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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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On your next rendezvous,use your atlas for directions.Driving offers an up close view of the scenery compared to flying.Just my opinion,which you didn't ask for.

If i was going with a friend i would prefer to drive, but alone would cause too much anxiety for me. Also, the flight was about an hour and fifteen minutes (although when you add the time to and from the airport, travel time was a total of

3 1/2 hours. (not including waiting for the flight)...driving however would have been 8 or 9 hours and cost more in gasoline. If i get to do that trip with a co-pilot i wouldn't mind the drive. You opinion is welcome!

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Librans are driven to analyze and balance. It's their nature.

Librans also have a strong drive to mate one on one, even though they are sometimes ladies' men. So you are perfectly normal for a Libran. More down-to-earth zodiac members will think you are crazy though.

Or over analyze and treat people, who might help their balance, in a way that has been over analyzed...the one on one sounds good, but they might still be too busy over analyzing to realize this...i'm just sayin...

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Librans are driven to analyze and balance. It's their nature.

Librans also have a strong drive to mate one on one, even though they are sometimes ladies' men. So you are perfectly normal for a Libran. More down-to-earth zodiac members will think you are crazy though.

I've never met a Libran who could ever make up their mind...

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Yes they do;just not in the same bufoonish way that some guys do.

If they didn't;I would've never met my wife.


Yes;I'm a guy,and I'm also a man-yes there's a difference.They work like that as often as they don't.I've seen both examples plenty of times.

Don't try to speak for an entire fucking gender,male or female.You're acting as though you actually know these things,when it's whiskey-chuggingly obvious that you don't,and what's even worse is the fact that you're not willing to listen.

Day ain't over yet..... B)


Guys don't do it in a buffonish way. Dude, 90% of the time women don't do it. They just sit back and wait for the dude. They are just not honest and upfront at all.

How did you meet your wife?

I am listening. But dude, its rarely happens that one guy can go up to a group of women and he hooks up with the woman he wants. Either she won't leave her friends or her friends will keep it from happening.

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Not usually. Honestly, it's not as fun to go out with others because they hold you back, and you don't get to do things you otherwise would. And besides, I'm not a big "people" person. But I have gone out in groups before, and usually if the other girls in the group know you like the one girl, they try to help out. At least, that's how my friends are.

That's what i am saying. Their girlfriends get in the way. Either she won't leave them or they will make it difficult for you. Approaching women when they are in groups is just not good if you are alone. I don't think i have ever heard of good results from it. It's good that your friends are nice enough to not do that. That's rare. And it's just intimidating for the guy.

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Yes, it was a 5 day date, lol, but i did and it was wonderful. Now, having told you about my last date, who did all the work? I did! I made the arrangements, i did the traveling, and i had to also be sweet and charming when i arrived :)...none of it seemed like work because i'm very into the guy i met... (and can't wait to see him again, soon)...

I have often done the "work". I have made the first move since i was a teenager, on many occasions. That meant i asked for the guy's phone number (with the fear of possible rejection in my mind). If a guy accepted a date, he then usually made the plans, obviously not considering it work. If it was "work" to him, he would have likely left that up to me, since i made the first move. I wasn't going to wait for someone (who may have been afraid to make a move on me) and risk never knowing if it could have been a nice time. I had many guys wanting to date me, yet i still made moves when i was interested in someone. Maybe if you try it, you will get over your fears.

I believe you are letting your insecurity keep you from making moves when you find a girl you are interested in. I have a theory. Maybe you are making the requirements so far out of your reach (she has to be a goddess for you to want to date her, etc.) because you are too afraid to find someone.

You sound like a cool woman for doing all of that. It's hard to find cool women. Most you run into are the opposite. They just sit and wait and wait until the guy does something. if he doesn't they just move on instead of doing the right thing.

I find that when i am interested in a girl i have to know 100% sure she wants to hook up or i won't do anything. If she is not making it clear she is interested then i won't make it clear. If there is any uncertainty i just won't move. There is a column on yahoo right now about the biggest mistakes women and men make with the opposite sex and one of the mistakes listed for women is not making it clear to a guy that she is very interested in a more than just friend way. Women think being friendly is enough. It's not at all. A guy can easily mistake that for for just being nice. Then the guy thinks she is interested and makes a move and it turns out she was just being nice and he looks like a complete fool.

I have to know beyond all doubt that she thinks i am hot. If not then doubt rears itself and i think and analyze and then i just pass on her. That's one of the reasons i like the woman to be the agressor. Because then there is absolutely no doubt that she wants hook up. And then if i think she is pretty then we are off it the races.

I am not looking for a "goddess". Just pretty. I have been told my standards are too high. Is wanting her to be in good shape and having a nice body expecting to much? Is wanting her to be cool asking for too much? is wanting her being close to my height asking for too much? is wanting her to have good eating manners asking for too much?

What is a good example of expecting too much out of a potential girlfriend? Are those things really asking for too much?

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That's what i am saying. Their girlfriends get in the way. Either she won't leave them or they will make it difficult for you. Approaching women when they are in groups is just not good if you are alone. I don't think i have ever heard of good results from it. It's good that your friends are nice enough to not do that. That's rare. And it's just intimidating for the guy.

Not me! B) Just aproach them as a group be friendly to them all don't single one of them out, if one of them is impressed she will engage you and the others will excuse themselves. If not oh well moving on. No big deal :rolleyes:

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Guys don't do it in a buffonish way. Dude, 90% of the time women don't do it. They just sit back and wait for the dude. They are just not honest and upfront at all.

How did you meet your wife?

I don't know where you're hanging out;or if you even know what the word "buffoonish" means,but yeah they do.I'm not saying all guys do,but a pretty good sized portion of them are very inept when it comes to these matters.They're clumsy as can be in some cases.

90%? Where are you getting those numbers? If you're basing that on your own observation and (lack of) experience,then that's a very narrow-minded view.I think you're only seeing what you want to see,in order to bolster your opinion.There are certainly women who "sit back and wait for the dude";but there's just as many that go after what they want,but if they do so too much,they're labeled as sluts.If guys do it;they're "just being guys"

A hypocritical contradiction of the highest order.

I met my wife when I was out drinking with my buddies.I went to the bar to order another round;and I saw her out of the corner of my eye,she had stopped nearby to adjust her skirt.She looked up at me,and just said "Hi",and walked away.

Two weeks later;I'm at the same bar,with the same buddies,and she walked up to me out of the blue,and handed me a cold Corona.

We've been together ever since. B)

I am listening. But dude, its rarely happens that one guy can go up to a group of women and he hooks up with the woman he wants. Either she won't leave her friends or her friends will keep it from happening.

It's not nearly as rare as you seem to think.You're so convinced that it is,you only see those examples.It may be difficult to break in at first;but if you approach it with the proper attitude,it's more of a challenge than a threat.(Most) women can smell desperation,and it's a bigger turn-off than almost anything else.

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Not me! B) Just aproach them as a group be friendly to them all don't single one of them out, if one of them is impressed she will engage you and the others will excuse themselves. If not oh well moving on. No big deal :rolleyes:

Whatever you say. But i don't know any guy personally that's it's worked for. it was usually the exact opposite. You are making it appear that girls in groups are nicer than i have ever experienced or heard other friends experiences.

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I've never met a Libran who could ever make up their mind...

I make decisions and once I do, no regrets, although it may take me a while. I don't like to be put on the spot and asked to make a snap decision though.

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I don't know where you're hanging out;or if you even know what the word "buffoonish" means,but yeah they do.I'm not saying all guys do,but a pretty good sized portion of them are very inept when it comes to these matters.They're clumsy as can be in some cases.

90%? Where are you getting those numbers? If you're basing that on your own observation and (lack of) experience,then that's a very narrow-minded view.I think you're only seeing what you want to see,in order to bolster your opinion.There are certainly women who "sit back and wait for the dude";but there's just as many that go after what they want,but if they do so too much,they're labeled as sluts.If guys do it;they're "just being guys"

A hypocritical contradiction of the highest order.

I met my wife when I was out drinking with my buddies.I went to the bar to order another round;and I saw her out of the corner of my eye,she had stopped nearby to adjust her skirt.She looked up at me,and just said "Hi",and walked away.

Two weeks later;I'm at the same bar,with the same buddies,and she walked up to me out of the blue,and handed me a cold Corona.

We've been together ever since. B)

It's not nearly as rare as you seem to think.You're so convinced that it is,you only see those examples.It may be difficult to break in at first;but if you approach it with the proper attitude,it's more of a challenge than a threat.(Most) women can smell desperation,and it's a bigger turn-off than almost anything else.

I hang out in downtown Toronto. I am sure there are inept guys out there but there are also a lot of inept girls out there who don''t know what the heel their doing. So i wouldn't say they are better at it than guys.

I would say 90% is farely accurate. None of my female friends make the first move, most of the women here have said they don't make the first move. Most of the people here think it's the man's job to make the first move. I think wherever you go you will find that the majority of the time the guys make the first move.

That slut label put on women who make the first move is kept alive by other women. Guys are not labeling them that. I think most guys love it when women do that. Sure there are some alpha males or cavemen type guys that think it's wrong for a woman to do that but i don't know a guy that does not love it when women do it. It's women that knock their own gender for doing that. Some women on here have said that women that do the approaching are easy. Back in high school that was the attitude too. Other girls would not think highly of girls who did that. It's a really messed up attitude to have but it's true.

Did your wife come right out and ask you out though? did she ask for your number?

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That slut label put on women who make the first move is kept alive by other women. Guys are not labeling them that. I think most guys love it when women do that. Sure there are some alpha males or cavemen type guys that think it's wrong for a woman to do that but i don't know a guy that does not love it when women do it. It's women that knock their own gender for doing that. Some women on here have said that women that do the approaching are easy. Back in high school that was the attitude too. Other girls would not think highly of girls who did that. It's a really messed up attitude to have but it's true.

RIIIIGHHT....I call bullshit on that right there. If you're a girl who is making the first move on the guy, the guy is the one who's thinking "Ooh, she's making the first move. She must be Easy." Not your girlfriends. Jerk.

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RIIIIGHHT....I call bullshit on that right there. If you're a girl who is making the first move on the guy, the guy is the one who's thinking "Ooh, she's making the first move. She must be Easy." Not your girlfriends. Jerk.

I am not kidding Bonnie. I don't know one guy that thinks that. (excpet maybe really old fashioned guys or guys that are not secure in their own masculinity) But i have heard and seen women cutting down other woman who do that. Even as far back as my school days.

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She walked over and gave him a cold beer for christ sakes! C'mon man!

That's great! I am for women doing that. That was a very cool thing for her to do.I was just wondering if she asked him out or asked for his number.

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Whatever you say. But i don't know any guy personally that's it's worked for. it was usually the exact opposite. You are making it appear that girls in groups are nicer than i have ever experienced or heard other friends experiences.

"Laissez Le Bon Temps Roulet Nuevo Orleans"

Come on down Le Fais DoDo Cher... Heyeee! :beer::drunk:

All you have to do is be nice! :rolleyes:


Maybe you should move to Montreal? B)

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"Laissez Le Bon Temps Roulet Nuevo Orleans"

Come on down Le Fais DoDo Cher... Heyeee! :beer::drunk:

All you have to do is be nice! :rolleyes:


Maybe you should move to Montreal? B)

Oh man. Those girls in the pic are pretty damn hot. :P:P They live in Montreal? I don't know if i would have the nerve to approach that group of girls though. I think it would take more than just being nice to be successful with that group.

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Oh man. Those girls in the pic are pretty damn hot. :P:PThey live in Montreal? I don't know if i would have the nerve to approach that group of girls though. I think it would take more than just being nice to be successful with that group.

Naw!, this was shot in New Orleans. Just figured you might be closer to Montreal.

Both french cultured cities. B)

How do you define successful? Do you mean laid? Can you guess which one I had? B)

You need to get over this intimidation factor. Just be yourself man!No strike that!

Just be a Man!...man! :rolleyes:

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You sound like a cool woman for doing all of that. It's hard to find cool women. Most you run into are the opposite. They just sit and wait and wait until the guy does something. if he doesn't they just move on instead of doing the right thing.

I find that when i am interested in a girl i have to know 100% sure she wants to hook up or i won't do anything. If she is not making it clear she is interested then i won't make it clear. If there is any uncertainty i just won't move. There is a column on yahoo right now about the biggest mistakes women and men make with the opposite sex and one of the mistakes listed for women is not making it clear to a guy that she is very interested in a more than just friend way. Women think being friendly is enough. It's not at all. A guy can easily mistake that for for just being nice. Then the guy thinks she is interested and makes a move and it turns out she was just being nice and he looks like a complete fool.

I have to know beyond all doubt that she thinks i am hot. If not then doubt rears itself and i think and analyze and then i just pass on her. That's one of the reasons i like the woman to be the agressor. Because then there is absolutely no doubt that she wants hook up. And then if i think she is pretty then we are off it the races.

I am not looking for a "goddess". Just pretty. I have been told my standards are too high. Is wanting her to be in good shape and having a nice body expecting to much? Is wanting her to be cool asking for too much? is wanting her being close to my height asking for too much? is wanting her to have good eating manners asking for too much?

What is a good example of expecting too much out of a potential girlfriend? Are those things really asking for too much?

Thanks for the compliment, i think i'm pretty cool! If i can do it, so can you.

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She walked over and gave him a cold beer for christ sakes! C'mon man!

That's great! I am for women doing that. That was a very cool thing for her to do.I was just wondering if she asked him out or asked for his number.

Did your wife come right out and ask you out though? did she ask for your number?

As a matter of fact;yes she did.

We stayed near the bar;shared beers and got to know each other.

...at the end of the evening,we exchanged numbers-yes;she asked me first,and she called me two days later.

As I said previously;we've been together ever since. B)

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That slut label put on women who make the first move is kept alive by other women. Guys are not labeling them that. I think most guys love it when women do that. Sure there are some alpha males or cavemen type guys that think it's wrong for a woman to do that but i don't know a guy that does not love it when women do it. It's women that knock their own gender for doing that. Some women on here have said that women that do the approaching are easy. Back in high school that was the attitude too. Other girls would not think highly of girls who did that. It's a really messed up attitude to have but it's true.

It's simple. Sluts are promiscious. Being forward does not make anyone a slut. Sleeping around does.

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