice.

This is starting to look like a rerun of last seasons series and we know what happened there.

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To that Bruins fan. What goes around comes around pal. Now look at the injuries you all have after playing a team as dirty as yourselves. You will beat the Flyers, big deal. Who couldnt beat the Flyers except the Devils? So then what? Toast against Pittsburgh. Because of the injuries. I would have given Boston a shot agaisnt them if they were healthy. One more thing, this Rask kid. You all think he is so great. And Im sure Thomas will be out the door. But you better hope it doesnt come back to haunt you. Thomas won the vezina and will help somebody, perhaps Washington or a western team later. Chara will get his sooner or later. Dont count Vancouver out yet folks. Its only 2-1. Wonder if Detroit will come to play tonight? Do they want to go back to california? They have to be tired. Give them credit for a valiant effort especially against Phoenix. But you were not going to keep this Sharks machine down for long. Marleau and Thornton have broken through. The waters are now very dangerous.

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Well, well, the Habs are making a series of it. Halak was out of his mind this game. Habs fans are rabid (not sure that's always a compliment).

Detroit: I love Mike Babcock and think he can create some strategic magic, but it might be too little too late.

Philly: toast

Vancouver: better find another gear, one that's much more ornery yet disciplined - the thinnest of lines to be balanced.

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Well, well, the Habs are making a series of it. Halak was out of his mind this game. Habs fans are rabid (not sure that's always a compliment).

Detroit: I love Mike Babcock and think he can create some strategic magic, but it might be too little too late.

Philly: toast

Vancouver: better find another gear, one that's much more ornery yet disciplined - the thinnest of lines to be balanced.

I think my Canucks need to gain some disipline and quit acting like babies. This series has turned into something akin to men against boys and we definitely seem comfortable with the role . I can accept losing this series to fine hockey club like the Blackhawks . What I can't accept is the manner in which we are doing it. Too many players putting their own personal ajendas ahead of the team and there doesn't seem to be anything Vigneault and his coaching staff can do about it. I'm not one to point fingers at coaches but clearly, when you don't have control of your team, something has to change. No, the series is not over just yet but, unless the Canucks go into Chicago and play some hockey as a team, it will be .If they don't, there won't be any tears shed by this fan.

A personal observation : To all of those so called Canuck fans who took it upon themselves to spit on the Chicago players as they were heading to the dressing room. Take your tickets and donate them to a worthy cause. Your actions have done nothing but prove you aren't capable of attending an event without acting like selfish morons and your an embarassment to all of us. Don't come back

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I think my Canucks need to gain some disipline and quit acting like babies. This series has turned into something akin to men against boys and we definitely seem comfortable with the role . I can accept losing this series to fine hockey club like the Blackhawks . What I can't accept is the manner in which we are doing it. Too many players putting their own personal ajendas ahead of the team and there doesn't seem to be anything Vigneault and his coaching staff can do about it. I'm not one to point fingers at coaches but clearly, when you don't have control of your team, something has to change. No, the series is not over just yet but, unless the Canucks go into Chicago and play some hockey as a team, it will be .If they don't, there won't be any tears shed by this fan.

A personal observation : To all of those so called Canuck fans who took it upon themselves to spit on the Chicago players as they were heading to the dressing room. Take your tickets and donate them to a worthy cause. Your actions have done nothing but prove you aren't capable of attending an event without acting like selfish morons and your an embarassment to all of us. Don't come back

Didn't see the game, but they must have done something right to extend the series. A win in Chicago is no easy feat. Then again, neither is closing out a series.

I hadn't heard about the actions of some of the Canuck fans. There is no justification for that whatsoever. Disgusting. You're right, it does put a bad smear on the city and the game. Hopefully they've been dealt with.

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Didn't see the game, but they must have done something right to extend the series. A win in Chicago is no easy feat. Then again, neither is closing out a series.

I hadn't heard about the actions of some of the Canuck fans. There is no justification for that whatsoever. Disgusting. You're right, it does put a bad smear on the city and the game. Hopefully they've been dealt with.

Quite simply, the Canucks came to play hockey last night and low and behold, it paid off. If we continue to do so, then a game 7 back in Chicago may be in the cards.

As of yet ,no word on those fans but I'm not alone in thinking that they were a disgrace to the club. Hopefully, there will be no repeat of those actions on Tues night.

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The Wings, obviously, are out. Am depressed. Glad the Habs won today, though! GOD it'd be great if they could take out both Washington AND Pittsburgh! (I mean, I wanted the Caps to win the EC, but since they couldn't, what a great story that would make for the Habs to beat both of those guys.) I can't believe Boston got shut out today, but it doesn't matter, the Flyers are still going down. Kind of like the Wings...that one 7-1 game doesn't matter if you lose 4 other games.

In an ironic twist of fate, the only team left in the mix that I had picked for the Finals is the Sharks, who of course are still in it because they beat my team (or rather they "beat" the Wings...they had quite a bit of help from the refs). Well, I guess I'll still go with them for the WC, what the heck. I'm a little miffed at them after this series with the Wings, but I still like them better than the Blackhawks. I wouldn't mind seeing the Canucks in the WCF, but I don't know...I think Chicago's going to do it, unfortunately. As for the East: I'm going to go with Boston, but I'd really love to see the Habs shock the world and go all the way. All I really want, though, is to see a lack of black and white uniforms in the Cup finals.

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Losing is never a nice feeling but congrats to the Blackhawks. The better team definitely won this series notworthy.gif

The Western Final should be one hell of a series and there's no doubt in my mind that the two best teams in the west, are in it. I'm picking Chicago in 6 mainly because I don't think that San Jose will be able to handle Chicago any better than we did !

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Looks like Crosby will be joining Ovechkin at the driving range tomorrow. Remember to focus on your follow through, boys! Congrats to the Habs...I wanted them to do it, but I didn't think they would - being wrong never felt better! :drinks:

Bummer the the Bruins lost, though...for a while there I wasn't sure the series would even get to a Game 5, but here we are going into Game 7! The musical chairs of players coming and going sure benefited the Flyers. Well, if the Bruins lose, I won't have to wonder who to cheer for in the EC... Allez les Habs!

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Looks like Crosby will be joining Ovechkin at the driving range tomorrow. Remember to focus on your follow through, boys! Congrats to the Habs...I wanted them to do it, but I didn't think they would - being wrong never felt better! drinks.gif

Bummer the the Bruins lost, though...for a while there I wasn't sure the series would even get to a Game 5, but here we are going into Game 7! The musical chairs of players coming and going sure benefited the Flyers. Well, if the Bruins lose, I won't have to wonder who to cheer for in the EC... Allez les Habs!

Halak seems to be holding the razor to dispatch both OV and The kid along with those sorry excuses for beards


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It's starting to look like Silvermedalist's prediction of a team coming back from three games down to win a series could actually happen . If Philly, beats Boston in game 7 they will be only the third team in league history to accomplish the feat. The 49 Leafs and the 75 Islanders being the other two. Given what the Habs have already done , it's a good bet that the Flyers are drinking from the same water fountain.

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