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sometimes you just wanna slit your wrists...


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I have had my times where i get depressed. But it passes. I just have to wait it out usually. But it's not fun when it's happening. You don't see anything positive in life. But sometimes it can be something as simple as going to the movies and seeing a good movie that can snap me out of it. Or a buddy of mine saying something funny or a pretty girl wearing a low cut top. It can be a simple thing that gets me in a good mood again. I could use something like that right now to get me smiling.

But suicide is not the answer. Everyone you leave behind will be miserable for a long time.

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Can't say I've wanted to slit my wrists mainly because I wanna see the punchline from this joke of a fuckin life. LOL I can relate...my Mom is only 62 and is in end stage renal failure and on kidney dialysis 3 days a week. I am her only caretaker and it's very difficult to watch her deteriorate. I pick her up from dialysis, do her shopping, clean her apartment, pay her bills, then I have to take care of my own matters as well in addition to going to school two nights week and going to a temp job I fuckin hate but the economy blows and I have to stay put until things get better.

I've gone bankrupt, got divorced, laid off, evicted and I hide my car in someone else garage so it won't get repossessed. I shit you not, this has been my life within the past 2-3 years. BUT, I could never take my own life because of what it would do to the people I'd leave behind. My Mom. My daughter. It just wouldn't be fair. So I continue each day with little or no faith left in God(whom I'm starting to think is just Santa Claus for adults) and wait til either things get better or I find out the reasons/lessons behind these tragic events.

All in all though, when I think of the starving Africans or those those poor innocent people standing atop the WTC deciding whether to burn or jump hundreds of feet to their death, I figure I could have it worse.

Every morning I wake up, I dread what the day holds but I'm stickin around because it HAS to get better and I wanna be here when it does!

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Whenever I'm feeling down (which isn't that often, but it happens sometimes), I always listen to really super-poppy pop music. Shit that you can't help but listen to and smile or dance like an idiot and just generally be in a good mood.

Never fails every time.

And don't forget the Jiffy-Pop :D


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When we were teens my best friend killed himself (in a horrible and graphic way) and I've never gotten over it. Please do not do it, you have no idea the pain and suffering you will cause. I have spent years wondering if I could have done something differently. Damn man, I really thought I'd be over it 30 years later.

When I feel depressed I get way into it, kinda rub my nose in it. I drink and listen to the most depressing music I can think of. It seems to wear me out and eventually my mood lightens.

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When I feel depressed I get way into it, kinda rub my nose in it. I drink and listen to the most depressing music I can think of. It seems to wear me out and eventually my mood lightens.

OMG LMAO!! Experience it and let it pass...I love it! Thank you and hope great and wonderful memories of your friend bring many smiles...

hey to you who posted that "death on two legs" haven't heard that in 4EVER. enjoyable

don't ya just love this board audra? :D

Please know I do not make light of your situation...my heart goes out to ya "sista"

Edited by katydidgood
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