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Robert Plant interview with Esquire Magazine

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I find that a larger size print in a different color is easier to read. If the designers of the website did not want larger fonts of different colors, then why would they put them on the website? I certainly don't assume they are aggressive. Some of us must squint to read the smaller size and it is just easier on my eyes to read the larger print; having a different color allows me to easily see the difference between a quote and what someone has said. I don't infer anything about a person's character from the larger fonts and colors.

I thought he was related to Eternal Light who also types in large, colored fonts as though her words were thought to be more important.

No, that is not the reason.

Edited by eternal light
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I find that a larger size print in a different color is easier to read. If the designers of the website did not want larger fonts of different colors, then why would they put them on the website? I certainly don't assume they are aggressive. Some of us must squint to read the smaller size and it is just easier on my eyes to read the larger print; having a different color allows me to easily see the difference between a quote and what someone has said. I don't infer anything about a person's character from the larger fonts and colors.

No, that is not the reason.

First of all, some of the colors are NOT easy to read and I have a good computer screen. And if that's the case, why did you never do this on the old board? I would appreciate if you would type in the same color/size as everyone else. It may seem like a pet peeve but I find it too much.

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First of all, some of the colors are NOT easy to read and I have a good computer screen. And if that's the case, why did you never do this on the old board? I would appreciate if you would type in the same color/size as everyone else. It may seem like a pet peeve but I find it too much.

If you would kindly put me on ignore, please do.

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I'm glad to see that there are some who can still feel the love and tolerance. I mean that sincerely.....please rub some of your good vibes onto me. :D

Personally, I am starting to feel a little creeped out if not downright PARANOID. I just came from a thread where someone said he didn't like members who wouldn't list their hometown in the location box. I figured that anyone who lived in my area would understand what I mean by "in the shadow of Bill Gates' McMansion".

Then I came over here and see that my use of colored font is an act of aggression. Oh my!! :o My reasons for doing so are exactly what eternallight and lajole have described above......I can see the differences between messages, quoted areas, etc, easier. Plus I think it's rather nice to see people's individuality. Well, I have scaled back the size of font since I first started posting but......wow.... Now I'm starting to think that maybe my use of color has caused a lot of good people to set me to "Ignore".......or maybe I've been using the invisible ink feature or something. :unsure:

And these are just the issues that affect, or address, me personally. Extremely MILD in comparison to what many other members have experienced the past few days.

Maybe we're having a collective case of SAD and things will improve with longer, sunnier days ahead. Hey, we need you folks in the southern hemisphere to come cheer us up. :D Whatever, I do wish there was a less hostile environment on the board and know you all are wishing the same thing.

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I'm glad to see that there are some who can still feel the love and tolerance. I mean that sincerely.....please rub some of your good vibes onto me. :D

Personally, I am starting to feel a little creeped out if not downright PARANOID. I just came from a thread where someone said he didn't like members who wouldn't list their hometown in the location box. I figured that anyone who lived in my area would understand what I mean by "in the shadow of Bill Gates' McMansion".

Then I came over here and see that my use of colored font is an act of aggression. Oh my!! :o My reasons for doing so are exactly what eternallight and lajole have described above......I can see the differences between messages, quoted areas, etc, easier. Plus I think it's rather nice to see people's individuality. Well, I have scaled back the size of font since I first started posting but......wow.... Now I'm starting to think that maybe my use of color has caused a lot of good people to set me to "Ignore".......or maybe I've been using the invisible ink feature or something. :unsure:

And these are just the issues that affect, or address, me personally. Extremely MILD in comparison to what many other members have experienced the past few days.

Maybe we're having a collective case of SAD and things will improve with longer, sunnier days ahead. Hey, we need you folks in the southern hemisphere to come cheer us up. :D Whatever, I do wish there was a less hostile environment on the board and know you all are wishing the same thing.

Worry not Becky. You always have friends here-like me!

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Thanks, Angel and Icanquityoubabe for helping spread love and tolerance. If we all get together, we can make this board a better place. :)

To keep this thread on topic, I love reading Robert Plant interviews. He's always got something amusing to say. Liked the part about him and the ukulele. :D

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I'm sorry, but I still think it's just a question of being respectful to other members to write posts that other people can understand. Otherwise we have to scroll past a half-page of meaningless filler. There's nothing negative in making this point, which I know many other people hold; I'm trying to make a constructive comment to improve the board. People from all over the world post here, and many of them are not native English-speakers, but they still manage to write posts that convey their meaning perfectly. It seems little enough to ask--since this is the band's official forum, we owe it to them to at least maintain a reasonable level of literacy.

That's just my personal opinion, though. Flame on.

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Well....at least Angel, Heaven and Maven wanna party !!!

I like the color posts too...not the yellows..they are hard to see..but the pretty blues..and purples....:D

I miss koolkapricorn from the old days...OLD DAYS....4 and 5 years ago....she was the first I remember to use purple lettering !!

I've just always used the boring old regular print...but occasionally spice it up...with red or blue too....

Go individualism !!!! :thumbsup:

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Well....at least Angel, Heaven and Maven wanna party !!!

I like the color posts too...not the yellows..they are hard to see..but the pretty blues..and purples....:D

I miss koolkapricorn from the old days...OLD DAYS....4 and 5 years ago....she was the first I remember to use purple lettering !!

I've just always used the boring old regular print...but occasionally spice it up...with red or blue too....

Go individualism !!!! :thumbsup:

I thought you wanted a truce Joel. So why are you and your friends pulling the same behavior you've accused some of us of doing - ganging up and being a bit nasty. Seems to me this will only further perpetuate the situation rather than everyone trying to take a deep breath and reboot.

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You are asking someone to "conform" to what you want. Kind of like the past 8 years in America. If you don't like the way someone writes, don't read it. Maybe you find it meaningless, maybe others (who aren't speaking up) don't. I personally enjoy reading lajoie's posts. I find them unique and honest.

Lets be careful about asking people to give up their creativity or dare I saw "freedom". I think you should either speed read through lajoie's posts or skip them entirely, that advice goes to anyone who agrees with Aquamarine.


I think it was clear I was not asking anyone to give up creativity, my only request was that people should be able to understand a person's contributions. If you knew me, you would know I am the last person in the world to preach conformity, and to equate standard English with surrendering freedom is a major stretch, to put it mildly!

I am learning that others find lajoie's posts more accessible than I do. Fair enough, then.

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I thought you wanted a truce Joel. So why are you and your friends pulling the same behavior you've accused some of us of doing - ganging up and being a bit nasty. Seems to me this will only further perpetuate the situation rather than everyone trying to take a deep breath and reboot.

Who's being nasty ?

I don't see anything nasty at all...this is a party...I hadn't even seen it till I was alerted to it....

seems there was dispute toward a posting style here....I interjected about feeling the love...came back and saw a bunch of funny posts....it's FUN...not fighting here...no sour pusses...just fun.

I barely know Angel...or maven but have know Heaven for awhile....where do you see nasty ?


Get a grip !

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I hardly see any "ganging up" in Joelmon's post. Look ninelives, Joel finally feels part of a group. Give him a break, even Joel deserves to feel loved once in a while.

hey...you're putting words in my mouth....I'm not a part of any group Heaven....

Read my post where I tout individualism !!! :thumbsup:

but if you want to include me in your group....you can...like if you wanted to add me to your friends list...you can do that...I just don't keep up with that....

I'm an individual.....:D

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I hardly see any "ganging up" in Joelmon's post. Look ninelives, Joel finally feels part of a group. Give him a break, even Joel deserves to feel loved once in a while.

I wasn't attacking Joel personally. I was merely commenting that I felt there was a bit of sarcasm and ganging up happening with these recent posts. If I misinterpreted what was said, I'm sorry. I really am not looking for an argument.

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What i see is people trying to defend a fellow poster who seems to get beat up on every time he posts. I have never seen lajoie lose his cool with anyone. He demonstrates great tolerance for the people who are attacking him. Personally, i couldn't be that kind.

He obviously has a great love for Led Zeppelin, like most of us here. People aren't just expressing their dislike for his writing (understandable to them or not) but they are bullying him. I find it appalling.

Read my previous post. (And nothing in either of my posts constituted bullying, of anybody. It was purely related to writing.)

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What i see is people trying to defend a fellow poster who seems to get beat up on every time he posts. I have never seen lajoie lose his cool with anyone. He demonstrates great tolerance for the people who are attacking him. Personally, i couldn't be that kind.

He obviously has a great love for Led Zeppelin, like most of us here. People aren't just expressing their dislike for his writing (understandable to them or not) but they are bullying him. I find it appalling.

No one's saying everyone should agree with everyone. Everyone has their way of expressing things but when people question what he is on about and posts in a manner that's difficult to read, lajoie has called them ignorant. I find that insulting and not particularly tolerant.

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Well ya know ninelives.....for someone to be called ignorant isn't necessarily an insult being hurled...but one being perceived. And you say you find it insulting that he's said it to others. Well try letting them speak for themselves...unless its you, who feels insulted directly...


lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: i.e. ignorant of quantum physics.

So...Aquamarine asked this....

"my only request was that people should be able to understand a person's contributions."

SO let's analyze quickly....if someone doesn't understand a persons contribution....they lack knowledge or lack information enough about a particular subject...(ignorant, by definition)....

I see no insult...but a matter of observation on Lajoie's part...

I'm just commenting on the defintion of ignorant and how it pertains to the context of those posts addressing the NON understanding of his posts...

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