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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I think it's funny as hell. What's even funnier is listening to all the dems with their panties in a wad about it. It's politics folks and like life no one it said it was fair so deal with it already. B)

You are right. The sad part though is that negative campaining has no impact to those of us posting here because we are all clearly informed individuals and choose to explore further, however - unfortunately, the average American can be easily swayed by the smear campains and they just aren't fact based. So they are choosing the next POTUS based on bullshit. Now, is that the polititians problem? No, it's a problem with the intellectual level of a lot of Americans and I just don't respect a candidate that resorts to those kinds of ads for cheap votes aimed at the uninformed.

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I think it's funny as hell. What's even funnier is listening to all the dems with their panties in a wad about it. It's politics folks and like life no one it said it was fair so deal with it already. B)

funny as hell, yes, I agree. the funny part being the GOP's stupidity on this one. There are a lot of Dems saying "thank you" for making yourselves look like A$$es. The sad part being that McCain is ok with an ad like that... I like John McCain, I voted for him when I lived in AZ. I just don't like seeing him stoop to levels he was above when he ran against Bush.

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You are right. The sad part though is that negative campaining has no impact to those of us posting here because we are all clearly informed individuals and choose to explore further, however - unfortunately, the average American can be easily swayed by the smear campains and they just aren't fact based. So they are choosing the next POTUS based on bullshit. Now, is that the polititians problem? No, it's a problem with the intellectual level of a lot of Americans and I just don't respect a candidate that resorts to those kinds of ads for cheap votes aimed at the uninformed.

Sounds like you underestimate the intelligence of the average American to see above the smear campaign. People know how it is - money talks, bullshit walks as they say.

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Sounds like you underestimate the intelligence of the average American to see above the smear campaign. People know how it is - money talks, bullshit walks as they say.

Maybe I do. Clearly the McCain campaign team does also...which make me like him even less.

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funny as hell, yes, I agree. the funny part being the GOP's stupidity on this one. There are a lot of Dems saying "thank you" for making yourselves look like A$$es. The sad part being that McCain is ok with an ad like that... I like John McCain, I voted for him when I lived in AZ. I just don't like seeing him stoop to levels he was above when he ran against Bush.

It's a little thing called D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N! B)

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As of today, most polls are almost even. A few have Obama with just a few points of lead. McCain has narrowed the gap. And while I agree that I am for McCain, if you think that both sides are not guilty of throwing some mud you are just nieve. Like I said before, McCain has shown that he will not be a typical politician time and time again, by his non partisan votes in the Seanate. He is maybe the only bipartisan politician out there. That is what our Country needs, someone that will look at both sides. Not another politician that votes straight down his parties line like Obama has.

Hi SRPlane....I may well be naive but no one here yet has been able to produce any artifacts supporting the claim that Obama is running a smear campaign. I'm certainly open minded but would be able to more easily see that point if it were proven. I still haven't seen any evidence....<shrug>


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Why would he be desperate when the race is basically tied. Both sides will throw plenty of shit before it's over.

I think only he can answer that UB. But his campaign is certainly akin to a desperate bid....

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I think only he can answer that UB. But his campaign is certainly akin to a desperate bid....

I think they just decided it was time to go negative, they claim nobama started it with this negative ad

If you look back through the archives of factcheck you can see for yourself that nobama does plenty of negative/ false ads/ claims himself, he just hasn't had to go after McCain yet because he's been ahead. Look at what he's said about Hillary when he was worried


and here

You apparently also forgot about this 98.7% bullshit claim about McCain

Edited by Uncle Bill
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I think they just decided it was time to go negative, they claim nobama started it with this negative ad

If you look back through the archives of factcheck you can see for yourself that nobama does plenty of negative/ false ads/ claims himself, he just hasn't had to go after McCain yet because he's been ahead. Look at what he's said about Hillary when he was worried


and here

You apparently also forgot about this 98.7% bullshit claim about McCain

Thanks UB for the concrete evidence. The first add is bunk of course. The second one, hmmmm borderline and no, I didn't forget about the third one, I had already commented on that one to someone else who posted it. "Fueled' is certainly a misleading adjective...when it's actually less than 2% but I don't consider that as 'dirty' as the Paris/Britney add :blink:

Point taken... :)

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Look, I'm not condoning any of it, I wish there was a way to end negative ads altogether or at least the ones that are demonstrably incorrect. I'm just saying they all do it sooner or later, usually when behind.

I understand UB, no problems here!

a good one! MYGOD! Who are his writers?!? Sheesh!!
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If your oppenet is commiting sucide, get out of the way. Every news outlet began saying Obama was full of himself, and mccain step right on it, almost killing the obama is too full himself joke, and now it can just be turned into a G.O.P. talking point.

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Hi all,

It's sad and funny,all the same time.If someone is in the position be to nominated to run for the most powerful job in the world,then you had better have an ego.Those pit bulls in D.C. want to know who is the top dog! :D

I would really like to hear how they are going to 'change' things,plans,proposals,policies,working with Congress.I want answers.Nope.I get BS.Nothing to do with problems we face.


KB(voting for myself :rolleyes: )

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If your oppenet is commiting sucide, get out of the way. Every news outlet began saying Obama was full of himself, and mccain step right on it, almost killing the obama is too full himself joke, and now it can just be turned into a G.O.P. talking point.

Every news outlet...come on. All everyone asks for is for a fair and open campaign. I thought that advertisement makes the mccain campaign camp embarassed. Sorry, but very stupid.

Whats with the point of saying someone is too full of them self anyway... isnt that just a simple way to try to pin someone down in some gossipy way. totally ridiculous.

What are you saying. I agree that the ad was a mistake on his part. The point of saying he is full of himself is to depict him as an elitist and america loves an underdog (McCain)

Anyways, if McCain is going dirty, he won't be going dirty for long. i think he just want to use as much mud to get a lead and i think he belives once he gets it, Obama would have to do Hard interviews (.oreily) and will be force into debates with McCain. McCain thinks if that happens, he can show that "is he ready to lead" question valid and prove that Obama is not ready.

Only twice since gallop started, has frontrunner in the poll in june and july has won and goes on the fact that america likes a underdog. Everyone who will vote Obama was going to vote for him once they saw him 6months ago, can McCain woo them away.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Hi all,

It's sad and funny,all the same time.If someone is in the position be to nominated to run for the most powerful job in the world,then you had better have an ego.Those pit bulls in D.C. want to know who is the top dog! :D

I would really like to hear how they are going to 'change' things,plans,proposals,policies,working with Congress.I want answers.Nope.I get BS.Nothing to do with problems we face.


KB(voting for myself :rolleyes: )

Of course! And a healthy ego is a good thing! I just think it's hillarious the way they mocked Obamas passion for change. No matter, we can all agree that we want the best for our country.

One of the most important things a President can do is surround himself with the right people. These are his advisors and they MUST be trustworthy because one person (the president) can NOT be an expert in EVERY area that needs attention in the country. He relies on his advisors to provide the correct information and pros and cons, just as any coroporate officer does. I'm concerend that McCains Economic advisor is the man who wrote the Enron loophole! And it is STILL open! I know I stated this before and it's redundant but no one offered a reply to that. Opinion?

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Hi all,

Hi beautiful!,sorry,was not PC? :P

Of course! And a healthy ego is a good thing! I just think it's hillarious the way they mocked Obamas passion for change. No matter, we can all agree that we want the best for our country.

One of the most important things a President can do is surround himself with the right people. These are his advisors and they MUST be trustworthy because one person (the president) can NOT be an expert in EVERY area that needs attention in the country. He relies on his advisors to provide the correct information and pros and cons, just as any coroporate officer does. I'm concerend that McCains Economic advisor is the man who wrote the Enron loophole! And it is STILL open! I know I stated this before and it's redundant but no one offered a reply to that. Opinion?

Passion for 'change' is great,I've heard more times than I can remember,every person running for office talks about it.Has it never came about?I would still like to know how this 'change' is going to happen,and when.


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Hello Medhb. We all know that here in the next few months, mud will be slung by both sides. Will you agree though, that bipartisan past voting in the Senate is important? McCain has been so bipartisan that many times he has upset the Republicans. I know that I have said this before, but that is true "Change". Obama has voted straight down his parties line, that's old school. What is the name of McCain's economic advisor that you have so much disdain for?

Yes srplane, that does give me pause - Obama's down the line voting.

The economics advisor I'm refering to is Phil Gramm.

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Loop Hole Legislation:


Please note that while Phil Gramm helped write the legislation, President Clinton signed off on it in Dec. 2000. It is safe to say that the Democrats had a big hand in this one too.

Bad boy Bill! Oh, we already know he's a bad boy :)

That said....nobodies closed it yet even though it's caused the issues it has and Phil Gramm is still McCains economic advisor....

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That said....nobodies closed it yet even though it's caused the issues it has

Can you link me to where you found this info? After a quick search I haven't been able to find a link between the downfall of Enron and The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. I thought that was about single stock futures. It's probably there I just don't have the time right now, Thanks.

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Can you link me to where you found this info? After a quick search I haven't been able to find a link between the downfall of Enron and The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. I thought that was about single stock futures. It's probably there I just don't have the time right now, Thanks.

Maybe this one will help?

Let me know...

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