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Look loser, this was a confessions topic. It's not like I'm the only person doing google searches of this type.

And if you think I have no life, let's compare W-2 forms.

Well douche bag, I'd be happy to put my annual income up against yours. Lets say the loser pays the difference between the two? Not that it's the measure of a man, but since you are so inclined...

Also ass-goblin, because others are doing it makes you feel better? WTF are you 11? I think you would be happy at rikers island, where the rest of your friends live.

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Well douche bag, I'd be happy to put my annual income up against yours. Lets say the loser pays the difference between the two? Not that it's the measure of a man, but since you are so inclined...

Also ass-goblin, because others are doing it makes you feel better? WTF are you 11? I think you would be happy at rikers island, where the rest of your friends live.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah. Mr. Tough Guy on a chat board. Yawn.

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Glad I'm not the only one.

Oh good. I was worried I was the only one...

It's a good drug, and easy to get, too, yes?

Can you get high from sniffing it?!? :lol:


Depends on how tolerant you are. Sniffing dry cement gets me high, so...



Nah, you can't really get high from it. When I was young, my Dad told me you could to scare me off from sniffing it so much (short backstory- as a young child I was deathly afraid of getting high because a family friend died by ODing on Extasy[sp?]). When I found out it wasn't true, well... I yelled at my Dad... and started sniffing again... for a little while. Then we just stopped bying it. My addiction only came back two days ago, when I found a small bottle in my room, lol.

It may not get you high, but it is addicting.

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Oh good. I was worried I was the only one...

It's a good drug, and easy to get, too, yes?

Depends on how tolerant you are. Sniffing dry cement gets me high, so...



Nah, you can't really get high from it. When I was young, my Dad told me you could to scare me off from sniffing it so much (short backstory- as a young child I was deathly afraid of getting high because a family friend died by ODing on Extasy[sp?]). When I found out it wasn't true, well... I yelled at my Dad... and started sniffing again... for a little while. Then we just stopped bying it. My addiction only came back two days ago, when I found a small bottle in my room, lol.

It may not get you high, but it is addicting.

So you enjoy the aroma, nice! Aromatherapy is quite theraputic you know :) One would usually use essential oils but if the fragrance stimulates your brain in a positive manner, how great is that!?

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So you enjoy the aroma, nice! Aromatherapy is quite theraputic you know :) One would usually use essential oils but if the fragrance stimulates your brain in a positive manner, how great is that!?

Yeah I've heard all that. I have an aunt who's into that stuff... not the spiritual side, though... the medicinal side. She's a professional (sp?)masseuse(sp?) [that is, massager] and loves to use that stuff to help her patience relax. It never really worked on me. But the hand sanitizer does.

Now if they came up with a Purell Hand Sanitizer incense, you can bet I'd be buying truckloads of that...


I remember back when I was in 9th grade... I'd put a little on my hands, rub it in a bit, and sniff. People would look at me weird, so I'd get them to try it. I got one of two reactions:

1. "Holy shit that stuff is awesome! Give me more!"

2. A bitter beer face mixed with sour mouth.

Latest confession:

I am 100% sober (no drugs or alcohol... except maybe Purell Hand Sanitizer), and watching the Olympics. For some strange reason, I find what they're shoiwng hilarious... even though it probably isn't. I seem to be in a laughing mood.

Quick! Say something stupid to try be funny and fail! I might actually laugh!


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Yeah, true. Especially if you're a child when it happened....well, here goes I guess.

You already know what kind of kid I was, I was a mean bastard, but it was the damned ADD (even on medication, lol Ritalin)

I used to be babysat by this lady who ran a babysitting business out of her house, and there was this room in the back that had all the toys in and it was also the "baby room" where (when it was needed) a baby would sleep in a crib. I feel so bad about this, but I did this quite a few times, where I would take a few toys and throw them into the crib onto the baby's head. I feel like such a fucking asshole, and to be honest, I can't truly remember why I did it. I did it quite a few times...maybe...3 times in total or so. The baby would cry and they would come in and say what happened and I'd say I had no clue because I took the toys out of the crib by then to make it look like nothing happened. I feel so fucking horrible, I started thinking about it about 2 years ago and i thought that it's one of the worst things I've done in my life and I wonder and HOPE that I didn't give the kid brain damage.

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my deepest darkest secret? my confidence and self-assuredness are all used to cover my insecurity...i secretly want some one to protect me...i do try

EVERYONE is insecure in someway Honey, you are fortunate that you recognize that. I've found that the most annoying people who act like they know everything and are pompous and condescending really are covering up for low self esteem or lack of confidence. That's one of the reasons I can tolerate people like that. Even though it's hard sometimes....People that are truly confident don't have to worry about 'proving' how good or smart they are to others. Becuase THEY know it...it doesn't really matter that much what others think...

Kudos for being brave enough to admit it. I admit there are situations I'm not that comfortable in either but we are all just human beings after all...we are all equal.

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