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U.S. Vice President 2008


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Just wondering who you all think will be the running mates for the candidates this fall...

I'm thinking lately Barack might pick Gore and I've said before that McCain will pick Romney. So I'm thinking...



And there is always Hillary as Barack's running mate. I would be shocked if McCain picked Lieberman as it has been rumoured recently but if they are going up against the Change that Barack represents, it may be a smart move for McCain... because a rep. and dem. running together would definitley be change.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Gore and Lieberman were both running this fall as VP's?

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As for McCain, he needs someone young in my opinion, and a woman would be a wise choice. America seems to want either a woman or a minority to get a shot. I wouldn't want the job and the headaches that will come with it.

Yeah well I told him I wasn't interested...

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CNN is reporting that Al Gore is saying no way. So take him off the list. If Omama really wants to win he would chose Cliinton to assure those that supported her and don't like him, would come on board. Otherwise he is going to lose votes in that regard. As for McCain, he needs someone young in my opinion, and a woman would be a wise choice. America seems to want either a woman or a minority to get a shot. I wouldn't want the job and the headaches that will come with it. Just imagine what your life will be like for 4 years. No sleep, and constant ulcer causing problems thrown at you 24/7. Iran, gas, economy, the war in Iraq (is that still going on?). Take that job and shove it, I aint workin here no more.

yeah Clinton definitely would be a wise choice for the democratic party to draw all the votes.

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Obama/Clinton would be a disaster. Combined they're too liberal. Obama needs a Dem that is closer to the middle than farther to the left. I'd like to see him choose Kathleen Sebilius, the Gov. of Kansas or Ed Rendell, the Gov. of Pennsylvania.

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Joe Biden.

I'd vote for either candidate if he's chosen.

I would have said Senator Joseph Biden but nobody seemed to show him any interest. I have been a long time Joe Biden lover (since 1983) and had hoped he would be running for President today. I would love Joe to be VP and have wondered if he is being considered.

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I would have said Senator Joseph Biden but nobody seemed to show him any interest. I have been a long time Joe Biden lover (since 1983) and had hoped he would be running for President today. I would love Joe to be VP and have wondered if he is being considered.

He would have been the best choice for President the Democrats could have given the public but he didn't have much support from the party from Day 1. It's a shame too because he's someone I actually have faith in that would get stuff done.

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I like the Gov. from Alaska.

But it will be Mitt Romeny

Unless Obama picks somebody to get more votes and McCain will counter that.

I tend to agree with your assesment. I believe each will be looking for a VP that will bring them more votes in the battleground states. For McCain the obvious bump might be frome having a woman as a running mate because the "Hillary factor" (women who are pretty upset about the way the first viable woman canidate was treated by the Demcratic leadership).

I would love to see Obama pick Gore becuase Gore would mean DEATH to his election. Only a sappy liberal would even think that Gore would add anything to an Obama campaign desperatly attempting to move to the middle right now. Biden would be a much more logical choice because it gives Obama some much needed foreign policy credibility. And of course Bill Richardson is also another logical choice. But Hillary.... no way Obama would be that dumb.

I personally believe that McCain probably wants Romney as his VP, but is still weighing the possible counter to Obama's choice as you have said. It may come down to the convention for McCain, but in the mean time Romney is pretty much campaigning like a VP, or at least filling that role.

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I like the Gov. from Alaska.

But it will be Mitt Romeny

Unless Obama picks somebody to get more votes and McCain will counter that.

Sarah Palin has already told Alaska she's staying where she is, so I'm pretty confident it won't be her. She's doing a great job here.

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Sarah Palin has already told Alaska she's staying where she is, so I'm pretty confident it won't be her. She's doing a great job here.

Yeah i know, it sucks that the best G.O.P. can offer, are better off staying as Govenors like Sarah and Bobby Jindal.

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He would have been the best choice for President the Democrats could have given the public but he didn't have much support from the party from Day 1. It's a shame too because he's someone I actually have faith in that would get stuff done.

Agreed. My first experience with Joe Biden was watching him on one of the CSpan channels. I couldn't believe i was enjoying what a politian was talking about. I was 17 for christ sake, not into politics! I asked my dad (who's opinion i value more than anyone's) what he thought of Joe Biden and he said he liked him alot. He also added, Joe is a great speaker, but talks too much. He could give a two hour speech on horse manure, lol.

I truly believed if anyone was capable (Dem or Rep) of heading this country in the right direction, Joe was the one. I am now hoping more than ever Obama will pick him as a running mate.

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Agreed. My first experience with Joe Biden was watching him on one of the CSpan channels. I couldn't believe i was enjoying what a politian was talking about. I was 17 for christ sake, not into politics! I asked my dad (who's opinion i value more than anyone's) what he thought of Joe Biden and he said he liked him alot. He also added, Joe is a great speaker, but talks too much. He could give a two hour speech on horse manure, lol.

I truly believed if anyone was capable (Dem or Rep) of heading this country in the right direction, Joe was the one. I am now hoping more than ever Obama will pick him as a running mate.

I'm afraid you will be dissapointed. Unless some news has come down the pike. I think Obama will choose Clinton for a running mate. Reason being, many people don't know much about Biden.

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I think Obama will choose Clinton for a running mate.

That would be the dumbest thing he could do for his chances at the Presidency. I think we can give the guy alittle more credit in the intelligence department than choosing a two headed elephant for the oval office.

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That would be the dumbest thing he could do for his chances at the Presidency. I think we can give the guy alittle more credit in the intelligence department than choosing a two headed elephant for the oval office.

It's just as much guesswork to you at this point as it is to me.

Argue about it and see where it get's you.

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There's no arguing needed. If he does choose her, he won't be getting my vote because he's a moron.

I've watched through the entire election without calling anyone names. However if it makes you feel so grand.

Go for it. Calling people names is<sp> indeed viewed by most as "arguementative."


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Biden would be a much more logical choice because it gives Obama some much needed foreign policy credibility. And of course Bill Richardson is also another logical choice.

Sen Jack Reed fits that mold too.

Biden and Richardson were high on my list to get the nomination for POTUS,..

..and are both men who I think would be excellent Veep choices for Obama.

[both Biden and Richardson would be unquestionable foreign relations crd to the ticket,.. but Biden's (and Reed) being White would, I think, help in that it might help alleviate the concern some people feel about electing a Black POTUS,.. whereas Richardson would mean there'd be two minorities on the dem ticket.. and that might be just a bit too much "change" for some voters to handle in this election. *wink*]

Frankly though,.. I don't have a clear sense for who Obama will choose. I think the fact that Jack Reed, Chuck Hagel, and a Joe Biden aide are accompanying Obama on his current trip is worth taking note of though. Chuck Hagel would be an interesting.. nay, a mind-blowing.. choice. He would bring undeniable foreign affairs/military cred to the ticket; he would be a definite draw for independents and moderate repubs who are fed up with the Bush-McCain approach to foreign affairs issues; and his presence on the ticket (and thus in Obama's administration) would also serve to give right-leaning independents and moderate repubs a sense that he would serve as a counterbalance to Obama's liberal/progressive mindset.

Hillary is being vetted too, but I don't think she'll be Obama's choice for VP. I think she'd be far more effective as Senate majority leader anyway.. or perhaps Obama will nominate her for a seat on the Supreme Court,.. eh? ;)^_^

On the repub side.. I don't think it matters all that much who McCain chooses. In this race repubs are not voting for McCain, they're voting against Obama. In that regard there's no one being considered, that I'm aware of, who will truly re-energize and reinvigorate the republican party by giving them a ticket to enthusiastically vote for; they will still be voting against Obama rather than voting for McCain.. and his ticket-mate. I think it'd be hard to argue that any of the candidates McCain beat for the nomination (namely Romney and Huckabee) are now suddenly going to reinvigorate the party if added to the ticket in the veep slot. Tim Pawlenty and Rob Portman are worth paying attention to as they would help McCain in key states Minnesota and Ohio respectively. But neither is likely to reinvigorate the party. And then there's Bobby Jindal. LOL! His name was briefly bandied about with high expectations.. but then he dropped faster than.. well.. a led balloon. LOL! ;)

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Let's see McCain needs some one younger than him (that part is easy), someone who can appeal to those who wants a woman or a minority, someone with foreign policy expirence who is highly regarded by the American public. Hmmm... I can think of someone who fits that bill quite nicely!

Can you guess?

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Let's see McCain needs some one younger than him (that part is easy), someone who can appeal to those who wants a woman or a minority, someone with foreign policy expirence who is highly regarded by the American public. Hmmm... I can think of someone who fits that bill quite nicely!

Can you guess?

Sec. of State Condi. Rice.

She'll be perfect, but she busy doing her job.

She should have job in the next Admin. no matter who gets.

So what i heard around the grapevine.

McCain is going to pound Obama on everthing while he is in Iraq. To make sure the story is about everthing except Obama being in iraq.

So what i heard McCain may annouce his VP this week and with all the pounding he will be doing, he may get the lead, which means the honeymoon is over for Obama and i don't think he has a shot afterwards.

So if this is true, it will be one of the long shots who get the nod like Bobby or Sarah. IM not sure a romeny or a timmy will be that big of a story. But a women VP. Even that should get him the lead and i think it will be too hard for obama to regain the bigMO

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