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Were you a rebel when you were young?


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I was such an a-whole lol But when I was young I lived with my mom, so I wasnt allowed to wear and rock tshirts or listen to any rock music. i had to listen to country and classical (in my opinion i dont like very much) the only thing that i liked was the bee gees cds that i found. so one day i went to school and my best friend brought in these zeppelin cds and i stole them lol. when i came home i put them in the stereo and listened to zep very loudly. then i moved in with my dad who is a classic rock freak. to this day i wake up to immigrant song and go to sleep with stairway. oh and i wear rock tshirts every day.

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I was such an a-whole lol But when I was young I lived with my mom, so I wasnt allowed to wear and rock tshirts or listen to any rock music. i had to listen to country and classical (in my opinion i dont like very much) the only thing that i liked was the bee gees cds that i found. so one day i went to school and my best friend brought in these zeppelin cds and i stole them lol. when i came home i put them in the stereo and listened to zep very loudly. then i moved in with my dad who is a classic rock freak. to this day i wake up to immigrant song and go to sleep with stairway. oh and i wear rock tshirts every day.

I definitely was! Then again, WHO WASN'T? ROCK ON!

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Ahahaha! Insubordinant was the term most used on my report cards.

Ha Ha! Actually, one of my high school teachers wrote that I was a pane in the ass on my report card. I even had to complain to the principal since my teacher misspelled pain. He spelled pane instead of pain. ROCK ON!

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Ha Ha! Actually, one of my high school teachers wrote that I was a pane in the ass on my report card. I even had to complain to the principal since my teacher misspelled pain. He spelled pane instead of pain. ROCK ON!


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i'm still young, and I am a rebel. Not the classical one with riots and all that, more protesting against my own generation. I'm really ashamed for the mentality of my schoolmates; being cool means to listen to gangsta rap and getting wasted every weekend. And for sure I'm against my teachers' authority; I respest the ones that respect me, but rebel against the other ones. Sometimes it's hard being a teacher's child!


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i'm still young, and I am a rebel. Not the classical one with riots and all that, more protesting against my own generation. I'm really ashamed for the mentality of my schoolmates; being cool means to listen to gangsta rap and getting wasted every weekend. And for sure I'm against my teachers' authority; I respest the ones that respect me, but rebel against the other ones. Sometimes it's hard being a teacher's child!


Yer one cool Little Lady Lucy!

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Definitely, but i just wanted my freedom at a young age. By age eleven i started hanging out with the older crowd that had keg parties (almost any night of the week) and blasted loud rock music until into the late hours of the night. I wasn't allowed to hang out with them, but did for years. I would stay out way past the time i was told be home and snuck to concerts, downtown and NYC! By the time i was 16 and got a car my restrictions lifted dramatically...i miss my freedom today, lol.

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I've always been a rebel. I don't know otherwise.

But it's not without a cause. I follow my own heart and quite often that's counter to the mainstream.

I rarely compromise.

How's it going "RoundRobin?" Its amazing how the film REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE starring James Dean has influenced generations of young people. ROCK ON!

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Ha Ha! Actually, one of my high school teachers wrote that I was a pane in the ass on my report card. I even had to complain to the principal since my teacher misspelled pain. He spelled pane instead of pain. ROCK ON!

Not your English teacher, I hope?! :blink:

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No, I was not a rebel. My parents had high expectations for how we conducted ourselves, but they also didn't restrict books, music, movies etc. and we didn't have a curfew as long as we were home at a reasonable hour. So I had fun without getting into trouble :) I did have a bit of a mouth on me when I was around 14 though, I think I was grounded most of that year <_<

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How's it going "RoundRobin?" Its amazing how the film REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE starring James Dean has influenced generations of young people. ROCK ON!

I've never seen it. :rolleyes:

I often get the "you ought to read such and such" after quipping my views. I say "I'm already there", though I could certainly learn a few things or two.

The rebel is inherent in my makeup. B)

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I've always been a rebel. I don't know otherwise.

But it's not without a cause. I follow my own heart and quite often that's counter to the mainstream.

I rarely compromise.

Well said. I've never consciously rebelled against anything but I have always followed my heart and my passions. More often than not that has meant that I went against either tradition, societal expectations, or the mainstream culture. I've never considered myself a rebel or a renegade although there are probably some who would tag me with those labels.

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Well said. I've never consciously rebelled against anything but I have always followed my heart and my passions. More often than not that has meant that I went against either tradition, societal expectations, or the mainstream culture. I've never considered myself a rebel or a renegade although there are probably some who would tag me with those labels.

The rebeling comes from the unconscience but reveals itself in the conscience.

I'm aware of the obtuse viewpoints I have as compared to what's expected.

My heart DOES rule my mind.

Usually. :P

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