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George Harrison (1943-2001)


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That's great, MSG! Could you tell us more about your meeting with George?

Sure. There were several but here's one that was just a sweet moment (I might have some dates and details incorrect because my memory is a bit fuzzy on details at this point): when he was in his Hollywood/LA Dark Horse Records office, my friend and I were fortunate to be able to visit. It was in the mid-70's - maybe '75 or'76. Olivia and her sister were there (I think that Olivia's sister was working there at the time) but I don't believe that she and George were married yet. George was incredibly gracious but funny! He made us laugh. Just like a Beatle! He had Olivia or her sister give us a pile of promo stickers and then he signed photos for us, etc. Just when we were about to leave (we were ridiculously excited with what he had given us) he suddenly came back (it was as if he left and thought about it a bit) out to the front with little necklaces on silver chains - the pendant is the Dark Horse logo in the middle of a circle. I still have mine, in the original little box. I never wore it because his hands had touched it. :lol: I can post more George memories later.

Edit to add: I notice that you call George the "quiet Beatle" - he was also known as the "thinking Beatle."

Edited by MadScreamingGallery
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Wow! That is seriously awesome! John is my favorite Beatle, but I would have liked to meet George as well. It was very generous of him to give you that necklace (good on you for not selling it on eBay)-does your sister still have hers? And it's generous of you to share these special memories!

And I've never heard the "thinking Beatle" tag before, but I'll definetly remember it.

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Wow! That is seriously awesome! John is my favorite Beatle, but I would have liked to meet George as well. It was very generous of him to give you that necklace (good on you for not selling it on eBay)-does your sister still have hers? And it's generous of you to share these special memories!

And I've never heard the "thinking Beatle" tag before, but I'll definetly remember it.

It was actually my friend who got the other necklace. I can't say if she still has hers. The sister there was the sister of Olivia. I would say that George was a very nice person and John was an interesting person. Both influenced me, in different ways. George was always my favorite Beatle (hence my giddiness). As a kid, I was a Beatles fan (I still am), before I was discovered Zep.

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We're in the same boat then! The Beatles are my favorite band ever-more than Queen, more than Zep. I've been listening to their music all my life, so I know their faces and voices almost as well as my own parents'. One of my earliest memories is hearing "Taxman" on the way to my grandma's house.

BTW, what are your favorite songs that George wrote? I like "I Me Mine," "Don't Bother Me," "The Inner Light," "I Want to Tell You" and "Within You Without You," to name a few.

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We're in the same boat then! The Beatles are my favorite band ever-more than Queen, more than Zep. I've been listening to their music all my life, so I know their faces and voices almost as well as my own parents'. One of my earliest memories is hearing "Taxman" on the way to my grandma's house.

BTW, what are your favorite songs that George wrote? I like "I Me Mine," "Don't Bother Me," "The Inner Light," "I Want to Tell You" and "Within You Without You," to name a few.

It's amazing, isn't it? So many people mention The Beatles music as some of their earliest memories. I feel like I grew up with them, in a sense. I love all of the songs that you mentioned! "If I Needed Someone" is another favorite. I think that "I need you" from Help is beautiful too. "You like me too Much" is another good one. Well, I could go on and on. Do you like any of George's solo work?

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If I had to pick between the Help! songs, "I Need You" is the one I'd go with. Sadly, I'm not too familiar with his post-Beatle work. I've heard "My Sweet Lord," "All Things Must Pass," "All Those Years Ago," "(We've Got to Help) Bangla Desh" and (I think) "Apple Scruffs." But that's it. I know more of John and Paul's songs.

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If I had to pick between the Help! songs, "I Need You" is the one I'd go with. Sadly, I'm not too familiar with his post-Beatle work. I've heard "My Sweet Lord," "All Things Must Pass," "All Those Years Ago," "(We've Got to Help) Bangla Desh" and (I think) "Apple Scruffs." But that's it. I know more of John and Paul's songs.

Thanks for starting this thread for George. His official website is here: George Harrison

I love the music he created with the Beatles but he's done some great solo work. You have a lot of good stuff to explore yet. Enjoy!

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Gon too soon, makes you really question Relgion when the someone with so much love and so much to give, get's taken so soon

Methinks you have a whole lot to learn. Whether you're religious or not, there is no rhyme or reason as to who lives or dies in this world.

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True, Jahfin. I mean, people like John Lennon and Freddie Mercury and George were loving and generous, and they're all gone. I'm just thankful for all they gave us before passing away.

And jpj-4eva, it started out as lung cancer and then spread to his throat, and that was what killed him. Also, he was stabbed by a home invader in 1999, and that weakened him considerably. (It's kinda sick how I remember that...)

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  • 1 month later...

I discovered this topic a bit late, but George is worth another mention. Harrison toured the US once as a solo artist in 1974 and I attended his show in December of that year at Madison Square Garden. Would love to find some video of George on that tour. He lost his voice for much of the tour and the shows did not get great reviews and probably(??) contributed to his lack of touring.

In August of 2001, I honeymooned on Maui Island and drove the infamous Road to Hana. It's a long winding road along the coast and eventually you get to the black sand beaches. When George died, I found out he owned a place somewhere along those black sand beaches. He would invite musician friends to his house and they would all play ukelalles(spelling??). I must have bought 20 plus magazines with George on the cover during the months following his death. McCartney played Something on a uke during his tour back in 2002 as a tribute.

Edited by JethroTull
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I was fortunate to have met George during my Zep years. He influenced me in so many ways. An incredibly good soul and a spiritual man, but one with a wonderful sense of humor. He taught us that being spiritual didn't mean that you couldn't have fun.

I miss you, George.

Very fortunate indeed MSG. Thanks for sharing your story. George was always my favorite Beatle. I loved how he was got so interested in eastern music and added sitar to songs. He had such a gentle spirit. I remember it well the day he passed.

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Sure. There were several but here's one that was just a sweet moment (I might have some dates and details incorrect because my memory is a bit fuzzy on details at this point): when he was in his Hollywood/LA Dark Horse Records office, my friend and I were fortunate to be able to visit. It was in the mid-70's - maybe '75 or'76. Olivia and her sister were there (I think that Olivia's sister was working there at the time) but I don't believe that she and George were married yet. George was incredibly gracious but funny! He made us laugh. Just like a Beatle! He had Olivia or her sister give us a pile of promo stickers and then he signed photos for us, etc. Just when we were about to leave (we were ridiculously excited with what he had given us) he suddenly came back (it was as if he left and thought about it a bit) out to the front with little necklaces on silver chains - the pendant is the Dark Horse logo in the middle of a circle. I still have mine, in the original little box. I never wore it because his hands had touched it. :lol: I can post more George memories later.

Edit to add: I notice that you call George the "quiet Beatle" - he was also known as the "thinking Beatle."

What a great story! And what a wonderful man he was. It's still hard to believe that he's gone. He truly does live on through his wonderful work. I get a heavy heart sometimes listening to All Things Must Pass...especially Isn't It a Pity. RIP George.

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  • 1 month later...

Happy Birthday George.

I love you.

Thank you for everything.



What a great story! And what a wonderful man he was. It's still hard to believe that he's gone. He truly does live on through his wonderful work. I get a heavy heart sometimes listening to All Things Must Pass...especially Isn't It a Pity. RIP George.

He was a wonderful man. Truly. I understand the feeling of the heavy heart. :'(

I'm glad you brought this thread back in honor of what would have been George's 65th birthday.

Great memories MSG, thanks for sharing! You've had such a rich and colorful life. Please share

more when you find the time.

You're welcome. With regard to the "rich and colorful life", believe me, I've done my best. I'm still not convinced there is anything beyond this life so I've tried to make the most of the one I've been given.

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