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Where you there ????

This seems to be one element that we haven't covered here .

I know there are some that attended the one of a kind jam.

Anyone ??

Yep, been there.

A few days before the actual event I got a phone call from Warner Brothers. The woman on the phone asked me what I was going to do in the weekend zeppelin played. After I replied that I was possibly going to change diapers on my kid, she told me that I had won the Myspace Led Zeppelin contest and that I was going to the show and the rehearsal on cost of Warner Brothers.

On the 9th we arrived in the Arena, and had to wait for quite a while, at least 300 other people were also waiting to attend the rehearsal. At one point we heard music, Zeppelin were starting to rehearse. After receiving a badge and beeing scanned mercilessly for tape recorders we were finally allowed to get inside.

The band was playing IMTOD and testing the different vocal effects.

It sounded quite epic, especially Jason's bass drum was deafening. After some plantations about "Second sight" we got a rendition of No Quarter, mostly without vocals.....Robert had walked into the arena to listen to his band play, while drinking coffee.

We also got a rendition of NFBM, some more goofy Plant dialogue about what would happen to the young ladies during the drum solo, and finally indeed a mini drum solo by Jason's son (Well done kid :D :D :D ..)

I also remember them rehearsing parts of the obscure blues called Honey Bee (some might know this song from bootlegs, it was once part of the WLL medley)

Once the band finished playing the big logo behind them appeared and some people from a charity action were invited to pose in front of it together with the band.

All in all a day to remember, still got the badge, as soon as I can scan it I will post a picture.

I also still wonder if somebody succeeded to record the rehearsal, would be a grande kick to hear it again.

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You were so lucky to be there reswati. I have always hoped that a recording would appear somewhere, as I know Jason sang part of NQ. Alas, nothing has emerged....not to my knowledge anyway. And it must have been awesome to see the next in line to the Bonham dynasty do that solo :D

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You were so lucky to be there reswati. I have always hoped that a recording would appear somewhere, as I know Jason sang part of NQ. Alas, nothing has emerged....not to my knowledge anyway. And it must have been awesome to see the next in line to the Bonham dynasty do that solo :D

We know from interviews with the sound techs that rehearsals were recorded multi-track, however it's not clear whether this particular sound check was recorded. Perhaps a DVD extra?

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We know from interviews with the sound techs that rehearsals were recorded multi-track, however it's not clear whether this particular sound check was recorded. Perhaps a DVD extra?

Yeah, I am hanging on to that idea. Although, official O2 DVDs haven't been on my agenda for a longgg time. A pipe dream, me thinks :(

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I am going to copy and paste some writing I did on another site here for reading.

I hope you enjoy it .

Hello to the other rehearsal alumni . It's nice to know you're here .

Maybe we can all submit some memories and complete this segment.

A few interesting things about the rehearsal ---

Rob's harmonica playing during NFBM was more like the studio version and was far more spirited then the next night's. They must have played that song for a good 15 minutes , with Jimmy working on that staggered rythm he used. At one point Rob was just blowing harp by himself.

Jimmy's two takes at the lead from NQ while Robert walked way out onto the floors , near center and danced around and listened.

The mood on stage was so light and smiley . The whole band was laughing and having a real blast while Robert was the typical clown and kept cracking his jokes.

If my memory serves me well he did some funny Irish accent humor while talking between songs.

Watching Led Zeppelin stop and start songs, work on the sound and practice on a stage is still something I can't believe .

I'll think of some more .


02 Rehearsal Set-List ( old news but revised )






Plant didn't sing all the words at times , and seemed like he was just checking the pipes and the over all sound of the venue. But again, he was funny as hell.

As mentioned by fsmith9095 Jason's son did sit down at the kit and whale for close to a minute on a little drum solo. He played some beats while the band looked on and laughed.

I think the part I loved the most was Jimmy's experimenting with the NQ lead.

He was standing at the wha pedal and playing around with various leads for quite awhile.

The slide solo during IMTOD was different too. No surprise there , as he never does play them note for note .

My memory of that song is pretty shabby as that's when they tried to throw me out of the show.

I'm hoping for more from the others , to stir up these memories.


In real time ----

We got inside and sat down beside the stage about 20 rows up.

I was overwhelmed with the moment and realized I had my camera.

We were emphatically told that anyone seen with a camera would be ousted.

I can't explain why, but my hands just reached into my coat and pulled out the camera.

Looking around at security , I thought why not , take a quick video.

Pressing record during IMTOD I held the camera close to my chest .

Two minutes later I get tapped on the shoulder and it's a security guy telling me get up.

I'm told to follow him , walking out was surreal , then I see the chief of security guy.

I told him all I wanted was a couple of pics , he says sorry , you were warned and shows me to the door.

That's when I told him about our BBC arrangement / interviews and TV appearance.

He begrudgingly says get back in there , to which I did.

He demanded my camera , took it and said find it after the show with security.

I had already erased the footage by deleting the file while I was being escorted out because I realized that they might check the camera and keep it or break it or something.

End of story . Same as the original . There are people that watched it all happen.

Crazy shit , and it all happened in less then a few minutes .

After the rehearsal was the best part --- the JP handshake .


It would be nice to hear from some of the other great memories including nech who wrote a wonderful piece about his recollections.

Next ???

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I'm really interested in this topic. Thanks for posting, attendees. Looking forward to more.

I couldn't have said it better than Zepp 4 Life above. It was,needless to say,an amazing experience.

To see Led Zeppelin go through the motions of a sound check is something very few have been privleged enough to see. Jason's son jammin on the drums was a nice touch..3 generations of Bonhams represented there.

I have the same memorabilia displayed above by Z4L and it's being framed at this very moment.

Additionally,I was fortunate enough to have been invited to the 2 aftershow parties where JPJ and Jason made an appearance. I was standing next to Richard Cole during the first party but regrettably didn't get a photo with him.

The whole experience was like a dream...way too fast and unreal to comprehend to this day.

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I've been waiting to see if anything on this came up.

Yeah, I was there as a winner of the Expressen (Swedish newspaper)/Warner bros. contest. I was flown from Stockholm on the morning of the 9th and put up in a nice hotel in Earls Court. After check in at the hotel, off to the O2 and the line at the back of the venue. I was pretty early so maybe 40-50 people ahead. After a looong wait and massive security check I was let in. Some gaurds yelled that the boys were on stage, at which point I jogged to the seating section arriving at the beginning of RO. Suffice it to say it was an indescrible sensation finally seeing Led Zeppelin after all these years (my dream since I was 11 in 1973, having missed them in Seattle 75 and 77 due to school and family travels).

It was also surreal. - The O2 was largely empty except for the rehearsal attendees being ushered into the seats on the right hand side of the stage. Security was everywhere eyeing us for hidden cameras etc. On stage the boys and some techs and of course Ross H. In front of stage family and friends. During the ensuing songs, Robert walked around on the floor taking and hugging folks, smiling a lot, sipping tea.

IMTOD was inspired and the rehearsal attendees gave a loud cheer at the end at which point the band looked up and seemed surprised that there were now some 300 "guests" in attendence.

NBFM really rocked with Roberts ferocious harmonica jam really tearing it up, also very cool was seeing JPJ and JP working and reworking the middle bridge section of the song - amazing experience seeing two geniuses in the act of creating.

NQ was marvelous with both JPJ and JP messing around with various parts of the song.

Finally, the privallege of seeing and hearing Jasons young boy do a solo. At this point I was quite choked up reflecting back to Sept. 25 1980.

All in all the overall rehearsal experience was for me a once in a lifetime dream come true. Afterwards, I walked around the O2 and later Earls Court in a daze with a smile on my face. I reflected that the band sounded awesome and that ALL 4 members looked very, very happy and focused. I was also aware of having been privy to something magical.

Of course the next night was also a dream come true. Just as special and magical - but in a different way.



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It's great to hear from fsmith9095 and Swedzep !!!!

Right on, and thanks for your fond memories and words.

It's amazing that so many people from so many countries all met at the same place and shared the same experience.

And now back home, we are able to relive it through the wonder's of the internet and a great web site forum.

Did anyone stick around after the jam itself ????

Also, as Swedzep reiterated to , I must also confess to being completely in shock and total amazement after the band had rehearsed and remember feeling like I was in a dreamlike state of mind. It actually took awhile to return to earth.

When JP shook my hand I turned into a pile of gibbering goo ---- lol.

Of course that was after managing to get out a few thank you's and all.

If only I would have had my camera still ----

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I've been waiting to see if anything on this came up.

Yeah, I was there as a winner of the Expressen (Swedish newspaper)/Warner bros. contest. I was flown from Stockholm on the morning of the 9th and put up in a nice hotel in Earls Court. After check in at the hotel, off to the O2 and the line at the back of the venue. I was pretty early so maybe 40-50 people ahead. After a looong wait and massive security check I was let in. Some gaurds yelled that the boys were on stage, at which point I jogged to the seating section arriving at the beginning of RO. Suffice it to say it was an indescrible sensation finally seeing Led Zeppelin after all these years (my dream since I was 11 in 1973, having missed them in Seattle 75 and 77 due to school and family travels).

It was also surreal. - The O2 was largely empty except for the rehearsal attendees being ushered into the seats on the right hand side of the stage. Security was everywhere eyeing us for hidden cameras etc. On stage the boys and some techs and of course Ross H. In front of stage family and friends. During the ensuing songs, Robert walked around on the floor taking and hugging folks, smiling a lot, sipping tea.

IMTOD was inspired and the rehearsal attendees gave a loud cheer at the end at which point the band looked up and seemed surprised that there were now some 300 "guests" in attendence.

NBFM really rocked with Roberts ferocious harmonica jam really tearing it up, also very cool was seeing JPJ and JP working and reworking the middle bridge section of the song - amazing experience seeing two geniuses in the act of creating.

NQ was marvelous with both JPJ and JP messing around with various parts of the song.

Finally, the privallege of seeing and hearing Jasons young boy do a solo. At this point I was quite choked up reflecting back to Sept. 25 1980.

All in all the overall rehearsal experience was for me a once in a lifetime dream come true. Afterwards, I walked around the O2 and later Earls Court in a daze with a smile on my face. I reflected that the band sounded awesome and that ALL 4 members looked very, very happy and focused. I was also aware of having been privy to something magical.

Of course the next night was also a dream come true. Just as special and magical - but in a different way.



It's such a bittersweet thing - so cool that Jason in his turn gave his son the same experience John gave him, playing for Zeppelin! He'll never forget it.

But, he'll not have the opportunity Jason does of actually playing with the band in performance, in years to come.

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