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Palin or Biden

Rock N' Rollin' Man

Who do you think is the better of the two?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would be the better Vice President candidate?

    • Sarah Palin
    • Joe Biden

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Whom do you think is the better candidate to take the vice presidency and why? Why do you think Biden or Palin is better suited than the other?

Be specific on why you would think the candidate is more qualified or just better for any other reason you think is important.

Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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Joe Biden. He says dumb shit from time to time, but no one will ever dispute his intelligence or political chops. If some asshole killed Barack Obama, I would be completely comfortable with Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

Sarah Palin is just.......I don't even know anymore. Just when I thought she couldn't look worse, a new clip or transcript comes out that manages to make it happen. For someone running for high national office, she's absurdly ignorant of the things we should expect someone running for high national office to know. I don't care if your average American can't rattle off Supreme Court cases. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to. I don't care if your average American doesn't know what branch of the federal government the VP is in. I damn well expect someone in the White House to know. I don't care if your average American can't name what magazines and newspapers they read to get their news. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to.

I'm tired of Americans saying they want their elected leaders to be just like them. The majority of this country is fucking stupid. I don't want our leaders reflecting that. I want someone educated and cultured and more politically in-tune than your average Joe or Jane in the White House. 8 years of average is enough.

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^ I completely agree with Electro..


Sarah Palin is not qualified to be VP because she is not qualified to be President.

The woman can't answer any questions on policy. She dodges more questions than anyone I've ever seen! She's afraid to speak her mind. She needs to get over it already and get in the game.

If you can't take the heat!.....

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Because we all know Biden is Cheney with foot in mouth disease. It work well for Bush right?

Sarah Palin has a 68% approval rating in Alaska. She seems to have a knack at governing. No other candidate has done as well. Period. It will be a first time for for McCain or "O'Reverend"bama.

I'm so sick of listening to a Baptist minister speaking about how he can lead America...

RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!! Even Ru Paul would be better! :lol:

Edited by JimmyPage1977
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I'm tired of Americans saying they want their elected leaders to be just like them. The majority of this country is fucking stupid. I don't want our leaders reflecting that. I want someone educated and cultured and more politically in-tune than your average Joe or Jane in the White House. 8 years of average is enough.

You are out of touch with the electorate. The Democrats are the majority...it is proven...you just dissed on your own kind....NICE!!!! I've got a new "Most stupid post EVER!!!" :hysterical:

edited to add: "Have you ever read the Constitution of The United States Of America"?

Edited by JimmyPage1977
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You are out of touch with the electorate. The Democrats are the majority...it is proven...you just dissed on your own kind....NICE!!!! I've got a new "Most stupid post EVER!!!" :hysterical:

edited to add: "Have you ever read the Constitution of The United States Of America"?

The Democrats have the majority? AND it is PROVEN! WOW Newsflash, how did I miss that one?!

For 2 whole years out of 8. And how many before that did the Repulicans have the majority? Get with the program buddy.

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The Democrats have the majority? AND it is PROVEN! WOW Newsflash, how did I miss that one?!

For 2 whole years out of 8. And how many before that did the Repulicans have the majority? Get with the program buddy.

Little Liz is saying it...then speaking otherwise when it is convenient. How quaint that you should come to her defense. :blink:

Al Gore did get the majority vote in 2004, didn't he? :console:

Edited by JimmyPage1977
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Little Liz is saying it...then speaking otherwise when it is convenient. How quaint that you should come to her defense. :blink:

Al Gore did get the majority vote in 2004, didn't he? :console:

I don't even get your point. I responding to someone who thinks everything is the Democrats fault because they are currently the house majority. I was pointing out that they have only been the house majority for 2 years out of the last....how many?

Nothing to do with defending Electrophile, I don't even see where she posted on that remark. :blink:

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And the dems had it for the 40 years before that. So......................your point??

Republicans had the house and the senate from 94 to 2006....so in the last 14 years the republicans have had the lead for 12 years and the dems 2 years. I don't know about before that but clearly the statement above is incorrect.

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ol :notworthy: medhb. :notworthy: The all smart one. What about the 40 years before that???????

Dont' get yer panties in a bunch srplane, I just respond to the silliest posts last if at all.....are you honored? You elicited a response from me!!

Please see above and check around and 'get back to me on that' :rolleyes:

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the majority of the country =/= the majority of voters or the majority of Congress

I had to explain this? I think we all know that the number of registered voters in this country, regardless of party affiliation, does not in anyway equal what would be considered a majority of this country's population.

The stupid......it burns.

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Gosh :notworthy: Medheb :notworthy: , I hoped that you had me on ignore like your friend ~*Lady Elizabeth of the Paggette's*~ has. :lol:

And miss you bowing at my feet? Not a chance! Please, just keep the drool away from me and no one will get hurt, OK? :D

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Hey wanna be. Are you going to start copying what I say tonight?? You are sooooo predictable.

G'night srplane...past your bedtime. This is adult time. Sweet dreams. Dream about how pretty you're gonna fix up your cardboard box.

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I only try not to read yours. It is so pathetic how you lib ladies around here are so intimidated by Palin.

The adjective is 'embarrassed'. She just set women back about 30 years. Even her own party is have serious second thoughts about this choice...kinda hard to gracefully exit from the situaiton though. :rolleyes:

Do you EVER read anything? OH! Maybe you suscribe to the same periodicals as Palin "Oh stuff you know, all kinds of stuff, many varied sources' of which she could not even name one. Come on Sarah, THINK! OK, Newsweek??? Time?? The Week Magazine? Internet resources? No "stuff" YIKES! All self respecting republicans should be embarrassed too.

OK, I'm done with you tonight, picking wings off flies just isn't that entertaining to me.


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You really are intimidated by her. :hysterical: Come on now ol' Medhb, take a deep breath. She can't do any more damage to our Country then you Ultra liberal leftist's have done over the past 30 years.

Wow, just when I thought you couldn't be any more dumb. I'd like you to explain this theory.

Edited by electricmage
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