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Michael Savage's comments on Autism


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“Now you want me to tell you my opinion on autism since I’m not talking about autism … a fraud, a racket,” Michael Savage said last week on his radio show, “The Savage Nation.”The shock jock went on to say, “What do you mean they scream and they’re silent? They don’t have a father around to tell them don’t act like a moron, you’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up! Act like a man! Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot."

What a lovely thing to say about these disabled children. He's already been fired once before for derogatory comments he made about gays, so apparently this kind of controversy is no big shakes for him. According to this article, he's right up there with Rush and Sean Hannity in terms of listeners, so just look at his target audience.

I've caught a piece of his radio program before and nearly threw up. He is such a hateful and bigoted human being.

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What a lovely thing to say about these disabled children. He's already been fired once before for derogatory comments he made about gays, so apparently this kind of controversy is no big shakes for him. According to this article, he's right up there with Rush and Sean Hannity in terms of listeners, so just look at his target audience.

I've caught a piece of his radio program before and nearly threw up. He is such a hateful and bigoted human being.

Who is his target audience?

Howard Stern has a big listener ship, and he's more liberal than FartMan.

Are you implying that anyone who listens to talk radio thinks the way Mr. Savage does?

The Cubs game is the highest rated radio show in Chicago. Do they all think like Mr. Savage?

It's not the fault of the listeners if no liberal has anything worthwhile to say while on the radio.

So lets not fault the man for being a successful conservative radio host and lets just fault him for opening his mouth about the issue.

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Who is his target audience?

Howard Stern has a big listener ship, and he's more liberal than FartMan.

Are you implying that anyone who listens to talk radio thinks the way Mr. Savage does?

The Cubs game is the highest rated radio show in Chicago. Do they all think like Mr. Savage?

It's not the fault of the listeners if no liberal has anything worthwhile to say while on the radio.

So lets not fault the man for being a successful conservative radio host and lets just fault him for opening his mouth about the issue.

No, I'm not implying anything. I listen to talk radio sometimes and I'd rather bash my head against a brick wall than think like him. I am well aware of Stern's listenership and I don't know why people listen to him either. I took the comment about him being up there with Rush and Hannity to mean his target audience is the same as theirs. Right-wingers, Conservatives....those people. I doubt liberals are listening to any of them. Furthermore, I could care less what his political affiliation is, if someone who identified himself as Liberal made those comments, I'd think they were just as disgusting.

And what do the Cubs have to do with anything? Talk about a non-sequitor. If you weren't going to answer the question, why did you bother responding?

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Hi all,

Just because we read/listen/hear what someone has to say, do you believe them?Agree?March in the streets?I would think,...not.

So for everytime you bobble your head in agreement with what you read/listen/hear,there are others who shake in the opposite direction.Thats the 1st admendment.


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And what do the Cubs have to do with anything? Talk about a non-sequitor. If you weren't going to answer the question, why did you bother responding?

I knew what you were talking about, but you expressed that he has the same numbers as Sean and Rush, therefore you know who is listening. You made no mention of his political leaning, just pointed to listernership numbers in which the cubs were brought in as they have have listenership. I would take point that you also concluded that all conservatives think this way, but i will leave it alone. If his political leanings have nothing to do with what he said, than his numbers, or who his listerners also listen too should not be metioned by you. anyways

I am a captailist, just like my father before me, Imus did not get fired for saying Nappy headed Hoes by the Station. He got fired because the sponsors pulled out. The sponsors came back and so did IMUS.

Air-America did not surivie because they wanted Bush to die. They died because the sponsorship did not want to give money to them. Becasue no one listen to them.

So if people stop listening to Savage becuase he said this, he should be fired because sponsors will pull out and his big contract will be a bad one.

I don't think anybody should get fired for saying anything. but the FCC likes to pick on people like howard stern and others, in which fines and the loss of radio station rights could be affected. Only then, along with the stations own taste, should somebody get banned.

So if the station does not want this talk, they should fire him. but he'll be rehired and will be stealing his old stations listernship.

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I would take point that you also concluded that all conservatives think this way

Bold-faced lie. My family is about as Conservative as they get and if they thought like this, I'd stop speaking to them. Since I still speak to them, take that to mean that they don't. I'm sure there are people who identify themselves as Conservative and listen to one or more of those hosts, but I certainly have not said nor do I think that they all share the same viewpoints on all subjects.

And comparing a MLB team's game broadcast to a political talk radio program is not a fair analogy. One is by design going to have more listeners and a broader base of listeners.

I personally don't know what should happen to him, but based on what I have heard from him before, he seems to have no problem being vulgar and derogatory.

Edited by Electrophile
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Quote from Savage - “My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community’s attempt to label too many children or adults as ‘autistic.’”

Actually I think he has somewhat of a point. Savage has for a long time been trying to warn people about the manner in which our Doctors (people who should be looking out for our best interests) are much too closely tied to the big drug companies. Savage has argued that because of the BILLION DOLLAR drug industry, there are far too many Doctors over diagnosing patients and then getting them to use these drugs which may not be needed in all cases.

I mean how many of you know people with children who their Doctors claim have ADD and then want the kids to take Ritalin. I had a Doctor tell me that about my son when he was younger, when all he really needed was a bit more structure in discipline... not drugs.

And let's face it, Savage is somewhat of a "shock jock" in his style. He intends to sound controversial for the ratings. But it's a bit hypocritical for these Hollywood stars to calling for Savage's job when they are pretty much pissed off about everything he says, not just this subject. Do we really want to see people fired for 'Free Speech' in a free society?

And if that is the case, then why does Al & Jesse still have jobs?

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Quote from Savage - “My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community’s attempt to label too many children or adults as ‘autistic.’”

Actually I think he has somewhat of a point. Savage has for a long time been trying to warn people about the manner in which our Doctors (people who should be looking out for our best interests) are much too closely tied to the big drug companies. Savage has argued that because of the BILLION DOLLAR drug industry, there are far too many Doctors over diagnosing patients and then getting them to use these drugs which may not be needed in all cases.

I mean how many of you know people with children who their Doctors claim have ADD and then want the kids to take Ritalin. I had a Doctor tell me that about my son when he was younger, when all he really needed was a bit more structure in discipline... not drugs.

And let's face it, Savage is somewhat of a "shock jock" in his style. He intends to sound controversial for the ratings. But it's a bit hypocritical for these Hollywood stars to calling for Savage's job when they are pretty much pissed off about everything he says, not just this subject. Do we really want to see people fired for 'Free Speech' in a free society?

And if that is the case, then why does Al & Jesse still have jobs?

I don't think he should be fired, I think he should be boycoted. He is sick for saying those things when he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. Check this out and tell me different.


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Quote from Savage - "My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as 'autistic.'"

Absolutely. Just as they do for ADD. Far too often it's all a sham.

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I think his initial comments were crude and extremely insulting to the parents and children who are living with Autism. It was distasteful.

His comments afterwards that about Doctors over diagnosing and such I think was a better way to get his point across.

He messed up big time imo... it is his first ammendment right to say those things, but it doesn't mean there won't be consequences when you exercise that right.

I do know his name but I don't even know what his show is, so I don't know if I think he should be fired. I do know that if he is like Rush and Hannity, I wouldn't like him. Rush is so full of hate, it's like listening to fighting when you turn on his show.

And Howard Stern??? YUK.

It's NPR for me.

oh and GO CUBBIES!!!

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If he loses sponsors or listenership due to his comments it's perfectly fair to fire him, not because his comments are offensive (this would be censorship) but because his job performance (attracting and keeping listeners and sponsors) is poor. His first amendment rights are intact: if he were merely an employee of MSNBC expressing this opinion to a coworker certainly he shouldn't be fired, however MSNBC is a business and they aren't obligated to give anyone a public platform if it is contrary to their business interests. Mr. Savage is perfectly entitled to express his views from a parkbench or street corner, or even at work (so long as his self-expression doesn't become harassment and infringe upon the rights of others), but nobody is owed a radio show regardless of their performance.

As a side-note I think corporate news outlets make independently-owned media outlets crucial.

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I saw a thing on the local long island news this past weekend, on this group called -surf pals. They take autisistic kids out surfing, sort of surf in on long boards with the kids. they showed how the kids loved it and it sort of gets them out of themselves and they can enjoy something like that. a good thing.

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Too bad he didn't SAY ADD or ADHD they're a lot different than Autism, it would have made for a much more important debate. As a public school teacher I've seen a lot over diagnosed and under diagnosed kids! I'm generally against medications for kids but I have seen kids who were really helped by meds.

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So if there's 'over diagnosing' going on, take away their meds, then you've got a whole heaps of kids with behavioural problems...

What do you do then?

Go back to Savage's original comment of having a Dad abuse them back into line?

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Quote from Savage - “My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community’s attempt to label too many children or adults as ‘autistic.’”

Actually I think he has somewhat of a point. Savage has for a long time been trying to warn people about the manner in which our Doctors (people who should be looking out for our best interests) are much too closely tied to the big drug companies. Savage has argued that because of the BILLION DOLLAR drug industry, there are far too many Doctors over diagnosing patients and then getting them to use these drugs which may not be needed in all cases.

Yeah, thats something i can say could be true and wellthought out, but i don't have the knowledge to even considered saying somthing like this out loud.

This is what i thought he meant. I don't neccerery agree completely that all autism cases are like this,but i do have a story thats help his cause.

One of my aunts got pissed that her son, who was in 3rd grade came home with a bad report card. She imeditaly thought it was somthing other than him being lazy or a bad year. So she went to doctor after doctor after doctor becasue she was convinced that her son had somthing wrong with him. Every single doctor said he show no signs of autism. finally after the 6th doctor, he finnally agree he had autism and now he is on some drugs that gives hiim headaches and make him tired. The kid was a buddle of energy, but now is in a sort of daze. He gets good grades, but now it does seems like somthing is wrong with him.

The world needs ditchdiggers, what the world doesn't need is a whole generation who lives on pills. Any girl over the age of 16 in chicago has advil or tylenol in her purse. Yes, i understand about the cramps, but they take them everyday like it's candy.

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Any girl over the age of 16 in chicago has advil or tylenol in her purse. Yes, i understand about the cramps, but they take them everyday like it's candy.

What does the city of Chicago have to do with anything? Furthermore, how do you know what girls over the age of 16 in any particular city have in their purses? Also, how do you know the manner in which these girls over the age of 16 take Advil or Tylenol? Have you done studies?

Just curious as to why you chose to single out that particular city, that particular group of people and that particular reason.

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What does the city of Chicago have to do with anything? Furthermore, how do you know what girls over the age of 16 in any particular city have in their purses? Also, how do you know the manner in which these girls over the age of 16 take Advil or Tylenol? Have you done studies?

Just curious as to why you chose to single out that particular city, that particular group of people and that particular reason.

Because it's true.

I grew up and live in Chicago.

I was 16 once.

I knew girls, when i was 16 and when i was in chicago, who did this shit.

Take every drug for everthing wrong.

Senior year, the school started to check purses and found so much shit, that they stopped searching because they didn't want to fight against cell phones and OTC drugs.

This is a generation of quick fixes and what have you done for me lately.

Do guys do this. Yes, Do guys in St. Louis does this. Yes.

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Because it's true.

I grew up and live in Chicago.

I was 16 once.

I knew girls, when i was 16 and when i was in chicago, who did this shit.

Take every drug for everthing wrong.

Senior year, the school started to check purses and found so much shit, that they stopped searching because they didn't want to fight against cell phones and OTC drugs.

This is a generation of quick fixes and what have you done for me lately.

Do guys do this. Yes, Do guys in St. Louis does this. Yes.

I grew up in Chicago, lived there for the first 19 years of my life, so I was 16 and living in Chicago at one time. I didn't know anyone who fit the profile of the person you're describing. So you're basically assuming that because you knew people that did this, therefore all women 16 and up in Chicago do it too. For every 5 people you name that were like that, I can name you 10 that weren't. So the behavior is not typical of people in Chicago any more than it is typical of people living anywhere else.

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This electrophile is the most antagonistic, bitchy person I've ever seen on a message board. Everywhere I read she's jumping on people, degrading their life experiences and opinions. She hasn't experienced to the degree some of the things others here have so they must not be true.

What is it with you?

You have very limited scope on life, try getting out more.

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This electrophile is the most antagonistic, bitchy person I've ever seen on a message board. Everywhere I read she's jumping on people, degrading their life experiences and opinions. She hasn't experienced to the degree some of the things others here have so they must not be true.

What is it with you?

You have very limited scope on life, try getting out more.

Wait, are you telling me I don't have the same amount of life experiences that you do?

Hmmm, who always used to say that to me? Oh I know. And so do you. Yet another disguise to throw on the pile with the rest of them.

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Wait, are you telling me I don't have the same amount of life experiences that you do?

Hmmm, who always used to say that to me? Oh I know. And so do you. Yet another disguise to throw on the pile with the rest of them.

I would imagine many people would say that to you if they read your posts. You're sketched out!

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