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Robert Plant


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I am very conflicted because I love alot of what Robert has done post Zeppelin, but I can't help but think about how great Zeppelin could be today. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones are the most gifted musicians and songwriters of this generation and I truly believe they all could still make great music together, but Robert is a mystery to me. He has done his greatest work with these two men and having Jason Bonham with them is an added bonus. I know Robert has stated his aversion to a Stones type stadium tour doing the songs of 30 years ago, and I don't blame him. Living off of yesterdays glories is not really living for today. Alot of the blame has to go to the so called fans who only want to hear the classics and not anything new. When Page and Plant were supporting their Clarksdale cd it was very sad to see hundreds of people walking to the beer lines, bathrooms etc whenever they played something new. I think Robert, JP, and JPJ could do something special again and I think they should at least try. I don't really understand how Robert can sing old bluegrass songs with Allison and think think it's moving forward. I enjoy Raising Sand and Dreamland, and love Mighty Reaaranger but can only think if Jimmy and John Paul Jones were involved they might might make magic again.

Fans need to be less selfish. He can do whatever he wants - he's RP.

Robert owes us nothing.

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I think Robert has been on a solo career-high as of late. Mighty Rearranger, Dreamland and even back to Fate of Nations have all been top notch. Add Raising Sand to the list. I would like to see him continue on this run.

That being said, the prospect of a Zeppelin tour is overwhelming. Especially for someone who never had the opportunity to see them in concert. I do view the Zeppelin tour as a disappointment before it's even started, though. Robert has made it clear that he isn't going to do a year-long stadium tour. So what we will be looking at, if anything, is a few months worth of shows. Something like five shows at MSG, maybe a few on the West Coast and so forth. The problem is, they will never be able to meet demand, and unless you want to drop a grand, forget about getting in the door. If they would take the time and do a full tour, in which they could play stadiums in every US market and give the millions of fans interested a chance to get in the door, then i say go for it. If they're only going to do a few shows, the bitching will be worse on this forum than it already is.

Another thing I would be leary about, is if Robert is doing the tour because he wants to or because the pressure is mounting. As of now, he's not very enthuiastic and he did walk out on the P/P tour of 1998.

I would also say, that I wish Jimmy would move forward with his own band, and perhaps release some instrumental music and new compositions. Time's a wasting and we haven't seen him on stage in America in almost ten years. Sometimes, it seems as if he relies to heavily on Zeppelin alone, and solo work has been missing.

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I think the real problem with them reforming is the expectation of such a spectacle. If they could make new music without everyone shouting to hear Stairway, Dazed Confused etc I think even Robert would explore the possibility. We will most likely never know what could have been, and I think it's a shame.

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I can't be bothered to look through this whole thread because I'm too lazy to partake in such things, but I'm going to respond to the original post. I think doing this stuff is moving forward. He's trying new things, he's spreading his wings, and he's departed from his usual comfort zone. Plus, he's getting to that age where it's like... 60 year old rocker? I mean, I think he still rocks, but he'll never be the same 20 something Plant of the 70s again. People grow up, they find new things to do.

As much as I would love to see a Zeppelin reunion tour, I agree with him in that the only way they should do it is if they make a new album. I don't see that happening, and if it did, it wouldn't be the same. For one, Bonzo's not gonna be on it and I consider him the heart of their music. His son may be good, but he's not his dad. And the sound won't be the same. They've all matured and have different tastes now. Can you really see them doing a song with lyrics like Trampled Underfoot or with the vocal intensity of The Immigrant Song? I can't...

I just don't know if a new CD would be as good as we all want it to be. Shoot the heretic! I'll be hiding in the corner. K thanks.

Who cares if a new cd would be as good as we all would hope. Was LZ III as good as II? Not for everyone. What made this band great was their willingness to change direction when they felt the need. I wouldn't care what direction LZ went in if they decided to do something new. They, or anyone else for that matter would ever mean as much to the world as the original Zeppelin. Does that mean they should retire and never push the boundaries again as mature men who have the wisdom and intelligence to make the world shake again.

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I'd rather watch Ritchie at the renaissance fair! :lol:

I have my leggings! :beer:

*edit to add* I have nothing but respect for Steve Morse. One of my fave players, and a swell guy.

Now you can also hear Ms Blackmore's Night rendering of Dio's "Rainbow eyes". (I've just heard it for the first time on the recent album "Secret Voyage"). My first question after listening to it was "Why?... ". :wtf:

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I am very conflicted because I love alot of what Robert has done post Zeppelin, but I can't help but think about how great Zeppelin could be today .... I think Robert, JP, and JPJ could do something special again and I think they should at least try. I don't really understand how Robert can sing old bluegrass songs with Allison and think think it's moving forward. I enjoy Raising Sand and Dreamland, and love Mighty Reaaranger but can only think if Jimmy and John Paul Jones were involved they might might make magic again.

Well, I don't agree sooo much because I think that Robert has nothing to prove more, so I think "he can do what he reall wants" and we won't be disappointed because there'll be something interesting and new.

He's on his way to discover something new.

Music his music and RP is a very interesting and stimulating musician.

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Of course, Zeppelin live always sounded note for note like the recorded versions. :rolleyes:

It's his song, he can do whatever he bloody well likes with it.

"Black Dog" is NOT Robert Plant's song. The credits read as follows: "Page/Plant/Jones."

The lyrics are Plant's, and they're fun but they're not earth shattering; he says so himself in this quote: "Not all my stuff is meant to be scrutinized. Things like 'Black Dog' are blatant, let's-do-it-in-the-bath type things, but they make their point just the same."

The main riff, recently named one of the greatest GUITAR tracks of all time, was written by JPJ. To quote Dave Grohl about Jimmy's playing of it: "BD just drips, it's so smooth. It has groove and a pulse, and it sounds easy enough, but when you actually wrap your hands around a guitar, you realize that it takes a little more than what you got." Q, September 07.

A huge part of the original brilliance of "Black Dog" is Bonzo's drumming, as well. JPJ had come up with a complex time signature that John ignored, and played 4/4 throughout, so that things kind of wrapped themselves around his beat. It's incredible and unlike Mr Plant, I never tire of it.

What makes "Black Dog" classic are the parts Plant amputates. If you enjoy the T-Bone Burnett version, fine, but I wouldn't call it an improvement. So it begs the question, why is he going backwards to this song? Why not put his money where his mouth is and stop playing old Zeppelin tunes?

(Hey, when Plant performs a Zeppelin song outside of the band, does he pay the band royalties? ;) )

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I think he does Black Dog in a way he sees as relevant to what is happening now with where he is at. Robert Plant co-wrote the song, so that makes it as much his as John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page. It makes sense for the song to differ musically because Jones and Page wrote the music. Now that new musicians are involved you hear a musical variation. I hardly see it as necessarily backwards.

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"Black Dog" is NOT Robert Plant's song. The credits read as follows: "Page/Plant/Jones."

The lyrics are Plant's, and they're fun but they're not earth shattering; he says so himself in this quote: "Not all my stuff is meant to be scrutinized. Things like 'Black Dog' are blatant, let's-do-it-in-the-bath type things, but they make their point just the same."

The main riff, recently named one of the greatest GUITAR tracks of all time, was written by JPJ. To quote Dave Grohl about Jimmy's playing of it: "BD just drips, it's so smooth. It has groove and a pulse, and it sounds easy enough, but when you actually wrap your hands around a guitar, you realize that it takes a little more than what you got." Q, September 07.

A huge part of the original brilliance of "Black Dog" is Bonzo's drumming, as well. JPJ had come up with a complex time signature that John ignored, and played 4/4 throughout, so that things kind of wrapped themselves around his beat. It's incredible and unlike Mr Plant, I never tire of it.

What makes "Black Dog" classic are the parts Plant amputates. If you enjoy the T-Bone Burnett version, fine, but I wouldn't call it an improvement. So it begs the question, why is he going backwards to this song? Why not put his money where his mouth is and stop playing old Zeppelin tunes?

(Hey, when Plant performs a Zeppelin song outside of the band, does he pay the band royalties? ;) )

i think robert's decision to play zep is a concession to his fanbase. what is the best way to get an audience that loves 'black dog' to give him two and a half minutes and listen to his new project? play some zep and if half (or more) of the people that show up like the new stuff, he has realized his goal. either way, he wins (especially if half of krauss's fanbase decide they like robert, too). that leaves the other two halves bitching, but if he hadn't even played any zep, almost everybody would have bitched. and robert has tested his fans before with a zep drought for almost 8 years.

i think, if you want music from robert, you'll get it. just don't tell him how to do it, or you can go do it yourself.

black dog in the new arrangement, i don't care for. i pass on 'levee', too. just my preference. 'boe' is friggin awesome, as well as black country woman.

yeah, he pays royalties, especially if it's televised.

black dog is robert plant's song. it is also jones and page's. sorry....

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Black Dog sounded great when I heard it at the Greek Theatre. I saw no problem with it at all. I think he's doing fine.

I haven't heard it in person. But I loved it when I saw it on Crossroads. It was so dark and mysterious! And I love Plant's song "Nothin" on that album. It furthers that eerie and mysterious nature of those two songs. But at the same time, I wanted Plant to just bust out into one of his long wails...that would have been amazing!

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I haven't heard it in person. But I loved it when I saw it on Crossroads. It was so dark and mysterious! And I love Plant's song "Nothin" on that album. It furthers that eerie and mysterious nature of those two songs. But at the same time, I wanted Plant to just bust out into one of his long wails...that would have been amazing!

"Nothing" is unbelievably good in comparison with other Raising Sand. I would even go further by saying that it would suit Page to perform it more T-Bone :D performance.... I would also add a bit of bagpipes on the background, insted as a violine :P ....oops, sorry, got carried away a bit :whistling:

Edited by Vega
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He should stay turn to his own thoughts and feelings, but should also take into consideration how much he means to us. Its a tough call. But i understand where hes coming from as an individual... How do you create the magic of zep again? And if it was possible dont you think another band would have by now?

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I haven't heard it in person. But I loved it when I saw it on Crossroads. It was so dark and mysterious! And I love Plant's song "Nothin" on that album. It furthers that eerie and mysterious nature of those two songs. But at the same time, I wanted Plant to just bust out into one of his long wails...that would have been amazing!

He did, usually on Black Country Woman, on the part where he sings, "you didn't have to leave me with that beer on my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace."

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He should do what he wants to do. He's deserved that right, he's one of the best musicians ever and doesn't care what fans think. Do I think he should play with his buds from the 70s? Yes I do but it doesn't matter what I think. What I think is what every other Zeppelin fan wants.

Denial? Does he say somewhere that he DIDN'T sing with Zeppelin???

Of course he bloody doesn't.

And perhaps a pertinent point is that Robert's solo career - whatever you may personally think of it - has been MASSIVELY more successful than Jonesy's. Maybe that's why Jonesy's solo site still focuses on Zeppelin, whereas Robert's SOLO site focuses on his SOLO career - not that hard to understand.

You can't measure the muse on a time scale. Any artist can produce their masterwork (Beethoven's 9th comes to mind), when the world thinks their time has passed. I don't think Robert is going to leave his creative path anytime soon, but who knows what a renewed Jimmy and JPJ (with Bonham the younger) could pull out of the collective hat? If you measure the future by the past, you limit possibilities. Any of these guys could potentially pull a miracle out of their pocket. It's not if, it's when. :beer:

I agree with y'all. it's Robert's site (and he focused on his solo work). He has his site, JPJ has his site (and he can do what he wants, too). That's why we have a LED ZEPPELIN site (for their work, reunion shows, etc...).

I'm looking forward to seeing him and Alison tonight here in Atlanta. I'll send my report and set list tomorrow morning (8AM Eastern Standard US time).

R B)

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