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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Well, the vast lot of you got what you wanted. No sour grapes here, I didn't want McCain either. But let's just hope Obama's as capable of guiding this country as well as those who voted for him think he is.

Talk about "change" is cheap. Let's see it happen, in a positive fashion. And if it does in the next couple of years, I'll "man up" right here on this board and admit I was wrong.

Pictures at 11....


Edited by Rock Action
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Amazes me how you and another certain individual from the southeast can just go off on people calling them whatever they want and get away with it. At least I have the guts to list my gender in my profile you chicken shit. Speed Racer.

Have no idea what your on about. I guess if it makes you feel like a better man to abuse a woman.


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Play dumb all you want. They know who I am and who you are. Make no mistake about it. You are out of bounds with your contstant verbal insults. Calliing me a loser when I didnt even vote for president. And jumping up and down like a little kid. Like your team just won the super bowl. When this dude does something and makes things better then you can tell me "I told you he was the best candidate out there". Until then, he is unproven. Im not saying he has no potential, but he has a tough road ahead. You lay off of me and Ill do the same . You want to make this a war, Ill give you one.

I will celebrate anyway.

Thank you. And no I have no idea who you are.

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I hope Obama is capable, but I have very serious doubts. I do not think he is the savior that all of his supporters seem to think he is.

I am not a Republican. The last time I voted Republican in a presidential election was 1980.

I would love nothing more than to admit in a couple of years that I was dead wrong.

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I hope Obama is capable, but I have very serious doubts. I do not think he is the savior that all of his supporters seem to think he is.

I am not a Republican. The last time I voted Republican in a presidential election was 1980.

I would love nothing more than to admit in a couple of years that I was dead wrong.

Same here, but I'm not holding my breath. Only time will tell.

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I hope Obama is capable, but I have very serious doubts. I do not think he is the savior that all of his supporters seem to think he is.

I am not a Republican. The last time I voted Republican in a presidential election was 1980.

I would love nothing more than to admit in a couple of years that I was dead wrong.

We will have to wait. But I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt until some time deep into this second term. We will stilll have to wade through all the racist nut jobbies to get to where we should be with a larger part of the world.

I say positive energy helps much of the time. That is if it meets with the sane.

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It's official.

Barrack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States. :bravo::D

In his first speech as President-elect, he showed more class than this country has seen in half a century. God Bless, Goddess Bless! I had tears in my eyes, seeing him walk out holding the hand of his little daughter, hearing him talk about the life of Anne Nixon Cooper... I hope Joe the Plumber was listening to real history about a real person, the daughter of a slave, who couldn't vote due to gender, who lived through times when society had to pull together to survive, and that he and all the people he stands for learned the world is bigger than a few hundred bucks in taxes.

Here's to a new day, and here's to the Confederate states (check out that map!) waking up soon... :toast:

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My favorite is when they cry that legalizing gay marriage will "ruin the sanctity of marriage"...

Guess what fuckheads,the sanctity of marriage is ALREADY RUINED.....

...and who ruined it? Straight couples!!!!!


It's up to the individual married couples to maintain sanctity in their own marriages.

:D Boy, you can say that again.

The strangest part is how they keep showing little kids and acting like they're protecting children. Well, two points: funny, most people who molest kids are straight as hell; and guess what - some of your cute little kiddies are homosexuals, too. How strange it will be when some of these self-rightgeous twits have to explain to their own children why they can't live in sanctified marriages with their partners because Mommy and Daddy voted their rights out the window.

It's the one depressing note on this day... next fight, getting rights for gay people set in stone so that the fearful and bigoted can't affect them like this.

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Here's to a new day, and here's to the Confederate states (check out that map!) waking up soon... :toast:

If we agree that it's a new day, and that Obama wants to bring everyone together, would you consider dropping the term "Confederate states"? The southern states are part of the USA and haven't been a confederacy for quite some time now.

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If we agree that it's a new day, and that Obama wants to bring everyone together, would you consider dropping the term "Confederate states"? The southern states are part of the USA and haven't been a confederacy for quite some time now.

I agree. That sounds quite fair. :)

On a positive note for all, I don't care what side you're on:


I'm thrilled to see his ass removified from office.

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No mandate for Obama, no lopsided Congress

November 5, 2008

ROBERT NOVAK novakevans@aol.com

WASHINGTON -- The national election Tuesday was not only historic for the election of the first African-American president in the nation's history but also for how little the avalanche of Democratic votes changed the political alignment in Congress.

The first Democratic Electoral College landslide in decades did not result in a tight race for control of Congress.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt won his second term for president in 1936, the defeated Republican candidate, Gov. Alf Landon of Kansas, won only two states, Maine and Vermont, and Democrats controlled both houses of Congress by wide margins.

But Obama's win was nothing like that. He may have opened the door to enactment of the long-deferred liberal agenda, but he neither received a broad mandate from the public nor the needed large congressional majorities.

The Democrats fell several votes short of the 60-vote filibuster-proof Senate that they were seeking and also failed to get rid of a key Senate target: Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Republicans, though discouraged by the election's outcome, believe Obama will be hard-pressed not so much to enact his agenda but to keep his popular majority, which he considers centrist, as he moves to enact ultra-liberal legislation, particularly the demands of organized labor.


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I agree. That sounds quite fair. :)

On a positive note for all, I don't care what side you're on:


I'm thrilled to see his ass removified from office.

I agree with you 100%!!!

Good riddance to Bush, and it can't be soon enough. I'm from Texas, and I never supported or voted for him. So, if anyone out there thinks Texans and/or Southerners are automatically pro-Bush, it ain't true.

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