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Texas Poligamy Bust


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So Darfur doesn't bother you, because it's not affecting the Western world either?

And where am I "blaming Hindu's"? Blaming them for what...?

I was just pointing out Sikhs and Hindus in India fight Muslims just Muslims fight us, but no one ever seems to take notice.

Darfur is a terrible situation, which of course I am aware of.

Hindu's are simply defending themselves against the Muslims, who have been consistently attacking them. Of course, this fighting is being done in one major area of the world.

The Muslims of course, spill blood, and cause trouble everywhere where they are located, which is in many different locations around the world.

Stop comparing the Muslims to the Hindu's. That's a ridiculous example.

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This polygamy thing is all over the news, including on

Larry "I changed my surname" King.

The message is clear - don't even think of resisting unless you want another Waco.

Every single man, woman and child was massered at Waco and the fire trucks were held back to make sure all evidence was burnt. What was their crime?

An FBI agent stood trial for putting a bullet in the head of a woman carrying a child. He was let go of course.

You don't think there is any real news any more, do you?

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Would be nice, and might have happened in the last eight years IF we had a different administration running our country. Now with all the regression, who knows if things will ever get better. I still want immigration under control.

I understand that many of the migrant workers that the US wants to import, are illiterate.

In other words.... they speak some Spanish... but do not read or write --- Spanish ... or English ... for that matter....

Can we require that adult immigrants already be literate. Can we ? ? ?

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I understand that many of the migrant workers that the US wants to import, are illiterate.

In other words.... they speak some Spanish... but do not read or write --- Spanish ... or English ... for that matter....

Can we require that adult immigrants already be literate. Can we ? ? ?

No; we can refer them to resources for developing language skills, but we cannot require them to learn.

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It was reported last night that some of the children forcibly taken from their homes, will be put up indefinitely at the Texas Catholic Charites Home in Ft. Worth.

Here's the Reception Committee for the boys, and girls: :)


Edited by The Rover
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It was reprted last night that some of the children forcibly taken from their homes, will be put up indefinitely at the Texas Catholic Charites Home in Ft. Worth.

Here's the Reception Committee for the boys, and girls: :)



These children just can't get a break, can they?

Send them to a good Jewish home is what I say...

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Darfur is a terrible situation, which of course I am aware of.
But you don't care about it do you? Because it doesn't affect the West in any way...is that not what you were saying?

Hindu's are simply defending themselves against the Muslims, who have been consistently attacking them. Of course, this fighting is being done in one major area of the world.
By bombing innocents...? Thats how they're defending themselves?


The Muslims of course, spill blood, and cause trouble everywhere where they are located, which is in many different locations around the world.
Certain Muslims do that. Care to find the percentage of how many Muslims are actually terrorists?

Stop comparing the Muslims to the Hindu's. That's a ridiculous example.
Quit saying all Muslims are evil. That's simply ridiculous stupidity
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These children just can't get a break, can they?

Send them to a good Jewish home is what I say...

I really don't think that the story is about "Faith " Some may disagree and say that this is an attack on a particular group but to me, the story is about abuse. Every religion since the dawn of time has had it's baggage. I'm more concerned about the kids.

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Whats with all the fucking Catholic bashing. I don't practice any religion. But bringing up the priest scandal is as bad as me asking a Jew for money. Such a low blow that is not needed.

Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. Whevenever I tell someone I'm Catholic I get, "Were you molested as a child?"

At that point, I just walk away. I've never been touched like that in my life, how dare someone claim that just because of my religion.

Then theres always the awkward feeling I get whenever someone makes a Catholic priest joke around me (daily basis...)

Listen to a priest truly speak on a subject. They are highly intelligent individuals who speak with a passion and can be very inspirational. Yes, it's unfortunate that the sex scandals have circled them the last few years, but in the end, most priests are dedicated religious men, who are usually pretty great public speakers

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The Popes visit did much good to bring us Catholics together. You are absolutely right that most priests are very good and intelligent people that mean well
Exactly. But what can we do if the media only cares about a few faults? The only time I ever hear about Catholics anymore is those molestation stories.
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It was a JOKE, people! Talk about uptight.

My mother's parents are Catholic (My mother, my brother, and I converted to Judaism). I went to CCD when I lived in Connecticut, and, in fact, was brought up primarily Catholic until 4th grade. My maternal Grandfather is a Deacon (Deacon Salvatore Clarizio, who was invited to see the Pope, BTW). Both of them belong to St. Theresa's Catholic Church in Trumbull, CT, a church that this molestation scandal never touched simply because it never happened there. A church where the priest himself denounced the scandals and denounced the Priests and other Church officials involved. Being, by birth, half-Catholic, I have the utmost respect for Catholics and understand that the issues are, as is true for all fanatical sects, within the minority. And I have gotten right-pissed with people who claim all Catholics are evil molesters. Load of shit. I have been asked, just by admitting to being half-Catholic, if I was molested as well. So I understand.

So now you should understand: it was just a joke about the minority. Calm down.

Whats with all the fucking Catholic bashing. I don't practice any religion. But bringing up the priest scandal is as bad as me asking a Jew for money. Such a low blow that is not needed.

Not all Catholic priests molest children. What a completely unfair blanket statement.

My ex wife is a Jew who was molested by her Jewish cousin. Catholics arent the only ones that make mistakes.

Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. Whevenever I tell someone I'm Catholic I get, "Were you molested as a child?"

At that point, I just walk away. I've never been touched like that in my life, how dare someone claim that just because of my religion.

Then theres always the awkward feeling I get whenever someone makes a Catholic priest joke around me (daily basis...)

Listen to a priest truly speak on a subject. They are highly intelligent individuals who speak with a passion and can be very inspirational. Yes, it's unfortunate that the sex scandals have circled them the last few years, but in the end, most priests are dedicated religious men, who are usually pretty great public speakers

The Popes visit did much good to bring us Catholics together. You are absolutely right that most priests are very good and intelligent people that mean well

Exactly. But what can we do if the media only cares about a few faults? The only time I ever hear about Catholics anymore is those molestation stories.
Edited by Nathan
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My ex wife is a Jew who was molested by her Jewish cousin. Catholics arent the only ones that make mistakes.
I am really sorry for what happend to your exwife, but I think calling what happened to her a "mistake" is really sad.
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How does it feel to be \"walking the plank? Fun isnt it?

You mean being half-Catholic and half-Jewish? Well, actually, it's kinda cool (for one thing, I get gifts on both Hanukkah and Christmas :D). I'll go more into detail later, though. Gotta log off, now.

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My daughter is a social worker here in Texas, and she told me that all the girls who are 13 or older are either pregnant or already have children. The legal age to be married is 17, or 14 with the parents written consent. So that means that these children are the victims of either statutory rape or child molestation. Whatever anyone wants to call it, it is child abuse, and the mothers are fully aware of it. So I think that it is in the childrens best interest to be seperated from their parents until everything can be evaluated.

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No, she didn't do the right things, and I would expect that behavior from someone like her.

Let's be honest here:

1. She was molested. That automatically makes her fucked up.

2. She's jewish.

Enough said.

As Ron White once said:

"The next time you have a thought, just let it go."

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